See inside
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See Today for Details
Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. LXXXIV, No. 154 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, April 12, 1974 Ten Cents
Eight Pages
049 and 318.. .
. . . are this week's winning Michigan State Lottery
numbers. Yesterday's drawing also yielded second
chance numbers 992 and 383, with bonus numbers 901,
849 and 512.
Cavanaugh OK
Former Detroit Mayor Jerome Cavanaugh was re-
ported in good condition yesterday after he underwent
two hours of surgery including removal of his right kid-
ney at St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital.. According to a hos-
pital spokeswoman, preliminary evidence showed that
the kidney contained a malignant tumor but that the
cancerous growth had not spread. Cavanaugh will stay
at St. Joe's for seven to 10 more days, and his prog-
nosis is considered excellent, the spokeswoman said.
Cavanaugh stunned state political observers by with-
drawing from this year's Democratic gubernatorial race
late last month.
Clinic benefit set
The Free People's Clinic has scheduled a benefit dance
for tomorrow at 8:30 p.m. in East -Quad's Halfway Inn.
Three bands will perform, including the Milton Bonaye
dance band and jazz combo, Blind Alley Cocaine, atfd
Deadalus. Donation is one dollar. A clinic spokesman
explained that the dance comes in response to severe
cutback in city social service allocations. "The city
doesn't care about human services," the spokesman
said. "The Clinic can keep going for awhile, but things
will get tight down the road. We hope that people in the
community we serve can scrape up the dollar this Sat-
urday to serve ours. And dancing is great for your
Free mailings?
State Rep. Perry Bullard (D-Ann Arbor) has proposed
an amendment to the pending campaign finance bill to
allow candidates for state offices to qualify for free elec-
tion mailings during their campaigns. "This is the first
step towards freeing candidates from the control of rich
contributors and political influence peddlers," Bullard
claims. To qualify for the mailing privileges, candidates
would need nominating signatures of five per cent of
the voters in their districts.
Leaders sought
The local branch of the American Youth Hostels (AYH)
has a problem - they have scheduled a raft of spring
and summer hiking trips to near and distant locations,
but they can't find people qualified and willing to lead
the trips. AYH would welcome people with knowledge
of backpacking, mountain climbing, photography, ani-
mal, mushroom or bird lore as trip leaders, and AYH
offers training to people who lack these skills but would
like to learn them. All positions are volunteer, with ex-
penses paid for long-distance trips. If you'd like to join
up, call Linda Coughenour at 665-0701.
Happenings .. .
S today feature the appearance of former beat poet
Allen Ginsberg and holy man Bhagavan Das at Hill Aud.,
8 p.m. in a benefit for a Gay Community Center, admis-
sion $2 . . . the College Young Democrats are throwing
a TGIF at Dominick's restaurant, 812 Monroe St., from
4-5:30 p.m. Guest speakers will be State Senate candi-
date Gerald Faye and University Regent candidate John
Koza ... Juan Petras will lecture on Chile in E. Quad's
Rm. 126 at 12:30 p. in.... and at the Ark, Aly Bain and
the Boys of the Lough will perform music from the
British Isles on fiddle, concertina, flute, banjo and drum
at 8:30 p.m.
License liberation
Secretary of State Richard Austin said yesterday his
department would allow women to use their maiden
names as their middle names on drivers licenses if the
state legislature funds the switchover. Austin said it
would cost $80,000 in each of the next three years if an
estimated 30,000 women seek the change. A mail sur-
vey of women drivers indicated that nearly one of
every three would prefer to use their maiden names,
Austin said. Presently, married women are not allowed
to use their maiden names as either middle or last
names on drivers licenses.
Death for smuggling
A Chinese woman was sentenced to death in her ab-
sence yesterday for her part in smuggling $70,000 worth
of contraband cigarettes and cognac into South Vietnam.
A military court sentenced the woman, Huynh Tu Hoa,
who is in her twenties, three other Chinese and a South
Vietnamese army sergeant to death for sabotaging the
national economy. Police are seeking all five, said to be
ringleaders of a gang which organized a convoy of
trucks which took the contraband through a series of
checkpoints in the Mekong Delta before the militia
finally halted it.
On the inside,..
. . . The Arts Page presents Cinema Weekend . . .
Marnie Heyn offers a handbook on student services on
the Editorial Page . . . and Clarke Cogsdill reports
wrestling coach Rick Bay's resignation on the Sports
n o
Edward Connors, director of University
Hospital, resigned Wednesday after an
audit of his travel expenses revealed a
misuse of expense account funds over the
past five years totaling approximately
The final figure has not yet been deter-
mined as the audit is still continuing and
may take four to six weeks to complete.
The initial audit showed that Connors had
been billing both the University and out-
side organizations to cover expenses in-
curred in his official capacity.
travel expenses began February 14, when
the regularly scheduled review of hospital
voucher receipts turned up a bill which
had apparently already been paid; and was
about to be paid again. Following this dis-
covery a full scale probe of Connors' re-
cords was begun.
A. B. Hicks, director of University Au-
dits, refused to comment further on the
case, saying, "I'd just as soon not get into
what our auditing procedures are."
The University is currently investigating
the possibility of pressing charges against
Connors, and President Fleming released a
statement yesterday saying, "I have asked
our counsel to check what legal obligations,
if any, we have to prosecute."
University attorney Roderick Daane told
The Daily, "I intend to present a report
to the President before the Regents meet
next week." Discussing the possibility of
pressing charges, Daane said, "I know of
no precedent at this, or any, other univer-
sity, for pressing charges in such cases."
CONNORS HAS admitted in a written
statement that his actions were, "a serious
mistake in judgement on my part." He also
announced he would make full restitution
of the money to the University once the
audit determines the final total.
Fleming defended Connors yesterday,
noting, "Few of us go through life without
making a mistake. Mr. Connors has made
.a serious mistake which he has had the
strength to acknowledge. He has great
skills from which our hospital has bene-
fitted substantially. The world of health
care needs his talents, and I am confident
he will find a new start for what will yet
be recorded as a distinguished career.'y
Connors was also defended by Medical
Center Director John Gronvall who said,
"This is a very difficult and very sad time.
At the same time the University has had
to deal with a wrongdoing. I agree with
Mr. Fleming that Mr. Connors will be
recognized positively for his many achieve-
ments in the health care field."
In the wake of Connors' resignation the
Regents are expected to name an acting
director of the hospital at their meeting
next week. Plans for finding a permanent
replacement have not yet been formu-
Connors himself was not available for
further comment yesterday and a spokes-
person at his home said he was "away
and could not be reached."
CONNORS, 45, was first named, to the
post in June 1969, and took over the duties
of hospital director in September of that
year, succeeding Albert Kerlikowske who
retired after serving 24 years in that post.
Connors had previously been Superin-
tendent of University Hospitals at the
University of Wisconsin since 1960. He had
also worked for Health, Education, and
Welfare (HEW) in 1968-69, serving as a
consultant for the Health Services and Men-
tal Health Administration.
aterg ate,.
Comlete p
poenaed tapes and documents
and the White House respond
panel "comprehensive and con
President's Watergate role.
But Presidential Press Sec
to say that the materials w+
demanded by the House comm
Ziegler would only say that wit
committee materials "consistent wi
and that they would bear out the
President's past explanations of his
Watergate role and "receive the
support of the House."
The committee subpoena ap-
proved by a 33 to 3 vote called for
a response by 10 a.m. on April 25,
four days after Congress returns
by DAVID MARGOLICK from an Easter recess.
The subpoena was hand-delivered
to the White House and accepted
own the block, by James St. Clair, the President's
chief Watergate lawyer, late yes-
terday afternoon.
IT WAS ABOUT two hours later
that Ziegler told reporters the
White House had plans to deliver
unspecified materials to the com-
mide r sometime between April 22
and 25.
The committee voted to subpoena
' the material despite an offer from
St Clairto deliver part of it vol-
untarily within a few days. But
committee members, including
many of the Republican minority,
were angered by St. Clair's refusal
to give an immediate response
about all of the material the panel
had requested in a letter sent last
- Feb.,25.
;t;... ..',' .... A committee source said there"
was no special significance to the
April 25 deadline other than an
effort to give the White House the
maximum reasonable amount of
time to respond.
ALL OF THE disenting votes
were cast by Republicans, includ-
ing Rep. Edward Hutchinson of
Michigan, the ranking minority
member of the committee.
Hutchinson said he doubted a
subpoena directed at the President
Boyle See HOUSE, Page 2
Vhite House
ouse Judiciary Committee sub-
from President Nixon yesterday
ed with a promise to give the
clusive" materials regarding the
cretary Ronald Ziegler declined
would comply fully with those
hin two weeks Nixon would give the
ith his constitutional responsibilities"
Daily Photo
Energy crisis?
Getting "carried away" is a car sitting in front of Kappa Kappa Gamma courtesy of some friends from a frat d
..Boyle convicted
of mu
MEDIA, Pa. UP) - Former
United Mine Workers (UMW)
President W. A. "Tony" Boyle
was convicted last night of three
counts of first-degree murder in
the 1969 slaying of union rival Jo-
seph "Jock" Yablonski and his
wife and daughter.
"This is the end of the road,"
said special prosecutor Richard
Sprague, who had doggedly pur-
sued the trail of the Yablonski
slayers for more than four years.
Boyle's attorney said he would
file a motion for a new trial.
The jury of nine men and three
women took just 4% hours to reach
a verdict. The convictions carry
a mandatory life sentence. No
date for sentencing was announced.
jury foreman Clyde Parris re-
sponded three times to the indict-
ment read by Judge Francis Ca-
tania of Delaware County Com-
mon Pleas Court.
The 72-year-old Boyle exhibited
no emotion as the verdict was
read, but his face appeared drawn
as he waved to his wife while be-
ing escorted from the courtroom
and voiced a "goodbye."
Boyle's wife, Ethel, fidgeted in
her seat and strained for a look
at her husband. Next to her,
Boyle's daughter, Antoinette, rub-
bed her eyes and appeared to be
holding back tears.
Kenneth Yablonski, son of the
slain man, stood with tears on his
cheeks and remarked to Sprague,
"You don't know how happy I
am. There are no words that I
can express."
"JOCK" YABLONSKI, his wife
and a daughter were shot to death
by three hired gunmen as they
slept in theirdbeds in the fami-
ly's sprawling red brick home in
Clarksville, Pa. Their bullet-rid-
dled bodies were discovered Jan.
5, 1970.
Boyle's was the fifth murder
conviction obtained by Sprague
in the case. Three others have
pleaded guilty and a fourth, Wil-
liam. Turnblazer, pleaded guilty
to a federal charge of conspiring
to kill Yablonski. Turnblazer was
the principal witness in the Boyle
The trail of the conspirators had
led from southwestern Pennsyl-
vania, to Washington, D. C., to
Cleveland, Ohio, and to the coal
fields of Kentucky and Tennessee.
Boyle, Sprague said the case was
finished. "Boyle was the origina-
tor., We got back to the beginning
and that's where we'll stop," he
Boyle, who had ruled the 200,-
000-member union with an iron
fist for 10 years and was a pro-
tege of the late John Lewis, was
accused of masterminding the Dec.
passes new
reform bill,
WASHINGTON (A) -The Senate
yesterday passed a far-reaching,
campaign reform bill with the
avowed aim of eliminating big-
money influence in politics
It provides for the use of tax
funds in financing general and pri-
mary campaigns for federal Eof-
Also for the first time it puts
a ceiling on campaign contribu-
tions and limits the total expendi-
tures of presidential and congres-
sional candidates.
ANOTHER KEY section estab-
lishes a bipartisan Federal Elec-
tions 'Commission empowered to
bring civil and criminal prosecu-
tions, independently of the Justice
Department, for violations of cam-
paign financing.
Passage of the pil, 53 to 32,'
after a debate that began March
26, climaxed a battle in which the
Senate's anti-filibuster rule was
invoked by a one-vote margin.
The controversy centered around
the provisions for public financing
See SENATE, Page 2
New school funding bill would
shift burden to income taxes
It happened again last night
amid familiar ripples of discon-
tent. Another male stronghold, the
Michigan football cheerleaders,
went the way of the Michigan
marching band with the addition of
ten women to next year's squad.
"We know what's coming,"
said cheerleader Mason Kauffman,
'74. "They have their tryouts in
Crisler and we use the wrestling
room in the I.M.," he added.
"I hope they get run over by
Chuck Heater, (Michigan full-
back)" was Randy Neal's, '74,
More than two thirds of Michigan's state senators
are backing a bill that would shift much of the burden
of state school funding from property taxes to per-
sonal and corporate income tax.
Assistant Majority Leader Gilbert Bursley (R-Ann
Arbor) is introducing the bill, which would reduce
property taxes by one third for most homeowners,
according to its sponsors. The resulting slack in edu-
cation funds would be more than covered by a simul-
taneous one per cent hike in Michigan's personal,
corporate and financial institution income tax rate.
_ -_ .
tricts in areas of greater- or lesser community wealth.
BURSLEY AIDE Gene Caesar says the new fund-
ing bill is "not! a departure from the State School
Aid Act at all. The concept and principles are en-
tirely the same."
Only those " school districts that roll back their
property taxes proportionately will be given the new
funding level of $60 as an option, according to Caesar.
The senators have given school districts the guar-
antee that if school property taxes are reduced by
the suggested one third, the districts will suffer no
lose in school funds.
"WE DON'T have the legal authority in the legis-
NOT EVERYONE shared their
{ gloom, however. "We need some-