f .. '. i Democrats and the politics of passivity Letters to By JAMES WECHSLER CONCEIVABLY THE decline of Richard Nixon has ruined the prospects of many 1974 Republican Congressional and local candidates and even gravely imperil- ed the GOP's national chances in 1976. But. Democrats who believe they can now safe- ly freeze the ball and wait for the final whistle could blunder into unexpected trouble. Too many of them seem to be succumb- ing to the strategy of passivity. Their posi- tion was most elegantly outlined by John Kenneth Galbraith in a recent Newsweek essay in which he counseled a concerted effort to prolong Nixon's reign for at least six more months. Among other things he wrote: ... . the longer we wait, the more peo- ple will go down in the ship with Mr. Nix- on. This will be of inestimable benefit to the Republic .. . Another winter will teach us much about the economics of benign inaction .. . Given another six months, the Nixon blight will be deep on Capitol Hill... "Our best chance of getting something done is to have Mr. Nixon around a bit longer as the visible symbol of what is wrong .. ." WHILE GALBRAITH parenthetically conceded that some Democrats might suf- fer from growing voter hostility to all in- cumbents, he suggested that such indis- criminate slaughter might also be produc- tive: " . .. there has been an assumption that an incumbent, if not affirmatively larcenous, should be reelected." But he plainly envisaged the Republicans as the primary victims of Nixon's survival, just as "the early Depression years tied Mr. Hoover and his political coreligionists firmly and justifiably to economic advers- ity." Galbraith, of course, is a mischievous fellow whose words must be scrutinized to ascertain whether his tongue is furtively lodged in his cheek. A vigilant Republican might speculate that his remarks were deviously designed to hasten anti-Nixon rebellion among Republican politicos. But many Democrats for whom inertia is a preferred way of life may find his scen- ario irresistible; indeed, they have been acting it out. They may discover too late that they have confounded themselves. In another country in another time, there was a political sect known as Com- munists whose disciples embraced the doc- trine of "the worse, the better." The place was pre-Nazi Germany; the gospel was that the advent of Adolf Hitler would swiftly rid Germans of their Social-Demo- cratic illusions and lead them to see Len- inist light. One must interpose for those who read as they- run that no vulgar analogy is in- tended; Galbraith and Nixon wear neither red nor brown shirts, nor are barricades being built in the streets. But there is a haunting similarity in the notion that what Americans need is a de- liberate protracted continuance of disarray and dissembling in high places to teach them the enduring virtues of Democratic progressivism. IF THERE WERE any doubt of the per- ils in this course, it should be finally dis- pelled by the energy turmoil. Whatever the true condition of our resources, the fact is that the country is torn by a deepening distrust of any emergency pronouncement that emerges from Washington. To talk frivolously-or rapaciously- about the political dividends of keeping Mr. Nixon around as a target in these cir- cumstances can only encourage the charge that Democrats care more about beating Republicans than about the state of the Republic. A lot of Americans could ex- perience mounting political nausea over that spectacle -- and the beneficiary of their disgust is more likely to be a dema- gogue such as George Wallace than a lib- eral Democrat. SOME DEMOCRATIC statespersons may feel that Mr. Nixon's continued presence is a special luxury because it seems to spare them the obligation of offering affirmative positions of their own. In the oil mess, as in other matters, the Democratic Congres- 9f ~l ( vote yes To The Daily: I STRONGLY urge a yes vote in the January 22 special election for an Area Skills (vocational-techni- cal) (Center. ~ The greatest gap in our educa- tional system today centers on stu- dent dropouts during high school years. These are the unmotivated, the unskilled and the source of ther costly problems to those who pay the taxes. Young people, ages 14-24, in Washtenaw County constitute 18 per cent of the labor force, but aver 36 per cent of them are un- employed. Welfare costs, c r i m e statistics and high auto insurance rates focus on this age bracket and more often than not on the unskill- ed and the unemployed. The community college meets a real need but picks students up after high school where the pro- posed Center wouldgive them em ployable skills before they leave high shcool. As a legislator, I want no dupli- :ation - no inefficiency - and as a taxpayer, I want no new taxes. But after careful study I am :-onvinced that plans for this Cen- ter are sound and non-duplicative and I pledge myself as a legislator to strive to see that the best pos- sible results are obtained. Finally, it's going to cost me less as a taxpayer to pay for this Cent- er now than to have to subsidize all the other future costs which will surely come if this gap in our edu- -ational system is not closed. I urge a yes vote on January 22. --Gilbert Bursley State Senator Chairman of Senate Education Committee Jan. 17 cover-up To The Daily: AS REGULAR readers of your tabloid during our tenure at t h e. University, we, the undersigned, have become increasinglv per!rh ed by your blatant omission of one of the most crucial issues of our time. While yogi have devoted reams of newsprint to Watergate, the ener- gv crisis, and increased tuition, we have read nary a word about the lack, nay the appalling lack, of adequate and proper facilities for our favorite avocation a n d undoubtedly that of the vast via- jority of our peers, namely bad- minton. Although we respect your eighty- three (83) years of editorial free- dom, we feel compelled to brIgr ' this matter to your attention, for The Daily we know that you, as the bulwark of the free-thinking community, would bring this perilous oversight into the public forum. Like our brothers and sisters in the g a v , chicano and black communities, we too, as members of the balminton community, have been victimized by the capitalistic power-mongers. To illustrate our point, w h i l e recently indulging in this athletic pursuit at Waterman Gym, we were maliciously brutalized without provocatiop by an unruly throng of cagers. We were then forcibly es- corted from the playing surface and watched in horror as the swarms descended onto the court tramp- ling our shuttlecocks and dismem- bering our net. And travesties like this go unreported daily! Is our rage unjustified? We think not. While we are sure you did not intentionally overlook the badmin- ton controversy, 'e are now con- fident you will perceive the dis- turbing ramifications of this trend, and will take such steps 'as are ncessary to ameliorate the situa- tion. --Lawrence Tyner '7i Jan. 9 comedy To The Daily THE BOLD, blaring headline which was spread across your front page Jan. 11 was indicative of the unreasonable amount of attention you pay Student Government Coun- cil. SGC is regarded by most stu- dents (even among the 3 per cent of us who bothered to vote) as a source of weekly entertainment which serves as our very own cam- pus situation comedy. One anxious- ly awaits each Friday to see what Lee, Dave, Jeff, and the rest of the gang havekchosen to amuse us with this week. I am only surprised that Gil did not resign' sooner. How he ever managed to preside for jo many months over such a meaningless bunch of buffoons is more than I ran ever hope to Tinderotend n.,« only needs to readthe latest sur- real account of last week'-, meet- ing - complete with= its blocking of the exit by SRP forces, and reactionary calling of the oolice - to see how decrepit and useless SGC really is. I urge my fellow students to join me in refusing to nay the SGC assessment which ap- nears on the first billing of the winter term. Maybe then w.: will he able to drive SGC down the drain, wheredittruly belongs. --.Jim Burns '77 Jan. 14 sional leadership has hardly distinguished itself; while a few Senators have spoken out, nothing resembling a sustained Democratic offensive is visible. For some the comfortable stance is anti-Nixon rhe- toric and for others politics has temporar- ily become a spectator sport. Only recent- ly has there been any sign of real life on impeachment proceedings; crucial weeks were wasted. The most fatefully missed opportunity was the failure - during the interim when the Vice Presidency was vacant - to press for legislation that would have authorized a special national election next year. While some Democrats may have been genuinely sensitive to the charge of striving to "re- verse the mandate," too many were immo- bilized by a reluctance to eliminate Rich- ard Nixon as a symbol. Now a Harris poll shows there would have been broad public support for such a move. "Six more months" of Nixon could mean Gerald Ford's elevation to the Presidency just as the Congressional battles begin. This could prove the least favorable time- table for Democrats. The strategy of post- ponement is not only a cynical risk for the country: it could be one of the big politi- cal misjudgments of the century. James Wechsler is Editorial Page Editor of the New York Post. Copyright 1974 - The New York Post Corporation. John Galbraith I 47e £ftrIian Da i1 Eighty-three years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Brubeck and sons in a new key 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104 News Phone: 764-05c 52Z -~ TWO GENERATIONS OF BRU- BECK; Dave Brubeck and sons Darids, Chris, and Dan; t h e Detroit Symphony Orchestra, conductors Eric Kunzel and Don Th. Jaeger, Charlene Peterson, soprano, University Choral Un- ion, New Heavenly Blue. Thurs., January 17, Hill Auditorium. Special concert of the University Musical Society. All Brubeck pro- gram. By ROY CHERNUS Dave Brubeck and sons' musical potpourri in Hill Auditorium on Thurday night displayed t h e i r (heriditary?) talents. However, it SATURDAY, JANUARY 19, 1974 Remember the Palestinians Blake reminisces, performs ragtime H THE signing of the agreement to disengage military forces along the Suez canal yesterday, the first faltering move toward a reasonable state of peace in the Middle East was taken. The process of disengagement and ne- gotiation along the Suez alone will take a tremendous amount of time and work as talks continue. sut the eventual Israeli withdrawal from the Sinai, as difficult as it may be, is no doubt the easiest problem of Arab- Israeli negotiations to resolve. This point was demonstrated Thursday Sports Staff DAN ORUS Sports Editor FRA L GO Mnaging Sports Editor BOB McGIjN............... Executive Sports Editor CHUCK BLOOM..............Associate Sports Editor JO~L GREEK .......+.......Associate sports Editor RICH STUCK ...........Contributing Sports Editor BOB HEUER ..............Contributing sports Editor Business Stall MILL LACKFOrD Business Manager RAY CATALINO................ operations Manager SHERRY CASTLE ...............Advertising Manager SANDY FIEN8ERG............... Finance Manager DAVE BURLESON .............. ..... Sales Manager DEPT. MGRS.: Steve LeMire, Jane Dunning, Paula Schwkch ASSOC. MGRS.: Joan Ades, Chantai Banciltion, Lind& Ross, Mark SaCpainte. $ uan n e Tiberio, Kevin Trimmer ASST. MGRS.: Marlene Katz, Bill Nealon STAFF: Sue DeSmet, Laurte Gross, Debbie Novess, Carol Petok, kMimi Btr-oni SALESPEOPLE: W e n d ItPols, ToM Kettinger, Eric Phillips, P e t e r Anders, R o b e r t Fischer, Paula Sebwach, Jack Nazara, John Anderson DAILY WEATHER ]UREAU: William Marino and Dennis Dismacnek (forecasters) when, upon the announcement that a compromise had been reached, Syrian of- ficials threatened to break diplomatic re- lations with Egypt. It was reported that some Syrians regard the agreement to be harmful to the interests of Syria and those of the cause of Arab unity. THROUGHOUT MOST of the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict, supporters 'of Arab unification have rallied their cause around a policy of war against the Israelis. Apparently Egypt's Sadat is at- tempting to fight that trend with his country's negotiations. Hopefully Egypt, the United States and the Soviet Union will be able to convince the Syrians to do the same. Even if they are successful, the prob- lems of negotiating over the strategic Golan Heights will be considerably more difficult than negotiations about the Si- nai desert. The final problem, however, even if the Arabs and the Israelis continue to make progress, will be the oppressive plight of the Palestinian refugees. It is certainly clear that no settlement will work with- out justice for the Palestinians, but at this point they apparently continue to be ignored. ONE CONTINUAL source of Arab-Israe- li friction, for example, has been the Israeli policy to strike back at the coun- try from which Palestinian terrorist raids have originated. No matter what rela- tions exist in the future between Israel and the Arab states, if Palestinian griev- ances are ignored the raids will continue, and no doubt Israeli retaliation will fol- low. By ROY CHERNUS A substantial figure in Amer- ican musical history is in Ann Ar- bor this weekend, black ragtime pianist Eubie Blake. Blake, now 90 years old, is the last surviving exponent of the turn-of-the-century ragtime and vaudeville musical traditions. Blake reminisced and performed for an hour yesterday at the Stearns Building on North Campus. Tomorrow he will participate along with others in the dedication of the Eva Jessye black musical collec- tion to the University at the Stearns Building begining at 3:00. The pieces Blakeperformed in- cluded his ragtimes "I'm Just Wild About Harry", "Charleston Rag", and his versions of "The Man I Love", "Stars and Stripes For- ever", and even the "Pilgrim's March" by Wagner. The verve and wit of this man both verbally and musically were incredible. Just when, for instance, in Stars and Stripes you think you know what's going to come next, Blake hits you with any one of a battery of musical tricks: a turn of phrase, abrupt rhythmic and accent changes, jaunty inter- ludes, etc. Upon being asked if Wagner ever heard his version of "Pilgrim's March," Blake replied, "If he did, that's probably what killed him!" Blake reminisced about his pro- fessional debut in a "medicine show": "Well, none of you young- sters would probably know what a medicine show was, but it was started by doctors who flunked out of school and had to make a liv- ing." "They used horse-drawn wag- ons with two big gasoline lamps and had pianists like me and 'Yal- luh' Nelson playing on, the back. But we didn't like what they did to us, so I started playing in hous- es of ill-repute." In 1915, Blake met lyricist and bandleader Noble Sissle who as a songwriting duo played a crucial role in the development of Amer- ican musical theatre and black in- volvement in show business. They wrote a show in 1921 with Miller and Lyles called "Shuffle Along" that not only introduced ragtime syncopated rhythms into Broadway musical theatre for good, but also introduced blacks into the entertainment world after much racist resistance. raised serious questions as to whe- ther jazz and classical styles can be combined successfully. Such combinations have b e e n around since the 50's with t h e pioneering efforts of Gunther Schul- ler, John Lewis, William Russo, et. al. It is surprising that Bru- beck first attempted the genre only in the late 60's after almost 20 years of writing his own brand of jazz with subtle classical over- tones. But whatever Brubeck gained in expressing profound religious and political sentiments through text, he lost musically. The many styl- istic novelties of these works pro- voke little more than initial inter- est. Truth (a cantata), Brubeck's magnum opus, occupied the second half of the program and called for the combined forces of Jaeger, Pet- erson, orchestra, chorus, and rock group. These, diverse protagonists were reconciled convincingly in a des- perate political statement about American violence and repression in the 60's. The well-crafted vocal and orchestral writing manipulating an atonal theme was juxtaposed in- triguingly with some driving blues- rock by New Heavenly Blue. Still, music does not live by contrasts alone, and the work of- fered little in overall dramatic mo- mentum. There were snatches of burlesqued tunes and march-an- themns, in the manner of Charles Ives, Bernstein-like orchestra flam- boyance, and contrived percussive climaxes, but where was Brubeck? Not even Jaeger's conscientious direction, Peterson's radiance, nor ended with a slick late-movie soundtrack. What a relief it was then when Brubeck and the boys finally sat down themselves to do such selec- tions as Take Five and Three to Get Ready, Four to Go which bore the unmistakeable Brubeck signa- ARTS _ __ _ ____ ' freewheeling rock could uncover any distinct musical identity be- hind the notes. As for the other works, Fugal Fanfare offered substantial brass fugues and vibrant rhythmic and textural changes in the rest of the orchestra, only to be dampened by jazz sections that sounded pasted on. Brubeck attempted emotional fervor and 'exotic' Middle-Eastern flavor in excerpts from his ora- torio Light in the Wilderness and ture and exposed the budding tal- ents of Chris, Darius and D a n clearly. The musical communication among them was almost telepathic and the tunes were as fresh as they were back in the 50's when such uncommon rhythms as 5/4 and 7/4 caused a furor in the jazz world. DANTON TO SAN FRAN HOLLYWOOD (UPI) - R a y Danton has been added to the regular cast of "The Streets of San Francisco" series. COMIC OPERA GUILD -- Mozart's Bastien and Bastienne; Gilbert's Ages Ago: Trueblood Theater at 2 and 8. DRAMA-PTP, Modern Studies and Residential College pre- sent Marlowe's Dr. Faustus in Res. Coll. Aud., East Quad, at 8 tonight. SCHOOL OF MUSIC-Presentation of the Eva Jessye Afro- American Music Collection in Stearns Bldg., North Cam- pus at 3. Tiii r .M ~-.-t i rnn 0_1A lv ccv r r~rvnl m,, " ,v. -