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April 19, 1974 - Image 11

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Michigan Daily, 1974-04-19

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Friday, April 19, 1974


Page Eleven'

FrdaApil1, 94 HEMCHGADAL

J - _

headsor, tales







S Leson from Woody...
S. .. the art of PR
T'S CERTAINLY BEEN a year to remember in Michigan
The Wolverines shared Big Ten championships in both foot-
ball and basketball, came within a hair's breadth of the NCAA
title in wrestling, and rose from the ashes of a horrible season
to earn a playoff spot in hockey.
But one of the great things about sports is its perpetuity
and so, on this last day of the winter term, the thoughts of
ruany Michigan sports fans have turned to the year ahead and
the spectre of another season of Michigan football.
"Next year" officially starts tomorrow with the annual
exercise in gridiron futility, the Spring Game at Michigan
Stadium. Things have been pretty much business as usual
these past few weeks at spring practice as Bo Schembecher
endured the typical rash of injuries and complained about
the performances of his players.
Almost as predictably, the fans are saying that Bo is just
bluffing again and will field another ten-or-more victory jugger-
nae this fall and add more wins to his remarkable five-year
record of 48-6-1.
As successful. as Bo has been in his tenure at Michigan, he
has still not been able to shake his image as Woody Hayes'
pupil at the classroom of football in Columbus, also known as
Ohio State University. Scribes from all over the land have;
blasted both these highly successful coaches for 'the boring
Neahderthal offenses and the field-position, ball-control strate-
gi they subscribe to.
But one thing Bo hasn't learned from his former teacher is
"The Selling of a Football Team." Ohio State football, though
it can't match Notre Dame's national radio network, was easily
the 'most publicized football team in the college ranks last year.
Woody talked endlessly about the virtue's of his players--
they block like granite mountains, run slightly faster than a
speeding bullet,.and munch on Mom's apple pie every day after
practice. No lineman in the history of college football got more.
ink than Buckeye John Hicks did last fall.
I don't know how many times I read Woody's line on Hicks
that "John is the best lineman I've ever had at Ohio State-
and that includes Jim Parker."
k; Just as an example of the national publicity barrage
Ohio State had a year ago, only three players and one coach
had their pictures emblazoned on covers of The Sporting
News last fall. They were (in order of appearance) Randy
Gradishar, Woody Hayes, John Hicks, and Archie Griffin.
Dennis Franklin's injury notwithstanding, there were many
who thought Michigan's fine performance on that November day
was either a fluke, a function of home field advantage, or an
° off day for the Buckeyes. After all, who were these Michigan
guys anyway?
While OSU players adorned national publications, the Wol-
verines were lucky if their games were given lead headlines
in the Detroit Free Press until after mid-season. This seemed
perfectly natural. After all, the day to day struggles of the also-
xan Tigers needed to. be chronicled and Michigan State was
off to another losing season.
The publicity gap between Michigan and Qhio State reached
ts apex in a Chicago Tribune column by Ropoert Markus which
stated that he would have voted for Ohio State to go to the
Rose Bowl even if Michigan had won the Big Game. His reason-
ing was that Ohio State had many great players and Michigan
had a lot of good ones.
Of course, the outcome of a football game and season still
boils down to the relative abilities of the individuals and not
their press releases, but it sems that now, in the embryonic
stages of the 1974 season, Bo may have learned another lesson
from lovable Woody. "If your players are good, tell everybody
about it."
People around here are mentioning Dennis Franklin as a
Heisman Trophy candidate but just a great game against
Ohio State won't win the coveted award. Pre-season hoopla,
a good game on the West Coast against Stanford, and a
couple of TD passes against Colorado will establish Franklin
as a contender. A season consists of more than one game.
According to Bob Ufer, long time Michigan play-by-play
man and former star athlete, Schembechler may be changing
his ways at this early date. "He's already building up Franklin
and (Dave) Brown for the Chicago newspapers and other
audiences," says Ufer.
It's only speculation at this point, but don't be surprised if
Bo takes time out to be a part-time publicity man come Septem-
ber. That Hayes fellow is no dope.
Jabbar's 44
stops Bulls

CHICAGO UP) - Kareem Abdul-
Jabbar poured in 44 points but the
Milwaakuee Bucks had to turn back
a desperation fourth-quarter Chi-
cago rally last night to defeat the:
Bulls 113-111 for a 2-0 lead in their
National Basketball Association
Western Conference finals.

Tomorrow at 2:00 o'clock in
Michigan Stadium Bo Schembech-
ler puts on display..the 1974 version
of the gridiron Wolverines in the
annual spring game.
This year the squad will be di-
vided according to the teams nor-
mally playing together in prac-
tice. The Blue Team, composed of
the regular first unit offense and
defense, will be challenged by the
remainder of the Wolverines com-
prising the White Team.
This is a break from spring
games in the past where the
squad was broken up more or
less evenly not according to
SThereason for the change, ac-
cording to, Coach Schemnbechler,
are the large number of injuries
and the relative equality of the
first two strings. The final score
of a scrimmage last Saturday was
With a loss of over 20 seniors
due to graduation many unfamiliar
names will fill out the rosters of
the Blue and White squads.
A big question mark for Michi-
gan's offensive backfield is Chuck
Heater's ability to play fullback.
The senior-to-be Tiffin Ohio native,

presents a smaller, faster style
relative to the powerful "Shuttles-
worthian" Michigan fullbacks of
the past. He has made the adjust-
ment from tailback well and will
start at fullback for the Blue to-
Gordon Bell at tailback and
speedster Gil Chapman at wing-
back complete the Blue backfield
along with all-Big Ten quarterback-
Dennis Franklin.
Junior-to-be Mark, Elzinga will
call the signals for the White
squad. Spring standout Rob Lytle
at tailback, Phil Andrews at full-
back and Glenn Franklin at
wingback fill out the White back-
Other than Bob Lang at middle
guard and John Hennessy at tac-

kle, the Blue defense is composed
of regulars or near-regulars from
last fall. Dave Brown at safety,
Tom Drake and Dave Elliott in the
backfield, Don Dufek at wolf, Steve
Strinko and Carl Russ at lineback-
er and Jeff Perlinger, Dan Jilek
and Larry Banks on the line return
to one of the finest defenses in the
In the backfield of the White de-
fense willrbe among others senior-
to-be Harry Banks. The Clevelanfd,
Ohio, native, plagued with injuries
much' of his collegiate career, has
made the switch to defense from
the offensive tailback position.
Filling out the White defense
are Jim Bolder in the backfield,
Jerry Zuver at safety, Geoff Steger
at wolf, Calvin O'Neal and.Dave
Devich. at linbacker, and Pete
Traber, Mike Holmes, Larry John-
son, Jack Heffernan, and Greg
Morton, on the line.
Among the missing from to-
morrow's scrimmage due to in-
juries are defensive tackle Bill
Hoban, middle guard Tim Davis,
fullback Eduardo Gonzales, de-
fensive end Matt Caputo, fullback
Rick Vogele, middle guard Rick
Hoschalk, split end Jerry Col-
lins, and safety Jack Fairbanks.
But even among the familiar
members of the team, the gaps left
by the graduates has forced sev-
eral position changes.
A vital but possibly the weakest
cog of the Wolverine grid machine
is the offensive line. Seniors-to-be
Pat Tumpane and Steve King will
man the tackle positions on the
Blue Team. Greg Boik and Jim
Hall, both Ypsilanti natives, pro-
vide the depth at tackle and will
probably start there on the White
Jim Armour and Dave Metz will
start at guard for the Blue, backed
up by junior-to-be Craig McMullen.
For the White, Kirk Lewis and
Les Miles are the probables.
.At center, an impressive trium-
virate has competed all spring.
Dennis Franks will start for the
Blue while Jim Czirr and Tom Jen-
sen will trade off for the White.




Defen se


(27) K. Johnson
(64) P. Tumpane.
(58) J. Armour
(50,YD. Frank
(65)%.D. Metz
(67)'S. King
(84) G. DenBoer~.
( 9) D. Franklin
(44) C. Heater"
( 5) G. Bell
(24) G. Chapman.

SE (37) J. smith
LT (62) G. Boik
tG (74)-K. Lewis
C (52) J. Czlrr
RG (63) L. Miles
RT (70) J, Hall
TE (89) P Traber?
GB (16) M. Elzinga
FB (31)_ Andrews
TB (25),R. Lytle
WB (42) Franklin

(32) L. Banks
(71) J. Hennessy
(78) B. Lang
(97) J. Perllnger
(81) D. Jilek
(33) C. Russ
(59) S. Strinko
(35) D. Dufek
(28) T. Drake
(45) D. Elliott
( 6) D. Brown


( 8)

M. Holmes
G. Morton
L. Johnson
C. O'Neal
D. Devich
G. Steger
H. Banks
J. Bolden
J. Zuver

Daily Photo by STEVE KAGAN

Bru'.ins bumped;
New *.York rolls
. .. ... r-yt :r.. . t.A -4- Zn c rn y P i

Bell turns the corner

MICHIGAN TAILBACK GORDON BELL splashes through the Michigan State defense in last year's
Rain Bowl in East Lansing. Bell will start tomorrow for the Blue team in the annual Spring football
game. Always held at the conclusion of Spring practice, this year's game will pit the first string
against the second string, but should still be a tight contest. This fall Bell will probably start at
tailback as Bo Schembechler juggles his backfield, which lost fullback Ed Shuttlesworth and wing-
back Clint Haslerig by graduation. The big scrimmage starts at 2:00 p.m.



The Bucks led by as many as 20
points, 77-57, early in the third
quarter before the Bulls rallied.
With Milwaukee leading 93-77
early in the fourth quarter, Chet
Walker and Rick Adelman took
charge of the Bull offense. The
Bulls moved to within three points
twice, at 94-91 and again at 104-101,
but never could overcome the

Walker and Norm Van
shared scoring honors for the
with 27 points each.


,J the ADAMS

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