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See Today for details
Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. LXXXIV, No. 88 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, January 16, 1974 Ten Cents
Eight Pdges
Q s
Strike on
Teamsters warehousemen and truckers struck five
major southeastern Michigan supermarket chains at
midnight last night, setting off a wild spree of panic
buying. Some 650 supermarkets are expected to be hit
by the strike which threatens to produce serious food-
stuffs shortages in five to seven days. Affected chains
include Wrigley, Farmer Jack, Kroger, Great Scott and
Join us
If you've fver fantasized about being the next Bob
Woodward or Carl Bernstein, why not drop in on us
tonight and give the newspaper biz a try? We're hold-
ing a mass meeting for prospective editorial staff writ-
ers here (420 Maynard, 2nd floor) tonight at 7:30. If
you have any interest in any phase of journalism (news
writing, editorials, features, magazine writing, etc.) or
if you're just lonely and would like to meet a bunch
of basically nice people who get together and put out
a newspaper, drop in and check it out.
Republican drops out
Frederick Hermann - considered to be the leading
contender in the Third Ward GOP primary - dropped
out of the race yesterday claiming his business and per-
sonal matters would require too much attention for him
to serve on the City Council. His action leaves Richard
Bertoa running unopposed in the Feb. 18 contest. Herr-.
mann said political considerations played no role in his
decision, but some GOP members were known to fear a
bitter primary battle between Herrmann and Bertoia.
Queen bees?
ISR researchers have come out with a finding which
is not likely to make feminists very happy. They say
women who have made it in the "man's world" tend to
be more interested in keeping what they've got than
helping to open up opportunities to other women. These
researchers - doctoral students Graham Staines and
Toby Epstein and undergrad Carol Travis - say success-
ful women develop a "Queen Bee Syndrome" and feel
threatened by nondiscriminatory policies because they
tend to "relish the fact that they are 'special', that they
have unique qualifications that allowed them to get
high-ranking positions normally denied to women." The
"Queen Bee", the researchers say, "feels little animosity
toward the system that has permitted her to reach the
top . . . (and) identifies with male colleagues who are in
her reference group, rather than with the diffuse concept
of women as a class."
Monday blues
Which day of the week makes you feel the worst?
Monday, right? Well . . . maybe you'd be interested to
know that more people get colds and flu on Monday
than any other day - at least, that's what researchers
at the School of Public Health think. It's not just the
prospect of another week in school or at the office which
brings on these feelings of ill health, however. Accord-
ing to the public health folks, most people catch colds
in schools or at work, and, "after exposure during the
week, the diseases are incubated and symptoms devel-
op on the weekend or the following Monday."
What crisis?
Here's a cheery note for those worried about the fuel-
shortage. 'U' Prof. Russell Wilson says bodies and light
fixtures alone give off enough heat to keep the average
classroom warm. That is, if this classroom is well-in-
sulated. The catch, according to Wilson, is that most
classrooms.are "very poorly insulated. They lack pro-
visions which are standard in most private homes."
.. . you can observe the alleged Comet Kohoutek
thru the U's telescope, 5th floor Angell Hall from 6
to 8 p.m. . . . and the Psych Film Series features Multi-
ple Man; Monkeys, Apes, and Man at MLB Aud. 3 at
4:30 p.m. (for other film listings, see Arts Page) .
believe it.or not, that's all folks.
On the inside .. .
.. columnist Beth Nissen writes about student
problems and counseling on the Editorial Page
sportswriter Jeff Chown previews the indoor track sea-
son on the Sports Page . . . and Sara Rimer writes on
artist George Karr's exhibit at the Pyramid Gallery.
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Duke gets
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. P) - Gr'p-
ping a .50-caliber machine g un ,
John Wayne rode an armored per-
sonnel carrier into Harvard Square
yesterday in what was billed as an
assault on the Eastern Liberal Es-
But except for a brief skirmish .
with some Indians, the two-fistedt
actor was a smash hit with wise-
cracking Harvard students he had
come to debate.
college humor magazine, challeng-
ed Wayne's "unsurpassed greatness
in the guts department" and dared
him to premiere his new detectives
movie "McQ" in Harvard Square.
Wayne, a political conservative
known for his Westerns and war
movies, accepted. AP Photo
Dressed in a gray topcoat and THE DUKE, poised on a tank, is protected by the Crimson brigade from less-than-lethal snowball
See WAYNE, Page 2 shrapnel. Wayne was invited to Cambridge to address students by the staff of the Harvard Lampoon.
By AP and Reuter
WASHINGTON -- President Nixon was dealt another body
blow yesterday over Watergate when six technical experts re-
ported that an 18-minute gap on a key White House tape could
not have been caused in the way described by the President's
Personal Secretary, Rose Mary Woods.
The panel of experts told Federal Judge John Sirica it
was their unanimous opinion that a mysterious buzzing sound
which obliterated a conversation between Nixon and his for-
mer chief of staff H. R. Haldeman occurred "in the process
of erasing and re-recording at least five, and perhaps as many
as nine, separate and contiguous segments."
THEY SAID THE erasure could not have occurred through unin
tended contact with the recorders foot pedal-an explanation offered in
sworn testimony by Woods.
"The recording controls must
have been operated by hand," they
The experts further commented
that they did not think any of the
erased conversation copld be sal-
The White House had a summary
of the experts' report, but it made
no immediate comment.
one of nine subpoenaed by the spe-
cial Watergate prosecutor, was of
a conversation that took place be-
tween Nixon and Haldeman three
days after the original Watergate
break-in. According to Haldeman's
notes of the meeting, Watergate
was a topic of discussion.
The discovery of the buzz touch-
ed off a flurry ofspeculation last
December which eventually came
to focus on Woods. A close asso-
ciate of the President for over
twenty years, Woods had been
charged with the task of tran-
scribing the nine Watergate tapes.
Woods testified before Judge Sirica
that she thought it was possible
that she had hit the "record" but-
ton on the tape recorder when she
meant to push "stop" while lean-
ing back in her office chair to ans-
wer a telephone call.
WHILE TAKING the call, she
said, her foot might have acci-
dentally been in contact with the
foot pedal she had been using to
switch the machine on and off
See TAPE, Page 2
Israel to
decide on
separ ation
of forces
JERUSALEM (Reuter) - The
Israeli government decided yes-
terday that it would make a deci-
sion on separation of forces with
Egypt after Secretary of State
Henry Kissinger returns here from
a third visit to Egypt, to which he
is flying today.
The decision was taken after a
four-hour session at which Prime
Minister Golda Meir, Deputy Pre-
mier Yigal and other top Israeli
officials reported on their discus-
sions with, the secretary of state.
AT THE END of the meeting a
Cabinet communique was issued
which said: "The government will
continue and conclude its delibera-
tions on proposals for separation
of forces on the Egyptian front at
the end of the talks with Dr. Kis-
singer, after his return from his
forthcoming visit to Egypt."
The Cabinet also decided that it
See ISRAELI, Page 8
poli tical
s een after Gill departure
The shifting political currents of
Student Government Council, still
unsettled in the wake of former
President Lee Gill's resignation,
were further upset by the news
yesterday that Carl Sandberg, a
widely mentioned candidate to re-
place Jeff Schiller as SGC presi-
dent and a steadying influence on
Council, is departing today for
Fort Benning, Ga., for two and
one half weeks, because of mili-
tary commitments.
Sandberg, 27, is a first lieutenant
in the Army reserves, and is on
orders requiring him to report be-
fore the end of the week.
SCHILLER, currently a c t i n g
president of SGC has repeated his
intentions to remain in office de-
spite persistent . rumors that he
will step down, and is in the pro-
cess of selecting people to serve
his administration.
Two vacancies w e r e created
when Gill appointees David Fow-
ler and Rosemary Mullin decided
to join their former boss in hand-
ing in resignations.
Gill resigned in a surprise move
last Thursday. Though he blamed
academic problems for his deci-
sion, he hinted that the constant
stream of attacks directed at him
during his tenure at president may
have hastened his departure.
Members of the Minority Affairs
Committee (MAC) met last night
in East Quad to discuss the cur-
rent situation on Council and chart
out a course for the near future.
COMMITTEE members have ex-
Soviet specialist s peaks
In a speech laden with general-
izations, Dr. Gyorgy Arbatov, a
leading Soviet specialist on the
United States, yesterday claimed
that "serious progress has been
made in Soviet - American rela-
tions," but that the situation is
like a traveler raising his foot
when confronted with an obstacle
-problems remain and only con-
tinued p r o g r e s s can overcome
Dr. Arbatov, director of the In-
stitute of the U.S.A. of the Aca-
demy of Sciences of the Soviet
Union and a foreign policy advisor
to Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev,
dealt with the Cold War, common
interests between the two- powers,
problems in bringing about detente
and American interference in the
internal affairs of Socialist coun-
tries. He dwelt only briefly on such
controversial subjects as the Mid-
east situation, Soviet handling of
intellectuals like Alexander Solz-
henitsyn and treatment of Soviet
A HANDFUL of students pro-
testing Soviet "oppression" of in-
tellectuals quietly picketed outside
Rackham before the speech with-
out incident.
In a question and answer ses-
sion after his talk Arbatov avoid-
.-iri~ t . a- -;c - n of th e .nl7
pressed fears that the departure
of Gill will mean an end to minor-
ity-oriented programs on SGC.
Asian Affairs Director Ted Liu has
gone on record as saying that he
expects the Council to vote the
MAC out of existence at the next
While such a move is not con-
sidered very likely, a proposed re-
vision of MAC will be considered
at the Thursday night session. It
calls for a reorganization of the
MAC into a unit headed by a vice-
president with four directors under
him. The new directors would be
in charge of sexual, racial, ethnic
and religious minorities.
Currently, the MAC has a direc-
tor for each individual minority
OTHER COUNCIL m e mb er s
have also been busy drafting new
legislation. These include:
-A proposal by SGC member
Jim Glickman calling for an SGC
Constitutional convention;
-David Lambert's resolution for
an SGC referendum on the BAM
demands to ascertain student feel-
ings on this widely debated topic;
ment, offered by David Faye,
which if adopted, would drop the
controversial 10-10-10 representa-
tion plan. Such an amendment
would have to be approved by
voters in the Spring election; and
-Bob Garber's proposal for a
special SGC presidential election.
Most of these rather far-reach-
ing proposals are given little
chance of passage.
Schiller, who was thrust into the
presidential c h a i r unexpectedly
following Gill's resignation, seems
intent on settling the Council down
before it tackles any more "block-
ACCORDING TO Schiller, the
Council is currently faced with
something like a five week back-
log of work. The backlog has re-
sulted because the last several
mnaincc asr hPn.aon >.nat
Feminist cr edIt union
sets local branch,
fights 'sexist lending'
In response to alleged "sexist lending policies of male-controlled
banking institutions," Michigan women who established the first femin-
ist credit union in the country have opened an Ann Arbor branch.
The Feminist Federal Credit Union was established so "women
could pool their resources and establish a stronger monetary base and
increased financial independence," said Jane Rothstein, manager of the
Ann Arbor chapter.
THE 500-MEMBER credit union, which is based in Detroit and also
has a Kalamazoo branch, was established on Aug. 26--the 53rd anniver-
sary of women winning the right to i
The feminist credit union was
designed to meet the needs of wo-
men who are discriminated against
by banks because of their marital
status or judged by the credit rat-
ing of their husband or father.
"The goal of the credit union is
not to make money for its stock-
holdersbwhich is the purpose of a
bank, but rather to provide serv-
ices for its members," explains
Rothstein, who has not held a bank
account for three years.
have a common bond, they can be
honest about their reasons for a
loan - be it for an abortion, a di-
vorce, or as a means to becom-
ing financially independent," she
continued. "A woman is judged
solely on her ability to re-pay."
Although both sexes are eligible
for membership, men are encour-
aged to seek loans elsewhere if
According to Rothstein, most
loans go to women who have re-
cently separated from their hus-
bands or need funds for business
Militant tells
0since ing
It initially seemed ironic that
Ken Cockrel was chosen by the
Center for Afro-American Studies
to guest lecture on Martin Luther
King's birthday.
To all outward appearances, the
militant black Detroit lawyer and
the legendary civil rights martyr
are complete opposites. Yet closer
examination shows they do share
an intensity concerning their most
essential purpose - to resolve the
problems facing blacks in our pre-
sent society efficiently, thorough-
ly and permanently.
COCKREL emphasized that the
election of Coleman Young as De-
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