SUNDAY MAGAZINE See inside 411 t it Eitau Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom 4Ia itij PUDDLY High--68 LoW-43 See Today for Details Vol. LXXXIV, No. 156 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, April 14, 1974 Ten Cents Eight Pages !r UFY SEE S iAP cA.LL AAY Nixon aides quit They're dropping off like flies: no sooner did the White House disclose the resignation of Bryce Harlow, who was hired less than a year ago to improve relations with Congress, than there was another desertion in the ranks. Bruce Kehrli, the President's staff secretary, will be returning to private life under the sunny skies of California in less than a month. No further details were provided. Harlow, whose resignation is effective today, will return to the bosom of the Proctor and Gamble Company, where he worked before joining the Nixon team in 1969. He will be one of the' company's vice presidents. Watergate solved Out of the mire of Watergate, Oregon Governor Tom McCall has come up with a solution that could win awards for uniqueness, although it falls something short in practicality. The Republican governor said Friday he would like to see Nixon and Ford switch roles, making Ford the president and making Nixon-once again-the veep. 'McCall, who freely admits he would like to become president himself-suggested that the executive powers be divided so that Ford would handle domestic affairs, and Nixon would handle foreign affairs. "Many Ameri- cans have complete confidence in Mr. Nixon's handling of foreign affairs," said McCall, adding that "Congress would rather confirm Nixon as vice president than im- peach him." " Bah, humbug! More news from Moscow: Killjoys of the Soviet con- servative musical establishment are manning the bar- ricades against a torrent of western music, or, as they put it, "commercialized pseudo art," "hackneyed hits," and tunes of "unbridled passions and frenzied sounds." Pravada, the Communist party's newspaper and arbiter of Soviet taste, sternly warned that "it is the duty of (the Russian music world) to put up a reliable barrier to prevent this kind of product from reaching the public at large." The barriers, however, are apparently not soundproof: Soviet youth is getting an earful of every- thing from Simon and Garfunkel to the Beatles and acid rock-and liking it. "Pseudo music is becoming in today's bourgeois world a real social disaster," claimed Tikhon Khrennikov, head of the Soviet Composer's Union, "poisoning the conscience of millions of people, killing the love of beauty, muffling and eradicating the people's traditions." 40 Wanted: Students Those of you who feel the Big 'U' doesn't really want you, take heart. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics re- ported that only 19 per cent of last year's high school graduates went on to college, compared with 55 per cent in 1968, and college recruiters are none too happy about the fact. Colleges are reportedly scrambling to lure stu- dents into classrooms, and the tactics of some have caused consternation that athletic-recruiting style tactics may become a sign of the times. "The competition for students may be bordering on the rapacious," says Henry Peter, vice president for admissions and records at Syracuse U. He claims that in the search for "warm bodies," some colleges have begun "buying" students with scholarship money they don't need, paying their own students to recruit others, and pirating students from other institutions. Hindu immortality Roughly three and a half million people swarmed into Hardwar, India, yesterday, all in search of immortality. The Hindu faith promises eternal life to those who bathe in the sacred Ganges once every 12 years when the stars are right. Ancient legend has it that the gods spilled life-giving nectar from a pitcher in Hardwar as they fled the demons. When Jupiter enters Kumbh in the zodiac-and now's the time-drops of the nectar rise to the surface of the Ganges and work their miracles on the bathers-including purification and absolution. So far, more than 2,000 persons have been reported lost in the scramble. A crowd at the last Kumbh Mela melee in 1962 got out of control and surged into a stampede that officials said killed hundreds of the new immortals. H Happenings .. . . are scant for the Easter-Passover weekend, but definately picking up tomorrow. Celebrate Passover with a picnic in the Arb near the Washington Heights Markley entrance. The Yamveh and the Jewish Cultural League will sponsor the event at 2 p.m., and the food is free ... Robert Glasgow, University organ prof., will present a free Easter concert at 8 p.m. in Hill Aud. ,. .. Tomorrow, Dem Congressional hopeful Mare Lansing will blitz the dorms and campus in general. Come to her open house Monday through Friday at 4 p.m., 1825 Geddes, armed with questions . . Geoffrey and Margaret Burbridge, both professors at the University of California-San Diego, will explore "The Riddle of the Redshirts" for astronomy freaks at 4 p.m. in the Physics and Astronomy Bldg.... Robert Meeropol, son of the late Julius and Ethel Rosen- berg, will lecture on "The Secret That Never Was" in East Quad Aud. at 7 and 9 p.m. for a buck. . . and Prof. Charles Owen will direct the University's Percussion Ensemble'at a free concert at 8 p.m. in the School of Music Rehearsal Hall. On the inside .. . . . . former editor and magazine writer Chris Parks reviews the academic school year in the Sunday Magazine . . . and it's gloom, doom, defeat and despair for the Pistons, the Tigers and the Wolverine baseball team on Israeli warplanes strike Golan Ground forces raid 6 Lebanese villages By The Associated Press Israeli warplanes went into action yesterday against Syr- ian troops on the Golan truce line for the first time since the October war. Syria claimed three of the planes were shot down, but Israel said no planes were hit. The Israeli fighters took to the skies only hours after Is- raeli ground forces raided six villages in southern Lebanon in retaliation for the terrorist attack on Qiryat Shmonah on Thursday. A Lebanese woman and her daughter were re- ported killed in yesterday's raid. About dusk yesterday, Israeli artillery opened fire on "suspected concentrations of saboteurs" in southern Lebanon. Villagers in the re- gion said two towns were shelled intermittently for 45 minutes. No cas- AP Photo A LEBANESE FAMILY sits amid ruins of their bombarded house yesterday after Israeli ground troops struck Taybe, South Lebanon, and five other villages. The raid came in retaliation for a terrorist attack on Israeli terrintory Thursday. At least two civilians were killed in the Israeli incursion yesterday. RISKY WHITE HOUSE STRATEGY: Nixon coo to impeach ment probe By DONALD ROTHBERG AP News Analysis WASHINGTON (A) - President Nixon is treating the House Judi- ciary Committee the same way he has dealt with the courts and the special Watergate prosecutor. But the House committee is not a court and the President may-be forced to revise his strategy toward it. That became apparent last week when James St. Clair, Nixon's Watergate lawyer, responded to the committee's request for tapes of 42 presidential conservations. ST. CLAIR IS a tough, uncom- Sring crowd to By MICHAEL YELLIN A crowd gathered in the Arb yes- terday to hear Natasha and Bar- bara Graham -tell the secrets of palmistry-the spiritual study of the hands. "If you can start to understand yourself by understanding your hands, you are-on the way to un- derstanding others," said Natasha. promising advocate in behalf of his client. He volunteers nothing, wields no more than he must. For like a good defenseattorney, he is aware that in the courtroom his client is presumed innocent until proven otherwise. When the President decided to cut off special prosecutor Leon Jaworski from access to White House files, St. Clair had no need to be concerned about losing Ja- worski's good will. When the White House complied with the subpoena Jaworski issued last month, that ended the matter. But the good will of members of festival of 11* SNichols Ar "The last joint of your little finger represents the absurdity of your business affairs." THE GRAHAMS' palm - reading session was but one of the many workshops in the Spring Festival of Life, a largely outdoor affair sponsored by various Ann Arbor spiritual groups. The festival was Congress, and especially the Re- publicans, can be crucial to the President in his battle against im- peachment. S 0 M E REPUBLICANS were rankled by the tone in part of St. Clair's letter in which he said the President hadn't finished reviewing the materials to determine what he felt the committee needed to com- plete the work. "I think it was offensive to the House, I'm sorry to say." A soft-spoken lawyer from a rural district in Michigan, Hutchin- son still voted against issuing a subpoena to get the materials the e draws b oretum billed as "a celebration of con- sciousness and spiritual sharing." The spring-like weather brought out people of all ages who had come to participate in the more than 40 workshops offered. Kent Livingston, who has been involved for five years with Eck- ankar-the path to total awareness via soul travel-intoned, "The na- ture of 'Eck' is freedom from all things-the complete independence of the soul. The purpose is not to change anything physical but to project oneself above the material and back to Sugmad, or God." DICK AHERN, who held a work- shop on alternative communities, talked about a proposed Univer- sity course which he may be teach- ing through course mart next fall. "Arbor vitae (tree of life) is a proposal for a community in Wash- tenaw County. If the course is ap- proved, the people involved with it willrepresent a basic start for the community. Arbor vitae will be dedicated to self-regeneration and attainment of a higher intercul- tural consciousness," Ahern said. A peaceful debate began when a Maharaji Ji follower overheard that a member of another group was waiting "for the return of the Master." The Ji follower's reply- "He's here with us now"-brought a few smiles and snickers to those present. A NUMBER of people wore only their birthday suits. One of them, Ila Socol, ran around chanting to the tune of a Hari Krishna song: "Give me your love, it's only na- committee had hoped to obtain voluntarily. BUT NEITHER Hutchinson nor the two other Republicans who opposed the subpoena, Trent Lott of Mississippi and Charles Wiggins of California, said a word in sup- port of the White House approach. Hutchinson said after the 33-3 vote that he doubted such a sub- poena could be enforced and he felt St. Clair had indicated he would supply the material volun- tarily. Hutchinson had described the White House strategy as "give as little as possible as slowly as pos- sible" and then added that "it might settle down into a long sum- mer and fall." On Friday, influential Senate Republicans disclosed that they have intervened in an effort to soften the White House approach to the House committee. Sen. Norris Cotton of New Hamp- shire said a group of senators met with presidential assistant Dean Burch and succeeded in changing an early and tougher draft of the April 9 St. Clair letter. "IT WOULD BE asking for im- peachment," Cotton said one sen- ator told Burch. "We felt it would be taken as a brushoff by the House committee and would lead to trouble," Cotton said of the letter. But even the revised version led to trouble. And the two lawyers who are mapping the White House strategy, James St. Clair and Richard Nixon, may have to adjust to the fact that a congressionalcommittee often combines the functions of judge, jury and prosecutor. ualties were reported. Earlier, two territory from inside Lebanon. IN THE AIR action, the Tel~Aviv command said its planes strafed Syrian troops trying to cross the cease-fire line at Mt. Hermon and bombed Syrian positions providing cover for the attackers. The Israeli command previously admitted using warplanes to fire at Syrians crossing into Israeli held territory, but yesterday's report was the first time since the Octo- ber war that Israel said it had planes operating over Syrian-held territory. The air action followed tank and artillery fighting on the Golan Heights and Mt. Hermon. A mili- tary spokesman in Damascus said several Israeli soldiers were killed or wounded in the fighting. The Israeli command said noth- ing of casualties, but a knowledge- able military source said, "Today was the biggest day of activity with Syria since the war." IN THE three-hour Israeli raid into Lebanon Friday night, 24 houses and a power station were blown up, and two persons were killed and 13 taken captive, the Lebanese Defense Ministry said. The Israeli command in Tel Aviv said its commandos blew up at least 20 houses and took 10 per- sons captive before returning to Israel. It said the strike force was ordered to evacuate the houses before blowing them up. But in the village of Huhabeib, a woman and her daughter were found dead, in the rubble of one of the build- ings. To call attention to the deaths, the villagers refused to bury the two bodies, defying the Moslem code requiring burial of the dead within 24 hours. Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan said the Israeli raiders were careful not to harm Lebanese civilians and any deaths were un- intentional. IN BEIRUT, the Foreign Minis- try announced that Lebanon would lodge a complaint about the raid with the United Nations Secur- ity Council. Edouard Ghorra, the Lebanese ambassador to the Unit- ed Nations, said in New York that Lebanon was considering whether to ask for a Security Council meet- ing on the matter. Earlier, a U. N. spokesman said the emergency meeting had already been re- quested. U. N. Secretary - General Kurt Waldheim said he "deeply de- plores" the raids, which he said "may adversely affect the efforts under way to reach a just and lasting settlement in the Middle East." rockets had been fired into Israeli HENRY K I S S I N G E R: "The United States Kill continue its efforts to bring the two sides to- gether." issienger gets newu Syri an proposal' WASHINGTON (R) - Secretary of State Henry Kissinger received a new, detailed Syrian proposal yesterday for a disengagement of forces with Israel in the Golan Heights. After discussing the plan with the Syrian emissary, Brig. Gen. Hikmat Chehabi, and with the Egyptian and Soviet foreign min- isters, Kissinger said he was "moderately upbeat" a b o u t chances for a settlement. HE WILL confer at the State Department this morning with Sim- cha Dinitz, the Israeli ambassador, and go to the Middle East around April 25 to try and bridge the dif- ferences between the Syrian pro- posal and one presented to him March 30 by Israeli Defense Min- ister Moshe .Dayan. "It was a constructive attempt on their part," Kissinger said of the plan, and map brought to him by Chehabi, the Syrian military in- telligence chief. After a brief early-evening ses- sion with the general, Kissinger See KISSINGER, Page 2 Rosenberg son comes here to discuss espy conspiracy' 4 By ERIC SCHOCH Former University student Robert Meeropol will return to the campus tomorrow to speak about the atomic bomb spy case for which his parents- Ethel and Julius Rosenberg-were executed nearly 21 years ago. The Rosenbergs were tried and convicted for allegedly passing' "the secret of the atomic bomb" to the Soviet Union. They were electrocuted in Sing Sing Federal Penitentiary on June 19, 1953. MEEROPOL WILL present a slide show and lec- ture about the case Monday night at 7 p.m. and again at 9 p.m. in East Quad's Auditorium. A donation of $1 is being requested as part of a fund-raising effort by R o b e r t and his brother Michael for their legal actions and to help reopen the Rosenberg case. THE ROSENBERG case has generated consider- able controversy in the last 20 years. Many authors have questioned the validity of the charges and the evidence against the Rosenbergs. Robert Meeropol transferred to the University as a junior in 1967 and graduated with a master's degree in anthropology five years later. He was active in radical politics in Ann Arbor during much of that period, and worked in the local chapter of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). Since his graduation, Meeropol has taught an- thropology at Western New England College in Springfield, Mass., where his brother Michael teaches economics. Meeropol, described by friends and colleagues as extremely intelligent and articualte, feels that the American public is now more willing to seriously reconsider the Rosenberg case as a result of the