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April 13, 1974 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1974-04-13

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sir 43U
Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom


See Today for Details

See Editorial Page


Vol. LXXX IV,No. 155

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, April 13, 1974

Ten Cents

Eight Pages



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Postill's problems
Act III in the continuing drama of Sheriff Fred
Postill's problems with the jail administration unfolded
Thursday, this particular episode starring Postill's under-
sheriff, James Spickard, and his aide, Laird Harris.
Postill sent the two to the Board of Commissioners Ways
and Means Committee to recommend that Spickard re-
place former jail administrator Paul Wasson, who Pos-
till fired last week. The proposal was defeated after an
angry debate, and Spickard- and Harris walked out in
a huff. Then the plot thickened: it seems the board had
a recommendation of its own-namely acting jail admin-
istrator Frank Donley. A quick phone call, however,
revealed that Donley didn't want the job. Postill's name
was also considered and rejected before the board fi-
nally accepted the name Postill suggested in the first
place-Spickard. Postill, whose representatives had long
since' departed, apparently found out about his small
victory later.
Alms for Nixon
There's always a helping hand around when you need
one-even if you're the President. Students on their way
to classes yesterday were confronted on the middle of
the Diag by a young man calling "small change to help
the President pay his taxes. . ." The man, however,
refused to take any change that was offered him, direct-
ing them to send it directly to Washington instead. Bab-
bling something about "cooties," the unidentified man
said he did not want to handle "dirty money." Surpris-
ingly, the notoriously poverty-stricken student popula-
tion did offer a few dimes and nickels, but response was
reportedly not overwhelming.
Hopwood winners
The University's annual Hopwood Awards, one of the
largest cash awards for creative writing in the country,
were awarded yesterday and, if you don't mind our
bragging, the Daily had its share of winners. Sunday
Magazine editor Tony Schwartz was awarded $500 in
the major essay category, arts critic David Blomquist
was awarded $500 for his drama piece, and sometime
magazine writer Richard Streicker won $400 in the minor
essay category. HRP City Councilwoman Kathy Koza-
chenko also earned $300 in the minor poetry category.
The big winner for the day, however, was Philip Pirages,
who won two major awards totalling a haul of $2,000.
Two other students-David Fuk, Peter Serchuk-won
$1,200 in the literary awards.
Laurels for Johnson
Vice-President for Student Service Henry Johnson has
added another feather to his cap-this time with the
title "Social Worker of the Year" awarded by the Huron
Valley Chapter of the National Association of Social
Workers. Johnson is serving his second term as member
of the Ann Arbor Board of Education and has done exten-
sive work for the community, including his work as
chairman for the University's 1973 United Fund cam-
paign, and as a past delegate to the Michigan State
Council of the National Association of Social Workers.
Johnson was a psychiatric group social worker at Fort
Wayne State School in Indiana, and a group worker at
Children's Psychiatric Hospital
Happenings .. .
.. . are few but colorful today, highlighted by the
"National Tax Protest Day" sponsored by the Ann Arbor
Libertarian League. The Internal Revenue Service will
be picketed between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m., speakers will
be on the Diag at noon, and, says a spokesperson,
streakers are welcome . . . the Michigan men and
women's billiards competition will take place at 11 a.m.
in the Michigan Union's Billiard Room . . . Irish author
and authority on the Edwardian period, Anita Leslie,
will speak at an English department seminar meeting
... Louis Malles's "Phantom India" will be shown (for
free!) in Aud. B of Angell Hall. Organizers say "bring
sandwiches" . . . and, if you're into partying, the Free
People's Clinic will sponsor a benefit dance at 8:30 p.m.
in East Quad's Halfway Inn.
Phony concerts
The Detroit rock scene finally outdid Ann Arbor in
bizarre goings-on and strange shenannigans. Two phony
concert dates involving Elton John and Ike and Tina
Turner were advertised in the Sunday edition of the
Detroit News. All tickets were to be mail ordered.
The office of U.S. Attorney Ralph Guy has issued a sub-

poena to the National Bank of Detroit to stop payment
on the $11,000 worth of checks that ensued. Two men
have already been apprehended for the nefarious deed.
In other words, you'll be able to get your money back,
but not Elton John or the Turners. Sorry folks.
Marbles and women
The women's movenent made another major advance
this week, when the World Marbles Board of Control
removed its ban on women marble players at the annual
Good Friday competition in Tinslei, Green, England. It
seems the ban was imposed in 1972 when a miniskirted
woman bent down to play, revealing the word "knickers"
printed on her panties. The Board did stipulate this year
that women must be "suitably dressed" when it lifted
the ban. That's one small step for a woman ...
On the inside
Jonathan Klein writes of educational reform
and the need for revolution on the Edit Page . . . Tom
Kippert reviews the J. Geils Band on the Arts Page
. .and the Sports Page writers tell us they have "all
the relevent and interesting inforamtion in the world of



a Nixor
Second copy
seen as an
WASHINGTON (R) - Senate Re-
publican leaders warned the White
House that its initial draft of a
letter replying to a House Ju-
diciary Committee deadline for
tapes and other materials would
be taken "as a brush-off and a
stall for time."
Sen. Norris Cotton of New
Hampshire told a reporter yester-
day that this was the unanimous
reaction of the GOP leaders at a
meeting Tuesday with presidential
assistant Dean Burch.
Cotton, chairman of the Senate
Republican Conference, said one
of those present remarked that if
the letter were sent, "It would be
asking for impeachment."
A SECOND letter was drafted
and, after it had been read to the
Senate GOP leaders, was sent by
presidential counsel James St.
Clair to the House committee.
It failed to satisfy the committee
which voted Thursday, 33 to 3, to
issue a subpoena ordering Presi-
dent Nixon to turn over 42 tapes
and other materials for its im-
peachment inquiry.
Cotton said he regarded the sec-
ond letter as a great improvement
over the first one, saying he didn't
interpret it as being defiant.
OTHERS at the meeting with
Burch included Republican Leader
Hugh Scott; his deputy, Sen. Rob-
ert Griffin of Michigan; Sen. John
Tower of Texas, chairman of the
Senate GOP Policy Committee;
Sen. Bill Brock of Tennessee,
chairman of the Senate Republi-
can Campaign Committee, and
Sen. Wallace Bennett of Utah, sec-
retary of the Republican Confer-
Cotton said they felt the first let-
ter drafted "didn't indicate clearly
enough that it was the President's
intention to furnish the committee
with all relevant materials."
He said the letter was brief,
thanked the House committee for
being more specific about the ma-
terials requested, promised an ef-
fort to comply insofar as possible
but no time for doing so.
"WE FELT that wouldn't suf-
fice," Cotton said. "We felt it
would be taken as a brush-off by
the House committee and would
lead to trouble."
Cotton said that President Nixon
couldn't have seen the letter be-
cause he was enroute home from
Paris after attending funeral serv-
ices for French President Pompi-
The second letter, before being
sent to the House committee, was
read to the Senate GOPnleaders
individually over the phone.
Cotton said he didn't know the
reaction of the others, but he felt
it indicated a willingness to comply
with the committee's request as
promptly as possible.
HE SAID he wished the letter
had set out the reason for the de-
lay in complying, adding the Sen-
ate leaders had been told this
was because of the time it takes
to listen to the tapes to determine
if they are relevant.
Cotton said most of them are
&ight-hour tapes and "contain all
kinds of subjects, some of them
completely unrelated to anything"
involved in the House committee's
eb- impeachment inquiry.

ade Cotton added there was said to
but be difficulty in understanding them
ely in some cases because of their
ael poor quality.




AP Photo
PRESIDENTIAL Press Secretary Ron Ziegler leaves the White
House after a routine press briefing. Vice President Gerald Ford
has indicated that he would drop Ziegler from the payroll if and
when he becomes President.
o willseek newlC
press secretary i
Nixo leaes office

POET AND MODERN-DAY holy 'man Allen Ginsberg meditates during a press conference yester-
day after his presentation at Hill Auditorium. "When you've got a pot belly like mine, you've got to
unzip your pants to meditate," he said.


poet Ginsberg

still playing the circuit

"Neal Cassady is dead, Jack Kerouac finally
drank himself to death. But here I am, 48 years
old, and a survivor." And at 48, poet Allen Gins-
berg is still on the road.
His traveling companion on the concert circuit
these days is Bhagavan Das who sings in Sanskrit
before Ginsberg reads his poems. Both appeared
at Hill Auditorium last night as part of the "Fes-
tival of Lifes' weekend activities.
GINSBERG has been touring campuses for
almost 20 years. He first achieved recognition in
the 1950's as a leading spokesman for the Beat
Generation, and as the author of several books of

poetry. In the sixties, what had been 'beat' be-
came 'hip', and Ginsberg became something of a
veteran sage.
Most recently Ginsberg and Bhagavan Das have
been touring the campus circuit with their
"show". "I'm doing this so I will have enough
money to build a shack next to (Beat Poet) Gary
Snyder's in California," Ginsberg said.
"It is going to be a simple hermit's hut with
mud walls and two rooms in a 'meditation com-
munity.' Gary and I bought land there a few
years ago," the balding modern holy man explain-
ed. "Snyder already has built an American-Indian
Japanese country farmhouse model."
See 'BEAT', Page 3

WASHINGTON (IP) - Vice Presi-
dent Gerald Ford's office confirms
he indicated Ronald Ziegler would
not be retained as White House
press secretary if Ford became
President, and that he has reser-
vations about Secretary of Defense
James Schlesinger.
But Press aide Paul Miltich said
Ford was not talking in terms of
directly firing either Ziegler or
Schlesinger when he answered
questions on possible appointees
if he became President for an ar-
ticle in the current New Republic
MILTICH SAID he is less upset
with, the article than witiT Col-
umnist WilliameSafire's criticism
that it is unseemly for Ford "to be
confiding his plans for the assump-
tion of power while the body of the
setting president is still warm."
Safire's column, Miltich said,
"makes it sound like Ford is wait-
ing in the wings frothing at the
mouth wanting to be President.
This is just not an accurate char-
The press secretary pointed out
that the New Republic article by
John Osborne starts by saying.
Ford emphasizes both publicly and
privately that he expects Presi-
dent Nixon to complete his term.
FORD DID tell Osborne, Miltich
confirmed, that he felt Defense
Secretary Schlesinger did not know
how to deal well with Congress.
Osborne's article says Ford

blames Schlesinger partly for
House rejection last week of in-
creased U. S. military aid for
South Vietnam and says whether
Scheslinger would be in Ford's
Cabinet is "the big question mark."
Ford indicated Ziegler would
not be his press secretary simply
because Ford would routinely
name his own press secretary, Mil-
tich said.
day's New York Times quoted
Ford as denying the statement in
the New Republicstory that Ford
gets so restive with President Nix-
on's small talk that Ford has tak-
en to breaking off conversations
with Nixon.
Miltich said Ford meant to say
that when he talky to the Presi-
dent he doesn't want to "overstay
his welcome."
Osborne's article repeats Ford's
testimony at his House confirma-
tion hearing that as President he
would urge Dr. Henry Kissinger to
remain secretary of state.
It also says retired Gen. Alex-
ander Haig would be asked to re-
main secretary of state.
..It says Ford would want to keep
Rogers Morton as interior secre-
tary, Peter Brennan as labor sec-
retary and James -Lynn as secre-
tary of health, education and wel-
Aside from Haig, it says Ford
would want L. William Seidman,
a Grand Rapids lawyer and friend,
or Philip Buchen, Ford's old law
partner, to be among his top aides.


Israelis attack


in retaliation for raids

Israeli forces carried out a retali-
atory raid across the Lebanese bor-
der early this morning after the
Israeli village of Kiryat Shmonah.
buried victims of an Arab terrorist
raid that took 18 lives.
The Tel Aviv command said Is-
raeli troops entered several vil-
lages in southern Lebanon during
the three-hour raid and blew up

houses belonging to Arab guerrilla
At the burial ceremonies here
yesterday, angry and embittered
residents of Kiryat Shmonah had
demanded vengeance against Arab
terrorists and the states harboring
"REVENGE!" Revenge!" chant-
ed an estimated 10,00 mourners.

HRP to petition for
preferential balloting

In announcing the raid into L
anon, the Israeli command ma
no mention of Arab casualties b
said all the raiders returned safe
to Israel. A- spokesman said IsrE
used no armor or aircraft.
"Israeli forces destroyed seve
houses after evacuating their
habitants, and avoided hurting t
civilian population," the comma
The action took place a few hot
after the Israeli cabinet met
special secret session to discs
what action Israel should take
the attack by three guerrillas
Kiryat Shmonah.
ance from regular Lebanese tro
and said the regulars had "eva
ated the area."
The command identified the ra
ed towns as Taiba, Muhebab, Bli
and Eitarun, a cluster of Arab
lages 10 miles west of Kiryatc
monah along the northern stret
of the Israel-Lebanon boarder.
Also hit were the hamlets
Yarin and Dahira, 16 miles nos
of the westprn end of the front


January set as probable date
for new LSA dean appointment

The Ann Arbor Human Rights
Party (HRP) has announced it
will start a petition drive this
spring to implement a preferential
balloting system for the city may-
oral race, to replace the present
direct voting system.
Preferential balloting would al-

ing system on the November ballot
as a proposed City Charter amend-
In a statement released yester-
day. HRP contended that such a
voting system would "minimize
the effects of so-called 'vote-split-
ting' whereby conservative can-
didates can be'elected because the
left of center 'vote is divided be-

It is unlikely that a new literary college (LSA)
dean will be appointed before January of next year,
according to members of the deanship selection com-
The committee was designated to find a replace-
ment for departing Dean Frank Rhodes. Rhodes will
resign as head of LSA July 1 to become vice president
for academic affairs.
UNTIL THE NEW dean is selected, the selection
committee has suggested President Robben Fleming


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