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A Christocentric Analysis of Suicidal Behavior
by Constantino V. Riccardi, with illu-trations by H. Travers Newton, Jr., San
Rafael, Cal., Riccardi Publications, 1972, 234 pp., $3.35.
Friday, April 5
Day Calendar
FSEE written exam will be given
Saturdays, April 6, May 4, and June 1;
an on Thursda~c _1 a nd Mn~ Q
Hospital Commission for Women: W- uo r .i m v
10430 Hospital, noon. This is your last opportunity to take
Education Media Ctr., A-V Ctr.: "In- the FSEE until October.
terview with Mai Lai Veterans:" "My Voice of America: Candidates are
Country Right or Wrong;" "Toys," now being considered for the East Asia
Schorling Aud., SEB. 12:15 p.m. Pacific Broadcast Trainee program.,
Baseball: U-M vs. Detroit. Fisher Writing ability and strong bkgd. in
Stadium, 2 p.m. Asian Studies required. Ck with this
Physics: J. Herb, Univ. of Washing- office for complete details and appli-
ton, "Superfluid Onset, Frequency Re- cation instructions.
sponse and Connectivity," Rm. 2038,
Randall Lab., 4 p.m. Summer Placement
Wm. W. Cook Lectures on American 3200 SAB, 763-4117
Institutions: N. Glazer, "A Universaliz-
ation of Ethnicity?" Aud., 3, MLB, City of Flint, Mi, Summer Manage-
4:15 p.m. ment Intern Program for graduate'
Astronomy: M. Allen, "What's in the students majoring in bus./public ad-
Universe?" Film: Mars Minus Myth? min., public policy, urban affairs/mgt.E
observations of moon and Saturn, Aud. Appls. and details available.
B, Ankell. 8 pm. BASF Wyandotte Corp., Wyandotte,
University Dancers: Concert, Power MI. Will interview Tues., Apr. 9, 9:30 to
Center, 8 p.m. 5. Juniors in chemical and mechani-
School of Music: Joint Concert: cal Engr. Work in Engrm, Dept. or
Univ. Campus Orchestra and Univ. Plant/Maintenance Services. Call and
Arts Chorale, C. Gabrion, conductor, reassie Crafts Corp. MI. Will inter-
Hill Aud., 8 p.m. Cla raft Corm M Wl Iner-
School of Music: L. Goldman, piano, ;view Apr. 10, l from 9 to 5. Earn
Recital Hall, 8'p.m. $2000 plus for the summer (13 weeks).
School of Music: Collegium Musicum, Must have own transportation and free
E. Sutherland, M. McDonald, P. Craw- to travel. All expenses paid. Register.
ford, Cady Music Rm., Stearns Bldg., Good Humor Corp., Detroit. Will in-
8:30. tervew Apr. 10, 9 to 5. Last call to
Career Planning & Placement get set for a big money job this sum-
3200 SAB, 764-7456 mer. Spend your summer outdoors.
Interviewing on Campus: Apr. 8: State of Michigan, Dept. of Social
Roosevelt U. seeking candidates for Services. Michigan Migrant Program
Lawyer's Ass't Prog.; April 18 & 19: covering seasonal positions beginnink
Baltimore, Defense Contract Admin. in April/first of May. Must be fluent in
seeking entry level employees for 05 Spanish. Details and applications avail-
& 07 grades; April 24 - Teacher Corps able.
The woman who has
One of the things which makes this book delight-
fully edifying is already indicated by the coinci-
dence of.author and publisher. Riccardi has some-
thing to say on an extremely pressing topic and--
in the tradition of the publisher-authors of the
Renaissance-he has taken the initiative to see it
into print himself. The efforts of every thinker do
not necessarily merit seeing the light, or darkness,
of the world of books. but in this case. we are
drawn into a lively, pungent, careful study of
"freedom as a benefit of Jesus Christ within the
context of suicidal behavior."
For once the sub-title corresponds to the un-
folding argument. Throughout, the book is a
Christocentric analysis, because Riccardi is critical-
ly aware of the assumptions about Jesus Christ
which he identifies, develops and applies. His treat-
ment of Christ's person and work is perceptive, and
his interpretation of Christ's temptation is power-
fully applied to the problem of suicide (and is
scornful of the myriad ways Jesus' uniqueness is
trivialized to fit lawn-party conversation). His ef-
fort to understand carefully the language of Chat-
cedon and to translate it for contemporary use is
usually successful. Throughout, the book is also
about suicidal behavior because of Riccardi's own
experience in this area and the discipline with
which he examines the material from this perspec-
He begins with several startling incidents (he re-
fuses to call them cases) of suicidal behavior and
announces the standpoint from which he engages
in his work (and which gives us a hint of the ra-
ther Kierkegaardian style to follow). "I am not a
psychiatrist and I am not a clergyman. I once had
the opportunity of listening to suicidal patients at
a hospital in the San Francisco area. Which hospi-
tal it was, how the opportunity presented itself
that I should work there, who the psychiatrist was
with whom I worked, what the nurses looked like,
etc., are all of course interesting questions. But for
j varied reasons, some of which will become obvious,
such information ought actually to be ignored.
When I say that I had the opportunity of listening
to suicidal patients I must of course include that'I
also listened to myself. I say this because anyone
who thinks that he or she is not in any way sui-
cidal, or could never become suicidal, is simply a
vigorous liar. Too often this is overlooked and sui-
cidal patients are placed 'out there' as some type
of strange phenomenon of another world. Such an
attitude only increases the isolation of Individuals
preoccupied with suicidal behavior. It also increases
the probability of actual solf-destruction." (pp. 1,2)
In the middle section, Riccardi draws a broad-
gauged fork through a variety of thinkers who
have spoken wisely or foolishly on suicide: Justin
Martyr and Augustin, Aquinas and Luther, Calvin
and Kierkegaard, Dostoevsky and Camus, and so on.
Obviously here is the riskiest portion of such a
study but the author has had the witty humility
to give his reader excellent selections from these
figures and has provided just the right, frequently
brilliant, commentary on them to facilitate an en-
counter between them and the reader on the cen-
tral issue of the meaning of Christ's freedom for
the problem of suicide. For example, the sections
on Kierkegaard and Dostoevsky are especially in-
teresting, though the trenchant iconoclasm of Ca-
mus is not far behind.
The third part consists of a series of plays int
which thecharacterssare contemporary counter-
parts of Biblical figures-Saul, Judas, Paul, John,
Luke. Again, the endeavor is audacious and the
methodology loaded with hermeneutical and ar-
tistic problems; but, again, the over-all result is a
fruitful juxtaposition of humor and pathos which
entertains as it unnerves. The point of writing
plays is of course to find another mode of com-
municating than the didactic and propositional
ones. But Riccardi's conclusion remains consistent
whatever the mode of writing, namely that "This
entire Activity (of the Triune God) is an Activity
of indestructible Freedom, a Freedom which is only
obtainable in its ripe fullness through Jesus
Christ's active giving of Himself to everyone.
Christ's giving of Himself to everyone is the real,
persevering, and immediate Freedom which is a
completely gratitious benefit for everyone."
The illustrations by Mr. Newton are haunting
and provocative; one could only wish for more of
Professor of Historical
Theology SFTS, GTU
Action/Reaction, 1974, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 28-29
Address all orders and inquiries to:
P.O. Box 1407
San Rafael, California 94902
AP Photo
Tired out
Greg Mills stands beside what's left of Gobels GaS Station in Kennard, Ind., after tornadoes tore
through the town yesterday. Mills escaped nijury by crouching along side the car and covering himself
with the tires, but looks pretty grim after his tiring experience.
Nixon may have to borrow to
pay delinquent tax assessment
?d it all now
ites about
Hegel to Sartre
and from Marx to Mao
by R..q 0 aa1"flavalt ka
(Continued from Page 1)
Most political observers now be-
lieve the outcome had dealt a
more damaging personal blow to
him than the Watergate scandal
The tax bombshell was followed
yesterday by renewed pressure
from the House Judiciary Commit-
tee, which is demanding White
House tape recordings and docu-
ments for its investigation into
whether the President should be
the President to respond to a re-
quest for the material by next
Tuesday or face a subpoena and
the prospect of a bruising court
Rep. Peter Rodino, the commit- wiped out and a question from a
tee chairman, declared: "we shall reporter who asked the spokesman{
not be thwarted by inappropriate if the Nixon family would have to
legalisms or by narrow obstacles go on an austerity budget.1
to our inquiry."'
No one expected the President T H E QdU E STInOgNER
to declare bankruptcy because of added "maybe letting the cook go
the tax bill he has to pay since he and having Pat (the President's
can look to his close friends - "'ife) do the cooking."
Charles (Bebe) Rebozo and mil- With a dour smile, Warren re-
lionaire industrialist Robert Ab- sponded tongue-in-cheek "I will
planalp for loans. They advanced pass that recommendation along."i
him money to purchase Casa Pa- Warren did not know exactly
cifica, his Spanish-style villa at the how the President would raise the
California White House in San Cle- money to pay the huge tax bill but
mente. he said that the San Clemente es-
But the position to which he has tate would not be sold.
been reduced was stressed by1
Warren's remark that his cash re- He said the President stood on
serves had been almost virtually a recent announcement that San
3y ayaw UnayeVondya
A lifelong Marxist, writer, and former secretary to Leon
Trotsky, Raya Dunayevskaya offers a philosophy of
liberation-a theory of revolution grounded in practice
and by which, in turn, practice can be guided.
"An extraordinary work...of great theoretical and
political importance."
-Erich Fromm
A Delta Paperback $2.95
(Delacorte Press hardcover $8.95)
Available at your local bookstore
~U'rejects nurses
barganingg group
(Continued from Page 1) State, County, and Municipal Em-:
University Hospital Nursing Serv- ployees (AFSCME) as an exam-
ice is approximately 3 per cent ple of what can be gained by es-
over its budget, (slightly less than tablishing a union.
$300,000), no decisions have been "There probably won't be a
made beyond establishing a task nurses' union in the near future,"{
force to study the problem." claims a head nurse at Mott Chil-
The spokesperson also says, dren's Hospital, "because nurses
"University Hospital will honor all are poorly informed, unorganized,
commitments previously made to and too many head nurses think
its nursing staff. Nothing will be unionizing will interfere with their
taken away." relationship to their staff."
The Michigan Employment Re-
SEVERAL STAFF nurses point lations Commission (MERC), act-
to the recent retroactive raise giv- ing as a mediator, will schedule a
en the American Federation of hearing with the MNA and Univer-
sitv officials to provide each an-
" e other opportunity to present their
Silberstein ~-~.
Clemente would be given as a gift,
free and clear, to the American
people, after his and Ms. Nixon's:
beautiful CANADIAN
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Whether you're still in medical school with the
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An overstatement? Not if you consider the
Take the problem of graduate medical educa-
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Creature comforts aside, the Air Force offers
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Not all physicians pursue post residency fellow-
ships. But if you are interested, the Air Force con-
ducts them both in-house andat civilian institutions.
The physician already in practice can look for-
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The physician starting his practice in civilian
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He has many options available to him when treating
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Whether you are already a physician, or soon to
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Force n - - - -- C-CN-34
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Please send me information on the Air Force Physician Pro-
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Health Care at its best.
L_ _. . Air Force.
resigns as
GEO. head
(Continued from Page1)
Bargaining Council to help re-
search contract demands and gage
the opinion of the rank and file'
Those interested in serving on the
interim executive committee were
asked to submit their own nomina-
tions to the stewards council, which
will make the final selections for
the ten member board.
Next years officers will be nom-
inated by the interim committee
and selected by a council of all
union stewards.
Oct. 31 was set as the tentative
date for a .final contract.
Silberstein said the small at
tendance at the meeting was due
to "exhaustion on everybody's
part," but promised that in dealing;
with the administration in contract'
negotiations, "there will be no com-
promise on our side."
Department of Composition
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For Football and Basi
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APRIL 11, 7 P.1
Staying in A
Su mmer?
FRIDAY, April 5, 1974
lished Tuesday thru Saturday while
May thru August, the Michigan Daily is pub-
are in session.
For Summer Subscriptions
7 .. ... " 1
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