Tuesday, Apri 1 16, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Tuesday, April~16, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Pane Sv v.er I i Daily Classifieds, (Continued from Page 6) BUSINESS SERVICES MUSICAL MDSE., EDDIN RADIOS, REPAIRS W SONY TAPECORDERt TC377. Perfect oriinal jewelry condition. $310. Call 763-6322 betw. 6- y 6:30. _ 92X19 Jhan 769-7550 SONY HP-580. Has dual turntable, AM- cJ414 FM. Great sound. $250. 761-2271. _ 02X419 HERB 'IEAS have been used for thous- ______ ands of years throughout the world. GUITAR.LESSONS Enjoy the culture of the continents. Class or private instruction - all 24 herbs in one package from Celes- styles. Our studios also accommodate tial Seasonings. Health food tores banjo, flute and recorder, keyboard,' have it. Mo's 24 Herb Tea. cJ19 bass drums, clarinet, oboe, and sax _..---- Call Ann Arbor Music Mart, 769-4980. TUTORING SPANISH/ENGLISH, Exper- cXte lenced bilingual instructors. Call 668- _ _- 6489, after 5. 75J416 SUNN COLISEUM Slave, $400. Brand ~P~~~~~~~~~~~ new. Brian, (517) 439-9853 collect lers Associates.665-5225. 57J19 71X16 YAMAHA 12--trng epiphne electric TYPING and EDITING. Call Jean, 944- guitars. Price negotiable. 769-4236. 3594, 10 a.m.-10 p.m.cJtc 57X16._MOVING SERVICE, 769-2645. ONE PIANO. Typical upright, honky- cJtc tonk type. Yours for the taking* Call G 761108 r 159 d16TYPING-769-2645, anytime, cJte 761-1058 or 1059. dXl6 __ - -__ The ANN ARBOR SCHOOL OF ALTEC BOLERO SPEAKERS $225.00. CREATIVE MUSIC J.V.C. 5551 Receiver 50/50 continuous Private instruction on all instru- $250.00; Akal GXC 38D Cassette Deck Piaeisrcino l ntu $125.00; Sansu 5000A Receiver $20000 ments-jazz and classical techniques .52X17 -modern theory and harmony-com- 683-3342. position-weekly jazz workshop-ar- FOR SALE: 1973 Fender Rhodes Electric t stic spiritual guidance. For inter- Piano. Great condition. Also, pre view appointment call Prof. Curtis CBS Fender Bandmaster, Amp top. 662-8281. 72J19 663-0681. dX17 ---- - -- ---- _ GIBSON flat top guitar. 1 year old. CAR SERVICE, ACCES. Good price. Apollo Music Center, 4 SNOW TIRES, like new BMW 4 stud 769-1400. - Xtc rims. Speed balanced, *$25.00/each or! SMALL UPRIGHT PIANO by Vose & best offer. 971-9362 after 6. 07S18 Sons. Good condition and tuned. Must sell now. Apollo Music Center, BIKES AND SCOOTERS 769-1400. exte- ..-. ___ HONDA CL-350 exc. cond. $600 76- RENT A GUITAR. Why Buy? Lessons 4959 after 6 p.m. 54218 available to-boot! Your quality music -- -_- -_._.---. store, Apollo Music Center, 769-1400 MAN'S BICYCLE, ten speed, $40, call cXtc Meloy, 764-7936, 5:30-6:30 p.m. s 52Z417. ' ' a 1 E C PERSONAL PERSONAL THE COPY M LL YOU TWO can choose your wedding in- vitations and accessories in private 211 B. S. State: 662-3969FE nd at your convenience. Samples de- FOR QUALITY COPIES AND OFFSET livered, Finest quality at best prices. Call 769-6815 during morning hours. WE MEET our competitors prices Just I rd ask. Village Apothecary cFtc - . ----- .--...PSYCHOLOGICAL STUDIES INSTI- SEPARATED? DIVORCED? Searching TUTE invites applications for its new for a way forward? Join 10 men and graduate programs in Clinical-Coun- women in a sharing supportive work- seling psychology. Admission compe- ;hop, May 3-5. Call Bob or Margaret titive. Professional faculty. For fur- Blood, 769-0046. 93F19 ther information write to Dr. C. S. -- - -~~-- -~~ - Wallia, 2251 Yale St., Palo Alto, CA. INTERNATIONAL STUDENT ID avail- 95306. 64F16 Madi n C 03FE. OWN ROOM in House near campus and Mdison.02F418 hospitals. Parking. May-May lease. INTROACT: Personal Growth Group, Call 761-6939. 62Y16 Thurs. eves. Call Richard, 662-4826. BOARD EXAM TUTORING One day workshop on ANGER, April Enrollments now being accepted fo 20. Call Michael 662-2801. 37F416 S. H. KAPLAN tutoring courses to WHERE MARGINAL PRICES buy qual- prepare for the upcoming M.C.A.T., ity diamonds-Austin Diamond, 1209 D.A.T., and L.S.A.T. Board Exams. S. University, 663-7151. cFD , Call (313) 354-0085. cFtc EED S E SPIU FRES Why buy mass produced WEDDING MENT? Visit the student-run Chris- RINGS? Have your own personal de- tian Science Study Room, room 4305, sign made by Jhan. 769-7550. cFtc Michigan Union any weekday after- MIDDLE EARTH is having a moving noon. 00F418 sale. Find the bargains at 215 S. State. Mon.-Sat. 10-6, Sun. 12-5. nights 4th floor Rackham Tr i13F416 t V ra GUITAR LESSONS Private instruction in all styles. Beginners can take advantage of our six-week class program, just $12; materials included. Our studios also accommodate instruction on flute, recorder, banjo, piano, oboe, clarinet, saxophone, bass, and drums. For enroll- ment call: 769-4980 336 S. STATE STREET (Open 9:30-9 daily, Sat. till 6:00) Instrument rentals available at student rates - ---__________________________ ________________________________________________ I No"= JOIN GEO VOTE ON RATIFICATION OF CONSTITUTION " FISHBOWL: I tol. TODAY and Wednesday, I Come to our office, daily I1 to 2. * or, send someone from your department to pick up a ratification packet. P " , tA ol*)ULL*. try it. cFtc WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY. Profession- al Custom Work. Very reasonable. Call Modern Photography, 8-6 p.m. 761- 0272, cFtc TYPING-769-2645, anytime. cFtc ABORTION ALTERNATIVES offered by PROBLEM PREGNANCY HELP. 24 hrs. phone 769-7283. Office. Basement,400 S.Division, cor. Wil- liam. Mon.-Thurs. 1:00-4:30 p.m. Thurs. 6-9 p.m. Free pregnancy test- ing, cFtc PINBALL, BOWLING, FOOSBALL MICHIGAN UNION LANES OPEN 11:00 A.M. MON.-SAT. -F NOT SURE WHAT TO DO NEXT? Life- Planning Workshop on reassessing priorities, April 26-28. Bob or Margar- et Blood, 769-0046. 92F19 BUMPER STICKERS custom printed while-U-wait! MBL Press, 12171 Prospect, Ann Arbor, 761-0942. cFtc WEDDING INVITATIONS--Mod. or tra- R4+4 -e.4 of-I "n 7 1 ^^A ^^ .w..a.. XEROX AND OFFSET Fast, low cost duplicating. COPY QUICK 1217 S. University 769-0560 PIPE SMOKERS! Handcrafted meer- schaum pipes. Exceptional values and the most personalized of service. Free Catalog. PMP Co., P.O. Box 444, Gaithersburg, Md. 20760. 66Ftc I MELLOWED-EASE-Music for wed- dings, parties, etc. All styles, includ- ing 50's, R&R. 761-8296 evenings. 56F19 PINBALL S1217 S. UNIVERSITY cFt c SKI SEMESTER END in the Canadian SRockies. Call Brad,449-2668 or Hidl x 668-6227. Meet at 624 Church (3rdl floor) Wed., April 10 or Tues., April: 23 at 7 p.m. 55F19 WHY WALK FARTHER? Get your Levi's cuffed flairs at WILD'S VARSITY SHOP This isyour key to unprecedented calculating capacity. Only Hewlett-Packard offers it. ROOMMATES MALE OR FEMALE GRAD. Spacious. peaceful apt. May thru August. Call Cindy 683-3844. 31Y418 2ND MAN in larger bedrm. of 2 bedrm, 3-man apt thru Aug. A/C, fully car- peted, quiet neighborhood. Price neg. 769-6185, after 5. 63Y19 SIX BEDROOM unfurnished house needs two roommates. Summer, pos- sible Fall option. 763-6534, 741 Pack- ard. 21Y19 FEMALE ROOMMATE(s) needed for 1. of nice, large two-bedroom apt. across from Law Quad. Fall option on apt. 763-6043. 38Y19 DENTAL STUDENT has 1 bedroom avail-Fall. 1 or 2 roommates 994- 0369. Good location. 49Y19 1 NEEDED for 4-woman apt. May-Aug. on campus. A/C. free parking. Sun- deck. Call 663-0828. cY19 FALL: Need 2 women for modern 3- man. Walnut St. $85/mo. 665-9260. 90Y16, TWO FEMALES NEEDED desperately for fall-winter. On campus, modern, bi-level apt. $84/mo. Call Lynn, Joan. 994-6224. 95Y17 UNFURNISHED ROOM, May-August. Rent negotiable. Fall option. 662-9260. 32Y419 FEMALE, MALE roommate wanted - 4-bdrm. house with 3 amiable grads. Summer and Fall._ David Beltzman, 763-6853; Mike, 668-7927. 52Y16 FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted immedi- ately. 2-bdrms. Own room. No lease. 994-0779 after 4:30 or weekends. 74Y19 WANTED - For Fall - Female to fill single room in house w/4 other peo- ple. W/stipulations. Burns Park area. Call 769-7341. Call persistently. 77Y19 FOR SALE: girl's 3 speed bicycle. Call Marlene: 761-4281. 39Z414 EXOTIC Campagnolo Equipped Italian 10-speed Bicycles, $25 over cost in box. 1-291-6802. 17217 BSA 1969, 650, lightning. Asking $700. Must . sell 663-6955. 79Z414 YAM 350 '71. 5000 mi. $475. Kevin. 769- 4562 78Z416 CYCLE INSURANCE. Immediate cover- age. Low rates. Just call Renwick, Grimes, and Adams Insurance. 437-t 1708 South Lyon. cZtc PERSONAL FUTURE CPA's. Learn how to prepare for the CPA Exam. BECKER CPA! REVIEW COURSE. Call collect: (313) 864-0128. 08F419 I HAPPY BIRTHDAY KELLY! from Dud- ley, Nel, and Bubby Bear. 54F16 TRAVELERS: Experience a foreign cul- tare before you go! Cross Cultural imulation Game. INTERNATIONAL CENTER, Michigan Union Bldg. (Madison St. Entrance) 7:30-9:30 Wed. April 17th. 15F17 INDEPENDENT investigation of Truth. Baha'i Faith. 764-9868. Informal ex- planations and discussions whenever you like. 19F511 WANTED. 400 well-wishers to invest more or less 50.00 each to make Da- vid's Books the best, cheapest (25% off) and one of the biggest A.A. Bookstores. Excellent terms. 209AS. State. 663-8441. 28F19 GAY LIBERATION FRONT social meet- ing Tues. April 16. 8 p.m. Union, South Wing, 3rd floor Conference Room. All welcome! Come out! Info 763-4186, 761-2044 (Gay Hotline, 24' hrs., 7 days), 662-9559 (Black Caucus). ditionl Istyle. Call 761-0942 an~rtime. ____._.......__. ... . ._... r GRADUATE STUDENTS WELCOME! GRAD COFFEE HOUR WEDNESDAY s-10 p.m. West Conference Room, 4th Floor RACKHAM It lets you "speak" to your Calculator with total consistency, because it lets you load data into a 4-Register Stack. This means: (1) you a/ways enter and process your data the same way, no matter what your problem; (2) you don't have to re-enter data; (3) you can see all intermediate data anytime. Our HP-45 is one of two pre-programmed scientific pocket-sized computer calculators with this key. That's one reason it's the most pow- erful pre-programmed pocket-sized scientific computer calculator. Here are three of many others: 1. It's pre-programmed to handle 44 arithmetic, trigonometric and logarithmic functions and data manipulation operations beyond the basic four(+,-, x,+). 2. It lets you store nine constants in its nine Addressable Memory Registers, and it gives you a "Last X" Register for error correction or multiple operations on the same number. 3. It displays up to 10 significant digits in either fixed-decimal or scientific notation and automatically positions the decimal point through- out its 200-decade range. Our HP-35 is the other. It handles 22 functions, has one Addressable Memory Register and also displays up to 10 digits in either fixed-decimal or scientific notation. It's the second most powerful pre-programmed pocket-sized scientific computer calculator. Both of these exceptional instruments are on display now. If you're looking for unprecedented calculating capacity for your money, by all means see and test them. Hewlett-Packardmakestdie most HEWLETT PACKARD advanced poket-sized computer calculators in the world. ULRICH'S BOOKS, INC. 8:30 549 EAST UNIVERSITY B r 64109 0 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Monday-Friday; 9:30-5 p.m. Saturdays .RDS HONORED: HARGE, BANKAMERICARD, ULRICH'S CHARGE -U Hewlett-Packards 0" ANN ARBOR, MI 48104- (313) 662-3201 CREDIT CA MASTERCH HP-65 Fully programmable Pocket Calculator YOUR OWN ROOM available in apt.in MAESUBJ SWANTED, above av- aerage pay for one-hour experiment NOW IN STOC K for immediate de ivery fine oldraoue honuAnnS. War a, about negotiating. 764-0259 today be- to - operative household. May - May, twn112frapime. 5F8 $80/mo. Call 763-6655, ask for Neil or tween 11-2 for appointment. 551 dY5 SUE, Martin, and Colleen Piszczalski FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted for 2- call Carla immediately, if not sooner, '769-3942. dFl9_______________________ ______ person, 2-bedroom, A/C apartment. 4d Packard and Hill. $75/mo. 769-0981. EVERY DAY is RING DAY at the Mi. dY17 chigan Union. See our display of class HP-35 H P-45 STREAKER T-SHIRTS (I'd rather Be rings at the concession stand on the Streaking). $3.90 plus 60c postage. first floor. cFtenow now Send cash. certified check or money FOUR COUPLES TO ENRICH THEIR order to Box 120 Michigan Daily. PARTNERSHIPS. Weekend Experien- $225.00 $325.00 State size S ,M, L XL. 61F18 itial Workshop. April 19-21. Call Bob SPEND A SUM4MER with The Rejects. or Margaret Blood, 769-0046. 71F18 $45/mo. 769-0888. 20Y416 ART PRINTS and leather goods are RoOMMATE NEEDED May-August -_ 25% off at Middle Earth. 215 S. State Enormous room. Rent negotiable. Call Mon.-Sat. 10-6, Sun. 12-5. 13F416 U LR IC HS Bookstore 549 East Univ. Ellen, 662-3858.- 63Y19 CREATIVE WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY PHONE 662-4403 TRY DAILY CLASSIFIEDS 769-053c I NEW ITEMS: * Maxfield Parrish Poster Book BO KSL Gardening Books--in stock BFO r 1974 Travel Guides 0 We continue 10% discount on hardcovers I SUPERMONEY. Adam Smith. Smashing sexy economics bestseller, WORLD ARCHITECTURE: an illustrated history. Covers the eight / by author of THE MONEY GAME. Smith puts on insider's view in major periods of orchitecture to modern. Over 1000 illus., 32 color. C novelistic longuage and exciting metaphor. Oriq. 7.95. SALE 2.98 A reference must, an illustrated bibliography essentially and a love- / lv book, superb coffee - table piece. Originally pub, at 30.00. RIVERS OF NORTH AMERICA. 70 full color plates. America is SALE 9.98 endowed (was endowed) with amazing grand rivers flowing thou- sands of miles and giving this country the most continuity its ever been able to muster. Oriq. 15.95. SALE 8.95 HOUSEPLANTS & INDOOR GARDENING. Cyril Harris. Beautiful LAROUSSE ENCLYC. OF MUSIC-One of the few en- book. Now that spring is here, indoor gardening rejuvenates. All clyclopedias to be read straight thru. Fine, broad survey season sport in Michigan. Lovely color illus. Good buy. SALE 3.98 o musichistory from its oriins (not .eool t sec- -t ion cle e ietos d yA oknilsfn F index. A must for the music historian and the Renais- FILLE de JOIE. Subtitle: Book of Courtesans, Sporting Girls, and sance man. Special SALE 12.98 Ladies of the Evening, A Few Occasionals and Some Royal Favo- rites. Subtitles given lest someone come in looking for that new LAROUSSE WORLD MYTHOLOGY. Put toether in the book on horses. Underground price 25.00. SALE 9.98 methodical, complete manner of Sorbonne scholar, the A PICTORIAL HISTORY OF HORROR MOvI.ES. Denis Gifford. Long material here is finger-tip-controlled. Arranged continent- ally, illus. profusely, lots of color, this puts together all unavailable (we've been out for 2 months) this is a horrible book. the tidbits of mythology that you wonted to know but SALE4.98were afraid o ask. Oriq. about $30. SALE 9.98 WOMAN'S OWN BOOK OF HOUSE PLANTS. Wm. Davidson. Ob- viously a sexist book, but Davidson's background is unchollencie- able. He spent 7 years lost in the jungles of Ceylon, where he not only cultivated but smoked, ate, and slept on what are known to- LOOKIE HERE day as house plants. Often called the FATHER of house plants. SALE SALE 3.98 IF THE WAR GOES0ON. Herman Hesse. Req. 6.95 1.98 BOOK OF BOTTLE COLLECTING. Doreen Beck. She become a A PERSONAL ANTHOLOGY. Luis Borges. Reg. 5.00 1.98 millionaire when she dug up her basement and found a Hopi cor- bage dump full of bottles. SPEC. 2.98 FUNERAL RITES. Jean Genet. Req. 7.50 1,98 MIRACLE OF THE ROSE. Jean Genet. Req. 7.50 1.98 THE ORIENTAL WORLD, best buy of ad., 228 illus., 112 in full OUR LADY OF THE FLOWERS. Jean Genet. Req. 6.50 1.98 color, index, biblioq, glossary and further reading list Broad sur- very, good illus. Original price 30 shillnqs; SALE 3.98 ENEMIES: A Love Story. I.B. Singer. Req. 6.95 1.98I You're serious about photography. So is the Canon F-I To you, photography is more than a hobby. You may never want to become a professional. Yet, your photography is as important a means of self-expression to you as your speech: You demand the same excellence in your photo- graphic equipment as you do of your photographic skills. The Canon F-1 is the camera that can fulfill any photographic task to which you put it. It can stand up to your ability in any situation. Naturally, a great camera like the F-1 won't ensure great results. That's up to you. Yet-it's nice to know that your camera can grow with you as a photographer. Part of the reason for this is the F-1 system. Since it was designed in totality, it offers total perform- ance. There is nothing "added on" in the F-1 system. Everything works as it was designed to, and inte- grates superbly with everything else. You'll spend less timeworrying about operating the camera than in shooting. And that's what creative photography is really all about. COntrols fall into place under each finger. It's no accident. Pro- fessionalswho depend on a camera for their livelihood have a deep, regard for the F-1's handling. It's Sharing these lenses and many of these accessories are the new Electronic Canon EF, with fully automatic exposure control, the FTb, now improved with all expo- sure information visible in the finder, and the TLb, great for a second camera body or for getting started in Canon photography. Canon. For serious applications. For serious photographers. Isn't it time you got serious?