Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, January 18, 1974 Pane Two THE MICHIGAN DAiLY SANDBERG ELECTED OM EGA Free Fast Delivery: SUBS . SALA DS . CHICKEN e BURGERS * F 769- 3400 SGC p (Continued from Page 1) in western Africa. The motion originated with a constituent during the time given over for constituents to speak, was sponsored by an SGC member, pushed up in the agenda to be c on s i d e r e d immediately, and passed. Normal procedure would have been to consider the motion as new business, placing it at the end of the agenda. IN A RELATED move SGC gave resident Schiller quits SHRIMP RIES * COKE 50c Off A medium or large 1 item or more OMEGA PIZZA COUPON HONORED ANYTIME 50c Off A medium or large 1 item or more OMEGA PIZZA COUPON HONORED ANYTIME a total of $700 for a Third World Student Judiciary (CSJ) placed a ' composition to Council. People's Solidarity Conference to temporary restraining order on be held in the city Feb. 21, 22 and MAC last Monday night. I RUMORS HAVE been afoot that 23. In two separate motions, Coun- : campus leftists are preparing to cil allotted $500 for traveling ex- UNDER THE ORDER, handed mount intensive campaigns once penses to Ramsey Munez of Texas, down at a preliminary CSJ investi-' again for SGC positions. and $200 for expenses and pub- gation, MAC may not spend any of i John Taylor, one of the spokes-' licity. its funds or even meet. The CSJ persons for the newly concerned These motions were originally suit was filed by Mat Hoffman, an groups of blacks who have taken sponsored by Ted Liu, director of SGC member who has been con- go of blacks w e tn sponsoed byto attending Council meetings re- Asian Affairs for the Minority Af- sistently hostile to MAC. Transfer-1 cently, lashed out at the Council's, fairs Committee, (MAC) but spon- ring the motions to Community Af- "Watergates," and protested sorship of the motions had to be fairs evaded the spirit of the CSJ against the appearance of "Ann transferred to the Community Af- ruling, and was seen as a clear Arbor's finest" at last week's fairs Committee because Central victory for council and campus meeting. Police were called to the _ - ,.,.,progressives. SGC chambers last week when it During the constituents time, was allegedly reported that a H OU S E many members of the audience, "race riot" was in progress. which was largely black, stood up OD MALL and inveighed against what they DESPITE THE chaos, some termed racism on the part of business was wearily dealt with. 30 MON. -SAT. Council members, all of whom are Council also recommended to the 1 227 white. Regents last night that Martin, Marty Kaufman, a campus acti- Dither King's birthday, January und RK products vist of the late '60's, warned Coun- 15, be made a holiday, censured I, 'g tVice President for Student Serv-; LarryShultz cil, "Time's running out for rac- ono o nefr llrr Jmison ists on this Council," and hinted ices Henry Johnson for interfer- isBill Jamison that the spring SGC elections ence in student government, and discount Mon.-Thurs. would bring a new ideological passed a resolution praising the, five schools and colleges which Program in iilmis proj ectedl (Continued from Page 1) exists in its wide diversity," he says, which can be lost when all film resources are collected in one department. The English department's an- nouncement of a sub-concentration in film will make it possible for English majors to take at least nine hours of cinema courses that will count towards their English major. "I DON'T THINK we're trying to create the best possible. film pro- gram, we're just trying to improve and individualize instruction in the English major," says Eng Prof. William Alexander, head of the new subconcentration program. Other members of the Film Re- sources Committee agreed that the English departmentisubconcentra- tion is no final solution. "Some of HAIRCUT Name_ Address FOR DELIVERY ONLY Name Address FOR DELIVERY ONLY 11 SUNDAY, JANUARY 20 PEOPLE'S BALLROOM BENEFIT WITH Zoom AND STRANGE TONGUE Donation $1.00 every Monday Radio King & His Court of Rhythm cover S 1.00 BRIARWO OPEN 9:30-9: 663-1 We use and recomme Nathan Kolender John Vargas Bring this ad for $1.00 FRIDAY, JANUARY 18-9:00 P.M. BURSLEY HALL ENTERPRISES presents GENE HACKMAN in 'THE FRENCH CONNECTION BURSLEY HALL WEST CAFETERIA ADMISSION $1.00 4. The per capita sale of razor blades in Argentina is the high- est in the world. had met the BAM demands, urged other schools to try comply with them. and and w WOMEN AND FILM Mini-Course Univ. Course 414 MONDAYS 7:30-9:30 p.m.-beginning Jan. 21 2412 MASON HALL Course Highlight: Attend and analyze WOMEN IN THE REEL WORLD A FREE FILM FESTIVAL FEBRUARY 6-10 Auditorium E, Physics & Astronomy Bldg. Conveners: Mikki Capparelli, Lydia Kleiner FOR INFO: WOMEN'S STUDIES PROGRAM-763-2047 I I 1 1 i 1 us believe that you shouldn't have a film concentration without film- making courses; that's like a liter- ature concentration without crea- tive writing courses," says Prof. Marvin Feldheim, chairman of the Film Resources Committee. John Allen, who teaches Resi- dential College film courses, sug- gests that the English department is taking up film partly to bolster sagging enrollments, and says he disagrees with some of the ideas of the English department's sub- concentration offering. "I OBJI CT to an exclusively literary a-sproach to film-it shuts out chant es for the expression of film as c .her art forms, like music, drama or dance," he says. ASSOCIATION OF JEWISH GRADS AND FACULTY PARTY Wine-Cheese and Dancing SATURDAY, Jan. 19 at 8:00 p.m. at HILLEL-1429 Hill St. Bring wine-cheese or $1.50 "SON I y'IL L CHORAL GROUP JEWISH 'MUSIC ... Secular and Sacred MONDAY, Jan. 21-7:30 p.m. at HILLEL, 1429 Hill St. FOR INFO CONTACT ELLEN KATZ-769-9575 OR HILLEL-663-4129 BOOK SALE 1000 's of Paperbacks 50%-90% off single titles-continuous change Please help Louis clean out the basement. He's buried! 316 S. STATE OPEN MON.-SAT. TILL 10 P.M., SUN. 11-6 "TGET INTRO-ACT Personal Growth Groups Weekly, one day, and weekend groups: peer counseling, sepra- tion and divorce, anger, interpersonal skills, per- sonal issues, Leaders: RICHARD KEMPTER MICHAEL ANDES Theory & Techniques: Encounter Gestalt, Role-play, etc. Fees: $7/session, $25/weekend Orientations & Screening Interview Required call RICHARD 662-4826 MICHAEL 662-2801 f A "Wild" SALE from The Varsity Shop All Casual Slacks Y 20% OFF *(except corduroys, denims) Open Monday thru Saturday, 9-5:30 Friday Nightt'Till 8:30 AE WILD SA State Street on the Campus ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN . i 7 ;x,;, :r: :. , ; ". ~ r'.., "E f ;