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Sir i!Mt
See Today for details
Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. LXXXIV, No. 153 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, April 11, 1974 Ten Cents
Eight Pages
Feldkam p b-b-blasted
The Housing Unit Committee (HUC) yesterday called
for the censure of University Housing Director John
Feldkamp - then decided to hold off the motion until
they could tell it to his face. Feldkamp, now in Arizona
on an unidentified mission, has long been the target
of criticism from the HUC. This time, the group moved
and seconded a proposal to chide him for his failure
to consult with them when he accepted controversial
staff selections for Baits housing. The motion was tabled
until 4 p.m. today, when the HUC plans a special
meeting in West Quad's second floor dining room, in
hopes that Feldkamp will be present.
Interest flags
"Well, I gues I can go back to the golf course,"
commented one literary college faculty member yes-
terday, noting the sparse turnout at an LSA faculty meet-
ing called to discuss the Commission on Graduation
Requirements (GRC) report. The meeting was dismissed
due to lack of quorum, with many of his colleagues ap-
parently taking advantage of the clement weather to hit
the links rather than debate the GRC report. Before
closing the meeting, LSA Dean Frank Rhodes reminded
the handful of professors in attendance, that the report
has gotton no formal approval as yet. "We reserved the
right, at the end of our, discussion - whichever year .
that may fall in - to review the entire report and vote
on it," Rhodes said.
Death in Ypsi
Twenty-five-year-old Ronald Melvin of Ypsilanti
called the town's State Police post early yesterday morn-
ing and said he had killed his 21-year-old wife Yvonne.
Troopers ariving at the scene found the woman's corpse,
shot though the head by rounds from a 16-gauge shot-
gun. Melvin was taken into custory and arraigned later
yesterday on an unspecified murder charge. Police say
they have not established a motive in the slaying.
SGC interviews for University committee positions
will end this afternoon, not April 14 as was printed
in their advertisement. So hurry on in if you're inter-
ested. To find out more about the positions open, stop
in at the SGC office on the third floor of the Union.
Happenings ...
...vary from the political to the pleasurable be-
ginning with a noon meeting of the Secretarial Subcom-
mittee of the Commission for Women in Rm. 2224 of the
Education School . . the International Center is spon-
soring a European Travel coffee hour from 3:30 to 5:30
p.m. for interested students in the center's lounge and
recreation room . . . at 4 p.m. Prof. George Kish lec-
tures and shows slides on "Unusual Maps and Globes of
the Renaissance" in the Law Quad's Cook Rm. 'N' entry-
way . . . at 7:30 p.m. Cesar Chavez will speak on the
imminent grape strike in California at UAW local 212,
12101 Mack, Detroit. Rides to the speech will be leaving
from the north door of the Union at 6 p.m. . . . Demo-
cratic gubernatorial hopeful Sander Levin will meet and
talk with students in the main lounge of the Law
Quad at 7:30 p.m. . . . state Rep. Perry Bullard (D-
Ann Arbor) and Democratic County Commissioner Kath-
leen Fotjik host an open discussion on women's rights,
tenants rights and secret police in Markley Hall's An-
gela Davis lounge, 7:30 p.m. . . . HRP will be meting
on the 4th floor of the Union at 7:30 p.m. to decide on
their School Board campaign . . . the Residential Col-
lege dancers present a concert entitled "Of Time and
Space" at 8:30 p.m. in the E. Quad Aud. complete
with original, live music . . . and those interested in
going to Washington or Chicago for the National Im-
peach Nixon Rally can sign up for bus trips with the
Ann Arbor Committee to Impeach Nixon in the Fishbowl,
or by calling 665-6200 or 662-6671.
Tour s parks scattered protests
Special To The Daily
SAGINAW - Following an
enthusiastic welcome at Tri-
City airport near here, Presi-
dent Richaid Nixon toured
the state's rural "thumb" re-
gion yesterday to chorus after
chorus of admiring cheers.
Yet even in this sparsely
populated, staunchly Repub-
lican area, the President
could not escape significant
numbers of protesters. The
anti-Nixon contingent made
its presence felt despite the
throngs of pom-pom girls,
high school bands, and flag-
waving wellwishers.
cade drove through 11 towns in
three hours following welcoming
ceremonies attended by Governor
William Milliken, Lieutenant Gov-
ernor James Brickley, and Senator
Robert Griffin.
About 30,000 people saw the
President and in some of the
smaller towns, the crowd greatly
exceeded the local population.
After briefly address the airnort
crowd, Nixon helicoptered into
Bad Axe where his 15 car entour-
age began the 57 mile journev
through the agricultural counties
of Huron, Sanilac and Tuscola.
AT EVERY STOP, Nixon blasted
Congress for ffiling to approve 17
bills which he claimed would re-
duce unemployment and increase
automobile production and sales.
The President termed Congress'
actions a "bottleneck" and added,
"Your fuature here in this area
depends so mtichron thethealth of
the automobile industry."
Unemployment in Saginaw cur-
rently exceeds 10 per cent because
of lay-offs at General Motors fac-
THE VISIT CAME at the re-
quest of James Sparling, Repub-
lican candidate in the eighth con-
gressional district.
Robert T axler, Sparling's Dem-
ocratic opponent inhnext Tuesday's
special election, has made the
Watergate scandals and Nixon's
income tax problems the leading
campaign issue.
To counter that tactic, Sparling
asked Nixon to tour the district
and "meet the people and ex-
plain the national problems."
However, many Republican in-
siders have indicated the presiden-
tial visit had actually been forced
upon Sparling by the White House.
AT MOST OF the small cross-
roads, Nixon proceeded slowly -
waving and shaking hands with
members of the crowd from his
custom-built, bullet-proof presi4
dential limousine.
The President stopped and ad.
See BIG, Page 8
Daily Photo by KEN FINK
Nixon and GOP candidate Sparling greet crowd
Meir to step down as
political furor grows
By AP and Reuter
JERUSALEM - Premier Golda Meir of Israel announced her
resignation yesterdayin the midst of a domestic political dispute and
a month-long military conflict with Syria on the Golan Heights.
"This time my decision is irrevocable," leaders of her Labor party
quoted the 75-year-old leader as saying at a closed meeting in Jerusa-
lem. "I have reached the end of the road . .."
THEY SAID she planned to submit her resignation formally at a
Cabinet meeting today.
That move would mean the collapse of Israel's government which
took office only last month, and new general elections.
The party leaders said Meir had agreed to stay on as head of a
caretaker Cabinet until the elections are held.
THE MAJOR SOURCE of friction within the government since the
war has been who to blame for Israel's being poorly prepared for the
October Arab attack.
See GOLDA, Page 2
Gaily Photo by KEN HNK
PRESIDENT NIXON shakes hands with an admirer during a tour of the Michigan "thumb" area yesterday.
Nixon made the appearance, his first campaign trip since he ran for re-election, on behalf of Republican
Congressional hopeful James Sparling.
to subpoena Nixon tapes
Inter planetary creature?
By AP and Reuter
WASHINGTON - Republicans
on the House Judiciary Committee
sent word to the White House yes-
terday that a subpoena is virtually
certain if President Nixon refuses
to comply immediately with the
panel's request for more presi-
dential tapes and documents.
The majority Democrats and
the Republicans caucused sepa-
rately yesterday to discuss a
White House proposal that they
wait two more weeks for a final
,decision on what material the
President feels is relevant to the
impeachment inquiry.
Chairman Peter Rodino (D-N.J.)
scheduled a meeting of the full
committee for today with the ques-
tion of a subpoena the only item
on the agenda.
BUT IT WAS the Republicans
who voiced the strongest reaction
to the letter received late Tues-
day from James St. Clair, the
President's Watergate lawyer.
St. Clair wrote to committee
counsel John Doar that he was
pleased that the committee has
made its original request for tapes
of 42 presidentialsconversations
more specific in subsequent cor-
Campy to
turn pro?
Citing financial hardship, U 'ni-
versity basketball star Campy
Russell has requested to play
professionally in the NBA, pass-
ing up his senior year here. See
story Page 7.
"Although further specifications
might be desirable to assist the
President in determining what he
should provide the committee, he
has directed me to advise you that
a review of the materials in ques-
tion is under way," St. Clair
THE WHITE HOUSE lawyer said
he hoped the review would be
completed by the end of the up-
coming Easter congressional re-
cess on April 22.
Rep. Edward Hutchinson of
Michigan, senior Republican on
the committee, said, "I am not
satisfied with the response. I think
it was offensive to the House."
Hutchinson indicated that he and
the other Republicans would sup-
port a compromise under which
committee counsel and Rodino and
Hutchinson would review the re-
quested material with St. Clair to
determine if it is needed for the
impeachment inquiry.'
A similar proposal was put for-
ward two weeks ago by House mi-
nority leader John Rhodes (R-
Ariz.) but was rejected both by
Rodino and the White House.
Meanwhile, in other Watergate
developments, former Attorney
General John Mitchell took the
stand in his own defense yesterday
and denied he had ever attempted
to impede an investigation of fi-
nancier Robert Vesco.
MITCHELL, who is facing char-
ges of conspiracy and perjury
along with former Commerce Sec-
retary Maurice Stans, also told a
hushed federal courtroom he had
demanded to know why his initials
appeared beside an entry show-
ing Vesco's $200,000 contribution to
President Nixon's re-election cam-
Mitchell said that when he asked
Two clowns of the Lichtenstein Quarter Ring Sidewalk Circus demonstrate their wares during a campus
performance on the Diag yesterday. The circus attracted a crowd of nearly 1,009 during its hour of
Creature from another planet? Not really. It's mere-
ly the center support on a monkey-bar type piece of
playground equipment at McCook Point Park in Niantic,
Conn., which took on an unearthly appearance yester-
day following an overnight snowfall that blanketed the
On the inside.. .
. . The Arts Page features David Whiting's view
of the awards in the Tower Plaza design competition .. .
John Lande's discussion of the model LSA course graces
the Editorial Page . . . and Marc Feldman has the
scoop on Michigan star Campy Russell's switchover
to professional basketball on the Sports Page.
A2's weather
Our temperatures will actually get ab ve normal
Ring circus
'U' cost hikes trail
nationwide average
draws Diag crowd
Inflation and tight governmental
budgeting will drive the cost of
attending college up 9.4 per cent
next year, according to predic-
tions made by the College Entrance
"I would be out of my mind to
recommend another fee increase,"
Smith declares.
Smith says last fall's 24 per cent
increase in tuition rates has
brought the University to a stable
"Ladies and Gentlemen, I have here in my hand
Harvey the duck."
A crowd of about a ~thousand children, ranging
in age from three to 63, giggled with delight as
what was obviously a rabbit twitched its ears.
HARVEY THE DUCK made his appearance on
the Diag yesterday along with the Royal Lichten-
stein Quarter Ring Circus, "the smallest circus,
old-fashioned market place. Then this sort of
thing became popular on campus," explained the
group's leader Nick Weber. "I like the campus
crowds best, they're a lot different from what you
get in a shopping center."
The circus appears on campuses and in shopping
centers in 35 states over a period of eight months
doing 300 shows.
Based in San Jose, California the circus consists