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January 19, 1974 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1974-01-19

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See Editorial Page

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For details see Today

Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom

Vol. LXXXIV, No. 91

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, January 19, 1974

Ten Cents

Eight Pages

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T 4
'U' patent rule revised
The Board of Regents yesterday unanimously approved
a revision of the University's patent policy which fixes
the share of profits or royalties received by faculty in-
ventors at 20 per cent, with the University receiving the
rest. Previously, the University received all profits,
except when an outside research sponsor was involved.
The approved modification also permits the right of
patent application to revert to the inventor if the
sponsor and the University elect not to apply, in which
case the University claims 15 per cent of th profits.
Ballot proposals certified
The city clerk has certified and sent to Lansing two
Human Rights Party-backed resolutions to be included
on the upcoming April city election ballot. The proposals
-which will be checked by Gov. William Milliken and
Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley for proper wording-would re-
enact the city's short-lived $5 marijuana ordinance and
establish rent control measures. The proposals had re-
ceived the necessary number of petition signatures to be
put on the ballot.
Happenings . .
.. are headlined by today's exciting basketball game
with Michigan State at Crisler, 2 p.m. . . . for cinema
buffs, The Seventh Seal is at the Arch. Aud., Zappa's
200 Motels is at Nat. Sci., The Good, The Bad, and The
Ugly is at Aud. A., To Sir with Love is at Couzens, and
The French Connection is at Bursley ... and the presen-
tation of the Eva Jessye Afro-American Music Collection
will take place at the Stearns Bldg on North Campus at
3 p.m.
Viet protester run down
The wife of an American official drove her car into a
crowd of Vietnamese demonstrations blocking the United
States commissary in Saigon yesterday, and authorities
reported one Vietnamese killed and six injured. Billie
Steward; 35, of Takoma Park, Md. was taken intp cus-
tody by Vietnamese police. U. S. sources said officials
were trying to obtain her release "through normal pro-
cedures". The wife of an accountant with the U. S.
Agency for International Development, Steward appar-
ently panicked when commissary workers protesting
wage cuts and recent layoffs pelted her car with rocks
and leaped onto the vehicle, American witnesses said.
GM layoffs
Nearly 23,000 General Motors Corp. workers will be
laid off for one week beginning Monday when five
plants are closed to cut back on production of Mlow-
selling big cars, the automaker said yesterday. Four as-
sembly plants and one Fisher Body plant will be shut
the entire week, a sharp drop from the nine GM assem-
bly plants closed this week. GM sales of new cars in the
first two days of January were down nearly 43 per cent
from a year ago, with large cars taking the brunt of
the energy scare.
ERA approved by Maine
The Equal Rights Amendment needs the ratification of
only seven more states to become part of the Constitut-
tion, after Maine became the 31st state to endorse it. The
Maine senate approved the amendment by a 19-11 roll
call vote yesterday to join the state's house in certifying
the measure. The proposal is alive in 15 state legisla-
tures, but none appear to be near final action.
IMF delegates meet
International Monetary Fund delegates failed in a
week-long meeting in Rome to agree on reforms for the
world monetary system which finances international
trade. The delegates left currencies floating against each
other, a process recently favorable to the dollar. They
scheduled a new series of meetings for March, May and
June to tackle again the technical problems that have
blocked reform projects for the past 18 months. Mean-
while, gold climbed to a record high on European ex-
chnges, hitting a peak of'$130.83 in Paris.

Army hijinks
A senior Pentagon official said yesterday that the use
of an armored personnel carrier by Army reservists in
Massachusetts to parade actor John Wayne around Har-
vard seems to be a violation of policy. The Pentagon is
already in hot water over documents that it secretly
received from the White House, and it appears things are
going to get worse. Congressmen are asking the Pen-
tagon why the Harvard incident happened and annoyed
Defense Department officials have demanded an ex-
planation from the Army Reserv e. But they haven't got
the answer yea. Wayne arrived Tuesday for a Harvard
Lampoon reception and preview showing of his newest
movie. A defense official surmised, "No real harm
was done, and there was a lot of fun and games, but
some members of Congress do not look kindly on the
military forces being involved in fun and games."
On the inside ..'.
Roy Chernus reviews the Brubecks' recent con-
cert here on the Arts Page . . . John Kahler previews to-
day's basketball game with Michigan State on the Sports
Page . . . and on the Editorial Page, columnist James
Wechsler tackles. the Nixon question.

Although Governor Milliken rec-
ommended Thursday that the Uni-
versity receive a 10 per cent
increase in state appropriations,
there is still the "slight possibil-
ity" of another tuition hike next
fall according to Vice President
for Academic Affairs Allan Smith.
If the Legislature approves the
budget recommendation' for the
fiscal year starting July 1, the Uni-
versity will receive a total of $97.3
million - an $8.9 million increase
over last year and the largest sin-
gle increase in the governor's high-
er education budget.
"I AM STILL working hard to
avoid a fall tuition hike, but I can-

)mith I
not say what the gross require-
ments will be yet," Smith said.
But last Oct. 31 Smith indicated
that there would be no fee hike
next year. "Not if I'm in my right
mind," he said, "we've had our
fill of trouble on this thing (tui-
tion). No way should we go any
Lawrence Pincher, assistant to
the Vice President for State Rela-
tions and Planning, declined to
comment on the possibility of a fall
tuition hike.
lion increase, $6.5 million is slated
for a six per centcompensation
salaryincrease which Milliken is
recommending for all the state's




colleges and universities.
However, the University request-
ed a 9.7 per cent salary increase
which would have amounted to
$10.6 million.
"Milliken's recommendation is
well below what we asked for, but
in relative terms, a six per cent
salary hike isn't too bad. However,
this won't be received with much
enthusiasm," President Robben
Fleming said.
mendations include a $200,000 in-
crease in student financial aid
whic his only 11 per cent of what
was originally requested by the
"We are concerned that no spe-

cific increase is being recommend-
ed for financial aid to students be-
yond a general four per cent in-
crease to offset inflationary pres-
sures," Fleming said. "There is an
urgent need to increase such aid
as middle income families find it
ever more difficult to finance a
college education."
Other proposed increases were
allotted to the Psychiatric Hos-
pital, the Mental Health Research
Institute and the Institute of Ger-
ON OTHER source of concern
to he University is that not enough
funds will be allocated to staff the
expanded program which could be
See VP, Page 8

October 31, 1973 -
Smith indicates there will
be no fee hike next year,
saying, "Not if I'm in my
right mind."
January 18, 1974 -
Smith says, "I am still
working hard to avoid a
fall tuition hike . .
but admits a "slight pos-


Israel and
Egypt sign
Kissinger seeks
Syrian peace pant
By United Press International
Israel and Egypt yesterday sign-
ed an agreement to separate their
forces on Suez front over the next
seven weeks. Secretary -of State
Henry Kissinger, back in Egypt on
the latest of his shuttle trips, said
he would go to Syria Sunday to try
to work out a similar accord on the
Golan Heights front.
Before flying to Syria, Kissinger
planned to meet Jordan's King
Hussein at the Jordanian port city
of Aqaba Saturday afternoon.
THE SUEZ disengagement agree-
ment was signed at 12:25 p.m. at
Kilometer 101 on the road from
Cairo to Suez, the same desert soot
on the West Bank of the Suez
Canal where talks between Egypt
and Israel began Nov. 11, but
bogged down until Kissinger started
his shuttle negotiations.
Both the Egyptian and the Israeli
armies will be thinned out under
the pact -while Israeli troops will
withdraw 20 miles east of the canal
to a line straddling the strategic
Mitla and Giddi Passes in the Sinai
United Nationsbuffer troops will
move between the new positions
which replace the jagged lines left
from the October war running both
east and west of the canal.
THE PACT specifies it is no
final agreement and that the troop
withdrawals should be only "a first
step toward a final, just and
durable peace within the frame-
work of the Geneva conference" at-
tended by Israel, Egypt, Jordan,
the United States and the Soviet
Not a single cease-fire violation
was reported yesterday for the
first time since the war and the
signing touched off wild celebra-
tions by frontline soldiers. An Is-
raeli National Radio reporter on
the front said Egyptian troops fired
their rifles into the air and sent up
fireworks, flares and shouts of
Israeli troops, most of them
mobilized reservists, said they
were very happy and hoped the
agreement would speed up their
release from uniform.
ABOUT THE Egyptian troops
left on the canal's East Bank,
the agreement says only that they
will be "limited in armament and
forces." But Israeli Defense Min-
ister Moshe Dayan said in a tele-
vision interview later both the
See ISRAEL, Page 2


a sJe tape

awor ski t
Study promised
WASHINGTON, (Reuter) - In a blow to the White House,
Watergate Judge John Sirica yesterday asked the Special Wat-
ergate Prosecutor to investigate whether White House tapes
were criminally doctored.
The Judge said there were strong indications that miss-
ing and partially erased tapes had been tampered with but he
added that the court refrained "from actually accusing any
person or persons."
JUDGE SIRICA said he had taken his investigation as far as he
could and he was asking Special
Watergate Prosecutor Leon Jawor-
ski to convene a grand jury to look
into "lawful destruction of evidence
and any related offenses."
His ruling came after a, day in
which gaps in two more Presiden-
tial recordings relating to Water-
gate were disclosed and White
House lawyers cross-examined six
technical experts who had report-
ed an 18-minute gap on another
key tape was caused by five, and
possibly nine, separate and con-
scious efforts.
Judge Sirica's decision to turn
the investigation over to the Spe-
cial Prosecutor marks the end of
the court's probe into the tapes.

AP Photo
Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan points out th area of a planned Israeli troop withdrawal from the
Sinai Penninsula according to the agreement signed yesterday with the Egyptians. In a national television
interview, Dayan said, "This time I really hope we are disengaging from a state of war."

HRP-Stephenson discus
Rcampaign spending law
By JACK KROST agreed to changes in the ordinance litical opponents and to


THE COURT originally asked for
nine tapes but the White House
said later that only seven of the
conversations sought were actual-
ly put on tape. The 18-minute gap
is on one of the seven tapes sub-
sequently handed to Judge Sirica.
The handing over of the probe
to Jakorski's office is seen by ob-
servers here as a big blow to the
White . House which undoubtedly
had hoped Judge Sirica would de-
cide there was not enough evidence
to warrant further inquiries.
Jaworski's office said in a state-
ment issued after Judge Sirica's
decision that its intention was to
conduct, in conjunction with the
FBI, an exhaustive investigation
into all phases of the matter. Any
relevant information would be re-
ferred to a grand jury, it added.
THE PRESIDENT also faced
fresh pressure from the Senate.
Watergate Committee in a battle
for tapes and documents that has
been raging since mid-1973.
Word of the two new gaps - one
of 57 seconds and the other of 38
See SIRICA, Page 2

look for

In a smoke-filled-room style
meeting between Mayor James
Stephenson and Human Rights Par-
ty leaders yesterday, the mayor
agreed to some critical changes in
the city's proposed campaign
spending ordinance.
Although HRP didn't get the
mayor to commit himself on all the
supposed "loopholes" they see in
the reform law, they did score a'
few points for their positions.
THE ORDINANCE in question
was giveninitial approval by City
Council last January 7. Controver-
sial provisions and other kinks in
the ordinance are currently being
ironed out by a three member
Council committee, then the revis-
ed law is to be voted on for final
A public hearing on the present-
lv bare-bones ordinance is sched-
uled for this Monday.
In promising his committment
to change the unfinished ordinance,
Stephenson emphasized that he
was speaking strictly on his own,
and not on behalf of Council Re-
STEPHENSON is not a member

that would mode up the dates to
disclose campaign finances by five
Instead of requiring political can-
didates to file campaign statements
five days before an election, Ste-
phenson agreed to stretch the re-
quirement to ten days.
opposition political parties more
time before an election to go over
the campaign statements of po-

Stephenson did not concede, how-
ever, to two major changes the Hu-
man Rights Party is seeking:
-an upper limit on the amount
that can be spent in a campaign,
-extending the ban on cam-
paign contributions from cbrpora-
tions, such as businesses and labor
Corporations are currently pro-
See CHANGES, Page 8

White House Counsel Fred Buz-
hardt: "It would be wrong to
condludeon the basis of Judge
Sirica's decision that any indi-
vidual within the White House is
guilty of impropriety or wrong
doing . .

Film triggers psychiatric visits

CHICAGO (Reuter) - People have entered hospitals for mental
treatment after seeing the film "The Exorcist," a Chicago Psychia-
trist, Dr. Louis Schlan, said here yesterday.
Dr. Schlan, who said he was treating two people who saw the
film, told reporters: "Several people have become clinically ill -
unable to function adequately in their usual capacity - some to the
point of requiring hospitalization after seeing the film."
"THE EXORCIST," which is playing to packed houses around
the country, is a detailed study of a 12-year-old girl possessed by the

seen the film and have no desire to," he added.
A theater manager said many of the people who see the film want
to be scared and also want to know whether they are stronger than
those who walk out of the movie halfway through the showing.
A Chicago minister, the Rev. Arthur De Kruyter, has promised
to deliver a sermon in his church on Sunday calling on people not to
see the film.
DR. DE KRUYTER said he believed there is an increasing interest
and awareness of the spirit world in the materialistic culture. "'The

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