G1We ~Mzrcqn It Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan _ POLITICS OF LSA Work 0 r. -W 420 Moynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104 News Phone: 764-0552 TUESDAY, APRIL 16,1974 Supreme Court ducks issue WELL, FOLKS, the Supreme Court did it again. Yesterday's "routine" order from the tribunal, denying certiorari to a lawsuit by U. S. Representative Elizabeth Holtz- man and three Air Force officers chal- lenging the constitutionality of President Nixon's bombing of Cambodia without a declaration of war by Congress, is prob- ably the fatal blow to all those who wish- ed to have the U. S. war effort declared illegal, as well as immoral, imperalist, barbarian, and -so on. But even more outrageous than the Court's failure to face up to its constitu- tional responsibility as a check on the ar- rogance of the executive branch, was the argument advanced by Nixon's lawyers in their brief requesting the Supreme Court to drop the matter. In brief, the Nixonmen argued that there was no need for a Supreme Court decision because American combat ac- tivity in Cambodia allegedly ended last August 14, mooting the issue. THAT CLAIM IS A LIE. Just last month, 10,000 American "advisors" (where have we heard that one before) were shipped over to "help" the Phnom Penh government in its continuing counterin- surgency efforts against the Khmer Rouge. United States money continues to bankroll an overwhelming percentage of the Cambodian war effort. Secretary of State Kissinger has even claimed that, with respect to Southeast Asia, the Unit- ed States has a "moral responsibility" to intervene because previous Administra- tions had the poor judgement to toss 50,- 000 American lives, and more than 20 times that amount of Vietnamese, down the drain. Despite all the administration rhetoric, and despite the fact that Ohio farm boys are no longer returning home in pine boxes, the Indochinese war contin- ues, and so does United States interven- tion. Presidential flunkies may cry "peace, peace," but there is no peace. At home, similar lies were unmasked, and produced Watergate. Both the Supreme, Court's decision, and the continuing American role in Indochina, are similar- ly intolerable. -MARNIE HEYN By KIRK E. WILCOX THE UNIVERSITY is a living, breathing organism. Every four months it inhales and exhales 42,000 students. The basic build- ing block is a work force of 14,346 em- ployees (according to the Affirmative Ac- tion Programs 1973-74 projections). T h e enormity and anonymity of the University's employment pool makes it difficult to realize that Ann Arbor's industry of educa- tion is based upon individuals. The following are interviews with individ- uals, a drop in the bucket of the Univer- sity's employment pool. Jennifer Friesen is a twenty-three y e a r old clerical worker at the registration and advance classification office. Her general function is to assist in the paper-consuming processing of thousands of students' forms. "Being part of a bureaucratic system, which seems inefficient and wasteful, does not contribute to a worker's self-esteem. I will grant (most) office jobs here will be boring. But, there's little the university can do about that. And, the benefits are excellent." CITING THE wastefulness and ineffic- iency of the university, Ms. Friesen points out the paper shortage (yes, there is a pap- er shortage besides toilet paper) and the university's lack of conservation. "We don't like to waste paper in a paner shortage, but the system seems to encour- age it." Through the efforts of the CCFA (Con- cerned Clericals for Action), the univer- sity's three thousand clerks and secretaries will soon be able to vote on whether to have such unions as UAW, Teamsters, and AFSCME represent them. When asked if she would be in favor of a clerical union, Ms. Friesen replied, 'Em- phatically. We don't feel that we're getting enough (money). We are so easily replace- able." A vast part of the inefficienucy at the registration office is the high turnover rate. In these days of money-grubbing in- flation, unionized job positions could se- cure that important cost of living differen- tial. PROCESSING forms, typing, and other related duties at the university are ne- cessary functions yet often frustrating. "It's really hard to take pride in your clerical or secretarial work because you never see the result of your work - only mistakes. No matter how good. a job you do, it seems somebody farther down the line can negate it," Ms. Friesen says. To be a part of a system as large as the Unixersity leaves one with a sense of ing departmentalized insignificance. As Ms. Friesen puts it, "I feel I represent the U like a gas station attendant represents Standard Oil." THE UNIVERSITY employs 2,727 work- ers who feed the system's various wants and needs. One such worker is Margaret Muller, 59, who for four years has prepared meals as a Cook Ii at Markley Hall. Ms. Muller is no new-comer to the culin- ary arts. For thre genrations, her family has opated a restaurant. After 78 yars of being "in the business," Mr. Muller de- cided to seek employment with the univer- sity. "There are far less headaches here at the university, and I know what I'm go- ing to take home each night," says Ms. Muller. 0the s5 job. That in itself is an accomplishmentl in this day and age. She does not feel1 she is an insignificant part of a system + that is too big. If she really has an axe to grind, it concerns the parking problem. "The parking for kitchen people is ter- rible. Last fall, we walked off the job an hour to protest. For punishment, we were docked an hour's pay, and the park- ing problem still's not resolved." THE UNIVERSITY'S lower level instruc- tional staff, 2,200 teaching fellows accord- ing to GEO-OTF figures, comprises approx- imately 14 per cent of the university's em- ployment pool. Jean Ferguson is a 23 year old English teaching fellow. In a department w^th rver 100 teaching fellows, Ms. Ferguson's first year of teaching has proven to be an edu- cational experience. "It's really hard to take pride in your work because you never see the result of your work-only mistakes. No matter how good a job you do, it seems somebody farther down the line can negate it. I feel I represent the 'U' like a gas station represents Standard Oil." xi5:.": -0re }' :::.;n i-"::"-:} :"4?ii }}:{ 'i""{: g.: } . : i: i"Am fir' .:Myir stern lower level instructional staff has been traditionally apathetic to political issues, GEO-OTF's attempts to unionize are strik- ing a responsive vein. "English teaching fellows actually in- struct three hours per week. We also have regular counseling hours when we meet with individual students. Contact w i t h students, preparation for class, and three hours teaching gives us our twenty hours for which we are paid." "MOST PEOPLE in English put in more time than that. I do. Twenty hours is sup- posed to be half-time employment, but in English, it's counted as, one-third time," says Ms. Ferguson. GEO-OTF is trying to bring about a more objective way of establishing stand- ardized contact and preparation hours than the nebulous "good faith" principle cur- rently in effect. Commenting on the problems related to the size of the university, Ms. Ferguson says, "The size of the university is really frustrating. Trying to solve some prob- lem or bring about change becomes an incredible chain of events - they can always send you to another office." As far as her job goes, Ms. Ferguson relates a familiar theme, "I like the actual teaching. It's just too bad you have to beat somebody else out for that position." THROUGHOUT THE University there are similar stories about the needs and wants of the people who do much of the day to day work that makes this institution run. The University is in the middle of several groups that it has abused, neglected, and alienated for years. Health care workers, secretarial and clerical workers, and grad- uate teaching fellows are all organizing to get a fairer deal out of the University at the same time that state and federal funds for education are evaporating. In the past, students and workers have collaborated to attain some measure of justice from the administration, notably during the BAM strike and the AFSCME strike in 1970. This sort- of partnership should continue: if we expect to be treat- ed fairly, we as students should support University worker/union activities when they raise legitimate demands. In a time of budget crunches, students should also learn that we have some measure of protection from ghastly tuition and dorm rate hikes if - and only if - we stand together as unions do. Faculty dodges requirements Cooking meals for 1,185 Markley students is no job for a galloping gourmet. How- ever, Ms. Muller lets it be known that, "I won't put out anything that I won't eat myself." Ms. Muller enjoys working for the uni- versity. Ms. Muller takes advantage of all the benefits such as health and life in- surance and a retirement plan. Beginning in August, Ms. Muller will receive a cost of living wage increase as a result of the recent AFSCME strike and negotiations. THE GENERAL working conditions in the kitchens are quite satisfactory according to Ms. Muller. Duncan Hines would be pleased with the cleanliness of the prem- ises. Twice per year, Environmental Health and SL fety officials inspect University kit- chens to enforce state health regulations. "Most supervisors are fair. They respect your opinions," says Ms. Muller. "They are lenient on recipes. If we (workers) suggest something new, they'll try it." The flexible relationship between kitchen workers and supervisors is in part attri-' butable to a sufficient number of super- visors. With four supervisors advising twen- ty employees, a one to five ratio promotes good communication. Ms. Muller is generally satisfied with her "There seems to be very little organiza- tion in the English department. For exam- ple, there's no real traiinng, you just kind of do the best that you can. There's little help along the way unless you seek it out," Ms. Ferguson relates. I The flexibility in selecting books suitable for teaching English is a positive factor in Ms. Ferguson's opinion. However, the dis- cussion sections are too large for the type of courses being taught. Student enrollment in English courses has been steadily declining over the past few years. America's cultural and educational emphasis upon science and technology has lost the perspective and direction the arts and humanities provide. CONSEQUENTLY, the University's purse- strings are drawing tighter around the Eng- lish department. "It seems that without those N a t i o n al Science Foundation awards, money doesn't come in too quickly. Of course, with English and the humanities, progress is harder to measure than the sciences. The English department lost federal and Ford Founda- tion grants, and once again we're faced with more people (TF's) and less money," explains Ms. Ferguson. Though the English department's 1 a r g e THE DECISION BY the faculty of the College of the Literature, Science and the Arts to put off discussion of graduation requirements comes as a dis- appointment to those of us who would like to have requirements relevant to today's society and students. The Com- mission, which was started in 1972, is still having its report studied by the Govern- ing Faculty. The report was submitted to the faculty of LSA on March 1, 1974. Since LSA has put off the discussion it may mean that it will be a full year be- Editorial Staff DANIEL BIDDLE Editor is Chief JUDY RUSKIN and REBECCA WARNER Managing Editors TONY SCHWARTZ .................. Sunday Editor MARTIN PORTER .................... Sunday Editor SUE STEPHENSON .................... Feature Editor MARNIE HEYN .................... Editorial Director CINDY HILL .....................:Executive Editor KENNETH FINK ......... .....Arts Editor STAFF WRITERS: Prakash Aswani. Gordon Atcheson, Laura Berman, Dan Blugerman, Howard Brick, Bonnie Carnes. Charles Coleman, Barb Cornell. Jeff Day, Della DiPietro, Mike Duweck, Ted Evan- off, Matt Gerson, William Heenan, Steve Hersch, .ack Krost, Andrea Lilly, Mary Long, Jean Love, Jeff Luxenberg, Josephine Marcotty, Beth Nissen., Cheryl Pilate, Ann Rauma, Sara Rimer, Jim Schuster, Bob Seidenstein, Stephen Selbst, Chip Sinclair, Jeff Sorensen, David Stoll, Paul Ter- williger. DAILY WEATHER BUREAU: William Marino and Den- nis Dismachek (forecasters) Sports Staff MARC FELDMAN Sports Editor GEORGE HASTINGS Executive Sports Editor Managing Sports Editor ..........ROGER ROSSITER Associate Sports Editor..............JOHN KAHLER Co2nri1iting Sports Editor . CLARKE CO DILL Contributing Sports Editor.......THERESA SWEDO fore The one. the plans are adopted and initialed. commissions report was a promising It includes such proposals as * Restrictions on drop-add be re- moved. * An overhaul of the admissions pro- cess including the university making an attempt to recruit older people out of the traditional 18-22 age bracket. * Dropping the SAT, grade-point re- quirements and high school standing as specific criteria for admission (going on the individual instead of their scores and numbers) ThESE ARE CONCRETE proposals that would help to change the face of American education, as one of my pro- fessors put it. But when the LSA facul- ty finally decides to do something about the Commissions report, it will be too late. Let's hope that in the fall when LSA faculty convenes to discuss the pro- posals it won't stall until the next year. Why is it that people are creatures of habit instead of being creatures of rea- son? Why is it that people wait and wait with the simplistic attitude that since it has always been done this way, there is no harm in doing it this way now. That philosophy does not work anymore. Now is the time to challenge our traditional institutions, structures and roles. The sooner we all see that and work together for the collective good, the sooner this rotten society will change for the better. -CLIFFORD BROWN TODAY'S STAFF: News: Gordon Atcheson, Dan Biddle, Bill Heenan, Cindy Hill, Judy Ruskin Editorial Page: Marnie Heyn Arts Page: Ken Fink Photo Technician: David Margolick RN1 New name, By CLIFFORD ALTFELD IISTA, the federal anti-poverty volunteer program, is being forced by the Nixon administration to act like an agency of the Unit- ed States government. "Grass roots" community organizing has been all but eliminated as VISTA volunteers are increasingly assign- ed to federal agencies. The program's "anti-poverty" emphasis has taken a back seat to "volunteerism" as VISTAS are as- signed to recreation projects in upper class communities such as Georgetown, D.C. In the name of "scarce skill" recruitment t h e agency has begun a program of discrimination against social ac- tivists. VISTA, started by Johnson under OEO, was designed to be the do- mestic Peace Corps. The program was designed to "tap" the ideal- ism and energies of the youth of the sixties. Thus, at a very low cost of thousands of alienated young people could be brought in- to the government and set to work trying to involve alienated "low income" people in the processes which affect their lives. WHEN THE NIXON administra- tion moved in, VISTA, Peace Corps, and an entire alphabet soup of retired persons volunteer pro- grams,ACE, SCORE, RSVP, and others, were merged into one large ACTION Agency. The Nixon ad- ministration then proceeded to al- locate $0.00 for VISTA in 1970. VISTA volunteers, however, man- aged to gain congressional sup- port for the program and it was funded in full. Nixon then appointed Michael Balzanno to head the ACTION Agency. Balzanno had no exper- ience in government or in organ- izing but he had done a Ph.D. thesis on how to deradicalize VIS- TA. This was done during a long recovery period following an ac- cident sustained while working as a sanitation engineer. Nixon and Balzanno decided to keep the VISTA program in name but change the content. The six weeks of training in community organizing, patterned after the style of Saul Alinsky, were drop- ped in favor of three days of A.B.C., the Action Basic Curri- culum. Scarce skill recruitment was introduced although few of the skils, such as urban planning, are ever put to use. Home town ACTION, seemingly, is not content to let its action speak louder than words. Latest in Balzanno's directives is a move to "cost effictive" style of administration. Translated this means that VISTA sponsors such as welfare rights groups or ten- ants councils are asked to par for volunteer's transportation and su- pervision expenses. If the organiza- tion is unable or unwilling to pay for social change then it looses ils volunteers. State ACTION director Lindsy Scott reassured volunteers that the move wasn't politically motivated. "Our prime concern is financial. We're looking for agenices who can foot the bill!" Vistas feel that the charge of $10,000 for a project supervisor and $180.00 per year per VISTA volunteer for tvansp.r- tation will make the projects too expensive for those organisations in the low income community which are actually run by low income people. Many VISTA volunteers have urged their projects to re- ject ACTION demands. IN CHARLESTON, V. Va., one Vista project talked their commun- ity Action Program into refusing to pay the additional funds to AC- TION. ACTION closed the project and gavetherVISTA thirty days to transfer or terminate. If the ACTION squeeze plai is successful, the money is diverted from the low income community to the VISTA program. Often the organization is unable to come up with the funds. In Nor- folk, Va., a welfare rights project was given to a Family Service- Travelers Aid Agency because the welfare group tried but failed to raise the transportation costs. When VISTAS are move] to lar- ger agencies they are asked to an- swer phones for legal services, process housing complaints, etc., in exchange for funds supplied by the agency. The volunteers are in- creasingly being used as ill-paid outreach workers for social serv- ice agencies. NIXON'S ATTACKS at VISTA have not been limited to the in- dividual projects. The Domestic Volunteer Advisory Council w a s designed to provide expertise and direction for the VISTA projects. Congressional intent was that low income people should have input into the programs by which they n... nffmrtPA VISTA ime old selves as the National Vista Al- liance. The union serves to press for resolution of volunteers griev- ences. AMONG THE grievances are: 1) Failure of ACTION to reim- burse volunteers for purchased project vehicles. 2) Failure of ACTION to provide required support services such as transportation, supervision, or tech- nical assistance. 3) Gross misplacement of vol- unteers' skills. Since placement isn't revealed until half way through training, volunteers us- ually go along with VISTA place- ment. As one ACTION official stated, "If we told these college kids they were going to be work- ing with the police in offender programs they'd never come." 4) Lack of a cost of living raise. Volunteers receive about $180.00 pe month, a figure based on a 1968 poverty level. 5) Project termination, firing of supervisory personnel, and other actions taken for political reasons. In Cumberland, Va., a supervisor was "demoted" to volunteer status power following his efforts in the union. 6) Imbalance in funds appropria- tion. Regional directors receive about $30,000, state directors re- ceive about $20,000, project super- visors receive about $10,000, and Vistas get about $2,000. SINCE "VOLUNTEERE" are not federal "employees" the National Labor Relations Board has denied collective bargaining rights to the union. The NVA is run on dona- tions from volnnteers and is in constant financial trouble. Ielp from AFSME was recently with- drawn and hopes of affiliation with the Communications Workers of the Allied Chemical and Atomic Work- ers have failed to materialize. The NVA relies on lobbying for its strength. After a congressional letter writing campaign, followed by a NVA court action, ACTION granted a grievance procedure for VISTAs. ACTION personnel are the grievence hearing officers and AC- TION defines which matters are grievable. Late checks and lack of monthly report forms are griev- able matters. Inadequate super- visory personnel, project termnna- game tion, and ACTION-sponsor contracts are not. . The NVA has lobbied ;ust to keep the word "anti-poverty" in the 1973 Domestic Volunteer Serv- ices Act. Although receiving much help from Congresswomen Chis- olm and Mink, the union is cur- rently being bogged down hi a court suit with ACTION over the transportation funds moritorium and dismissal of supervisory per- sonnel. Although the 1973 DVSA states that ACTION is responsible for support services, it is not. ex- pected that the courts will h o I d the executive branch to follow- ing an act of congress. A RECENT poll showed t h a t over sixty percent of the people in this country favor a year or two of mandatory service for y o u n g adults in either the armed forces, or Peace Corps or VISTA. Clifford Alt field was a VISTA worker in Norfolk, Virginia, in- vestigating lead paint poisoning. He is a senior in History of Ideas in the Residential College. Letters to The Daily -. OO- " a . - " Indochina To The Daily: IN 1973 60,000 people were killed in the first year of peace in South Vietnam. The Saigon gvernment with U.S. assistance imprisons be- tween 100,000 and 200,00:1 political prisoners violating the Paris Peace Agreement and preventing Viet- namese Peace thru political strug- gle. In this context, the Student Government Council, by a small majority, blocked passage of the 1974 Indochina Peace Resolution which calls for the U.S Congress to pass legislation to compel the Executive branch to implement the Paris Peace Agreement. The original resolution, submit- ted by the local Indochina Peace Campaign to SGC would prohibit non-humanitarian aid to 'either party in South Vietnam which does not comply with the Agreement which provides for a cease-fir- and for the restoration of the basic freedoms of press, spec h, meet- ing, political belief and movement For the neonle of nSoth Vietnam ' above mentioned provisions and in addition any violation of the free- dom of property. BY EXTENDING the coverage of the provisions to all of Indochina, the amended resolution is supposed- ly free from political bias. B u t this ignores the realiv, for :he reality is that it is one party, the Saigon government, whien prevents implementation of the Paris Peace Agreement and one superpower, the United States, who permits this. The amendment is i. addition a gratuitous swipe by Matt Hoff- man at North Vietnam. W ar it does is to demand that Congress. not give missiles and tanks to North Vietnam as long as it re- stricts private property. It makes a mockery of a very serious, well- constructed proposal to deal wi h the facts of continued U S involve- ment in Indochina. The 1974 Indochina 1-eace Re- solution represents the view of the United Campaign, 3 group of national organizations including the Vietnam Veterans Against the War. paign people urged Marsha Fisch- man to withdraw the proposal when its intent was vihated and the political reality ofF peace in Indochina ignored. The hi-tory of U.M students within the antiwar struggle is a progressive. one. This is only a tpmrporary sehback. The Indochina Pe wce Campaig i w 11 continue to present the resolution for passage as is with tro amend ments until SGC passes It. --The Indochina Peace Campsgn clericals To The Daily: CONCERNING your reporting on the efforts of University clericals to unionize -- there are a couple of points that you do not seem es- pecially clear on. First, not all clericals are secretaries. M a n y are classified as library assistants, clerks, etc. Second, not all cle'i- cals are women. There are some men, albeit few, in clerizal posi- tions. ""