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it A
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Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. LXXXIV, No. 89 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, January 17, 1974 Ten Cents
Ten Pages
GOP and garbage
One of the sturdiest planks in the Republicans' plat-
form for last spring's city elections was a pledge to im-
prove the city's garbage collection. One student caller
told us the following saga: His garbage had not been
picked up since he returned from vacation. He called
the office of Mayor James Stephenson, and within 20
minutes - "count 'em" - a man from the public works
department arrived to survey the situation. Later that
day an emergency pick-up was scheduled for the stu-
dent's apartment and the garbage was gone by the next
Regents in town
The Board of Regents is in town again today and to-
morrow for an uneventful slate of January meetings.
Topping the agenda for today's 2:30 to 4 p.m. public dis-
cussion is a session on the Board in Control of Inter-
collegiate Athletics. Rumor has it that athletic boss Don
Canham will be called on the carpet for a number of
alleged offenses, and some discussion of women's inter-
collegiate athletics is also expected. The discussion will
be followed by a one-hour public comments session. To-
morrow's 11 a.m. public meeting will be topped by an
action-packed vote on the University's (ho-hum) patent
policy - reports that the Board plans to vote on a
dorm rate increase are unfounded, according to Secre-
tary of the University Richard Kennedy. Both Regents
sessions will be held in the Regents' Room, on the first
floor of the Administration Bldg.
PIRGIM hits landlords
A recent PIRGIM survey of Ann Arbor tenants
claims that a number of rental agencies are in violation
of the 1973 damage deposit law. The law forbids the
collection of a damage deposit in excess of one and one-
half month's rent. A damage deposit is defined as any
rent paid in advance except the first month's rent.
Management campanies in violation of the law in-
cludes: Maize and Blue, Summit-Hamilton, Wilson-White,
McKinley Associates, Campus Rentals, Dahlmann, Man-
agement Enterprises and Campus Management. A num-
ber of tenants are considering filing suit against the
rental agencies.
Happenings . .
. are slim. A meeting for all persons interested in
working for rent control has been scheduled for tonight
at 7:30 in the Union, Rm 4110 ... The Bach Club meets
tonight at 8 in East Quad's Greene Lounge: Bach, Beet-
hoven and good fun . . . Local women involved in craft
work are invited to discuss "Women and Art" in a
panel seminar today at 4:15 p.m. in the Arch. Aud... .
Tonight is International Night at the League, featuring
Austrian food from 5 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. . . . A new
feminist organization called FIST (Feminists in Struggle
Together) will hold an organizational meeting tonight at
7:30 p.m. at 331 Thompson.
Kidnap suspects nabbed
Police in Rome have arrested three men on charges
of kidnaping J. Paul Getty III and said a gang known
as the mainland Mafia was involved in the crime. The
police also recovered a cache of money - amount un-
disclosed - which they suspect to be a portion of the
$2.7 million ransom paid for the youth's release. They
are now searching for a fourth man believed to be m-
volved in the crime. The mainland Mafia is said to be
as vicious and deadly as its counterpart in Sicily.
FBI seeks new powers
The FBI is preparing to seek legislative authority for
reviving domestic counter-intelligence tactics in the
event of a "sudden national emergency." According to
FBI Director Clarence Kelley, the legislation would es-
tablish a review board to determine when an emergency
existed and would allow a temporary counter-intelligence
program while Congress considered more permanent ac-
tion. The proposal caused ripples on Capitol Hill yes-
terday, as some lawmakers feared that such legislation
would permit the agency to carry on the same types of
spying activities it directed toward the New Left in
the late 1960s.
Toilet paper limited
The Scott Paper Co. announced yesterday that it was
implementing an "allocation system" for the distribution
of toilet tissue, due to "panic buying" on the retail level.
A spokesperson for the company said rumors of an
impending shortage of paper products caused the ex-
cessive demand in the stores. Other toilet tissue manu-
facturers are also implementing "allocation" plans,
which call for a cutback in wholesale distribution.
Cole promoted
President Nixon yesterday named Kenneth C o I e ,
executive director of the White House domestic council,
as his special assistant for domestic affairs. Cole now
moves into the job formerly held by John Ehrlichmann,
who is now under criminal indictment in connection with
the break-in at the office of Daniel Ellsberg's psychia-
trist. Cole will now have a direct voice in shaping Nixon's
domestic programs.
On the inside ...
. . .An analysis of the energy crisis by a member
of the Revolutionary Communist Youth is featured on
the Editorial Page . .. The Arts Page contains a feature
on Sky King,,a new local band, written by Bob Schet-
First of Two Parts
Though student influence and
activities have declined at the Uni-
versity in the past few years, stu-
dent-run film societies have been
booming as never before.
In 1969, there were two film
groups on camnpus, Cinema Guild
and Cinema II, which showed
about three or four films per week.
This year, there are six groups
w h i c h regularly s h o w films-
Cinema Guild, Cinema II, the Ann
Arbor Film Co-op, the New World
Film Co-op, Friends of Newsreel
and UAC-Mediatrics.
In addition, three dorms-Cou-
zens, South Quad, and Bursley-
present regular film showings.
Other dorms also show movies, but
only occasionally.
ALTHOUGH IT appears the in-
tense surge of interest in movies
is levelling off, the number of
film showings remains extremely
high-as many as on any other
campus in the country, including
such prestigious movie schools as
It's estimated that about 300 dif-
ferent films were presented during
the fall term on campus in over
1,000 separate showings.
Why the boom?
The success achieved by early
film groups seems to have created
a "snowballing" effect. Dornis, for
example, have always had the fi-
nancial resources and facilities to
show movies, but have only done
so on a wide scale after the suc-
cess of campus film groups:
BUT THERE is much more to
the boom t h a n that. Campus
cinema appears to be no passing
Patrick Murphy, chairman of
the board of Cinema Guild, offers
this theory: "It seems incredible
to me that this hasn't happened
sooner. Film is definitely the dom-
"They grew up absorbing a
great deal from television; film
has always been their medium,"
Murphy says.
versity faculty members and ad-
the movie
inant art form of the twentieth
century. The present college gen-
eration and the one that just pre-
ceeded it in the late sixties are
not as literary-oriented as earlier
campus generations were."
ministrators are still mainly com-
posed of "literary generation"
members who believe film has no
serious purpose.
"You wouldn't see the University
ever shutting down the libraries-
because they consider them to be S
important resources," he says. "All m
the momentum on campus has w
come from the students in estab- t
lishing film groups and courses. p;
The past five years have seen a c
sort of 'guerrilla' film movement." y
DALLAS KENNY, business man- f
ager of New World Film Co-op,
suggests another reason for the
film explosion: "Film distributors o
have been under a squeeze. Ma- d
jor studios are losing money, g
commercial theaters are losing
money." r"
"They have analyzed the situa- B
tion and have been forced to seek I
out and exploit the campus market,
so they're forced to open up to t
non-commercial groups," he adds. i
He cites as examples such re-t
cent films as Billy Jack and
aide s
laughter-house Five, which were
made available to campus groups
within six months of their release
o first-run theaters, when in the
past such films found their way to
campus only after three or four
years. He says that they "can't
afford to supress radical political
ilms like State of Siege or Burn."
DESPITE the recent expansion
f cinema groups, there is evi-
dence now that the period of rapid
growth is over.
"I definitely feel that we've
reached the saturation point," says
Bill Berger, treasurer of Cinema
I. Berger and others suggest this
situation is illustrated by the fact
hat many of the groups are show-
ng very similar fare and are
therefore cutting into each others'
See STUDENT, Page 10
a ys
-recorder receip-t
WASHINGTON (M - A White House aide testified yester-
day that a receipt showing he had received the machine on
which the Watergate tapes were recorded bore a forgery of his
own signature.
Stephen Bull, a special assistant to the President, startled
the spectators in a federal court hearing when, upon being
shown a receipt indicating he had received the Uher 5000 re-
corder last Oct. 1, he said, "That is not my signature . . . that
is not even close."
BULL ALSO testified that he knows of only five people who ever had
possession of the Watergate tape on which an 18.5-minute segment of
conversation was erased.
Bull did acknowledge that he had received the machine that day
and had passed it on to Miss Woods to use while trying to transcribe the
June 20 tape.
An assistant special prosecutor pointed out that there were initials
next to the signature which seemed to indicate someone had signed
Bull's name because he was not available at the time.
"No one is authorized to sign my name," Bull said. Stephen
The Veep makes a gesture
Vice President Gerald Ford emphasizes a point for Cleveland Mayor Ralph Perk during a meeting on
Capitol Hill yesterday. Ford, who may soon occupy the White House, has defended President Nixon's in-
nocence on several recent occasions.
Local supe-rrmarkets not'
yta-ffected bystrike
yet jj-
"So this is an authorized signa-
ture?" Bull was asked.
"Yes, indeed," he replied.
BULL TOLD the court that the
only people he knew of who had ac-
cess to that tape were himself; the
President; his secretary, Rose
Mary Woods; Fred Buzhardt, a
White House lawyer; and Gen.,
John Bennett, an aide.
Bull denied telling a New York
Times reporter that a number of
other people also had access to
the tape of a June 20, 1972, conver-
sation between the President and
his then-ohief of staff, H. R. Hal-
Bull testified shortly after U. S.
District Judge John Sirica raised
the possibility he might refer the
case to a grand jury.:
"I have to decide whether or not
I'm going to recommend to the
special prosecutor that this case
should be submitted or whether
the special prosecutor should ser-
iously consider submitting it to
the grand jury," the judge said.
"I'll make that decision in due
course," he said. It was the first
Official sees 50-50
gas rationing chance
WASHINGTON (P) - The nation
faces a 50-50 chance of gasoline ra-
tioning but a final decision is un-
likely before this summer, a top
federal energy official said yester-
John Sawhill, deputy director of
the Federal Energy office, said
the Nixon administration will face
more pressure in the summer to
ration gasoline as use of the fuel
rises sharply during vacation time.
ALTHOUGH the government will
be ready to put the plan into effect
within 60 days, if necessary, "it
might be more likely that the plan
would go into effect in summer as
peak gasoline demands go up," he
Sawhill said at a news confer-
ence that the standby rationing
plan unveiled by the energy of-
fice Tuesday would require as
many as 17,000 people and cost as
much as $1 billion to operate.
He urged the American people
to send their comments to the en-
ergy office on the rationing pro-
posal, under which coupons would
be issued to all licensed drivers
18 years-old and over.
UNDER THE proposed system,
if the gasoline shortage remains
at its current 20 per cent level,
drivers could expect to get ration
coupons to buy from 33 to 41 gal-
lons a month, depending on where
they live. If the shortage eases and
oil imports increase by 500,000 bar-
rels per day, the basic monthly ra-
tion would be increased from a
range of 40 to 49 gallons, depend-
ing on residence.
See EVEN, Page 10
Despite a truckers' strike cut-
ting off food deliveries to area sup-
ermarkets, store managers of lo-
cal Wrigley's, Kroger and Great
Scott outlets said yesterday they
have no fear of shortages-unless
the strike lasts more than a week.
"We don't have the variety we
normally have," one store mana-
ger said, "but we have the stock.
We have enough for about a week.
In two weeks we'll be hurting."
Although one local manager re-
ported business was slightly more
brisk than usual, there was no sign
of hoarding, which observers had
earlier feared would drastically re-
duce food supplies.
FEARS of a grocery shortage
were sparked by a strike on five
major southeastern Michigan sup-
ermarket chains begun by Team-
sters Local 337 at midnight Tues-
The Teamsters went on strike be-
cause the stores demanded lower
pay for trainee truckers, hiring of
replacements for absentee work-
ers, and rearrangement of some
truck routes.
The chains struck - which also
include Chatham and Farmer Jack
- claim the strike is "senseless".
The companies accuse the Team-
sters of intentionally slowing down
deliveries before the strike dead-
line in an attempt to worsen the
effects of the strike.
BUT LOCALLY, the affected
stores reported no such slowdown.
One store manager, who like all
those interviewed preferred not to
be identified, said truckers had
even taken on extra work to help
the store stock up in preparation
for the strike. "The drivers were
in Tuesday," he said. "They're do-
ing their best."
Managers also said rumors that
price increases would result from
food shortages are unfounded. "I
can't speak for the company," one
manager said, "but I know of no
reason the comnpay would raise
prices because of the strike."
In fact, he said, Phase IV guide-
lines would permit price increases
only if costs at the warehouse rose
-an unlikely occurrence since
warehouses are shut down by the
CUSTOMERS in the local stores
did not seem worried by the
strike. Asked if she was buying
more groceries than usual, one
mother of two said she usually
bought more and added, "They're
not going to let us starve."
Another shopper, a University
grad student, said, "I'm shopping
here because I need food. I just
associateduthe strike with the De-
troit area."
Other people, however, are more
concerned. "I'm shopping to stock
up for a long time," one woman
stated. "I'm getting meat for two
to three weeks fruits for maybe a
Report concludes rent
control unwarranted'
Any good daydreams lately.
Contest delivers on fantasy
Are your daydreams full of wild adventures,
exotic lands, exciting faces? Or do you daydream
about making that final payment on the car?
Last month, various AM radio stations across
the country gave their audiences a chance to make
their daydreams and fantasies come true by enter-
ing them in a Fantasy contest.
The rules were simple: describe your daydream {
Fantasy in 50 words or less, and if you win, the
radio station will make it come true, providing
the cost does not exceed $25,000-and the fantasy
is legal.
THE ENTRIES, however, produced some sur-
prisig results for the stations which carried the
promotional contest. Rather than creative, bizarre
wishes, the majority of entries were for simple,
ordinary things.
According to a University psychiatry professor,
the contest illustrates that Americans are "asham
In a report issued yesterday, five
members of the city's Blue Ribbon
Citizen's Commission on Rent Con-
trol declared that "a general rent
control policy is unwarranted."
The report came one day after
the Human Rights Party's (HRP)
rent con'trol proposal was officially
of the (Rent Control) Commission."
that the data available to the com-
mission is "probably not enough
to make the conclusions we would
like to make."
The report provoked a strong
reaction- from HRP; several party