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January 18, 1974 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1974-01-18

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See Editorial Page


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For details see Today

Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. LXXXIV; No. 90 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, January 18, 1974 Ten Cents

Eight Pages


077 and 143 .. .
are yesterday's winning Michigan Lottery num-
bers. The second chance numbers are 342 and 616. Bo-
nus numbers are 109, 164 and 818.
Regents chat
In a low-key, chummy meeting yesterday, athletic
director Dion Canham told the Board of Regents that all
is well with the University's sports programs, despite
economic problems due to inflation and "leaps and
bounds" growth'in club and intramural sports. The Re-
gents questioned Canham on subjects ranging from inte-
gration of the physical education and intercollegiate
athletics programs to whether Michigan should leave
the Big Ten. The Board deferred action on women's
intercollegiate athletics until its February meeting in
order to include policies on club and intramural sports
in the final package, President Robben Fleming said.
More tuition blues
A new quirk in the University's tuition increase was
revealed at yesterday's Regents meeting by dental hy-
giene student Roxanne Bair. Bair, speaking for 15 other
students, explained that dental hygiene students were
informed in December that they would be charged
junior-senior fees of $452 per term, although their status
with the University is as freshpersons and sophomores.
Denying that the dental hygiene program incurs special
expense that could justify the higher fees, Bair admit-
ted that some of the students have come to the Univer-
sity following a few years at other institutions. "They
tried to argue on that basis regarding football tickets,"
she said, "but they were told their University consider-
ed them freshmen and sophomores." The Board pro-
mised to look into the situation, and Regent Lawrence
Lindemer (R-Stockbridge) suggested that Bair consider
law school.
Satisfied customer
One subscriber who has no complaints with The
Daily's circulation department is University President
Robben Fleming. One morning last week, Fleming says,
he opened his front door to find 35 copies of the day's
Daily on the doorstep. Thinking that the Administra-
tion Bldg.'s copies might have accidentally been brought
to his house, Fleming carried the papers to the office
with him, but found the University's copies had already
been delivered. "Maybe somebody just got tired when
he got to our house," Fleming speculates.
Happenings ...
. ..are mostly cinematic. Try Finally Got the News
at 126 E. Quad at 8:00 p.m. It's free. Wilder's Witness
for the Prosecution will be shown at 7:00 and 9:00 p.m.
in Angell Hall Aud. A. You can see Ford's The Quiet
Man at 7:00 and 9:05 p.m. in the Architecture Auditor-
ium or Zappa's 200 Motels at 7:00 and .9:30 p.m. in the
Nat. Sci. Aud. Fists of Fury starring Bruce Lee will be
shown in 100 Hutchins Hall at 7:00, 9:00, and 11:00 p.m.
If you don't like movies, try international folk dancing
in Barbour Gym at 8:00 p.m.
Nixon note
President Nixon is still the man visitors hate and
fear most at Madame Tussaud's Waxwork Exhibition in
London. For the second year running, Nixon tops the
"Hate and Fear" category, followed by Adolf Hitler and
Jack the Ripper. Tied for fourth place are Israeli De-
fense Minister Moshe Dayan and Libya's head of state,
Col Mummar Al Kaddafi. Nixon topped the poll in a
questionaire filled out by visitors.
Tax 'gimmickry'
A Congressional tax expert predicted yesterday that
many Americans will follow President Nixon's use of
"tax gimmicks" to reduce their taxes - costing the
federal treasury over 10 billion dollars. Rep. Charles
Vanik (D-Ohio), estimated a "massive movement" by
American taxpayers into gray areas of tax avoidance
which may reduce federal revenues by as much as 10
per cent. Vanik gave no documentation for how he ar-
rived at the 10 per cent figure, but said he has had ex-
tensive communications indicating a widespread inten-
tion to follow the pattern of the President.
Man of the Year

Declaring him the "epitome of the strong, silent ath-
lete," the editors of Sport Magazine have chosen a
horse as their Man of the Year. Secretariat, the first
thoroughbred horse to win the Triple Crown in 25 years,
was named the winner of the magazine's 27th annual
"Man of the Year in Sports" award. The three-year-old
chestnut colt was chosen from a list that included such
sports luminaries as Hank Aaron, 0. J. Simpson, George
Foreman, Jackie Stewart, Bobby Clarke and Tom Weis-
kopf. The selection of Secretariat for the honor was not
as ironic as the award might have been. Billie Jean King
and Olga Korbut were also among those in the running
for Man of the Year.
On the inside .. .
The Editorial Page features guest writer Gary Thom-
as who looks at what might have happened to the Wat-
ergate tapes . . . the Arts Page features Cinema Week-
end, a collection of capsule reviews on this weekend's
offerings . . . and on the Snorts Pige, Leslie Riester
writes about today's Michigtin-Stanford swim meet.

on Su









Main accord worked out by
Kissenger after week of talk

JERUSALEM ( i - Israel
and Egypt reached a compro-
mise agreement yesterday
calling for a phased pullback
of Israeli forces from the
Suez Canal in exchange for
limitation of Egyptian mili-
tary strength on the water-
way's east bank.
Premier Golda Meir and Presi-
dent Anwar Sadat will sign sepa-
rate disengagement pacts to con-
firm the accord, a senior United
States official disclosed. But the
official said the israeli and Egyp-
tian leaders will not meet face to
THE MAIN agreement, worked
out by Secretary of State Henry
Kissinger in a week of shuttling
between the two October war foes,
will be signed at noon today at
Kilometer 101 on the Cairo-Suez
road by the Israeli and Egyptian
military commanders.
Unofficial dsources said Egypt
agreed to reduce its force east of
the canal to eight battalions or
5,000 to 8,000 men. The Egyptians
would install no anti-aircraft mis-
siles in their enclave and their
armor strength would be stripped
to a token force of about 30 tanks,
the sources said.
ABBA EBAN, the Israeli foreign
minister, told a news conference
that Kissinger had worked out the
final details with Egyptkand Israel
from here earlier in the day and
that there is no longer any need
for further negotiation about dis-
engagement at the Geneva peace
Announcements of the disengage-
ment argreement were made in
Israel, Egypt, and by President
Nixon in Washington. Eban said
he hoped "it would mark a turn-
ing point, a first initial, but never-
theless ,important step on the road
toward peace in the Middle East."
Eban said Israel was prepared
to hold disepgagement talks with
Syria, its other major opponent
in the October war.
ment Syria threatened to sever
diplomatic relations with Egypt. ,
Sources said the Syrian authori-
ties regarded the agreement as a
"unique page of treachery against
the Syrian people and army and
against the whole Arab nation,"
YIGEL ALLON, the Israeli depu-
ty premier, said he could not give
details of the pact. But from his
television remarks, these points
-Israel will withdraw "a reason-
able distance" east of the 103-mile
canal, giving up both the south-
west shore it captured in the Oc-
itober fighting and the eastern
bank it took in the 1967 war.
-A United Nations peace force
will form a wedge separating the
two sides.
-Israel expects the agreement
to be implemented "in a fair num-
ber of weeks, not months."
-Allon implied this would not
be Israel's final withdrawal in
Sinai and "we will not create a
long-term status quo" out of dis-
engagement. The agreement would
preface more withdrawals in the
framework of a peace treaty, he

AP Photo
PRESIDENT NIXON poses for photographers after delivering his
televised announcement of the negotiated troop pull-back in the
Middle East.


presiden t

Photo Dy JN O13vyN
VICE PRESIDENT Gerald Ford delivers a speech yesterday during his triumphant return to his home-
town, Grand Rapids. Ford was received with tremendous enthusiasm.

SchIllr uis
eelect Sandberg,
Jeff Schiller, president of Student Government Council (SGC) for
exactly one week following Lee Gill's resignation last Thursday, last
night resigned his presidency citing a lack of time, the same excuse
offered by his predecessor. The move had been expected all week long.
Council was then opened up to nominations for president. Rackham
Student President Carl Sandberg was elected in absentia over Brad
Taylor, a former SGC member. Sandberg is currently on duty in
the military reserves at Fort Benning, Georgia, and is expected to
return in slightly more than two weeks.

VP received

b y hon
Special To The Daily
GRAND RAPIDS - In the midst
of a good old fashioned hero's wel-
come in his hometown of Grand
Rapids yesterday, Vice President
Gerald Ford took time out to de-
fend the Nixon Administration
against its critics.
Looking robust and confident in
a brown tweed suit, Ford claimed
that "there is still not sufficient
evidence to justify impeachment
under the constitution . . if Rich-
ard Nixon is impeached it will be
due to partisan reasons."
The statement, made during a
rather low key press conference
at the Grand Rapids Press Club,
was the only politically signifi-
cant segment of the day's proceed-
AS THE city of Grand Rapids
dressed up with innumerable flags
and posters, thousands of well'
wishers and friends congratulated



their ex-Congressman for the first
time since he assumed the office
of the Vice President on Dec. 6.
Ford, Congressman from the 5th
Congressional District for twenty-
five years has long been a hero to
the average man in Grand Rapids.
As the Vice President was shuf-
fled all over the city, he proved to
be no different from the man who
they once called "Congressman
The day's proceedings began
with a nostalgia-ridden assembly
in the predominately black South
Middle High School, Ford's alma
mater. Speaking in the school's
drab green auditorium the Vice
President reminisced about the
good old days when the school was
known as South High, when he was
in the National Honor Society, and
when he was captain of the All-
City football team. It is the lat-
ter distinction that Ford cherishes
most in his memories from High

The Vice President drew a
standing ovation when he said,
"the most important things you
can learn from school is to coop-
erate, compete and respect au-
thority . . . these are the basic in-
gredients to a successful future."
AT THE end of the assembly,
Ford, being the schools most dis-
ting'iished alumni, unveiled a por-
trait of himself that will hang in
the recently instituted South Mid-
dle High school hall of fame.
Later in the day, at the Vice
Presidential Laymen's Prayer
Luncheon, 1500 civic leaders ate
roast beef and apple pie as they
listened to speakers ramble about
the reverent side of Jerry Ford.
"I HAVE known him as a man
of God, as a man who knows
what it means to love his brother,"
proclaimed one man.
See JERRY, Page 8

SGC THEN tried to select a vice-
president. But after two ballots
failed to produce a victor, Rose-
mary Mullin, the treasurer and
chairwoman, tabled the item until
at least next week.
Following consideration of the
pressing leadership question, Coun-
cil turned to examination of some
of the business which had piled up
since the last business session for
regular issues held Nov. 15.
Vacations, the Gill resignation,
and the adoption and reversal of
position of Council on the Black
Action Movement (BAM) demands
and Affirmative Action had back-
logged a large number of routine
appointments and recognition of
student organizations.
Council also yielded to pressure
from constituents who jammed the
meeting for the fourth straight
time, and allocated $500 to the
Haskell Task Force. The task
force channels money for the relief
of victims of the massive drought
See SGC, Page 2

FBI plans
probe into
tape gap
WASHINGTON (Reuter) --The
FBI yesterday launched a full-
scale probe of the mysterious 18-
minute gap on a White House tape
recording of one of President Nix-
on's crucial conversations about
the Watergate scandal. -
The investigation began as Nix-
on rejected a new bid by the Sen-
ate Watergate Committee for pre-
sidential tapes which could help
establish his guilt or innocence in
a cover-up of the scandal.
Nixon, through his lawyers, re-
fused to hand over five tapes
sought by the committee i-i a re-
vised subpoena issued 10 days
ago. The White House had earlier
said it would not comply with an
attempt by the committee to ob-
tain more than 500 recordilgs and
THE WHITE HOUSE pledged to
cooperate fully with the FBI in-
vestigation of how the 18-minute
gap occurred in a recording of a
discussion Nixon had with his then
chief of staff, H. R. Haldeman,
three days after the Watergate
But White House spokesman Ger-
ald Warren implied that Nixon -
one of only five people who had
access to the tape - would n o t
agree to be questioned by FBI
Nixon's attempt to restore his
credibility, badly damaged by Wat-
ergate, suffered a seri.us sethack
earlier this week when court-ap-

Films gaining academic

le gi

Last of Two Parts
Though there are more public
film showings at the University
than at any other campus in the
country, formal classroom stidies
here have traditionally ignored the
It now appears, however, that
both faculty and administrators are
finally beginning to recognize the
intense interest in film held by so
many students. More film courses
are on the way.
PROSPECTS SEEM excellent for
a ~nonttion nroara in film

tote movie

nearly a decade. A very small
number of students, in fact, have
already succeeses in independently
majoring in film.
Since there is no unified film
program, the courses are scattered
throughout the Departments of
Speech, English, Humanities, His-
tory of Art, Romance Languages,
and American Studies. There are
also courses in the Residential Col-
lege and the art school.
THE LACK of a central program
makes for much duplication of
courses. At least four or five of
the courses are introductorv and

Elements and History of Film." In
the future, the course will serve
as a prerequisite for all advanced
film courses and programs.
NO CLEAR consensus yet exists
among members of the Film Re-
sources Committee as to how the
film program should be structured.
Cohen is undecided. "As it is
now, people come from different
perspectives and backgrounds to
film, and there's an awful lot to
be gained from such a program.
"On the other hand, the whole
matter is so splintered and divided
l now. when ivo're that splintered.

structors and was forced to make
recommendations on future cinema
classes and programs.
"IF OUR BUDGET allows, we
expect to offer the opportunity for
a major in film and a unified film

film major. Students would select.
courses from already existing de-
partments for their major.
The creation of a complete, new
film department is also being con-
sidered by the committee, but
chances for its apnroval annear

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