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January 08, 1974 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1974-01-08

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r Tuesday, January 8, 1974



rage ieven

Tuesday, January 8, 1974 1hIEMICHI(~AN DAILY

Sports of The Daily

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Grapplers maul Buckeyes
MICHIGAN'S WRESTLERS surprised no one with their strong
performances during semester break. The Wolverines placed
second at the Midlands Invitational last month behind powerful
Oklahoma State, and were deprived of the championship only
by some freakish circumtances.
Jim Brown, the tournament's top seed at 118 pounds, caught
flu and had to sit it out. 126-pounder Rich Valley also fell ill
during the tournament, while Dave Curby at 190 pounds, and
heavyweight Gary Ernst were forced out of their semifinal
consolation matches with injuries.
Nevertheless, the grapplers beat out many of the nation's
better squads for second, prompting Coach Rick Bay to exclaim,
"We're good enough personnel-wise to take it all. Of course,
whether we do it is another question."
His team took the first step toward providing the answer
last Saturday, with a 36-5 mauling of Ohio State. Wolverine
pins were tallied by a recuperated Brown, unorthodox 177-
pounder Rob Huizenga, and Ernst, who had to overcome a
recurrence of his ankle injury to crush boisterous Buckeye
Forrest Waugh, thus earning recognition as Champion of the
(Tomorrow's Daily will examine the wrestler's past suc-
cesses and future prospects in greater deail. Don't miss it.)
-Clarke Cogsdill
Swimmers drown Salukis
For the Michigan swimmers, the semester break was not
really a break at all. Tough workouts continued through the
times when many of us were relaxing and last Saturday the
Wolverines faced Southern Illinois in a non-conference meet. The
Wolverines won handily-perhaps, as swimmer Stu Issac kidded,
"because the Salukis had just returned from Hawaii and didn't
seem to be in much shape to swim." In addition to the fine
performance of Coach Stager's swimmers, Coach Dick Kim-
ball's divers made a fine showing. They captured first and
second in both the high and low board events with Steve
Schenthal and Pete Agnew leading the way. With campus
activities resuming again the swimmers are preparing for the
Big Ten season and with that the chance to show how good
they really are. (For complete details check tomorrow's Daily.)
-Bill Crane
Y.R. remains undefeated
The Michigan Varsity Reserve basketball team added two
more wins to its perfect 4-0 record over the holidays by
squelching Ohio State 81-54 on Dec. 15 and overcoming Shaw
College 102-76 on Jan. 5.
Atough V.R. defense never let Ohio State get untracked.
Rick White took control of the boards, and Tim Jones scored
14 points in his first action after coming off a knee injury.
Bill Burress scored 21 points, mostly on fast breaks, to lead
the Baby Blue past Shaw. The V.R.'s hit their point high of the
season despite going into the game on only three day's practice.
-John Kahler
* * *
Gymnasts defeat OSU
The Michigan gymnastics team under coach Newt Loken
started the Big Ten season last Saturday in Columbus against
a much improved Ohio State squad. The Wolverines defeated
the Buckeyes by a score of 157.95 to 152. Michigan opens its
home season this weekend Jan. 11-12 with the annual Big Ten
Invitational. (For full details see tomorrow's Daily.)
-Leba Hertz

"You know, basketball is fun
again now." You're right Joe John-
son. But not only is the game fun
for the Michigan players. Wolver-
ine basketball fans once again
have something to cheer about.
Michigan's stunning 73-71 upset
of defending Big Ten champion
Indiana last Saturday restored a
feeling of confidence, interest and
pride in Johnny Orr-s squad. The
Wolverines won the ball game de-
spite a seemingly hopeless 15-point
halftime deficit, some serious foul
trouble, and . a trio of referees
whose black-and-white jerseys con-
stantly displayed a yellow streak
down their backs.
THIS ISN'T to say that Michigan
has jumped from the category of
conference also-ran to title con-
tender overnight. The Orrmen have
been playing good ball lately, draw-
ing praise from the likes of Hoosieri
Coach Bobby Knight and "The
Wizard of Westwood" him3elf,
lJohnny Wooden.
The Wolverines' 1973-74 campaign
was once written off as a mediocrej
afterthought. Now, talk of a Big
Ten championship, although pre-
mature and a little far-fetched, is
not entirely absurd.
Johnny Orr's men still lack team
depth. They don't overwhelm their
opponents. And they don't play,
picture - perfect baskebtball. What
the Wolverines do is give 40 min-
utes of basketball, 40 minutes of,
hustling, clawing scrappy basket-
Orr was asked after the game
Saturday if he thought this year's
team was more aggressive than
his 1972-73 cage model. "You've got
to be kidding," laughed Michigan's
hardcourt director. "We're 250
thousand percent more aggressive
this year!"
And aggressive the Wolverines
were against Indiana, most not-'
ably in the second half when the
young Maize-and-Blue roundballers
both shocked and delighted the
10,165 Crisler Arena partisans with
their stirring performance.
halftime Saturday.Bobby Knight's
brand of mauling defense had com-
pletely shackled their shorter, less
experienced foes throughout the
opening stanza. Hoosier forward
Bob Wilkerson, when not drawing
welt son Campy Russell's back
with some "tight" defense, re-'
ceived support in bottling yip Mich-
igan's talented forward.
Although Campy managed 14,
first-half markers, none of his
baskets were easy and many came
on frustration a t t e m p t s with
Hoosiers hanging all over hm.
Wayman Britt and Johnson also
forced some shots in the ipening

half, while center C.J. Kupec gen-
erally stood around as freshman
guard Steve Grote coughed up the
ball an incredible eight times.
But post-intermission play wrote
another story for the Wolverines.
"We just did what the coaches told
us," related diminutive backcourt-
man Johnson. "And we worked
BRITT GOT Michigan going in
the second half with six straight
points and eight of the Wolveries
first 14. They kept pecking away
and finally grabbed the lead at
59-58 on a Johnson super-fly, h:ng-
ing popper.
The lead changed hands all
through the 60's until reserve
guard Lionel Worrell hit a short
bank shot and Johnson converted
both ends of a one-and-one situa-
tion in the last 1:16 of play In-
diana lost the chance for a last-
second tying field goal when spare
Hoosier guard Steve Ahlfeld walk-
ed with the ball.
Game number two of what could
prove a very interesting and excit-
ing Big Ten season for the 9-2 Wol-
verines unfurls Saturday afternoon
when Johnny Orr takes his charges
to Minnesota for an entangle with
Bill Musselman's Golden Gophers.
And as Orr says, "That won't be
any prize."
The Wolverines did capture one
prize as the AP decided to award
an 18th ranking to Orr's charges.
It's still early, but right row
things look good for the Michigan
basketball team. Surprisingly good.

MICHIGAN'S JOE JOHNSON (24) has played a big part in the Wolverines' surge to a surprising 9-2

record, good enough for an 18th place national ranking in the latest
proved floor play and sports a 10.7 point scoring average.

poll. Johnson has shown im-


De kers win

oopsiers capture MIT,
draw raves in Bruinland

For most of the student body,
the semester holidays were a
chance to rest up and take the
mind off school. But for the Mich-
igan basketball team, it was a
time to prepare itself for the Big
Ten season. The Wolverines used
the time wisely, as they set the
stage for Saturday's upset over,
Indiana with six impressive per-
formances in as many games.
It started the very night fall
classes ended, as the basketballers
celebrated with an 83-76 win at

the first night saw Yale against win.
Michigan, it looked like an old-, The game was the best effort to
style Johnny Orr team at its bes*.' date for both Kupec and Britt, who'
The Wolverines used the fast break each had 20 points to go with Rus-j
to amass a 22-11 margin, and then sell's 26. Moreover, C.J. came up
Grote, Russell, and Wayman Rritt with 21 rebounds against a team
began an outside shooting exhibi- with several players taller than
tion which carried Michigan to a he. But the only thing Michigan
59-42 halftime lead. won was the dubious prize of tak- I
The Wolverines waltzed to a 101- ing on UCLA in the finals.
88 final score, with Grote's 27 THE WOLVERINES came out
points displaying his full offensive playing their aggressive defense,
potential for the first time. 'and found that the mighty Bruins
Michigan won its tournament the were not completely invincible, as
next night with a 70-66 victory over the Wolverines stole out to a 14-8

It was a Merry Christmas and
a rotten New Year for Michigan's
hockey squad. The Wolverines
started strongly by whipping
Bowling Green, 6-4 and 5-4, dur-
ing Fall semester study days.
Then, on Thursday and Friday,
I )ecember 27 and 28, Michigan
captured the Flint IMA Tourna-
ment championship by knocking
off Air Force, 7-6, thirty-five
seconds into overtime. Angie Mo-
retto notched the game winner,
his third goal of the night and
the Wolverines' first hat trick
of the season.
Lake Superior State, conquer-
ors of York University of Mon-
treal in the opening round, jump-
ed off to a 3-0 lead after two
periods in the championship con-
test. Undaunted, Michigan storm-
ed back with six unanswered
goals in the final stanza for a
stinning 6-3 victory.
Moretto bagged two more goals
in the finale giving him five for
the two day tournament. Kris
Manery and Doug Lindskog tal-
lied two goals apiece.
Last weekend the Wolverines
made their annual trip to Colo-
rado, this time to take on the
revived Denver Pioneers.
The Pioneers proved to be not
the most gracious of hosts, twice
staving off late Michigan rallies
for 4-3 and 6-4 victories.
"We played one had period
each night," confessed Michigan
coach Dan Farrell. "That's what
killea us. But give these guys
credit, they never quit when they
were behind."
True to Farrell's words, his
team did not quit even when
trailing 5-2 at the end of the
first period Saturday night. Be-
hind at one point 5-0, the Wol-
I c -

verines came back with two goals
from Manery and one each from
Moretto and Pat Hughes. But it
was too little, too late.
Farrell was particularly pleas-
ed with the play of his big center-
men Moretto and Manery in the
IMA Tournament and the Denver
series. Both netted at least one
goal in each game. Moretto to-
talled seven goals and Manery
five in the four game stint.

I v

A Grad


Thmurs., Jan. 10, 7 P.M.

facing all year.
"Expecting a win at Denver
(now the WCHA leader) was a lot
to ask," Farrell noted in retro-
spect. "North Dakota, on the
other hand, is below us in the
standings. We have to beat them
or lose ground in the fight for
the play-offs.
"Even though we lost both
games at Denver, the players and
I both learned a lot, and we'll be
a better team because of it,"
; Farrell assured.

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Western Michigan. However, the huge Bowling Green. The Wolve'- lead. The game was still even af-
Broncos did not go down especially ines out-rebounded a front line that j ter 11 minutes at 20-20, when Britt,
easily, as it took three overtimes averaged 6-10, and led all thz way. who had been doing a superb de-;
to put them away. A strong Michigan defense neld fensive job on 6-7 All-American:
Finally, after the teams again Bowling Green to 28 points in the Keith Wilkes, drew his fourth foul
deadlocked 64-64 after the second first half for a 13 point Walverine and left the game.
overtime, the Wolverines came on lead. Then three clutch free throws , The Michigan defense finally'
to drill in 15 of 16 foul shots in its at the end of the game by Mich-, gave, as All-Everything Bill Wal-
third extra period to win by a igan sixth man Lionel Worrell held i ton, whom Kupec had held with-
seven-point margin which failed to off a late Bowling Green rally. The out a basket for 11 minutes, led
tell the story of the game. Rus- game also marked the first time the Bruins out to a 38-24 lead. But
sell's 27 points and C.J. Kupec's , Wayman Britt went all the way at Michigan, led by Russell's 16 first
19 rebounds were high for the con- the "other" forward slot for Mich- half points, held on to trail only
test. igan, as Britt, at 6-2, held 6-10 Skip 42-32 at the intermission, and then
The following Saturday the W l- Howard to eight points in a ster- hung that close for another five
verines came home and for the ling defensive effort. minutes into the second stanza.
first time really unveiled the awe- WINNING THEIR own touena- In the end, though, the bubble
someness of their defense. The in- ment was gratifying for the Wol- burst for the Wolverines. Britt'
vading Dayton Flyers supposedly verines, but the following week fouled out and UCLA ripped off
had the best pair of guards in the they faced a tourney with an in- 12 straight points to go from 54-41
Midwest in Donnie Smith and comparably stronger cast. In the out to a commanding 25 point lead.
Johnny Davis, but Joe Johnson and first round of the Bruin Classiz at Both benches were then emptied,
Steve Grote put such a clinging UCLA, Michigan took on the highly ! and the subs battled to a 90-70
man-to-man defense on them, that rated San Francisco Dons and blew final.
the duo notched only 18 points, them off the court. But the loss was not a discour-:
half their average. With five minutes left in the first aging one. For over the holidays,,
With their two big scorers half against the Dons, the Wolver- the Wolverines had developed a
shackled, the Flyers were no ines shocked the Los Angeles crowd: strong defense, had established!
match for Michigan. Despite poor with an explosion that turned a their fifth and sixth men in the
shooting the Wolverines moved 31-31 deadlock into a 45-32 Mich- persons of Wayman Britt and Lio-
out to a 34-23 halftime margin. igan lead at halftime. nel Worrel, and became he team
When Kupec found the range in The Dons held it within range that is now a definite dark h0rse
the second half and the Michigan for several more minutes after the -
defense held Dayton without a half, but the Wolverines were play-
bucket for over six minutes, the ing too well. In a nine-minute in- W INTE
lead stretched to over 30 points. terval the Blue held San Fran-
The Wolverines finished with a cisco to only seven points while
superb 76-54 win. pouring in 26 themselves. Under-
THE NEXT WEEK brought the dog Michigan had its opponentB
Michigan Invitational, and when i down by 32 and coasted to a 88-66 Buy USED

Angie Moretto ...
..-.-pots seven goals
This weekend's series with the
North Dakota Fighting Sioux at
Yost Ice Arena is earmarked as
another of those "must" series
that the Wolverines have been
! WCHA Standings
Team W L T Pts.
Denver 9 5 2 20
Michigan Tech 8 2 2 18
Wisconsin 7 5 2 16
Minnesota 7 3 2 16
Michigan State 7 6 1 15
Colorado College 7 7 0 14
Notre Dame 6 7 1 13
MICHIGAN 4 ,7 1 9
North Dakota 3 9 0 6
Minn-Duluh 2 9 1 5
Tomorrow's Game
St. Louis at Notre Dame
This Weekend's Games
North Dakota at MICHIGAN (2)
Michigan Tech at Wisconsin (2)
Notre Dame at Denver (2)
Minnesota at Minnesota-Duluth (2)
Colorado College at Michigan '
State (2)

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Ohio State 89, Georgia Tech 71
Creighton 75, S. Illinois 66
Vanderbilt 75, Mississippi St. 69
Providence 77, Villanova 67
Alabama 79, Tennessee 73
Iowa St. 94, Iowa 77
Purdue 85, Northwestern 78
Na L
Toronto 6, Atlanta 2

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