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April 17, 1974 - Image 9

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Michigan Daily, 1974-04-17

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Wednesday, April 17, 1974


Page Nine

Wednesday, April 17, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine~

split wide to the left
clarke cogsdill
A small step for a coach:
a giant leap for Rick Bay
PEOPLE DROP out of coaching every year. In most cases,
poor won-lost records and even-poorer salaries cause this
attrition. Unnoticed for the most part, the departing coaches
enter fields like life insurance or real estate, and work out the
rest of their lives with a minimum of disruption.
Rick Bay is not the typical departing coach. In four years
here, he took an already-strong wrestling program and came
agonizingly close to winning the national championship. He was
under no win-or-else ultimatum from either administrators or
alumni-and there is every reason to believe he could have gone
on and coached successful teams as long as he wanted to. He
dn't, and it's difficult to understand why.
Any coach, if he is a normal human being, will neces-
sarily develop a strong sense of obligation toward the athletes
vho are straining themselves on the coaches' behalf. It
is their action, both in and away from the arena, which will
determine his reputation as a coach and as a human being
with whom it is worthwhile to associate.
Behaviorists to the contrary, there is no way any coach has
total control over the actions and attitudes of his squad. A coach
an lead, exhort, persuade and implore, but if he has any re-
spect for .the autonomy of the athletes as individual persons,
he will not compel them to make any sacrifice they would not
agree to make independently-and if he tries, he will find him-
self without a team altogether.
The individualist ethic breaks down. The coach, as a person,
becomes only partially responsible for his actions and their
consequences. He is utterly dependent upon the goodwill and
cooperativeness of his team if he attempts to teach them that
in sports there are values that are more important than the
won-lost record, and when they are performing, the result us-
ually hinges on a combination of talent and fate over which he
has absolutely no control.
But although the coach's responsibility for his team's results
is limited, his accountability is infinite. There is simply no-one
else who can be called for to explain the success or failure of
the team, and in our guilt-ridden Protestant culture, we insist
dogmatically that for every sin there must be a sinner, and
that for every good act there must be a saint. Never mind that
life is really much more ambiguous!
In athletics, unfortunately, all these considerations pale
before the ultimate yardstick: victory or defeat. Society
will canonize its SOBs if they can win like Vince Lombardi,
and laugh at good people like Johnny Orr if his teams lose
a few more than Sports Illustrated predicts.
This emphasis extends into our everyday lives. Often we
will describe people we know as "winners" or "losers" and go
no farther than that. We continue to insist upon capitalism, a
strange doctrine that insists that everyone benefits if everyone
holds a knife to everyone else's throat, but never quite manages
to hit the jugular.
The concept of victory, therefore, can be extended too far
and becomes the standard by which we judge our lives. A "win"
becomes not just something that happens when the game is over
and you add up the score, but a direct reflection of one's per-
sonal worth. Similarly, defeat is not just something that happens
when the game ends too soon, but becomes a statement of ac-
cusation and blame. Indeed, since it's impossible to win all the
time, the possibility of defeat becomes the games-playing cul-
ture's substitute for the doctrine of Original Sin - the chief dif-
ference being that games, unlike the church, don't claim to offer
any hope of redemption.
For thirty-one years, Rick Bay has devoted himself to
competing fiercely. His intelligence and physical talents have
been such that he almost always wins - and that's the problem.
As a sportsman, he accepts defeat as gracefully as anyone, but
inwardly - as he admits - he is unable to convince himself that
occasionally it's all right to come out second best.
"I was really proud of the way we wrestled this year at
the Big Tens," he recalls, "and I knew we had wrestled the
most outstanding tournament in Michigan history. But I stil
felt terrible about coming in second, even though the guys
did better than I had any right to expect. That's just no way

to live."
The nature of sports makes it too easy to react this way-
to enter the murky realm in which victory and defeat become
competing ideologies - and when you get into this trap, where
your personality insists that it must be invincible, there is only
one sane response: get out while you can.
Rick Bay's decision to leave coaching was absolutely the
right thing for him to do. If he can find an activity where what
he does won't be measured against a scoreboard, he will cer-
tainly do well.


T h e Michigan baseball t e a m,
finally breaking t h e i r scoreless
streak of over 20 innings, split a
doubleheader with Bowling Green
yesterday winning 1-0 and losing
2-1. Both games were pitching bat-
tles with the Falcons collecting five
hits per game while Michigan man-
aged four in the first set and only
two in the second.
Michigan won the first game in
the seventh and final stanza with
the only run of the game-a de-
layed suicide squeeze bunt.
After Greg Buss had been re-
tired to open the inning, Dan Da-
miani hit a high bouncer over Fal-
con third baseman Joe Meyer.
Larry Gustafson responded with a
single into right and took second
on the throw to third in which
Dami~ani was safe.
BOWLING GREEN then held a
conference on the mound and de-
cided to intentionally pass Dick
Walterhouse to load the bases and
go for the force at any base.
That left it up to Chris Burak.
After a Ruthian swinging strike,
Burak executed the squeeze, and;
it worked perfectly. That was it
offensively for the mighty Maize
and Blue in the :first game of the
Michigan skipper Moby Benedict
moaned, "The squeeze is about
the only way we'll score." He was
openly disappointed with the per-
formance of the bats.
THE WINNER of the game was
Chuck Rodgers who had his off-
speed pitch working well as he
chalked up six strikeouts.
Bowling Green coach Don Pur-
vis knew it would be a pitcher's
battle from the outset. "Yes, I
saw that Michigan had lost 1-0
and 2-0 over the weekend and have!

had other close games as well."
That's why the Falcons went for
the sacrifice from the second in-
ning on. They attempted four, of
which three were successful.
The Bowling Green sixth inning
looked the most promising against
the Wolverines. Designated hit-
ter Gary Turner led off with a walk
and moved to second when Meyer
was hit by a pitch. Dale Swiger
laid down a bunt but Turner was
forced at third. Both men moved
up on a grounder to first. Finally
in a 3-2 pitch, Fred Jereb flew out
to right to end the inning.
If one thought that the Michigan
bats were cold the first game, they
were even colder the second. They
must have been stored on the east
side of a glacier during moose
hunting season in Siberia: Two hits
were all that the Wolverines could
scrape together. Five out of seven
innings, Michigan went down in
order, one-two-three. The contest
only lasted one hour.
A FRUSTRATED Benedict aptly
said, "We're an apathetic hitting
ball club right now."
The Wolverines solo run came
off the bat of John Lonchar when
the big catcher propelled a 370-
foot blast over the left field wall
in the fourth inning to tie the game

Pete Ross collected the only oth-
er Michigan hit but was wiped out
on an attempted steal. The only
other inning in which 'a Michigan
batter reached first base was the
This easily could have been a big
inning. Mike DeCou reached first
on an error by the shortstop Gary
Haas. Designated hitter Ted May-
han hit a sizzling grounder that
was turned into a double play. But
the inning was not dead yet. Ross
walked but was caught stealing in
his first of two aborted thefts.
CRAIG FORHAN started on the
mound and needed relief help in
the sixth by Tom Joyce. They were
opposed by Falcon southpaw Mike
Forhan was touched in the third
when after one out Dave Fox sing-
led into right. After another sac-
rifice, Larry Owen singled him
home. The fire wasn't out yet as
Haas hit a bouncer off Forhan's
toe and was safe when the throw
from Forhan forced Ross high in
the air off first base. Finally Dick
Selgo endedthe inning with an
unassisted putout by third base-Ri
man Ed Clegg.
The winning run scored in the
fifth when Mark Aprile led off with ..
an infield hit. Moved up again by
the sacrifice into scoring posi-
tion, he scored when Owen re- Michi
sponded with his second RBI of the char
game scoring Aprile on a close swing
play at the plate. home
It was a beautiful day in Bowl- in Bo,
ing Green but the batters just verine
didn't respond to the warm wea- Bowli
ther. Maybe they will have better Boi
luck this weekend in Iowa and ning
Minnesota. dropp'




By The Associated Press
NEW YORK - The fast-breaking
Boston Celtics, getting 20 or more!
points each from John Havlicek,
Don Nelson and Jo Jo White, rode
a 33-point third quarter to a 111-99!
victory over the New York Knicks
last night for a commanding 2-01
lead in their National Basketball
Association playoff series.
Game three in the best-of-seven!
Eastern Conference final 'show-,
down will be played Friday night
in Boston.


The racehorse Celtics, trailing
60-53 at halftime, outscored New
York 33-14 in the crucial third
period and catapaulted to an 86-
74 lead by the end of the quarter.
A 19-4 burst in the opening 6%1
minutes of the period proved de-
cisive as the Celtics charged ahead
72-64, and the Knicks never re-
Havlicek, who was devastating
with 19 points in the first quarter,
wound up with 27 points. Nelson
Ts ished with 23 and White added

Walt Frazier was high for New
York with 21 points and Bill Brad-
ley scored 20.:
* * *
Chicago bulled
MILWAUKEE - The Milwaukee
Bucks, led by 25 points from
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Bob
Dandridge and tight team defense,
whipped the Chicago Bulls 101-85
last night in the opening game of
their National Basketball Associa-
tion Western Conference playoff
Oscar Robertson a d d. e d 15
points for the Bucks, who with-
stood a fourth-quarter Chicago
rally led by Norm Van Lier, who
finished with 26 points.
Game Two will be played in Chi-
cago Thursday night.
The Bucks outscored the Bulls'
13-2 and held them without a fieldI
goal for 4 minutes and 14 seconds'
to open a 70-50 lead with 5:20 left
in the third period.

The B
points o
to withi
Ron W
Curtis P
a pair b
led 89-7
utes to
a flurr
back to
with 4:

gan catcher John Lon-
illustrates the powerful
that produced a 370-foot
run yesterday afternoon
wling Green as the Wol-
es split a twinbill with the
ing Green Falcons, win-
the opener 1-0 while
ing the nightcap, 2-1.
Bulls scored the first five
f the fourth period to close
n 13 points, but baskets by
Villiams, Jon McGlocklin,
Perry and Robertson offset
by Bob Weiss as the Bucks
2 with more than six min-
Bulls retaliated by forcing
y of turnovers and fought
o within 91-81 on a three-
play by Dennis Awtrey
:20 left.
Williams and Van Lier ex-
baskets, Abdul - Jabbar
an Awtrey shot at the two
mark and Robertson drove

APRIL 17-20,


& white 1liars
two plays by PETER SHAFFER

Daily Photo by TOM GOTTLIEB
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Rangers tip Montreal;
SChicago edges Kings


a layup as

the Bucks put itI



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By The Associated Prenm
MONTREAL-Ron Harris' goal
at 4:07 of the overtime period gave
the New York Rangers a 3-2 come-
back victory over the Montreal
Canadiens last night.
The victory gave the Rangers a
3-2 edge in the best-of-seven Stan-
ley Cup quarter-finals with game
six scheduled for Thursday night
in New York.
Harris scored the game-break-
er after Bruce MacGreggor's
second goal of the game-and
fifth of the series-with only 16
seconds left in regulation had
sent the game into overtime.
The Canadiens never managed
a shot in the extra period as the
Rangers buzzed around the Mon-
treal net. Then after Pete Stem-
kowski won a faceoff at the right
circle, Harris fired a blistering
shot from about 40 feet.
Chicago clinches
CHICAGO - Jim Pappin's un-
assisted goal on a 40-foot slap shot
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with 4:37 left in the game boosted
the Chicago Black Hawks to a 1-0
victory over Los Angeles last
night and eliminated the Kings
from the Stanley Cup playoffs.
The victory advanced Chicago
into the semi-final round of the
playoffs against the Bruins Thurs-
day night in Boston.
Until Pappin's second goal of
the playoff, it was a defensive
struggle between the two teams,
with goalies Tony Esposito of
Chicago and Rogatian Vachon of
Los Angeles controlling the ac-

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American League
New York 2, Boston 1
Cleveland 3, Milwaukee 2
Texas 3, Kansas City 2
Chicago at Oakland
Minnesota at California
National League
Pittsburgh 8, Chicago 5, 12 innings
Montreal 4, New York 1
Philadelphia 10, St. Louis 3
Atlanta 4, San Diego 2
Los Angeles 5, Cincinnati 3, 11 innir
Houston 4, San Francisco 0

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