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April 03, 1974 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1974-04-03

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Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104

News Phone: 764-0552


Come out for impeachment

THE DIAG TURF IS set to absorb its
second major pounding in three days
when the Impeachment forces take to the
field at Noon today.
The Impeachment Rally will be high-
lighted by guerrilla theatre, a breathtak-
ing view of the Economics Building, and
a march to U. S. Rep. Marvin Esch's of-
fice, 200 E. Huron, where impeachment
petitions will be presented to Esch.
The Ann Arbor Committee to Impeach1
Nixon has in recent months labored dili-
gently to compile 3,000 petition signa-
tures and solicit the support of elected
officials for the impeachment cause.
The Committee has received staunch
support from all sectors of the local com-

munity. Unfortunately, however, Con-
gressman Esch has displayed a flagrant
disregard for the opinions of his constit-
uency. His statements on the impeach-
ment issue have at times been vacuous
and evasive, but mostly non-existent.
convince Esch that he can no longer
afford to misrepresent the community
that sent him to Washington on this all-
important issue.
All persons opposed to leaving the
Presidency- to Richard Nixon's devices
are urged to attend the Impeachment

Editors' Note: Because of severe time p
and a technical mix-up, our two articles
terday's editorial page contained numero=
matical errors and errors of omission an
position of words and sentences......
.,ar more serious are two errors of fact
Governance article later indicates, the Pi
clearly has a wide choice in the selee
members of the Executive Committee a
only the Regents who rubber stamp1
cisions. The Senate Assembly has not y
to maintain the mandatory retirement
70. We expect that it will do so at its
We apologize for these regrettablea
make every effort to avoid such errors
sequent articles. If you do spot a factu
or would like to give feedback of an
please call and let us know.
THE MOST recent series of stu
garding the quality of the und
uate experience were initiated wv
the fall of 1969, Dean Hayes met
undergraduate to discuss a number
plaints about undergraduate educa
January, 1970, a student-faculty Co
on the Freshman. Experience, later
ed the Committee on the Underch
perience, was formed.
As early as March, 1970, DeanS
wrote a proposal recommending
commission be established to stud
uation requirements. The Commis
Graduation Requirements was actua
ned in mid-1972.
In the meantime, CUE, which h
working steadily on a number off
was in , its final stages of its w
December, 1972, CUE had compI
final report and approximately 40
were printed. The CUE Report ha
been introduced to the governing
CUE's financial support came from
ferent sources including the Dean'
the LSA Student Government and
dent Government Council.
THE CUE Report studied thef
subjects in some detail: 1) distribu
quirements, 2) a proposal to cr
Educational Resources Center whi
supervise on- and off-campus inde
study, design and run a programc
person seminars, and to study, pro:
stimulate alternatives, 3) modula
uling, 4) living / learning possibi
academic coi~nseling, 6) grading
dent evaluation, and 7) promotion
proved teaching and learning.
(*U'thu n
This article was written as a
project for Course Mart 310, a
Law course taught by Jonathan

Report, grad
pressures I think the CUE report is a stimulating studentr
s gram- report that deals with topics of great con- tees (LSp
d trans- cern to the entire College. The report con- and to in
- ----tir tains many important proposals, particular- the Comn
resident ly those on modular scheduling, grading from par
eetion of and improvement of learning and teach- agreed to
na it is
the de- ing. Some of its points were overstated and mission. tvtd tedt nlsswspol oe u H H
et votedi the data analysis was poorly done, but THE CH
t age of on the whole, it remains a very important huge, an
April 15 document which deserves more attention. could eit
and will or in ma
in sub- THE COMMISSION on graduation Re- Commiss
ual error
iy kind, quirements was actually planned in the the areas
middle of 1972. The membership of the cluded m
Commission included faculty, administra- great d
dies re- tors, students, an alumni representative and chose to
a representative of the Center for Continu- departme
tengrad- ing Education of Women. ing respo
hen, in The LSA Student Government and the ture, the
with an Student Faculty Policy Committee (SFPC) and adm
of com- boycotted the Commission because they felt The en
ition. In that the job of reviewing he graduation sion first
nnmittee requirements should have been assigned planned
renam- to the SPFC which had just been created end oft
ass Ex- the year before (and which would there- be writte
fore deflate the status of the SPFC in the ed to th
Sussman future), because the charge to the Com- meeting,
that a mission included issues studies by CUE ive Comi
ly grad- (particularly grading, which had also been people o
ssion on extensively studied by the Curiculum Com
lly plan- mittee), whose report was due later that THE
term and which would be overlooked while draft of
ad been everyone's attention was focused on the term.7
projects, Commission, and because of a gross under- between
work. In representation of students (approximately the Exec
eted its 25 per cent) on the Commission. people, t
0 copies SETH COMSTOCK of the Student Coun- mittee.
as never seling Office and I were invited by the not offic
faculty. Dean's Office to sit on the Commission. The fi
six dif- Because of our low level of political introduce
s Office, awareness, Seth and I agreed to sit on the 1974. Th
the Stu- Commission and break the boycott which we pressure
now feel was entirely justified, and whose by thee
predictions have all been borne out by the difficult
following subsequent history. disposed
ution re- Seth and I have both regretted our decis- posals, i
eate an ions and we apologize to students who may mentedI
ch would be reading this. The faculty end admin- The C
ependent istrators on the Commission applauded our Dean's(
of fresh- action as "statesmanlike." We were act- report v
pose and ually scabs, breaking a justified boycott. main -ur
r sched- Towards the end of the fall term, 1972, copy, pt
lities, 5) an agreement was reached between the
and stu- LST Student Government and the Dean's OVER
n of im- Office, where the Dean's Office agreed to of the £
recognize the LSA-SG's right to appoint sent an

representatives to LSA Commit- after many years of unneces
A had not appointed Seth or me) and petty politicing on the part
ncrease student representation on ministration and governing fact
mission slightly, although still far Colege. This is not, however, the
ity, and the LSA-SG and the SFPC document or definitive study.
send representatives to the Com- would have us believe. The stun
ved are not entirely blamer
ARGE to the Commission was i think that, on the whole, stud
d we all soon realized that we have been constructive and jug
her work in a few areas in depth I place the most blame on V
any areas more superficially. The who were not involved. The issu
ion chose the latter course. While here are of everyday importance
the Commission chose to study in- imately 15,000 students, yet no
nany that had just been studied in one hundred have been involved
etail by CUE, the Commission mission's work in any way. T!
not study such >ther topics as the that the faculty or administratii
ental structure, definitions of teach- tect your interests as studen
rnsibilities, the faculty review struc- positive change will occur spon
e fee system, college governance submit this sorry history as ev
ninistrative reorganization. you are very mistaken.
ntire membership of the. Commis-
t met in early January, 1973. We MANY HERE treat the Comm
to finish our deliberations by the port as a once-in-a-lifetime opp
that term and the report was to reform, as if any reform that
en over the summer and introduc- in the next decade must hap
t faculty in the September faculty not at all.
after consultation with he Execu- How absurd. Any report, und
mittee and the department chair- ditions will result in the woi
ver the summer. compromises.
The uoverning faculty slonos:
COMMISSION first considered a ti SFPC to mainntain constan
the report early is the fall, 1973 the "ndergraduate educational
Throughout that term, extensive it should continue to make
the Commission chairperson and the fa"llty and the faculty
cutive Committee, department chair- tbh SFPC seriously or disband
the SFPC and the Curriculum Com- The governing faculty ought t
The LSA Student Government was SFPC to create a commission
ially consulted. nlally with a more moderate
nal report of the Commission was charge. This would provide a c
ed to the faculty on March 11, more even rate of qualitative!
he faculty is under extreme time er than one now-or-never pac
if it is to act on the entire report can never be given the detailed
end of this term, which would be either the SFPC or the govern
even if the governing faculty was
towards action. Many of the pro- I BELIEVE that the ton pr
f adopted this term, will be imple- the participants of this Colle
for the fall term, 1975. be placed on making this Coll
Commission was financed by the where everyone involved feels i
office and 2500 copies of the final stimulated by the teaching a
were printed. Over 1000 copies re- that goes on here, where every
idistributed. If you would like a takes on active role in the go
ick one up at 216 Angell Hall. this College.
Peraps a I am naive but I

sary delay
of the ad-
ulty of this
e landmark
that some
dents invol-
ess, but I
ent actions
he students
es involved
to lpprox-
more than
with Com-
f you think
ion will fro-
ts or that
taneously, I
vidence that
nission's Re-
ortunity for
will happen
pen now or
er such con-
rst kind of
edly created
t vigil over
proposals to
should take
o direct the
report an-
ly defined
constant and
growth rath-
kage which
attention of
ning faculty.
iority of all
ge ought to
ege a place
ind learning
one involved
vernance of
thought that
e than just

It gets lonely at the bottom

IT IS AN INDICATION of how far Rich-
ard Nixon has fallen that even his
own kind refuse to associate with him
now. Witness the reaction of the Michi-
gan Republicans to his proposed visit to
the Eighth Congressional district to aid
the campaign of Jim Sparling.
From the reaction, one would have
thought Charles Manson had volunteered
his services. Voices wailed that Nixon's
appearance ir} the tightly contested race
have the counterproductive result of
sending Democrat Bob Traxer to Con-
Then, suddenly realizing that people
were beginning to laugh, the Republi-
cans changed their tune. Chairman Bill
McGlaughlin denied he had ever sug-
gested that the President stay away.
But the fanciest verbal gymnastics
were performed by the candidate him-
self, Jim Sparling. To hear him tell it,
he was the one who suggested that Nixon
come into the district.
felt the President was not getting
his side across to the American people,
and I wanted to give him a chance to do
so," said the former sportswriter.

It would take an incredibly hard-
hearted person not to twinge of sym-
pathy for the fate of Jim Sparling. Re-
publican congressmen usually get elected
in the Eighth as a matter of divine right.
Sparling has waited a long time to suc-
ceed his former boss, James Harvey, and
now that he gets a chance, the man must
fight Watergate as well as the Demo-
At any rate, the albatross of Richard
Nixon is now firmly tied around Sparl-
ing's neck. A recent poll showed 40 per
cent of the District's voters felt that Nix-
on should resign. Traxler is doing his
best to make sure the voters remember to
identify Sparling with Nixon.
Nixon could take the easy way out, but
should not. He should make campaign ap-
pearances in Saginaw, Bay City, and
every small town in the Thumb. And if
Traxler wins the election as a result, so
much the better.
ough disaster for America. If, even
in a perverse way, he can be used to bust
reactionaries out of Congress, he will go
down in history as having done some
good for his country.

ALL, I BELIEVE that the adoption
Commission's Report would repre-
improvement in the College,, only

rc1114I.1A 1 42111 1421v , 1
this is supposed to be mor
a degree factory.
Tomorrow: The Curricr

Iks of landlords,

not students


HRP hippo retains footing

PASSAGE OF TIME has now given us
some forty hours to digest the re-
sults of Monday's local election.
Soon all the figures and percentages
will be substantiated and the local politi-
cal statisticians can analyze the votes
cast ward for ward. But for those of us
who struggle to understand the vast so-
cial significance of a 2 percent margin in
the second ward's third precinct, Mon-
day's elections results are already clear
and commentable.
The Human Rights Party's symbolic
hippo raised itself out of its political wal-
lowing and lumbered onto solid ground
with an encouraging show of determined
TRP clenched three posts between the
city councils of Ann Arbor and Ypsilan-
ti, insuring the survival of HRP as a suc-
cessful third party for at least two more
showed 'strongest HRP support by win-
ning two Ypsilanti council seats, thus
giving HRP the necessary 2 council votes
to make and second motions in Ypsilanti.
HRP will not have similar motion power
in Ann Arbor, as they won only one seat,
but the HRP Ann Arbor councilmember,
Kathy Kozachenko will have ample op-
portunity to bargain with Democratic
councilmembers willing to lend an ear or
a vote.
Kozachenko herself has won more.
than a council seat; she also claimed the
distinction of being the first admitted
and active lesbian elected to public of-
fice in the United States, which labels
Ann Arbor residents as an equal oppor-
tunity electorate.
The Ann Arbor City Council is still Re-
publican-controlled (6 Republicans, 4
Democrats and one HRP), but the Repub-
lican foundation, both in council and
citywide, has been given indigestion. In a
rather surprising upset, local deep-rooted
Photography Staff
Chief Photographer

Republican William Colbourn lost to
Democrat Jamie Kenworthy.
WHETHER OR NOT Nixon and Water-
gate are the unsettling political viruses
causing local Republican gain pains is
not provable, but it seems more than
The two issues on the ballot were of
more public interest than the candi-
dates. To the jubilation of local pot-ters
and tokin' liberals everywhere, Ann Ar-
bor voters firmly passed the $5.00 dope
violation, liberalizing the existing law to
a more swallowable level.
To the dismay of the empty-pocketed
local tenants and the delight of Ann Ar-
bor landlords, the plug was pulled on the
rent control bill.
The effects of the split vote on the two
issues can only be estimated. Rationally,
it is doubtful that rusted VW buses full
of dilated pupils will begin streaming into
the city to rob our apartments and pol-
lute our air with the famous "burning
hemp." Our apartments were being sys-
tematically robbed before dope appeared
on the ballot, and Ann Arbor has always
been a pool for disproportionate num-
bers of street people because of the pres-
ence of a liberal arts college.
THE DEFEAT OF the rent control pro-
posal may signal the local renters to be-
come more sinister in their exploitative
Snidely Whiplash image than ever, but
our wallets will be better able to esti-
mate the effects of our votes by the time
we fill out our income tax returns in Ap-
ril of 1975. And 1st Ward winner Colleen
McGee has promised to initiate rent con-
trol expeditiously.
In summary, the election gave an un-
derdog party a little political bite to go
with its radical bark, gave a healthy
"aye" to one controversial question and
firmly stomped out another one.
As the crusty old pioneer prayer goes,
"What we've got, we're thankful for.
What we ain't got, we keep tryin' like
hell for."
Nm Prhnrn (rnell- Bill Heenn Cin-

"1EY. SNEED, this apartment 1 o o k s
"Yeah, Hearn, I wonder how much they
want for a two man?"
"This one is $365 a month."
"Your kidding, A MONTH? For two bed-
rooms? Why back home they couldn't get
away with charging $150 a month. Let's
People about to move into Ann Arbor
discover two things: high rent and over-
crowded conditions. Ann Arbor rent was
rated second in the U.S. (Census study
1970) with a medium price of $168 versus
$102 a month from the national average.
Because of the high influx of transient citi-
zens (students), the vacancy rate is 3.5
per cent of the total available rental units,
compared to 1.2 per cent for the national
average. When the vacancy rate is this
low landlords can afford to turn some
prospective tenants away by charging ex-
orbitant rents. When you wonder how the
demand can exceed the supply for so long,
you look at the reasons this housing situa-
tion exists.
MOST STUDENTS are here for only eight
months and yet almost all leases are twelve
months. This excludes a few individual land-
lords and University Towers. Some com-
panies such as McKinley Associates will

give you an eight month lease, but will
charge an extra 25 per cent each month
'to make up for the summer months'. In
addition, there is a noteworthy lack of public
housing, especially for low income people
(40 per cent of the renters in Ann Arbor
earn less than $5,000 per year).
There is some new housing going up on
the outskirts of town. it is not suitable for
most students or low income people-though.
It is not close to campus and is generally
high priced. Many people can work in
Ann Arbor but can simply not afford to
live here. This contributes to the parking,
traffic and transportation problems.
The question of how we got into this mess
is complex. A major portion of the blame
is on the landlords and the financial in-
stitutions. But we cannot overlook the Uni-
versity's role. With apartment unit vacancy
rates decreasing from 5.8 per cent (1960
Census) to 3.5 per cent in 1970, the need
for more housing can now be described as
critical. One result is increases in rent,
which averaged $99 per month in 1960, to
$168 per month in 1970, an increase three
times as large as the national average in-
crease of 20 per cent.
THIS INCREASE in rental rates has con-
tributed to an exodus of low income resi-
dents and an influx of high income resi-
dents, resulting in a squeeze on student
housing. This is evident when one notes
that the number of students in apartments
has increased 100 per cent since 1960, with
student enrollment increasing by 50 per

cent and dormitory space increasing by
ONLY 36 per cent over the same time span.
According to a University of Michigan
survey done in 1969 by the Institute of
Social Research (ISR), 44 per cent of the
students surveyed thought University hous-
ing rates too high for the quality. With
70 per cent of the renters contracting for
housing more than one month ahead of oc-
cupancy (and most do this five months
ahead - April and May - ISR study), this
only insures the management companies
and the University that the fall vacancy
rate will be near zero. If you don't want to
sign a lease early, you may not find a
place at all.
AS EARLY as 1968, John Feldkamp,
director of Housing, stated the need for
additional student housing. This need was
restated in 1970. A proposal to build more
single-student housing was stalled by a
variety of reasons - allegedly financial. It
was argued by the University that the cost
was prohibitive without a form of subsidy
from the federal government. This subsidy,
$5.66 million from the College Housing Pro-
gram of HUD, was then procured and still
no action was taken by the University.
With the recent increase in enrollment and
the shift from dorm housing, the housing
situation is only getting worse.
The University Regents have continually
held fast to the bylaw prohibiting compe-
tition with private interests - local land-
lords. The illiquid state of the market and

the Regent's policy both contribute to the
complexity of the situation.
government subsidy in 1970 for new stu-
dent housing, they have not moved to-
wards any new housing in the face of the
current situation and repeated warnings
from Feldkamp. The administration has cit-
ed the situation of financing based on the
Michigan Legislature's attitude as well as
the 'actual' need for more housing, ap-
parently the Regents feel that as long as
there is room somewhere, the students will
just have to pay for it regardless of condi-
tion and location. I believe there is rctually
a conspiracy and collaboration between the
University and local landlords to keep the
rent high. For instance, the ledger of the
General Student Residences Account from
which all new funding for mousing comes
shows over $1 million has been spent in
the last ten years on non-housing projects.
Priorities, supposedly.
It's about time the Regents stopped this
merry-go-round of inactivity and realized
their obligations to student services. With
the subsidy available and the raise in
housing fees, single-student apartment pro-
jects must be started. Part of the recent
raise in dorm rates (higher rent again, "for
services" which are at a minimum already)
should be set aside and used for building.
UNTIL THE University builds nmore sin-
gle-student apartments the housing situa-
tion in Ann Arbor will not improve.

le tte rsle tte rs let tersle tte rs le tte'rslet I

To The Daily:
perpetrating a murderous
on thousands of laborI
rank-and-file militants, an
lutionists in Chile today. A
initiated a united front pic
and rally to demand the im
release of two leading mem
the Movimiento Izquierda
cionaria (MIA - Revolu
Left Movement) who are c
in the hands of butches
military junta, and freedom
victims of the junta's rep
Van Schouwen, a member
political Commission (the
body) of the MIR, was cap
December 14 and has been:
ed to severe torture as ar
which he is reportedly be
in a military hospital. Ro
members of the Central C
tee, was arrested in Noven'
has been condemned to de
the military government. B
be executed at any mome
THE JUNTA has become:
ingly politically isolated, bo

Chile ing dissatisfaction (some 350 o"fi-
cers are reportedly imprisoned for
not supporting the reactionary
unta is coup).'
attack There are now rumors of a deal
leaders, being worked out to free a few
d, revo- prominent supporters of the Al-
WTe have lende government through the in-
:ket line termediary of the United Nations
mediate Commission on Human Rights. At
nbers of cording to the 2 Marcn NewYork
Revolu- Times, the commission has sent a
utionary cable to the head of the military
urrently government, Pinochet, as "part of
of the a privately aranged deal in which
n for all the Soviet Union agreed to drop
ression- a resolution condemning Chile's
r of the suppression of human rights." The
leading report continued: "A tac*t under-
tured on standing of the parties to the deal
subject- was that Chile would allow the im-
result of prisoned men to leave. Moscow
ing held was particularly eager to obtain
mero, a the release of Luis Corvalan, tie
Commit- head of the Communist Party . .."
Abe- aud We must demand the immediate
path by release of all the political prison-
He could ers including Corvalan and "con-
nt. stitutionalist" officers. However,
such a special deal would put the
ncreas- lives of far-left militants such as
oth with- Romero and Van Schouwnn in in-

dent Union, Revolutionary Com-
munist Youth@Spartacist League
and the Young Socialist Alliance.
We urge everyone to demonstrate
against the repression of the junta.
-sKen Richards
Revolutionary Communist
Spartacist League
tax protest
To The Mily:
NAT01AL TAX Protect Day is
April 13, 1974. Varkniu groups
acros the country (nationally co-
ordinated by the Society for In-
dividual Liberty) are organizing
Constituti nal righ:i seminars,
guerillh cheaters, and demonstra-
tions for that day. Our goal is
to stop tt e IRS from wantonly
plundering people.
Some of the things we copose are
* the 10,.0ou federal emproyces
who receive government pensions
alng wri .neir salarie;. Some of
the warst "Double Dippers" are
Speaker cf the House Carl Albert,
General Alexander M. Haig, Jr.,
and S.-.tor Barry ,'oldwater.
* the c Mection, in I?', of over
$29 billion too much =r withheld

stitution bi the IRS. If a taxpayer
invoke the Fifth Amendment and
refuses to supply incriminating in-
formation on Form 191C, he risks
imprisonment or incarceration in
a mental institution. 'ihe IRS us-
es the public's ignorance of their
rights to collect informaaon and
money ncyond what is legally re-
A pe-son is a slave to the extent
he is crered to pay for an insti-
tution he does not sanction. On
April 13, some of the slaves are
going to complain. Please join us.
--Patrick A. Heller '74
March 18
To The Daily:
I HAVE just heard our dearly be-
loved President Robben Fleming
give a lecture for the Future World
Lecture Series on the topic of
ethics. This lecture (which, in my
opinion, was a masterpie'1 of
empty rhetoric) and the ensuing
question and answer period 1 e f t
me with one distinct impression:
that President Fleming and his
Board of Regents are shrewd busi-
nessmen who are quite skilled in
ahp r oA in~itf llnfit-mnlking.i

promised because the September
tuition hike caused an 'unexpected
surplus' in funds, are occurring
during the Spring and Summer
term - when the least number
of students will be affected and
the least amount of profit will be
FLEMING HAS refused to reveal
salaries of individual professors -
to defend their personal privacy,
as he puts it. Perhaps the true rea-
son is not to defend their privacy
but to spare them embarassment.
The University is raking in huge
amounts of money and has surpris-
ingly little to show for it Course
selections are dropping drastically,
recreational facilities (such as the
IM Building) are overcrowded and
underequ'pped, and dormitary con-
ditions are sinking to an all time
It would seem logical to n e and
<ethica.y just' that the g werning
body of a university would have
the best interes.s of its at idents
at heart. But maybe I am overly
naive and optimistic because it is
certai:'y not the case. W : are
bearing the burden of 'their ecor.-
mic su:cess ratiml than reaping

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