, hMii ryiil ir rriir tri Mw rwn... r r.rr.r ii tr SzI rn Badi ightyFour Years of Editorial Freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan lettersletters lettersletterslettersleti 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104 News Phone: 764-0552 FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1974 Women gag on'Throat' LINDA LOVELACE IS BACK in town and State Representative Perry Bul- lard's got her. The Bullard Action Now Group (BANG) is presenting a benefit showing of Ms. Lovelace's smash hit Deep Throat, the proceeds of which will go to finance Bullard's re-election campaign. BANG, the spearhead of the re-elec- tion campaign, should haul in enough money to last them right through the August primary and on in to the Uo- vember race itself. The commercial cam- pus film groups have- already proved there is big money. to be made in the porno film biz, witness the large drawing power of Behind the Green Door. It is indeed a very shrewd move by BANG, for they are guaranteed crowds and an overflowing cash box. But at the same time the move is reprehensible. BANG is filling its coffers through sexist exploitation. THE SHOWING OF THE FILM is an open insult to the women of Ann Ar- bor. Bullard has acknowledged the show- ing of the film, defending the right of BANG to show it. He appears perfectly willing to accept the money they are raising. By doing so, Bullard appears to say he does not care about the women of Ann Arbor. Bullard has talked much about the need for better legislation protecting and advancing the causes of women's rights. If he is really serious let him put his money where his mouth it and turn down the money raised by Deep Throat. Even better, he should turn the funds over to a local women's group to further the fight to end just such exploitation. -JUDY RUSKIN pornography To The Daily: WHEN WE discovered that New World Film Coop intended to bring a hardcore pornographic film, "Be- hind the Green Door," onto the University of Michigan campus as part of its film program we were angry because this kind of film had never been shown in Ann Arbor. The thing that most disturb- ed us was that this film was being shown on campus by a self-styled New Left Film group. This was a first, two firsts, actually: T h e first time people could actually see women degraded in one of the formerly sacrosanct campus build- ings where they regularly attend classes and the first time a porn film was being shown by a group supposedly dedicated to freeing oppressed peoples. Students no longer had to go to the tacky stag movie houses of Ypsilanti w i t h their unsavory clientele and steamy atmosphere. Now it was possible to see one of these films in a col- lege classroom (the amphitheater of the Natural Sciences Building) with their peers. No need to feel ashamed or embarrassed - it's quite the thing to do. New World had to schedule an extra show for each of the two nights "Behind the Green Door" was originally sched- uled to play to take care of the overflow crowd, and the following week added three more shows to accommodate those turned away. According to a member of the group they netted between $3,000 and $4,000 for a total of nine shows. Not bad for a campus film society. RECOGNIZING, if not a good thing, a profitable thing when they saw it, they showed "The Devil in Miss Jones" next (nine perform- ances given on three successive evenings) and we assume they again netted between $3,000 and $4,000. There was virtually no ne- gative reaction to these films, so apparently "liberal" Perry Bul- lard and his supporters decided showing pornographic films w a s less hassle and more profitable than other types of fund-raising and are planning to show "Deep Throat" as a fundraiser. It's as though Bullard were saying to wo- men, "I don't need your vote. I'm going to show "Deep Throat" and raise a lot of dollars for my cam- paign and if you women don't like it, you know what you can do." Yes, we women do know what we can do, Perry. We can vote for the Republican candidate, and even if he or she were an utter thief, as so many Republicans seem to be these days,. they'd be a thous- and times preferable to someone who goes out of his way to insult the female 51 per cent of the pop- ulation. If there's a H u m a n Rights Party candidate in the election who avows him or herself a champion of women, we'll vote for that candidate. WHY, YOU MAY ask, dear Reader, such rage about these films. After all, they're popular. Popular, true, but with whom? These films are made by men for men. Stanley Kauffman had this to say: "Performed pornography is an exercise in the humiliation of women ... Performed porno is a species of male revenge on our social system of courtship and monogamy, courtship in which a man has to woo a woman to get her to bed or wed him or both, monogamy in which he has nom- inally to forgo the favors of other women all his life in order to get hers. Performied porno makes ev- ery man a sultan." In other words, in pornographic films the female serves/is subser- vient to the male and can be tak- en by force (as the female star of "Behind the Green Door" is ab- ducted) or by purchase or by "seduction" or simply by the de- vice of a story line, no matter how farfetched it is. Pornography is shaping men's sexual attitudes. The message is that sex with women is their right, not something that women have to assent to. And attitudes determine behavior. It is a coincidence that the proliferation of pornography has been accompanied by an ever- increasing rise in the rape rate? Pornography is a contributing fac- tor is the ever-increasing attacks on women 'because men are getting the porn industry's message that women are not fully human, with a free will, (as men are) but are meant to serve and service men, like a lower order of beings. Geor- gia Stark, an actress in porno- graphic movies, was quoted in "Everywoman:" "The first film I made was a real downer. Afterward I started to think about suicide. But after a while I got so I could do the Elean- or Rigby thing - you know, leave your mind in a jarby the door. Then I'd know that I'm just an animal and they're taking pic- tures of me, an animal." Shouldn't women protect them- selves from such assaults on their humanity? As feminist Susan Brownmiller said, "Creeping porn in the name of freedom, liberty and the pursuit of the quick buck is symptomatic of disease within a body politic that has yet to come to terms with women." We demand that Perry Bullard come to terms with this body politic. We demand an end to pornographic films on this campus. -Beth Lindberg Joan Mathews April 18 counterpoint To The Daily: I AM WRITING this letter to ex- pres my comments on the recent article written by Paul O'Donnell. To begin with, I will state that I am a strong supporter of Israel and as such I cannot claim to be inbiased. But Ifeel that the firticle is not totally truthful or in historical context. O'Donnell states that Israel oc- oupied over 70 per cent of Pales- tine in, 1948. Too often people equate Palestine with Israel; that they are one and the same. That is not true. Prior to World War I, '"Palestine" was a non-national geographic area of the Ottoman Empire. Out of this were created the states of Jordan and Syria by the English and French, respec- tively. In 1917, the Balfour De- claration called for the creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. One of tis provisions was unlimit- ed Jewish immigration. BUT BY 1939, acceded to t h e Arabs' demands that Jewish immi- gration be halted by issuing the White Paper of 1939 which undid the Balfour Declaration. But immediately following t h e war, the Jews actively moved, both diplomatically and via the under- ground, to establish a Jewish state. At the same time Arab national- ism was on the increase, so colli- sion was inevitable. After several years of continuing trouble, the United Nations concluded that the only solution the partition of Pal- estine into a Jewish and Arab state. The Jews accepted the resolu- tion. The Arabs didn't, with the 1948 War resulting. Eventually the fighting ceased and a much larger Israel resulted. IN THE ARTICLE there is the statement by "Huseen": "M a n y Jews talk about the 'good old days' when the British controlled the country." What good old days? The British were, for the most part, openly pro-Arab. By limit- ing immigration, the number of Jewish dead rose in Europe. Also, until the British departure from Palestine in 1948 they jailed any Jew found carrying a weapon, de- spite the fact that the Arabs within and outside of the area were open- ly arming and warning that they would forcibly prevent partition. The statement that "Palestine was never hostile to Jewish immi- gration" is interesting. Perhaps O'Donnell, if he wants to learn more of the facts, should read the statements of the Arab League in the 20's--40's and the accounts of the Arab riots in the 2)'s. If Pal- estine was never hostile, why the White Paper of 1939? Why t h e smuggling of Jewish immigrants? FINALLY, "HUSEEN" makes the statement that he wouldn't live in the U.S. because his tax money would support Israeli military ef- forts. It should be mentioned that the U.S. also supplies arms to Jor- dan and Sapdi Arabia. This is in- teresting in view of the stereotype that the Jews control Congress. If so, why would Congress authorize the training and supplying of Is- rael's antagonists? - -Dennis R. Laffer, '76 April 17 4 Nicolls To The Daily: I AM WRITING in response to an article in The Daily of April 18, 1974 concerning William Nicolls, an employe of the Undergraduate Library. The quotes that were at- tributed to me were never made by me and completely misrepre- sent what I told the author of the article. Mr. Nicolls has worked at the Undergraduate Library for over nine years and has always been conscientious and reliable In his job. I feel that the article in the Daily was hostile and pointless in its content. I believe you would find people w~ho know ' and work with Mr. Nicolls would agree with my sentiments. It would be nice if the Daily would try to be a little more "human" in writing,. ns feature articles. -William Rickenbacher UGLI Circulation Supervisor April 18 (Continued on Page 5) Housing Office insensitivity COMMUNICATION AND understanding between the Xhfiversity Housing Of- fice and the dorm residents has reached an all time low this semester in the upperelass and grad houses of Baits on North Campus. The two central issues in this conflict are the disbursement procedure for the student-designated revenues from the profits off the Coke machines in the houses and the procedure used to appoint Resident Directors and Advisors for next year. In December North Campus Area Direc- tor Ed Salowitz began enforcing a Hous- ing Office policy stating all "coke" money spent by students must have the approval of a house student government. Up until this time the money was dis- tributed to the RD's and RA's and spent according to their interpretation of the student's wishes. No opposition of this procedure was voiced by students. IN AN INTERVIEW this week Feldkamp alleged some staff were improperly spending the money but would not elab- orate further and added it was subse- quently repayed. So this issue boils down to Salowitz and the Housing Office enforcing to the letter a housing office policy that was in direct opposition to the wishes of the staff and students as they indicated many times in meetings with him. The Housing Office has given conflict- ing reports as to exactly what has hap- pened to the student money totaling $444, according to Jim Anderson, who keeps the Editorial Staff DANTEL., DIDDE Editor In Chief J" T RU$KflN and RJMWECA WARNRh Manaing Editors TotS SORWARTZ..... ...........Sunday Editor MAR!fN PORTER .................... Sunday Editor SUE STEPfE1SON ................Feature Editor )4AXINI ETH.. ,..........Editorial Dietr CTDY BILL...... .. . . ...........Executive Editor WI E ' PWK ..........................Arts Editor STAFF WRITERS: Prakath Aswani, Gordon Ateheson Laura Berman Dan Blugerman, Howard Brick, Bonnie Carnes, Charles Coleman, Barb Cornell, Jeff Day, Della DiPietro, Mike Duweck, Ted Ivan- oft, Matt Gerson, William Heenan, Steve Berseh, Jack Brest, Andrea Lilly, Mary tong, Jean Love, Jeff Luxenberg Josephine Mrcotty, Beth Nisen, Cheryl Pilate. Ann Rauma, Sara Rimer, Jim Sehter, Bob Sedestin, tephen Sebt. Chip Sicair, Jeff Sorensen, DAVid StoIl, Paul Ter- wiliger DAILY WEATHER BUREAU: William Marino and Den- nis Dimnahek (forecasters) S ports Staff MARC FELDMAN Sports Editor GEORGE HASTINGs Executive S60rte Editor Mlnaksng Sports Editor..........ROER RossT= Associate Sports Editor ...............JORN KALER , COU Iting Sports Editor .... LARKE COS)ILL xContributing Sports Editor ... .TKiERESA SWEMO Photography Staff TROAS 00'T1 MS Chief Phtographer KEN PINK ....................Staff Photographer STUART HOLLANDER..........Staff Photographer KAPIN SASMAUSKI ............ Staff Photographer DAVID MA0OLICK..........Staff Photographer ALLISON RUTTAN ............. staff Photographer JOHN UPTON..................... Staff Photographer Business Staff MARK SANORAINT Business Manae books in the Housing Office. But what is important is that it appears the stu- dents will not be able to spend the money designated for them for this semester. There are no entertainment dues in Baits and this is the only source of money for them to fund a party or social event. IT IS INTERESTING, then to notice that the other major conflict this year, opposition to the hiring procedure by the Baits students and staff, also revolved around written housing policy-only this time it was Salowitz who was in direct opposition to it. He did not properly inform the stu- dents of the formation of a student com- mittee for staff selection until after a stormy meeting with students, staff, Feldkamp and himself. And then, after a committee was finally gathered, he refused to let them see the applications and interview notes on the applicants. The current staff who were riot re- hired are running the full appeals route, but Feldkamp has already overruled the Housing Office appeals committee in favor of Salowitz and in opposition to popular student sentiment as indicated in a Daily poll of Baits residents. FIGHTY BAITS RESIDENTS in all houses were randomly contacted yes- terday and asked to fill out an eight question, yes-no questionnaire about the Housing Office's relationship to the stu- dents this year. To the question "Do you feel North Campus Area Director Ed Salowitz has been less than fair and straight forward in his dealings with the Baits students and staff?" 60 percent of the respondents said yes. 60 percent also thought that Salowitz's hiring procedure for next year was less than "fair and just." ' The strongest indication of a lack of faith in the Housing Office is that 53 percent responded positively when asked "Do you feel the staff's opposition to Ed Salowitz on the 'coke fund,' hiring pro- cedure and other political and ideological issues caused their not being re-hired by him?" As the Daily was going to press yester- day, John Feldkamp conceded to consider redoing the hiring procedure for RD's and RA's for next year during the Spring Term, after a unanimous vote by the Housing Unit Committee urging him to do so. FELDKAMP COMMENTED this is the first indication from students and staff that this would be an acceptable solution to the hiring controversy. This raises the question of whether it is the responsibility of the students to extend themselves to inform the Housing Office of their sentiments or the respon- sibility of the Housing Office to find out what the students feel and respond ac- cordingly. Since the students are the ones paying for the housing and services, the burden of communication rests on the Housing Office-and it has failed badly in that respect this year. DAN BLUGERMAN TODAY'S STAFF POLITICS OF LSA Conclusion: No action, no progress By JOHN LANDE and MARNIE HEYN rHIS IS THE last in a series of articles on the political structure of the Col- lege of Literature, Science and the Arts and relevant parts of the University of Michigan that has spanned over almost three weeks and that has benefitted from the contributions of seven different writers. We have generally tried to view the Col- lege as a political structure critically in need of improvement, rather than the result of demonic personalities or inherent wickedness of faculty or daministrators. We believe that there are many excellent fa- culty and administrators and many non- constructive students in this College. While we believe that the College and the University have been very unfair on many issues, we have tried to resist the temptation to respond unfairly. WE HAVE TRIED to describe the poli- tical structure and history of different parts of the College which document our beliefs that student committee sitting and proposal writing by itself can not stim- ulate the important structural change so desperately needed in this college. WE SEE ONE basic choice open to stu- dents: the choice between a c t i o n and inaction. We believe that students can only bring about needed changes through strong, well-aimed and persistent action and we have tried to suggest different actions individuals and groups might choose in an effort to bring about real change in this College. In an ideal situation, we would h i v e written this series to be half as long, twice as clear and at the beginning of the year. We have not been working under ideal conditions and many of you may not have had an opportunity to spend the time with these articles that you might have liked. In yesterday's edition we published a set of suggested tactics you might choose in your interactions with the College and a perspective of change. Complete sets of shis series will be available at the Daily (420 Maynard) and at the Student Counseling Of- fice. GOVERNANCE (April 2) The decision-making structure is designed to overrepresent faculty interests and under- represent legitimate student interests in College governance. The "open" decision making process is designed to be impossi- ble. The real decision making is done be- hind closed doors. The system needs an entire overhaul. Most of the power is in the College Ex- ecutive Committee. Find out what it is up to. Get copies of its reports from the faculty meetings or the dean's office. Tell faculty members of the Committee what you think about what they are doing. The Daily should cover the Executive Committee actions re- gularly. REFORM (April 3) Major reform has been stalled for five reforms will not be fully implemented un- less you keep the pressure on the faculty and the administration to demonstrate that they are keeping their commitments. You don't have to be the president of a country or a university to break commit- ments. The Commission Report represents t li e latest effort to co-opt students. While certainly some of its proposals would re- sult in improvements, it is another at- temnpt to maintain the current political structure. We suggest that you get what you can from the Commission Report, but don't stop there. CURRICULUM (April 4) The departments are responsible for most of the problems with the curriculum be- cause of their economic-political structure which has supported them for years prac- tically on their research alone. Since the research money resources have dried up considerably, departments are going to de- pend on student enrollment revenue increas- ingly. This alone should result in increased qual- ity of curriculum. You can help the pro- cess by giving departments feedback or. their performance by supporting them, by ta-king their courses if they are good, and by boycotting their courses if they are bad. There is nothing like a free market. You can free the course market even more by choosing the BGS program ra- ther than the BA/BS. This would liber- ate the course market particularly for courses required for distribution, language, and concentration requirements. Educationally, the BGS is a superior de- gree because you get the opportunity to design your own program instead of fit- ting into somebody else's pre-measured cub- byhole. If the faculty ever does pass the institute proposal in the Commission Report and any institutes do become established, they promise to provide some real educational excitemment. Look for them. TEACHING AND TENURE (April 5, 11) Because of the economic outlook in this country, the situation for faculty looks grim. Some experts believe that by 1980, the system of higher education will be able to afford neither the tenure system nor the relatively high mandatory retirement age. While both systems have positive values, their abandonment (jarticularly of the ten- ure system) might be responsible for sig- nificent improvement in the quality of teaching and thought in the College. If the tenure system remains, the already tight job market for junior faculty will become all but impossible and the College will suf- fer the slow death of old age. Any mandatory retirement age is in- herently unfair. Some of the best faculty only begin to come alive in their fifties and sixties, while others are functionally dead at thirty. It seems clear to us that our system of higher education can no longer afford to support elderly faculty across the board. 'We therefore recommend the general lower- over us and are not about to give it up easily, so don't waste your time arguing the issues on grading. It is a purely political decision. This is one place that only a real show of organized strength might result in structured change. We suggest non-disruptively packing rele- vant faculty meetings. You should really hear the rationalizations they make up for yourselves. You will wonder how they can keep a straight face. A historical note: Packing the faculty - meetings was a tactic that was successfully employed to establish the BGS degree as a copout for the foreign language require- ment in 1968-69. On a personal level, if you feel that you have been graded unfairly, write the Exe- cutive Committee, the department chair- person, the undergraduate departmental as- sociation and the Student Counseling Of- fice with carbon copy notation (five cents a copy is a cheap price for a little jus- tice) so that each body knows that every other body knows about your perception of unjust grading. At least this would perform an im- portant feedback function for the instructor and possibly improve his or her practices for later students. Depending on the in- structor'stsituation, this might cause him or her to practice his or h-er practices elsewhere or at the same rank longer than expected. Making people work under the threat of negative evaluation is a dirty trick. W. wish the faculty would stop it. COUNSELING AND OTHER STUDENT SERVICES (April 6, 10, 12) Many different counseling services a r e available on campus in addition to the Col- lege's academic counseling services. If you are not satisfied with one service's coun- sel, go to another. For information about counseling and other services, call 76- GUIDE or the Office of Student Services (764-8437). The range of services available to you as a student includes: counseling, career planing and placement, library, housing, medical, cultural, recreational, and record keeping services. These are students' services. We pay for a large portion of them. We should have a fair share of the decision-making as to how they should be administered. Unfor- tunately we students do not. This was made clear recently when the Vice President for Student Services over- ruled a decision by the Housing Policy Com- mittee to maintain the dormitory rates and ordered an 8 per cent increase. Students are being economically exploit- ed and it is about time that some action is taken here. We suggest writing letters to the Vice President the President and to your state legislator for a justification of the increase. If you are not satisfied with their responses, keep writing until you are satisfied. Withholding the rate increase would be a more direct and appropriate protest. Last fall's tuition strike failed because of poor all organizing to try to get a fairer deal from the University at the same time that the state and federal government are cut- ting back funding. Something has got to give and unless stu- dents organize to protect ourselves, it will be us. We may not be able to roll back last year's tuition and dorm rate increases, but we stand a better chance of preventing next year's increases by organizing to protect your economic interests; otherwise-"we should be prepared to pay fee increases that will make this' year's increases seem like nothing. In the past, students and workers have collaborated to attain some measure of justice from the administration, notably during the BAM strike and the _1AFSCME strike in 1970. This sort of partnership should continue: if we expect to be treated fairly, we as students should support Uni- versity worker/union activities when they raise legitimate demands. INFORMATION (April 17) The Collge creates and uses a great deal of information that is treated as private property which must be protected from foreign subversives (the public). This is a public college and all information except that bearing on the privacy of individuals should be made public. The College is charged to make an annual report to the University and each, teach- ing unit in the College is charged to make an annual report to the College. The College and the departments should either make these reports available to the public or prepare special annual reports for stu- dents. The College is setting up a new comput- erized information system which has a great potential to serve students' interests and also to hinder them. It is very import- ant that a student-faculty policy board (with parity) be established to monitor and ad- minister this system. REFORM AND REVOLUTION (from PESC Papers on Education, excerpts in April 13 edition) The educational system in this country is largely a servant of military and indus- trial interests. The educational. system pro- duces technologies and methodologies and the kind of people that are necessary for the continued maintenance of these inter- ests. It is, therefore, not surprising that the College and University have prevented whatever progressive structural changes it possibly could. Our analysis demonstrated that the Uni- versity is subservient to the society. The nature of education will not change until we change the nature of our society. This is the importance of the critical awareness we can develop as students. The question is whether or not we will allow ourselves to be processed as elites, or whether we can use our radical conscious- ness to aid in the struggles of oppressed people for human liberation. AWARENESS AND ACTION (April 18) Awareness of ourselves and our social environment can be a source of great po- I