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April 06, 1974 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1974-04-06

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Page Seven


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A cool reception . .
.. .for number 714
H ENRY AARON is a remarkable man. No matter what kind
of comparisons people will make between Aaron and Babe
Ruth, Aaron's milestone 714th homerun and everyone he hits
from now on solidifies his claim as the greatest major league
baseball player of this era.
For this reason, I felt a grave disappointment at the lack-
luster show of appreciation from the Cincinnati fans after Aaron
dramatically clouted number 714 in the first inning of the season
opener here Thursday.
Sure they gave him a standing ovation, but it just wasn't
long enough. It didn't have the gusto one would anticipate after
the long winter's wait, and the stunning suddenness with which
Aaron ended the ordeal.
Sitting among the 52,000 plus fans at Riverfront Stadium
when Aaron pumped Jack Billingham's pitch over the left-center
field fence, I felt a burning sensation to leap to my feet and
,robustly applaud this man both for myself and his magnificentf
contribution to baseball for so many years. I did not want to
stop applauding. I could not stop.
Yet after a moment or two I felt very much alone. The
partisan Cincinnati fans returned to their seats wishing only for
the game to resume, apparently only concerned with the fact
that their beloved Reds were then trailing 3-0.
HOW COULD THESE people stop applauding? How could
the fans of the oldest franchise in professional baseball slough
off such a grand achievement so easily? Did the result of this
one game, the first of an arduous 162 game schedule mean that
much that they could refuse a man the tribute he deserved be-
cause in his crowning glory he might take away one ridiculous
victory? The thought left me cold.
Maybe it was the sudden aspect of Aaron's homerun. Maybe
it just caught them off guard. Maybe. But I just can't forgive
them for not giving him the true adulation he deserved.
Real honest to God fans would not have stopped. The fans
in Montreal nearly tore down the Forum in delerium when
Gordie Howe broke their own Maurice Richard's all-time goal
scoring record. Maybe that only proves a difference in the level
of sophistication of the Canadian hockey fan in comparison to BOB L
'the American baseball fan. If that is the case, then so be it. path a
But what if the reason flows a bit deeper? What if the real defensi
answer to my question is the question of race? What if the lack lead in
of respect was due to the fact that a black man tied and inevit- _
ably will break the most revered record in our national past-
time? That indeed would be a sad commentary on America.
TO KEEP THE RECORD straight, I'm not saying that
Aaron's historic homer was overshadowed in the eyes of the N
fans because of the color of his skin. That possibility, however,
does exist. All the racist hate mail Aaron received last year
bears witness to that fact.
Fortunately, the whole thing passed apparently unnoticed to
Aaron. The personal feeling of self satisfaction Aaron was en- UNI
joying would have been hard for anyone to steal away. The State,
only disappointment Aaron felt was when the Reds rallied to ley m
win the game after Henry's removal from the Braves' lineup. Colleg
tics C
Now Aaron's quest is reduced to one. One more round- State.
tripper and the all-time home run record is his. It really doesn't Mic
matter where Aaron hits number 715. Regardless of where It scorin
happens, he will be cheered. I just hope the cheering does not Iow
stop too soon. I just hope the fans, be they black or white or any tering
other color appreciate what Aaron has done. and
and C
Henry Aaron plays baseball for his own' enjoyment and that Also
of the fans, not for the monetary rewards that baseball offers. Indian
In this day and age of the money hungry athletes, Aaron is a Penn;
rarity. That's why I believe that every true baseball fan should Mic
honor Aaron not only for what he has done, but for what he is appoin
He is a humble man and one helluva great human being.
Orioles stym ie
From wire Service Reports Northrup. Willie Horton cracked first on a
BALTIMORE - Jim Northrup, a solo home run in the Tiger fourth man Gar
like Casey at the bat, struck out inning, to make the score 2-0. second on
yesterday in the ninth with bases Lolich had kept the Birds hit- Then P
loaded and two out to give the less in the first three innings intention
Baltimore Orioles a win in their but couldn't keep the streak go- ed to th
American League opener. ing through the fourth. Tommy
Grant Jackson was awarded Bobbie Grich singled for Bal- Baylor
the save in the 3-2 victory com- timore's first hit and moved to bry hom

ing in relief of Cy Young Award third on a single by Tommy Da- missed, b
winner Jim Palmer. Mickey Lo- vis. Grich scored on a passed gle to cen
lich, pitching for the Tigers, ab- ball by Detroit catcher Bill Free- During
sorbed the loss although going han and Don Baylor singled in Jacksong
the route with a five-hitter. Davis. pop out f
The Tigers scored in the first Baylor hit the checked-swing ever Brin
on a walk to Eddie Brinkman, a single in the eighth to win the singles t
single by Aurelio Rodriguez and a game for the Orioles. The hit scor- Northrup
run-producing ground out by Jim ed Al Bumbry, who had reached and the g

From Wire Service Reports
CHICAGO - The Chicago Bullsj
blew a 12-point lead in the fourth
quarter last night, but hung on in
the final seconds to eek out a'
84-83 victory over the Detroit Pis-
tons in National Basketball Asso-
ciation playoff action here at Chi-
cago Stadium.
The win gave the Bulls a 2-1
lead in the series, a semifinal
round in the NBA's Western
Chet Walker drilled in two free
throws with 13 seconds left to sealt
the victory for the Bulls, after be- f
ing fouled on arcontroversial callI
by Detroit's George Trapp.C
The Pistons' Don Adams then
hit a jumper with seven secondsc
to go, but the Bulls were able tot
stall away the remaining time toN
clinch the first victory by either
team on its home court in the,

d ysports
ample of great basketball, as both
teams shot very poorly. The de-
fense was nothing superb either,
but the first quarter total read
only 17-13, Detroit.
Sloan found his touch in the sec-
ond quarter to spark Chicago, but
the P i s t o n s, especially Lanier,
were ice cold, and fell behind 42-40
at the intermission.
In the third period, the Bulls
surged ahead on the hot hand of
Walker, while the Detroiters still
could not get untracked in the
face of some strong Chicago de-
fense. The home team stretched
its lead to a high of 12 points
on several occasions before set-
tling for a 79-69 margin at the
end of three.
The best-of-seven series will now
go back to Detroit for a fourth
game tomorrow afternoon. A fifth
contest will occur Tuesday in Chi-
cago, with sixth and seventh games
in Detroit Thursday and Chicago a
week from today, if necessary.
* * *
Capital crumbles
LANDOVER, Md.-Earl Monroe
scored 10 of New York's 14 points
in the overtime period, leading the
Knicks to a 101-93 victory over theI
Capital Bullets last night and ty-
p .3

ing the National Basketball Asso-
ciation playoff at two games
The Knicks, who lost at home
last Tuesday, rallied from a
nine-point deficit in the final
quarter. Monroe's only field goal
of the second half, with 37 sec-
onds remaining, sent the game
into overtime.
Kevin Porter, who along with
Elvin Hayes had 20 points for
Capital, had a shot blocked in the
closing seconds of regulation time
by John Gianelli. With three sec-
onds remaining, Hayes blocked a
shot by New York's Walt Frazier.
Porter, who effectively harassed
I onroe although sitting out nine
minutes of the first half in foul
trouble, went to the bench with
six personals only 14 seconds into
the five-minute overtime.
Monroe ' converted those two
free throws and then added two
more after Gianelli rebounded
a missed Hayes shot.
Gianelli then intercepted :a pass
by Phil Chenier of the Bullets,
.leading to a field goal by Phil
Jackson which put New York
ahead 93-87.
The Bullets closed to within 95-
91, but Jackson and Monroe sank
field goals and then Monroe closed
out his hot shooting with two more
foul shots.
Monroe, a former Bullet, fin-
ished with 23 points. Dave De-
busschere had 20, Frazier 19
and Bill Bradley 16 in his best
s h o o t i n g performance of the
series. Chenier led Capital with


All wetI
The scheduled doubleheader
between Michigan and Detroit
was rained out yesterday. The
Wolverines are scheduled to
play Eastern Michigan today,
weather permitting, 1 p.m. at
Fisher Stadium.
Walker's foul shots spoiled a
great comeback attempt by the
Pistons. Down 71-59 when thi-i
cago's Jerry Sloan hit the first
basket of the final period, the
Pistons proceeded to rip off 17i
straight points as they played
their only good basketball of the
Detroit's Bob Lanier, held to a
mere four points in the first half,
scored seven points in the surge,+
while subs Trapp and Stu Lantz
added four each, and Dave Bing
canned two free throws.The streak
moved the Detroiters ahead 76-71,
for their only lead since the open-
ing moments of the second quar-
But the Bulls came right back
with six consecutive points by Bob
Love, and never trailed again. The
game's final three minutes were
a comedy of errors as the Pistons
turned the ball over four straight
times only to have Chicago give it
back to them on missed shots, be-
fore Walker finally sewed it up.
Walker turned in a strong ef-
fort for the Bulls, hitting 21
points, while Sloan added 18.
Lanier dropped in 15 in the sec-
ond half for the visitors for a
game total of 19, and Bing led
all scorers with 23.
The first half was not an ex-

AP Photo

ANIER, the Detroit Pistons' great center, finds big Clifford Ray of the Chicago Bulls in his 1
s he looks for the basket in NBA playoff action last night at Chicago Stadium. Ray's strong
ve effort on Lanier was a big factor in last night's contest, as the Bulls won 84-83 to take the
the hotly contested series.
!?lu fiish eight
special To The Daiy championship meet. "We just couldn't get goingr
VERSITY PARK, Pa.-Iowa State, Arizona all weekend," moaned Loken. "We really showed
and the University of California at Berke- the effects of the month-long layoff."
oved into the team finals of the National The' finals of the individual competition are
iate Athletic Association (NCAA) Gymnas- held tonight and no Michigan tumblers are
hampionships in action yesterday at Penn among the finalists. Bob Darden was the high-
est Michigan finisher with a fine ninth place
chigan placed eighth in the final team finish in the high bar but only six gymnasts}
ng with 308.75 points. qualified for today's competition. Carey Cul-
a State's Cyclones led the competition en- bertson also placed in this same category by
the team finals yesterday afternoon with finishing fifteenth in the high bar.
followed by Arizona State with 322.05, Rich Bigras garnered a twentieth place i
alifornia at 321.75. vaulting for Michigan...
finishing ahead of the Wolverines were Only the top three teams participate in the
a State, Big Ten Champion Iowa, South- finals this afternoon as Iowa State attempts to
n Champion Louisiana State, and host defend its national title against the Sun Devilsf
State. and Golden Bears.
higan Coach Newt Loken was naturally dis- Steve Hug of Stanford is the leader in the all-
ted with the Wolverines' showing in the around competition after yesterday's action.
, j r" :':.J'e .".f1 tM 1'". '!:' :;:. :":: :rM .",^": :"..fr: .

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T e
rigers in


an error by second base-
y Sutherland and reached
Rich Coggins' sacrifice.
Bobby Grich was walked
ally and Bumbry mov-
ird on designated hitter
Davis' fly to center field.
tried to squeeze Bum-
e on the first pitch but
before delivering his sin-
the Tiger ninth inning,
got Mickey Stanley on a
or the second out. How-
kman and Rodriguez got
o load the bases before
fanned to end the inning

Bosox slug

- Carl Yastrzem-

ski's two - run homer in the sev-
enth inning and Doug Griffin's
three - run double in the third pow-
ered the Boston Red Sox to a 9-8
triumph over the Milwaukee Brew-
ers yesterday in the season opener
for both clubs.
Yastrzemski's homer, follow-
ing a bad-hop single by Cecil
Cooper, came off rookie Kevin
Kobel and overcame an 8-7 lead
which the Brewers had gained
with four runs in the sixth.
Griffin's double capped a five-
run third, when the Red Sox took

a 7-4 lead and chased Milwaukee
starter Jim Colborn, a 20-game
winner last year.
After Juan Beniquez and Cooper
walked with one out in the third,
rookie shortstop Robin Yount field-
ed Yastrzemski's grounder and
forced Cooper at second. But
Yount's low relay throw to first
eluded George Scott and prevent-
ed a possible inning-ending double
Then Rico Petrocelli singled
for a run, Bernie Carbo walked
and Bob Montgomery drove in
another run with a single, chas-
ing Colborn.
Griffin greeted reliever JerryE
Bell with his bases - clearing dou-
Magic number: 162
It's never too early to start
the countdown to another Tiger
pennant. Detroit's darlings lost
yesterday and their magic num-
ber remained at 162 but if the
Bengrls can overtake the Ori-
oles i_ today's "key" game, the
number will be cut to 161.
Johnny Briggs staked the Brew-
ers to a 3-0 lead in the first inning
with a three-run homer. Mont-
gomery smashed a two-run homer
for Boston in tjhe second. A triple
by Pedro Garcia and a sacrifice
fly by Don Money gave Milwaukee
a 4-2 lead in the bottom of the
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