POLITICS OF LSA Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Services Handbook 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104 News Phone: 764-0552 FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1974 Nixon Stumps in the-Thumb IT WAS UNDOUBTEDLY the biggest event in the history of provincial Michigan. Bad Axe, a town whose most famous local event used to be the high school cage career of Lloyd Schinnerer, suddenly found itself deluged with na- tional attention. For the first time in history (and undoubtedly the last) a President of the United States was visit- ing the Thumb area of Michigan. Richard Nixon took a considerable risk in scheduling this motorcade through rural America. It appears that an im- peachment vote in the House is only a matter of time, and the President needs every vote he can get from his own party in order to avoid forcible eviction from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. If, as the result of his visit, James Sparling can dredge up enough votes to defeat Bob Traxler in the Eighth con- gressional district race, Republican con- gressmen will have their native party loyalty strengthened. IF, ON THE OTHER HAND, Sparling becomes the fourth Republican to bite the dust in a special congressional election, GOP congressmen will be fall- ing over each other in their rush to dis- associate themselves from the President. Given the issues at stake, it would be well worth the while of students regis- tered in the Eighth to make a trip home on April 16. Sandusky, the last stop on the Presidential motorcade, was the birthplace of outlaw Butch Cassidy. Hopefully, it will also go down in his- tory as the site of Richard Nixon's last public appearance as President of the United States. -JOHN KAHLER Bring' out vote in the Eighth ON TUESDAY, April 16, the residents of Michigan's Eighth Congressional District - the scene of King Richard's Travelling Revue on Wednesday - will choose between Republican James Spar- ling and Democrat Robert Traxler for U. S. Congressman. The Eighth District has been a bas- tion of Republican support for over thirty years. The race is shaping up into an impeachment referendum and a vic- Photography Staff THOMAS GOTTLIEB Chief Photographer KEN FINK....................Staff Photographer STUART HOLLANDER..........Staff Photographer KAREN KASMAUSKI..........Staff Photographer DAVID MARGOLICK .... ........ Staff Photographer ALLISON RUTTAN.............Staff Photographer JOHN UPTON...................Staff Photographer Sports Staff MARC FELDMAN Sports Editor GEORGE HASTINGS Executive Sports Editor Managing Sports Editor .........ROGER ROSSITER Associate Sports Editor ............EJOHN KALER Contributing Sports Editor ..CLARKE COOSDIL Contributing Sports Editor ........THERESA SWEDO Editorial Staff DANIELBIDDLE Editor in Chief JUDY RUSKIN and REBECCA WAkNER Managing Editors TONY SCHWARTZ................. Sunday Editor MARTIN PORTER.................. Sunday Editor SUE STEPHENSON...................Feature Editor MARNIE HEYN .................Editorial Director CINDY HILL...........E........xecutive Editor KENNETH FINK ... .. ..... .....Arts Editor STAFF WRITERS: Prakash Aswani, Gordon Atcheson, Laura Berman, Dan Blugermnan, Howard 'Brick, Bonnie Carnes, Charles Coleman, Barb Cornell, Jeff Day, Della DiPietro, Mike Duweck, Ted Evan- off, Matt Gerson, William Heenan, Steve Hersch, Jack Krost, Andrea Lilly, Mary Long, Jean Love, Jeff Luxenberg, Josephine Marcotty, Beth Nissen, Cheryl Pilate, 'Ann Rauima, Sara Rimer, Jim Schuster, Bob Seidenstein, Stephen Selbst, Chip Sinclair, Jeff Sorensen, David Stoll, Paul Ter- williger. DAILY WEATHER BUREAU: William Marino and Den- nis Dismachek (forecasters) tory for Traxler would deal a staggering blow to pro-Nixon forces nationwide. This Saturday and again on election day the Ann Arbor Committee to Im- peach Nixon will be sending volunteers to the Eighth District to supplement the Traxler Campaign forces. The Ann Arbor contingent will phone Eighth District residents, urging a large voter turnout, and distribute leaflets at business centers. At this point, most observers feel the election could go either way. A concerted effort by Impeachment Committee vol- unteers could well swing the election for Traxler and add important impetus to the impeachment movement. PEOPLE WISHING TO volunteer their services to the Impeachment Com- mittee's Eighth District forces should call 665-6200 or 662-6671 on Friday, Sat- urday, or Monday between 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. On Sunday or during eve- ning hours call 665-4845. On Saturday, April 13, a bus will leave for the Eighth District at 9:00 a.m. from the side door of the Michigan Union and will return by 7:00 p.m. Two buses will be leaving from the side door of the Union on Tuesday, Ap- ril 16, at 8:30 a.m., and will return by 10:00 p.m. Transportation and food will be pro- vided for volunteers. -MARNIE IHEYN TODAY'S STAFF: News: Della DiPietro, Cindy Hill, Sa r a Rimer, Tim Schick, Jeff Sorensen, Sue Stephenson, Becky Warner Editorial Page: Paul Haskins, Marnie Heyn Arts Page: David Blomquist, Ken Fink, Sara Rimer Photo Technician: David Margolick By MARNIE HEYN SURROUNDING THE b a s i c college organization formula of faculty, students, a registrar to deal with money and getting diplomas printed, and an assorted dean or two, there are two huge bureau- cratic mushroom patches at this University. One is called Research, which is a topic for several books. The other is called, loosely, Services. The following is a rudimentary map for finding the help you need. Whenever you feel a need and can't identify where to go to fill it, a good place to start is with 76-GUIDE (764-8433, Union first floor), the student ombudsper- son (763-4182, 339 Union), or one of the advocates (information 763-4182, 338 Union). Most students come here in an attempt to pursue scholastic interests. If your problem is academic, both faculty- and student-organized counseling is gen- erally available. Call the dean's or director's office in your school or college (U operator, 764-1817, '0' from Centrex phones has the number) for the appro- priate faculty office; the Student Counseling Office, a student-operated office (763-1552, 1018 Angell), can refer you to a helpful group of students in your interest-area. MANY SCHOOLS and colleges have special library and research facilities that are available to students. The place to start looking for the information you need is with the reference librarians in the Grad Library, and in a pinch at the UGLI. Specialized collections range from Art History to Zoology. In addition, therUniversity housesdozens of museums in a spectrum that runs from Archaeol- ogy to the University Herbarium. Chances are you'll find what you need; ask the University operator for the library or museum phone number in the perti- nent discipline. Also, no matter how arcane your area of inquiry, there is probably a faculty member who's doing or has recently done research in that field. Ask the departmental secretary (numbers from University operator) which faculty member has the most ex- pertise in the subject you need to know about. And do not be shy about asking teachers to help you learn. They may think they have more important things to do, but we know better. Besides, we help subsidize their survival by paying tuition. IF YOU FEEL that you are deficient in learning or studying skills, there are several offices that can help you do remedial studies, improve your reading speed, give you supportive services if you have per- ceptual or other handicaps, or help you find a tutor for a tough subject. Ask the people at 76-GUIDE to direct you to the right service. Many times students feel that the regular course offerings don't correspond to their educational needs. If that description fits you, consider one of the many irregular ways you can get academic credit for what you want to learn from life. The University sponsors study/travel abroad programs, Course Mart, Project Community, independent studies and tutorials, and is even open to student-initiated courses. The Course Mart folks and the Honors Council can give you di- rection in your search for knowledge on your way to a degree. COUNSELING FOR non-academic quandaries is is available from a whole slew of sources, some free, some inexpensive, some formal, some casual, some good, some less than mediocre. The place to start looking for help is with 76-GUIDE; they can refer you to the most appropriate source of assist- ance. GUIDE also does personal crisis counseling, as do several other agencies in Ann Arbor. Minority students, foreign students, female stu- dents, and other constituencies can have special prob- lems and needs; these needs have a special answer: the constituency advocates, located on the third floor of the Union, will lend an empathetic ear and help you unravel the bureaucratic and personal knots. They do the work they do because they like students and understand the kind of grief you live with. They are a good place to start solving any of your problems. STUDENTS ARE notoriously unwealthy. If you need funds, the University offers several ways to get at them. Financial Aid, on the second floor of the Student Activities Building, administers scholar- ships, loans, and grants. Work/Study, a ffederally subsidized student employment program, istacross the hall. Guaranteed Bank Loans is around the cor- ner. All these offices usually operate on the level of planning for the next year; but if you need money in a crunch, Financial Aid does give emergency personal short-term loans of up to $250. The University also has a Temporary Employment office and a Summer Placement program (only for jobs outside Ann Arbor) that can help you organize some income for A limited period of time. SADLY, ANN ARBOR has more physicians than Carter's has pills, but finding one quick and for cheap is a herculean task. So, if you get sick, the easiest thing to do is to go to Health Service and insist that they make you well. "Feeling okay" is not a substitute for good health, however, so keep insisting on courteous service until you really are well. Remember: surviving your education is just as-and maybe even more-important than getting it in the first place. * * * TO REITERATE: whatever needs you feel, there are probably services to help you fill those needs. The burden of finding the right person or place is on you, and 76-GUIDE is willing to lighten that load. Do not hesitate to seek help because you think your problem is small or insignificant; it's a problem if you think it is. And you pay the piper; you may as well call the tune you want to-or need to--hear. Confessions o med school dropout This interview with Tomn Kuzma was conducted by the Free Peo- ple's Clinic. Reprinted from the Ann Arbor Sun. FPC: Why did you originally go to medical school? Why did you drop out? Tom: I felt that the MD degree could be a powerful tool to aid people in times of serious life problems, and that it would give me the credibility to begin to criticize the present social structure and be taken seriously. Unfortunately, once, I got into the process, I realized that what had motivated me was a sort of romanticism, a love of the idea of being an MD, but at the same time I began to feel personal dissonance caused by the process of being filtered, indoctrinated and resocialized into the roles that the institution had designed for us. FPC: How does it feel to be in medical school? Tom: Rotten. Medical school is destructive of the individual, as evidenced by the high degree of anxiety in the in the students. It's a lot like a fraternity: first they greet you with the old "Welcome, col- leagues, you're one of us now." Then there's hell week. In a frat, hell week often consists of some herculean physical labor and/or abuse; in medical school it's a mental flogging and it goes on for four years. They overwhelm you with more information than you can possibly assimilate. It's uncoordinated and mindless. Medical school obscures the forest for the trees. Instead of looking at the whole human being and the environment it exists within, and their mutual interactions, they focus in on the smallest of details. Now, this is fine and necessary on an abstract level of organizing facts, but they never get back to under- standing and relating to the whole person. FPC: What does this say about how doctors trained in this manner treat patients? Tom: It comes down to being a tender violence, a manipulation. Doctors try to establish a warm relationship with the patient, one of trust, but it's usually phony, the kind of trust relationship you might have with a salesman. Doctors aren't open with patients but withhold information. They have a professional language that they use freely among themselves. They talk over the patient's head and don't explain things. I've found most doctors to be essentially mistrustful of patients. I say this because, again, like in the academic world - and I'm speaking from my experiences at U-M Medical Center - the doctors are not primarily interested in understanding a body of knowledge and applying it to anybody's welfare, but in maintaining and further- ing their own position in that system. The patient .becomes a pawn in the doctors' elaborate hierarchy game: I'm above this one, but below that one. The notion of hierarchy is fundamental to the medical school. They see the world as up and down, never across. It's not the kind of situation where there's room for trust, because real trust is between equals. It's areflection of this culture that puts the individual in:opposition to the rest of the cosmos., You're constantly competing with everyone else: all the people who might beat you out for that scarce spot in medical school, score better on a test, or push you out of that precarious internship. And the attainment of these goals is seen as conquest: conquest over Nature, poverty, racial and sexual conquest; conquest over disease. What it comes down to is that the patient perceives that the doctor is relating to him/her as a thing rather than as a human being. The doctor has been taught to analyze and understand the mechanics of the body, while his training has burnt him out emotionally. The plane on which a doctor is taught to perceive the body is a mechanical plane. The person inside the body is invisible. FPC: How about the person inside the medical student? Tom: Well, medical students want the MD degree, but no one enjoys the processing you have to endure to get it. From what I've seen in others, and what I've felt in myself, medical school is really a lack-love situation. There's a feeling of being inadequate to the task set before you. And when you want to take time out, to be human, to recharge your batteries, you feel guilty for taing a moment from the pursuit of the task which they keep telling you is so vital. The medical school work is overwhelming. You have to put so much time into trying to keep up with the work there's no time to ask: what's it all about? What are its underlying values? Where is it coming from? Are there any other, equally valid approaches? There's no time for that. You're on an assembly line that's processing you into an MD, and specifically, a specialized doctor in the context of the present medical care system. This processing refuses to deal with acupuncture, herb medicines, psychic healing, real nutrition, and chiropractic: In the end, it refuses to deal with the problems of human beings. The pain and alienation from the process of being in medical school leads to all sorts of attempts to compensate for it on the outside through various kinds of escapism: romantic love (though the divorce rate among medical students is higher than that for the general population) spectator sports, acquisition of more and more material possessions, drugs, alcohol, etc. - all sorts of things which are an attempt to gain the fulfillment that is denied you in school. Within my own class, I've heard that 10 per cent of my class- mates are on valium. A large number of first and second year stu- dents seek psychiatric counseling because of the pressure they feel. So they go to the shrink, who's been through it all himself, and he runs this beautiful trip of "Well, that's the way things are, and you've got to adjust to it. Everyone's got to endure pain, and it's only righ that you should, too." But, this ignores the question of why so many people feel this pain to begin with. No one ever asks questions about the merit or lack of merit of a system that does this to people. TOMORROW: Western medioine, the food industry, and physicians and disease. GRAFFITI Modern America speaks out By BILL HEENAN QPEARHEADED by the police "graffiti squad," Philadelphia expended over $4 million in 1972 to combat the ravages of the city's ever-elusive "wall-wreckers." Meanwhile, at this University, numerous custodians spend an in- ordinate amount of time erasing the written battle scars every stu- dent vacation, and await the next onslaught. Graffiti has persisted for over 5,000 years, even emerging f r o m the ruins of Pompeii. The 'U' set- ting is profusely endowed with wall scrawls which leap out from stair- wells, elevator shafts, on the mor- tar between bricks, and even on bathroom ceilings. Consisting chiefly of unintelli- bible symbolsandyinitials, a few key phrases emerge, expressing the writer's beliefs, aspirations, Today, many individuals lack the courage to state their frustra- tions or unpopular ideas through the conventional mass media. Of- ten, because of space limitations and unequal access, a person can- not air his views anyway. How- ever, the bathroom walls offer everyone - from angry intellec- tuals to pubescent high s c h o o 1 students - an equal opportunity to express themselves. TOP-BREAKING national, inter- national, and local news have al- ways stimulated hordes of bath- room commentary. Such graffiti is fascinating because it captures the was devoted to the Mideast War. Other areas of campus zeroed in on the war as less than a week after its outbreak on Oct. 6. "Israel controls 70 per cent of Congress." (underneath) "No, the U.S. controls 70 per cent of Israel." -Alice Lloyd, 10-10-73 Take a Palestinian guerrilla out to lunch today!" -UGLI 10-11-73 "End the war - mine Soviet harbors!" (underneath) "Right on! Shit here for the Israel Defense Fund. They need your hole-hearted support." -UGLI 10-11-73 After two lesbians were forced by the owner to leave the Rubiyat, a local nightclub, gays demon- strated at City Hall March 3. The next day, the building's lavatories were covered with their graffiti: "Gay is great," and the planetary symbols for male and female homosexuals were prevalent. Externally-stimulated g r a f f iti turned into vandalism as visiting Ohio State fans spray-painted sev- eral University buildings before the Ohio-Michigan football g a m e November 22. CERTAINLY, political analysts and pollsters would gain by exam- ining the walls for indications of political trends. A .. . . , .... .. - A r. son claimed that more people were informed of the Hast Fest through graffiti than through other media. Graffiti is a measure of other social fixations. Free from the re- strains of the outside world, the bathroom allows physical and psy- chological "dirt" to be discussed freely. Such wall writing concern- ing sex is called "latrinalia." Two social scientists have ex- plored this. John Bleibtreu, attri- butes wall scrawlings to people's primitive instinct to establish ter- ritory. According to him, graffiti serves to warn off the same sex while attracting the opposite sex. Dr. Alan Dundes of UCLA claims that the urge to scrawl is related to childhood toilet-training. If par- ents repress the child's desire to handle feces, his or her desire is manifested on the walls later in life. GRAFFITI KNOWS no social class boundaries, but sexual dif- ferences are tremendous. Men scrawl in stalls because they envy pregnancy says John Bettle- heim. He contends that males are pushed by society to "put out, to make something of himself." Thus men "give birth" to witty writings. History has been cruel to graf- fiti. A constant war has been wag- ed between the management who desire clean bathrooms, and t h e ingenious wall writer. Employing sand-based black paints, they hope to stunt creativitv. Usually t h e Contact your reps- Sen. Phillip Hart (Dem), Rm 253, Old Sepate Bldg., Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C. 20515. . -C2 MA-- . aM Q.a* fA. 'anita