IXON'S TAXES: DUCK SOUP .:Y 4bi a u :43 a t t4p BLUSTERY High-8 Low-29 See Today for details See Editorial Page Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom Vol. LXXXIV, No. 147 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, April 4, 1974 Ten Cents Eight Pages REHABILITATION STAFF UPROAR - l~~tL)U SEE EWS APPi CAL SrDLY Up with dope State Rep. Perry Bullard (D-Ann Arbor) is heading a statewide petition drive to put a ballot proposal legalizing marijuanausebefore Michigan voters in No- vember.,Bullard said Tuesday, "1974 is the year we should stop imprisoning adult smokers in Michigan for their private, personal use of marijuana." The ballot proposal would abolish jail penalties for personal culti- vation and use of reefer by citizens over 18 years old. However, the petition would allow local governments to prohibit public dope smoking in their areas by impos- ing fines of up to $100. 265,000 signatures are needed to place the issue on the ballot. Debate cancelled Today's scheduled debate between behaviorist Prof. James McConnell and radical psychiatrist Richard Kunnes has been cancelled, following distribution of a leaflet billing the debate as "Behavior Modification: Treatment or Torture?" and McConnell's subsequent refusal to appear. The controversial professor claimed the leaflet "is aimed at creating a circus" and quotes him out of context. The leaflet's authors, the "Ann Arbor Health Care Collective," yesterday responded with equal bitterness, charging McConnell's refusal to appear is indicative of his unwillingness to deal with tho' social and political implications of his highly con- troversial techniques" RA's at Baits The Housing Office Appeals Committee has an- nounced that the selection of Resident Advisors and Di- rectors for Baits Housing was "null and void" due to irregularities in selection procedures. The committee cited lack of student input in the hiring of staffers and called for repetition of the selection procedures. With only three weeks left in the term, Housing Director John Feldkamp sees "no practical way of re-doing the selec- tion procedures." The final decision on any action in the matter is up to Feldkamp Happenings .. Htoday include a benefit one-act play - without a name -,by Chris Christian, to be performed in East Quad at 8 and 10 p.m.- Tickets are two dollars and proceeds will go to the African Relief Fund. Tickets are on sale at Centicore, Ulrich's and the Guild House ... Volunteers for Project Community Child Care meets tonight at 8:00 in the Faculty Club Lounge, first floor Michigan Union. There will be a guest speaker talk- ing on ecology . . . Peter Eckstein, Democratic state senatorial hopeful, speaks at 7 p.m. in the Blue Carpet Lounge in Alice Lloyd, on tax reform . . . A new re- cycling program opens today and those interested in recycling automobile oil should head to the Recycling Center, 1965 S. Industrial Highway, Wednesday through Saturday, between 10 and 4:30 . . . All those enrolled in Rackham can vote today for Student Government candidates in the Kresge Library Lobby between 9:00 and4:00 ... and The Center for the Continuing Education of Women is sponsoring a discussion on the adjustments made when a woman returns to work, 8-10 p.m. in Rack- ham's west conference room. Commies and fascists Attorney General William Saxbe has breathed new life into an old Justice Department custom-the review of the attorney general's list of subversive organizations. This time, however, the attorney general plans to decide whether the list should be updated or scrapped alto- gether. "We're putting it back on the front burner," Saxbe told reporters. The list was originally compiled during the era of crusading anti-communist Sen. Joseph McCarthy to include "totalitarian, fascist, Communist or subversive" organizations. Saxbe said the list is a sou- venir of the time "we used to be frightened by the com- munists" - an era, he said, which has passed. "Today the worldwide trends are more in the direction of ter- rorism." The Devil's fans Belief in the devil is on the rise, according to a recent study and, in an interesting commentary on the times, belief in God is dwindling. Dr. Clyde Nunn, a Univer- sity research associate who conducted the study, attri- butes the apparent pessimism to "uncertainty and stress, when things says circumstances of uncertainty and stress in the world are causing people to "look for scape- goats." Theologian quits Stephanus Pfuertner, the Swiss theologian who wrote that a person's.sex life is his or her own business, would rather quit than fight. The controversial professor's resignation, revealed yesterday, was prompted by a let- ter last January from the head of the Dominican Order advising him he was subject to censorship "wherever I work as member of the order." He has been under fire since his "Twelve Theses on Sexual Ethics" was first presented in 1971. The theses were found incompatible with accepted dogma, and he was ordered to retract them. On the inside... .. John Kahler writes a column on the trials and tribulations of sophomore offensive tackle Jim Hall. the Arts Page features streakers at the Oscars . . . and the Editorial Page continues its series on Politics at LSA with an article on curriculum reform. Postill By TONY SCHWARTZ Charging "racial discrimination and con- tinual interference from Sheriff (Fred) Pos- till, and Undersheriff (James) Spickard," Paul Wasson, 50-year-old black administrator of the Washtenaw County Jail resigned yes- terday. At the same time, Postill fired the program coordinator and two staff members of the federally funded rehabilitation program which has been operative in the jail for over a year. In a written statement, Postill said "The actions have resulted from a deep policy dis- agreement between myself and these four employes. I am personally deeply saddened by these events . . . The terminated personnel refused to accept the ultimate authority of the (sheriff's) department and the county." ires 3; chief of jail resigns WASSON, who himself served three years in prison on a gambling charge and five years ago received a full pardon from Governor Mil- liken for "exemplary behavior", attracted na- tional attention because he was believed to be the first black ex-convict jail administrator in the country. In his letter of resignation to Postill, Wasson wrote: "I have experienced continual inter- ference from Sheriff Postill and Undersheriff Spickard. They have consistently acted to usurp my authority and undermine my position as jail administrator. "By their action they have attempted to use me as a tool to pacify the 70 per cent black population of the jail." THE TWO fired 'staff members, Larry Hunter, 24, an inmate service worker whose job focused on inmate-counseling, and Marta Manildi, 21, who coordinated the educational program, submitted letters in support of Was- son's position. In response to Wasson's charge of interfer- ence, Postill said, "We have continually acted to correct his lack of administrative ability. He works hardand is excellentnin counseling inmates, but he just doesn't understand ad- ministrative details such as employer relation- ships and certain legalities." Postill denied charges of discrimination, pointing to sheriff department efforts to hire more black personnel, particularly in the jail, See POSTILL, Page 2 Wasson Postill Nixon taxes; Patty Ii vows to' Sagrees X476,OOO in back to pay full amount Payments earst stay with captors Patricia Hearst BULLETIN Tornadoes struck nine states in thetMidwest and South late last night, and swirled into Canada. More than 170 people were killed. Hundreds of injuries also were reported as the twisters, strik- ing with wild abandon, hit parts of Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Ken- tucky, Tennessee, A 1 a b a m a, Michigan, Georgia, North Caro- lina and Canada's Ontario prov- ince. Damage was in the mil- lions. Half the town of Xenia, Ohio, a community of 25,000 peo- ple, was destroyed, according to the county sheriff. Eight persons were killed and more than 20 injured in Windsor, Ontario. Police reported a funnel cloud touched down near University Hospital in Ann Arbor but ap- parently did no damage. Two people were reported killed else- where in Michigan. Diag rally to oust Nixon draws 400 By JEFF DAY A crowd of 400 people attended an "impeach Nixon" rally yester- day and later marched to Con- gressman Marvin Esch's (R-Ann Arbor) to present him with a 3000- signature petition urging the Presi- dent's impeachment. A spokeswoman for Esch, who will be coming to Ann Arbor on SAN FRANCISCO (A)-Patricia Hearst, the newspaper heiress who was dragged screaming from her apartment two months ago, re- nounced her family yesterday and declared she was joining her ter- rorists kidnapers as a revolution ary. "I have changed-grown. I've become conscious and can never go back to the life we led before," said the tape-recorded voice identi- fied by her parents as that of the 20-year-old Patricia, whose life had been held against demands for millions of dollars of free food for the poor. The statement came in a tape recording delivered to a local radio station and contained a color pic- ture of Hearst holding an auto- matic rifle. THE SUDDEN declaration, one day after a sign that her release by the mysterious -Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA) appeared imminent, left Patricia's parents stumned and disbelieving. "Personally, I don't believe it,' newspaper executive R a n d o1 p h Hearst said after hearing the tape. "We've had her 20 years, they've had her 60 days, and I don't be- lieve she's going to change her philosophy that quickly or that radically." "If it is her choice to become a member of an organization like this, we still love her," he added. Hearst's wife, Catherine, agreed telling reporters outside the fam- ily's home near here: "I know my daughter very well . . . I know my girl. She would never join any organization like that without being coerced." THE COUPLE, whose life for the past eight weeks had shifted from desperation to often-expressed hope, snoke only those words, answering no questions from the cluster of newsmen gathered in front of their home. Their brief statements were carried live by local television stations. On the tape, which also carried death threats by the SLA against three so-called "enemies of the people." Hearst said she was sneaking her own mind and had chosen to "stay and fight." He freedom, therefore, became no longer a matter of negotiation, according to an SLA leader who also sooke on the recording and said she could leave at any time she wanted. THE "FBI AGENT in charge of the case, Charles Bates, said he did not know whether Patricia was staying of her own free will. "I don't feel it makes any difference in our investigation," he said. The taped mesage was delivered to wipe out I1s wealth No fraud charged in IRS decision WASHINGTON(A - Presi- dent Nixon has agreed to pay back income taxes of $432,- 787.13 plus interest that could push the total to $465,000, the White House announced yesterday. The announcement said the internal r e v e n u e service (IRS) had ruled Nixon owed the taxes on income during his White House years and that the President ordered full payment with interest. Word of the decision came hours after the staff of a joint congres- sional committee recommended that Nixon pay $476,431 in back taxes and interest for the years 1969 through 1971. A White House source said the IRS had told Nixon there was no suggestion of fraud, civil or crimi- nal in the assessment for back taxes. OFFICIALS SAID that on vir- tually every challenged tax item the IRS findings and those of the staff of the Joint Committee on Internal Revenue Taxation were in agreement. They said the different tax amounts stemmed from differ- ences in calculations. The congressional staff report was made public by a 9 to 1 vote of the Joint Committee. The panel adjourned yesterday without de- ciding whether to adopt formally the findings of its staff. It is to meet again today, but W h i t e House word that Nixon will pay back taxes seems to make its de- liberation moot. Doily Photo by ROLFE TESSEM THIS CURIOUS JUXTAPOSITION of road signs in Ann Arbor's northern outskirts once again took on a new relevancy yesterday when it was announced th t the President owed nearly half a million dollars in unpaid back taxes. Area residents say the signs hav e been a well-known local joke for quite a few months. Graduate employesvote to unionize b2-1 margin By GORDON ATCHESON The University's gradaute em- ployes have overwhelmingly voted to unionize, with results of a three- day election announced last night showing the move was approved by a 2-1 margin. In the election held under the direction of the Michigan Employ- ment Relations Commission (MERC), the Graduate Employes Organization (GEO) was accepted as the sole bargaining agent for the 2,200 workers. Eight hundred seven graduate employes - including all teaching fellows and research and staff as- sistants-voted in favor of union- izing, while only 425 opposedit. The total vote cast represents about 60 per cent of those eligible to participate in the election. AFTER JUBULANTLY announc- ing the vote total, GEO chairwo- man Sandra Silberstein said a mass meeting of all graduate employes will be held at g p.m. today in the Rackham Amphitheatre to plan further strategy. "We can begin the bargaining process with tpe University ad- ministration within a month," she added. The MERC election was the last roadblock in a nine-month battle waged by GEO to negotiate a writ- ten contract for all graduate em- ployes with the University. The administration has consis- tenlty refused to bargin with the organization until it reached for- mal approval as a union in a MERC-sponsored contest. UNIVERSITY President Robben Fleming would not comment last night about GEO's success. But he said he anticipated "no problems" in bargaining with the group. Although terming the vote "a victory not only for all graduate employes but also for all graduate students," the GEO leaders indi- cated that without'unified action" the University may not bargain in good faith. Early this year GEO drafted a list of demands presented to the See GEO, Page 8 A WHITE HOUSE official said Nixon's payment of the back tax bill would wipe out much of his personal wealth. The President's net worth was estimated last De- cember at $988,000. The IRS had announced it was auditing Nixon's taxes, while the joint committee had them under study at the request of the Presi- dent. A major item at issue had been Nixon's tax deductions for the do- See NIXON, Page 8 CITY TO ACT MONDAY Social services By STEPHEN SELBST Social services are likely to be the first victims of the city's finan- cial hard times when City Administrator Sylvester Murray's budget re- I q nds maydrop Ozone House, the Human Rights Commission, and Tribal Funding, which faced a court battle last fall over alleged impropriety of fund misuse.