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See Today for details
See inside
Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. LXXXIV No. 152 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, April 10, 1974 Ten Cents
Eight Pages
/ 1
Big shots arrive
The eyes of the nation are upon our state today as
both the President and his Veep roll through for a pair
of ticklish stumping tours. Richard Nixon will meet an
airport reception in Saginaw and tour the Eighth Con-
gressional District - also known as The Thumb. The
controversial tour, which will consist of a motorcade
through rural areas between Bad Axe and Sandusky,
was scheduled despite the reported objections of state
Republican leaders. Nixon is stumping in support of
GOP Congressional candidate Jim Sparling. Meanwhile,
Vice President Gerald Ford arrived in the Detroit area
yesterday, and will depart early today after campaign-
ing for incumbent Congressman Bob Huber (R-Troy).
Ripoff artists, beware
The Daily's circulation staff sends its sincere apolo-
gies to those of you who are still having home delivery
troubles. And speaking of troubles, a new one has come
to our attention: somebody Out There is stealing Dailies
off front stoops. Much as we. like the fact that ripoff
artists are avid readers, we don't mess around. Tell
us who's stealing your Daily, and with a little help from
our friends on the police force, we'll put a stop to this
nonsense. Crime does not pay.
HPC gets in the act
The Housing Policy Committee (HPC) is preparing
to involve itself in the continuing controversy over staff
selection procedures at Baits Housing earlier this year.
HPC will meet today and issue a response to Housing
Director John Feldkamp, who last week turned down an
appeal from the seven Baits staffers who fell victim to
apparent violations of the staff selection code.
Volunteers sought
A group called Citizens Against Recidivism (CAR) is
looking for student volunteers to assist in tutoring, coun-
seling, social, and recreational programs for 14 to 17-
year-old juvenile delinquents in Washtenaw County. Ac-
cording to CAR's staffers, the programs' collective pur-
pose is "to aid in rehabilitation of young people so that
they can achieve a positive self-image and build con-
structive relationships within their individual social
settings." CAR seeks students with an interest in trans-
actional analysis, empathy training, and handling "real
world" legal and psychological problems.
.: ..are pretty thick today, led by the Nixon motor-
cade through the Social Work school's Action Conference
or Social Work. Education. Workshops include: "Edu-
cational Change and the School of Social Work" - noon
in 3065 Frieze Bldg.; "What Happens in the Classroom?"
-a good question - 2 p.m. in the same room; and
"Social Work and Society" - 8 p.m. at 131 Social Work
Center . . . Physics Prof. Marc Ross lectures on "Ener-
gy Consumption and theFuture of Society at 8 p.m. in
Cooley Lab's White Aud.'on North Campus . . . the
Society of Automotive Engineers student section is hold-
ing a three-hour conference on "Modern Urban Trans-
portation Systems, complete with design experts from
the big auto companies, at 2:30 p.m. in 311 W. Engi-
neering . . . 2nd District Democratic Congressional
hopeful.Dr. Ew Pierce will be out on the Diag at noon
to Meet the People . . . Dr. Zvi Gitelman will verbalize
his expertise on "The Jews: A Special Case of Soviet
Nationality Policy," in a mini-course session at 4 p.m. in
Rackham's East Conference Rm . . . and the science
fictionist Stilyagi Air Corps meets at 7 p.m. in 4203 of
the Union.
UPI strike ends
Striking United Press International (UPI) employes
yesterday voted approval of a newcontract settlement
for the nation's second biggest wire service, raising top
minimum reporters' wages to $335 per week over the
next two years. The UPI strike, which lasted for three
weeks and a day, ended with a 323-245 "yes" vote.
Bring on the robots .. .
A Moscow economist says that Soviet scientists have
been commissioned to .design robots which will help
man extract natural wealth from the wastes of northern
Siberia. It is possible that the robots will help - or
possibly replace Soviet workers in the Arctic northern
territories. Soviet scientists hope that the robots will
be able to overcome human deficiencies in the harsh
northern climate so that men will only have to spend
a limited amount of time there each year.
And the witches!
A leading official of the World Health Organization
(WHO) believes that witch doctors are as vital as psy-
chiatrists and should be given a definite place inhealth
services. Dr. Adeoye Lambo claims that witch doctors'
rituals are often beneficial in treating illnesses. "There
is no doubt that some of these so-called witch doctors,
whom I would prefer to cell traditonal healers, are as
valuable as psycho-therapists or psychiatrists in the
western world," he says.
On the inside .. .
Marnie Heyn focses critical hindsight on the
past year of dance programs at the Big 'U' on the Arts
Page . . . the Editorial Page features a long look at
the Office of Strident Ser-ices from Cindy Hill . . . and
Mark Feldman nortr'ys Tigers' sorrowful home opener
on the Sports Page.
tape request
.White House offers
fApril 22 due date
By AP and Reuter
WASHINGTON-The White House yesterday failed to meet
a deadline set by the House Judiciary Committee for turning
, over presidential tape recordings sought in the congressional
{ j. impeachment inquiry.
Presidential Counsel James St. Clair told the committee the
White House was still reviewing the requested materials and it
expected they would be furnished by April 22.
The White House position, outlined by St. Clair in a letter to John
Doar, the committee's chief counsel, left open the possibility of a subpoena
for the tape recordings and documents if the committee refused to wait
any longer for the material They had requested the material last February.
AP PIhoto
PETE PRILL, Supt. of the Bad Axe department of public works helps hoist a sign welcoming President Nixon to town. Nixon will be visiting
Bad Axe today as part of a campaign tour to help Republican candidate James Sparling in the Eighth Congressional District election to be
held April 16.
Bad Axe
for presidential
Special To The Daily
BAD AXE, MICH. - This laconic farm town has been abruptly
shaken from its quiet existence by the biggest event in its history-the
arrival this morning of President Richard Nixon.
Since the townspeople-all 3000 of them-learned last Friday that the
President would kickoff a motorcycle motorcade through the mitten por-
tion of the state from Bad Axe, they have poured their energy into
preparing for the visit.
The main street has been decked in red, white and blue bunting,
American flags, and thousands of pennants emblazoned with "Welcome
to Bad Axe President Nixon."
Nixon will helicopter into the local airport around eleven o'clock
after arriving at the state at Tri City Airport on Air Force One, the
official presidential jet.
FIVE HIGH SCHOOL bands will serenade the President along the
parade route. The groups requested and received four hundred copies
of sheet music for "Hail to the Chief" from the Republican National
Committee, but then decided they could not master the tune in time for
today's ceremonies.
After stopping in Bad Axe for a few minutes, the President will
begin an 11-town, four-hour excursion made at the request of James
Sparling, the Republican candidate for the Eighth Congressional Dis-
trict seat in a special election scheduled for next Tuesday.
Sparling's Democratic opponent, Robert Traxler, has made Nixon,
Watergate, and Federal economic problems the major campaign issues.
In hopes of countering the attack, Sparling invited the President to
come to the area, "meet the people," and explain those issues.
For the past week controversy has surrounded the circumstances
of the invitation. Some political insiders reportedly claimed Nixon is'
in fact forcing himself on unwilling Republicans in the eighth district.
Sparling's spokesperson, however, clearly states that Nixon is not
campaigning for the GOP candidate, but rather. to clarify national issues.
A Democrat has not won in the Eighth District since 1932, but Re-
publican leaders are concerned about effects the Watergate scandals
have had on the party.
chairman, set yesterday as the deadline for receipt of the requested
documents, which include tape re-_- _____ _
cordings of 42 presidential conver-
sations on Watergate-related mat-
ters.cl a
Congress takes an Easter recess Dl
between next Thursday and April
22. students1in
St. Clair told Doar he expected
the White House review could be Med School
completed by the end of the recess, M edtSlhahl
terial to be furnished would permit
the committee to complete its im- scandal
peachment inquiry promptly.
St. Clair also said he hoped the
committee would decide the nature By JEFF DAY
of his own role in the proceedings- R u m o r s flew throughout the
he has asked for the right to cross- Medical School last fell, that sev-
examine witnesses-before the re- eral members of the junior class
cess begins, were involved in a systematic
REPUBLICAN members have cheating scheme that protected it-
been insisting St. Clair be allowed dents.
to participate in the committee's Recently, however, the school's
activities, while Democrats gen- Honor Council quelled some of the
erall have said ,that would torn cheating talk when it reprimanded
what is essentially an investigation four students for allegedly spread-
It ohas been suggested by Rodino ing the rumors and creating an air
that the question of St. Clair's par- Btsca eerda Medical School
ticipation be dealt with after the yest ray, eGcal ch
committee receives ha presentation Dean John Gronvall cleared the
of the facts developed by the com-
mittee staff.AN IVSIA ONls se
But at an informal meeting of AN INVESTIGATION last se-
committee Democrats, there was mester by an ad--hoc committee
widespread agreement to let St. of med school students and fac-
Clair be present when John Doar, ulty labeled the cheating allega-
chief committee counsel, starts tionsas "unfounded." But the
laving out the case. school's Honor Council, acting on
Earlier yesterday, Democrats on its own and on the basis of infor-
See WHITE, Page 8 See DEAN, Page 2
explains ecologic al
visionary communty
Jerovik's identity disclosed,
cons piritors confess crimes
don't care about politics or Water-
gate scandals today, they just want
to see the President.
"Watergate doesn't really mat-
ter," says Bad Axe Mayor William
Stocker, "We'll turn out to see the
President whether he is right or
wrong." Adds Stocker, who earns
a living running an electronics re--
pair shop, "This visit will put our
town on the map."~
Other citizens echo that feeling.
"We're going to honor the presi-
dency, not necessarily the man in
the office," one businessman com-
mented. And just about everybody
has joined in the festivities.
"This is the biggest thing in most
of our lives . . . ever," says Al
Hordos who is coordinating the
decorationshcommittee which has
more than adequately costumed
the main street.
"MOST OF THE time we julst
sit around and watch the traffic
lights change color or 'he Sears
truck roll in," he jokes.
Yet it isn't hard to believe that's
all there is to do in Bad Axe.
"The sidewalks are rolled up at
around five at night," according to
one resident. There is a single
movietheater among the small
markets and storefront offices.
And the Knights of Columbus offer
bingo every third week.
But during the past four days
the best game in town has been
"Spot the Secret Service agent."
About 25 federal officers have been
in Bad Axe since Saturday and
twice that number will join them
when the President arrives. State
and county law enforcement per-
sonnel will also help beef up the
skeletal five man Bad Axe police
With clear skies and tempera-
tures in the mid-fifties predicted
today, the police anticipate near-
ly 15,000 people will line the streets
here to get a glimpse of the Presi-
THROUGHOUT the town, resi-
dents yesterday made last minute
preparations. Gas station attend-
John Todd, who originated the art
of backyard fish farming boasted
yesterday during a speech at Hill
Aud. that the fish raised by his
method, "are nutritious,twhole-
some, and according to the New
York Times Food Editor, the best
cultured fish he'd tasted."
In backyard fish farming, fish
are grown in a solar-heated pond,
feeding only on plants grown in the
same 'pond.
Todd, who founded the New Al-
chemy Institute on Cape Cod,
Mass., an experimental s o 1 a r -
heated, wind-powered food com-
plex, spoke at the final.Future
Worlds lecture of the semester.
In the New Alchemy community,
the emphasis is on ecology and
economy, stressing the utilization
of every object-even beer bottles
-to improve the environment.
drinker," admitted Todd. "I had
to rationalize all the bottles. So we
tied them together into rafts that
float on the surface of the fish
ponds. They collect solar heat,
warming the water in the pond so
that more algae will grow."
The people of New Alchemy work
together, practicing what Todd
calls "earth stewardship, ' but do
not live together. "We want to as-
See TODD, Page 2
"Jerovik wonders who you are too!" claimed the
sign on a lamp post.
"Jerovik is bullish on America," read another.
"Jerovik: 1 oz. vodka, 2 squeezes orange juice.
one half frog leg, serve cold," announced a third.
"I HAVEN'T the foggiest notion who Jerovik is,
but its driving me crazy," wailed Debbie Chesney,
LSA '77.
Debbie was not alone yesterday. Literally hun-
dreds of people on campus were wondering who or
what Jerovik is.
Jerovik covered the campus. Overnight signs
and bumner stickers bearing the name appeared
everywhere, along with a Jerovik banner hung
from the m rmuee of the State Theater next to'the
w'rds. "winner of seven Acdernv Awards."
A tip led Jerovik investigtors to the seventh
One of the guilty crew offered an explanation.
"Cathy would do some stupid things so we referred
to it as Jerovik (a corruption of the name Gero-
vac)" he said.
"One day we got into a magic marker fight,
and Cathy hid in the john for over an hour, so
to retaliate we put up these signs all over cam-
pus with the word Jerovik on them," he continued.
"The first time I saw them I started laughing
to myself, especially when people around me asked
who Jerovik is," chortled Gerovac.
"The word is no longer a name, but has ac-
quired a meaning of its own," claimed Robine.
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