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April 07, 1974 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1974-04-07

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)undcy, April 7, 1974

THE ICHIAN AILY~unav. nri 7. 9-,

... . , . - . .

rogr .. .
over and out
Stanley Cup... it's Boston
HE REIGN OF THE Montreal Canadiens as perennial Stanley
Cup favorites ends this year. Contract hassles with super
goaltender Ken 'Dryden cost the Canadiens his services, and
Montreal General Manager Sam Pollock's trio of replacements
(Wayne Thomas, Michel Plasse and Michel "Bunny" Larocque)
have not given the Canadiens anywhere near the service Dryden
Although Montreal can never be counted out, the odds on
favorite for Lord Stanley's Cup this year has to be talent-laden
Boston. Led by spectacular Phil Esposito and gimpy-kneed
Bobby Orr, the Bruins have cake walked to the East Division.
title and the accompanying Prince of Wales Trophy.
The biggest surprise in Beantown has been the stellar
goaltending of Gilles Gilbert, acquired from Minnesota last
summer. Though he's not In the same class as Philadelphia's
Bernie Parent and Chicago's Tony Esposito, Gilbert's play
brings a new dimension to the high scoring Bruins.
Vastly improved Toronto will be Boston's first round ppo-
nent. The Maple Leafs sport a bevy of talented rookies that
includes Swedish import defenseman Borje Salming, a leading
candidate for the Calder Cup rookie award.
The key to the series for Toronto will be to stop the high
scoring Esposito, and the man who will get most of that re-
sponsibility, Dave Keon, should have his hands full. With Keon
shadowing Espo, the brunt of the Maple Leafs' scoring will fall
on the shoulders of Darryl Sittler, Norm Ullman, Paul Hender-
son and Ron Ellis. Only Sittler has had a really good season,
and it looks like the other three may be getting a little too old.
The other East quarterfinal series finds the Canadiens battl-
ing the resurgent New York Rangers. The Rangers languished in
the lower depths of the division early in the season until General
Manager Emile "The Cat" Francis relieved Larry Popien in
back of the bench.
WITH FRANCIS IN command, New York came on strong, but
the Rangers could not overtake the slumping Canadiens for
second place.
Montreal has also been disappointing. The Mahovlich brothers
(Frank and Pete) and mini-mite Yvan Cournoyer notched most
of Montreal's goals, whereas in the past the Canadiens showed
much better balance.
This series is the most evenly matched of all the quarter-
finals. The Canadiens get the edge solely on the home ice
advantage, but whoever wins will merely become a sacri-
ficial lamb for Philadephia's "Broad Street Bullies."
The Flyers have emerged under coach Fred Shero as the
first expansion team to have a legitimate chance of capturing
the Stanley Cup. Philadelphia proved a year ago that it could
score goals, and the off-season acquisition of goalie Parent gave
the Flyers just what they needed to cop the Clarence Campbell
Shero has put together the best balanced team in hockey
with Bobby Clarke, Rick MacLeish, Bill Barber, et al scoring
goals and Dave Schultz and Andre Dupont dishing out punish-
ment as Philly's policemen.
BERNIE "BOOM BOOM" Geoffrion has done a masterful job
of coaching the fledging Atlanta Flames to a fourth place
finish in the West and their first Stanley Cup appearance. The
Flames' happiest surprise has been the play of rookie center-
man Tom Lysiak, the club's leading scorer and another Calder
hopeful. Dan Bouchard and Canadien outcast Phil Myre man
the Flame net very adequately. Nevertheless, Philadelphia
should have little trouble disposing of the Flames en route to
a showdown with Boston's Bruins.
The final quarterfinal pairing finds Chicago engaging
the Los Angeles Kings. The Black Hawks spent the entire
second half of the season In a vain attempt to overtake the
roughhousing Flyers, and Esposito waged war with Parent
for the Vezina Trophy, which goes to the league's best goal-
tender. Though the Flyers copped first place, the Vezina
race will go down to the season's final games.
The knock against the -Black Hawks has been that since
they could not win the Cup with Bobby Hull, why should anyone
believe they can do it now. That theory overlooks the new style
of play Billy Reay has the Hawks playing.
Chicago now sports a much more balanced scoring attack,
punctuated with solid defense and goaltending. Chicago's MPH
line (Pitt Martin, Jim Pappin and Dennis Hull) lead the scoring
parade, while stalwart veteran Bill White and youngster Phil
Russell anchor the defense.
gFJIE KINGS' LINEUP has a cosmopolitan flavor with "ex-
everyhere's" all over the place. The Kings leading scorer,
Butch Goring, also will be in the running for the Lady Byng
Trophy. Regatien Vachon, another Montreal castoff, played
some of the best goal in the league. Chicago will not have to

extend itself to topple this lineup but from then on things will
get a little tougher.
The semifinal matchups would then be Boston-Chicago
and Montreal-Philadelphia. The old Canadien pride just has
not been apparent this season, much to the chagrin of
Montreal captain Henri Richard. The Flyers,, meanwhile,
have taken the old Boston Bruin "play dirty and win" credo
and worked it to near perfection. Philadephia will take the
series and move on to the finals.
The Bruins-Hawks series should be the most exciting of
the playoffs with the Bruins ruling the roost in a series that
could go the full seven games.
That would set up a classic match of two big, rough, tough
clubs in the finals, Boston against Philadelphia. The Bruins
are one of the few teams who have been unaffected by the
Flyers intimidation tactics. Philly did not defeat Boston once
in the regular season.
The Bruins claim four of the league's six top scorers:
Esposito (1st), Orr (2nd), Ken Hodge (3rd), and Wayne
Cashman (6th). Esposito and Orr will seem to own the ice
as they have all year. Shero will counteract them with
Clarke and checking specialist Terry Crisp in hopes of
neutralizing Espo.
The Flyers have come a long way, but for this year the
Cup seems out of their reach. The Bruins should capture their
third title in five years, with Esposito copping the Conn Smythe
Trophy as the playoffs' Most Valuable Player.

JMichigan gets



in doubleheader split

The Michigan baseball team's
home opener against Eastern Mich-
igan broke cool and crisp which
usually means great pitching wea-
ther and the pitchers from both
sides did do well. But even though
pitching is the Wolverine forte,
the Maize and Blue could only
manage a split with Eastern, win-
ning the opener 1-0 but dropping
the nightcap 2-0 in two games that
saw very little hitting.
In the first baseball action of the
season at Ray Fisher Stadium, the
Wolverines only needed the first
inning at the plate in the first
game. Eastern's Bob Owchinko had
the first inning jitters, walking the
Wolverine's lead-off hitter Dick
Walterhouse. Walterhouse prompt-
ly stole second and Owchinko fol-
lowed through by giving Chris
Burak a base-on-balls.
But the left-handed hurlerseem-
ed to revive and he rallied to whiff
Ted Mahan and Mike DeCou. The
fire had not been extinguished
however and Michigan's star catch
er John Lonchar rifled a single
past the third-baseman's out-
stretched glove. Walterhouse scor-
ed and Lonchar collected the only
Wolverine hit of the entire game.
Clutch the hit was - plentiful the
hits were not.
ACE ADAMS who pitched a
beautiful game for Michigan faced
only one serious threat and can

'thank the fielding of teammates
Lonchar and third baseman Ed
Clegg for getting him out of the
jam. Lonchar had earlier delivered
the go-ahead hit. Now it was time
for the big catcher to ensure the
lead in the field.
With runners on first and sec-
ond in the fifth inning, Eastern's
Mike Lauerman laid down a bunt
which did not get away from home
plate. Lonchar grabbed the ball
and threw a strike to third nailing
the lead runner.
The next batter stepped up and
sent a screaming line drive to-
wards left field. But Michigan's
Clegg made a fantastic diving
catch and just failed in doubling
the runner off second. Lonchar
however didn't like the idea of
missing the double play, and on
the subsequent pitch to the next
slugger, gunned down the Eastern
man on second base with a tre-
Imendous throw. The defense was
Besides the Michigan first inning
and the fifth for Eastern the game
was all pitch and catch. The line
scores reveal all. One run,, one hit
and one error for the Maize and
Blue. No runs, three hits and one
error for the Ypsilanti bunch.
IN THE SECOND game' of the
twinbill, Michigan's defensive wor-
ry - the infield - fell apart.
Freshman Larry Sorenson pitched
well even though he was a little

wild. But Eastern was able to
manage two unearned runs off the
Maize and Blue.
In the third inning Eastern had
men on first and second. Jim
Luckhardt dribbled adball into the
second base hole- and Michigan's
Jess James had to come a long
way for it. He dove and bobbled it
slightly but still had time to make
the play at first. First baseman
Pete Ross mishandled the throw
and allowed the runner from sec-
ond to score. What would have
been the third out became a one-
run deficit for Benedict's bunch.
An error on James in the sixth
inning also cost the Wolverines
whenthe next Eastern batter sing-
led home a run.
shaky in the second game. Burak
had trouble making throws from
the hole at shortstop, and fielders
were not covering the bases. What
Coach Benedict thought was a
problem turned out to be just that.
However he was platooning and
the infield was solid in the Mich-
igan win.
Even though Jay Traver blanked
the Wolverines and the hitting was
weak, Benedict was not worried.
"It was the first game we've play-
ed in 27 days," he said and added
that mainly it was a chance to play
in a season that so far hasn't of-
fered much time to do so.
p lay
straight singles and Reggie Smith
and Ken Reitz rapped run-scoring
doubles for the Cards, who whip-
ped the Pirates for the second
straight time.

Mike DeCo draws a bead .
-l- - - -






By The Associated Press
BALTIMORE - Jim Northrup
doubled with two out in the 10th
inning and scored on a single by
designated hitter Al Kaline, lift-
ing the Detroit Tigers to a 3-2
victory yesterday over the Balti-
more Orioles.
It was Detroit's first triumph in
two games under new Manager
Ralph Houk and pinned the set-
back on Dave McNally, who went
all the way for Baltimore.
The Tigers pulled even at 2-2
in the sixth iningn when Micke

the Atlanta Braves 7-5 in
ally televised game.

a nation-E

The Braves, as in the opener,
squandered early leads .The Reds
rallied from 3-1 and 5-3 deficits.
Atlanta manager MathewsI
hadsaid earlier Aaron would not
start another game until tomor-
row night's nationally-televised
home opener in Atlanta.
But Mathews said last night that
Hank Aaron will start today against
Cincinnati after Commissioner


Bosox brewed

g0B;wIe MIKun ordered the Braves to
Stanley doubled and scored on Bill have the superstar in the lineup. Milwaukee - Pedro Garcia's
Freehan's hard ground smash off two-run homer capped afour-run
the leg of third base umpire Nestor; "It's the ' first time the Coin-tw-uhoecapdafrrn
Chylg k. r missioner ordered me to directly seventh inning, propelling the Mi!-
C etroit whstart Aaron," Mathews told a pack- waukee Brewers to a 5-4 victory
Detroit, which stranded six ed news conference in the teams' over the Boston Red Sox yester-
runners in the first four innings, hotel. day.
scored an unearned run in the
third on a walk to Aurelio Rodri- Mathews said, "For the first Milwaukee starter Jim Slaton
guez, pitcher Dave McNally's field- time I realized there could not was tagged for four runs in the
ing error and a single by Kaline. only be fines and suspensions, first inning, but settled down and
Bobby Grich knocked in both but threats to the franchise it- blanked the Red Sox on five hits
Baltimore runs. His fifth-inning self. until being relieved by Eduardo
home run put the Orioles in front "Because of these threats," Mat- Rodriguez with one out in the
2-1 and his bloop single in the third hews continued, "I intend to start ninth.
scored Mark Belanger, who had Hank Aaron." * *
walked and moved all the way to
third on a passed ball by Freehan. Roallu*e
Detroitastarter Joe Coleman was
lifted in the seventh after Al Bum- Perry spittooned KANSAS CITY - Designated hit-
brv walked and stole second. John
Hiller, who set a major league re- NEW YORK - Mel Stottlemyre ter Hal McRae slammed a home
cord of 38'saves last season, walk- scattered seven hits and Graig Net- run, double and single and figured
ed Grich intentionally and then I tIes belted a two-run homer yes- in seven-run and six-run innings,
worked out of the jam. Designated terday to lead the New York Yan- helping power the Kansas City
hitter Tommy Davis, who had three kees to a 6-1 victory over the
previous hits, forced Grich and Cleveland Indians in the American
Rnew Dna Pn 11 c ,.ii ,,,,t League opener for both teams.,.y a

Royals to a 23-6 rout over the Min-
nesota Twins yesterday.
Eleven batters went to the
plate for the Royals in the first
inning, Fred Patek, Jim Wohl-
ford and John Mayberry singled
in succession before Cookie Ro-
jas doubled to score Wohlford
and Mayberry. The Royal blitz
never let up.
All of the Minnesota runs came
off starter Steve Busby, who de-
parted after five innings.
Chisox bedeviled
CHICAGO - Mickey Rivers sin-
gled home the winning run with
two out in the ninth inning yester-
day, giving California a 3-2 victory'
over Chicago, the Angels' second
consecutive American League tri-
umph over the White Sox. Chi-

cago's two runs came on homers,
Buddy Bradford connecting against
rookie Frank Tanana in the first
inning and Bill Melton hitting one
in the sixth.
Giants nip
Steve Ontiveros' tie-breaking lead-
off homer in the fourth inning car-
ried the San Francisco Giants to a
3-2 National League victory over
the Houston Astros yesterday.
Ontiveros, who also had knock-
ed in the go-ahead run in the
Giants' opening-day triumph over
the Astros Friday, smacked Tom
Griffin's first pitch in the fourth
inning to left field for his homer
that broke a 2-2 tie.
* * *
Pirates bucked
ST. LOUIS - Veteran right-
hander Sonny Siebert, making his
first national League start, scatter-
ed four singles and delivered a
two-run single yesterday helping
the St. Louis Cardinals beat the
Pittsburgh Pirates 8-0.
T e d Sizemore rapped four

Padres humbled
LOS ANGELES - Jimmy Wynn
homered and drove in three runs,
and Tommy John scattered seven
hits yesterday, helping the Los An-
geles Dodgers shut out San Diego
for the second straight day 8-0.
The home run was Wynn's sec-
ond in two games, with a sacrifice
fly giving his six runs batted in
for two games for his new team.
Phillies prance
Schmidt, whose wide throw had
helped New York score the tie-
breaking run in the seventh inn-
ing, blasted a two-run homer in
the ninth, lifting the Philadelphia
Phillies to a 5-4 victory over the
Mets yesterday in the National
League opener for both clubs.
Steve Carlton, the NL's Cy Young
Award winner in 1972, started for
the Phils and worked five innings.
He was not involved in the deci-
sion. The winner was Mac Scarce.


o o g o w e i s r u c o u . - ' em
* *~ * I The game was enlivened by a
Csitblln controversy rbetween
Aaron ordered and umpire Marty Springstead,
CINCNNAT - Wile enry who invoked a new league rule on
CINCINNATI - While Henry the right-hander for throwing an il By MICHAEL WILSON though Michigan would run away
Aaron rested, John Bench pulled theriht-hanA word to the wise-the game's from Ohio. After a slow first+
an old Babe Ruth trick yester- legal pitch. not over until the final gun sounds. period, in which only one goal
day. The Cincinnati Reds' catch- Perry, a reputed spitballer, The Michigan lacrosse team be- was scored by Michigan's Don+
er promised a homer to a grave- was warned by Springstead in came fully aware of the validity of Holman, the Wolverines exploded
ly ill youngster and delivered. the sixth inning for allegedly that statement yesterday afternoon for four goals before the first half
"I told Phillip Buckingham of throwing a wet one to Nettles. In as they managed to down the stub- ended and found themselves with.
Dayton, Ohio, I'd hit one for him. that inning, the Yankees added a born stickmen of Ohio University a 5-0 lead at halftime.
He's taken a turn for the worse. He run on singles by Bobby Mercer by a score of 9-6. Steve Bissel accounted for three;
has 'leukemia," Bench said after and Bill Sudakis, a walk and of the four goals and assisted on
his homer helped the Reds beat Gene Michael's sacrifice fly. THE GAME STARTED out as the fourth.
..r ......::. ...,..~.* ~, r.... .. .::::.".., ,..:'":v q... .........'... V.'. , . ' .... ., .... .../ . .. ..... .. ..F .r.. ... . . .
By BRIAN DEMING scrimmage with a shoulder injury. tailback last fall, is learning the wingback
Ahandful of restless Michigan football Starting on the defensive line against spot. The 180-pound junior did not handle
enthusiasts came down to catch a glimpse the second-string were Jeff Perlinger, the ball much yesterday, however. Schem- <
of the grid potential for this fall as Bo Bill Hoban, Dan Jilek, Larry Banks, and bechier expressed concern about not using
Schembechier's warriors held a scrimmage Steve Graves. The linebackers were Steve the speedster more. "We've got to get the
.yesterday in the stadium under'the crisp, Stninko and Carl Russ. In the defensive ball more to him."
' October-like sun. backfield were Dave Elliott, Tom Drake, Filling out the first team offensive roster
SThe scrimmage opened up with the Don Dufek, and Dave Brown. , were Dave Metz and Jim Armour at guards;
second team offense pitted against the The first team offense had some trouble Pat Tumpane and Steve King at tackles;
first team defense. With some pin-point getting started but finally broke loose for a DenBoer and George Przygodski at ends;
passing by sophomore quarterback Mark 20-yard gain on a pass from Dennis Frank- and Dennis Franks at center.
Elzinga and tough running by Jerry lin to Greg DenBoer down the middle. This It is the line that poses the biggest
Vogele and Rob Lyttle, the second team was followed up by a 15-yard scamper by problems for Coach Schembechler this
moved the ball with relative ease. Soon, Faki nteamiroponpy.Ld spring. With the loss of seniors Mike
however, the defense-who had been by runs by Franklin and tailback Gordon Hbn i odadCri ukr
V "eXperimenting"-began to bottle up the Bell, the offense continued to roll con- a lot of new faces will have to take up
second-stringers. itnl the key line positions. Competing with
Lyla freshman tailback from Fre- GodnBl eet h ubroe Metz and Armour at guard are sophomore
mtOhio, was by far the most impres- Godo Bel penty tenme n Les Miles and freshman Greg Boik. At
sive component for the second offense tailbaCk and feeling the pressure to keep tackle behind Tumpane and King is
axainst the first-strinaers. With power and hodo h otcmeiiepsto nte souhoinore Kirk Lewis.




Ohio University refused to roll
over and die. In the third period,
Michigan Coach Bob DiGiovanne
elected to substitute with players'
who seldom see any action.
DiGiovanne would later regret
the decision. Ohio fought back and
scored four goals in the third
period to Michigan's three and
pulled within a respectable four
However at this point, everything
still seemed relatively secure for
the Wolverines. But the defense
continued to sag, as Ohio Univer-
sity's Frank Kaplan and Pete Fine
found the range early in the fourth
period to close within two goals,
BY THIS TIME, DiGiovanne had
realized his mistake and quickly
sent his regulars back into the
game to salvage a win.
As a result, the defense tightened,
Don Holman added an insurance
goal, his fourth of the game, and
Michigan was able to clinch its

fifth win in six starts of the 1974
"I'm happy we won," a per-
plexed DiGiovanne said after the
game. "But I'm also disappointed
in our fundamentals."
on the fundamental problems mid-
way through the second half, mak-
ing the game a bit closer than it
really should have been.
"We've got our three toughest
games yet to play," DiGiovanne
added. "The Columbus Lacrosse
Club will be our toughest test. We
better play better lacrosse next
Michigan will travel to South
Bend, Indiana next Tuesday night,
April 9, to take on the Fighting
Irish of Notre Dame. The Wol-
verines next home contest will be
next Saturday, April 13, against
Columbus at 2:00 p.m. at Ferry

IS l P I ES iI
Yesterday's Results
American League
Detroit 3, Baltimore 2, 10 innings
California 3, Chicago 2
Kansas City 23, Minnesota 6
New York 6, Cleveland 1
Milwaukee 5, Boston 4

Toronto 3, Buffalo 1
Pittsburgh 6, Philadelphia 2
WHA Playoffs
New England 6, Chicago 4
Minnesota 2, Edmonton 1
NBA Playoffs
Buffalo 104, Boston 102
ABA Playoffs
Indiana 105, San Antonio 100
Kentucky 120, Carolina 110

Buffalo snubs Boston
to knot series at 2-all
BUFFALO, N.Y. (IP)-Jim Mc- lost the ball and the Celtics scored
Millian tipped in Bob McAdoo's on a fast break.
missed shot with one second on the It was McAdoo's scoring-44
clock yesterday and gave the Buf- points-and the Braves' rebounding
faln nraves a 104-102 victorv over _...---- .. I +IiA

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