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April 03, 1974 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1974-04-03

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See Editorial Page

Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom

:43 t 1,9

See Today for details

Vol. LXXXIV, No. 146

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, April 3, 1974

Ten Cents

Eight Pages

Ten ,ent


Impeachment march
Supporters of the movement to impeach President Nix-
on will rally on the Diag at noon today for speakers,
guerrilla theatre, and a march to Republican Congress-
man Marvin Esch's office on Huron at Fourth St. March-
ers will be carrying Esch petitions with over 3,000 signa-
tures of local voters favoring impeachment. Today's'
march will replace the one scheduled for last Friday
that was postponed due to bad weather.
The day after
In a Speech 100 lecture entitled "Limits of Communi-
cations Effects," associate professor and a loser in last
night's Fourth Ward race William Colburn warned stu-
dents that a speech can effect listeners in unexpected
ways. "We must ask ourselves what prevents us from
being successful in communication," he said. Amid guf-
faws from the audience, Colburn alluded to his unex-
pected defeat, "I spent a lot of time trying to convince
Fourth Ward voters into accepting my views, but now I
realize that a tremendous amount of people don't share
them." Concluding the class early, Colburn cautioned,
"Never show disrespect for other people's views."
HRP celebrates
As the HRP victory celebration continued into its
second day yesterday, the party's Second Ward winner,
Kathy Kozachenko, commented on Monday night's elec-
tion results. Kozachenko, who campaigned openly as a
lesbian, said "This victory is significant because for
the first time in this country, an openly gay person has
been elected to City Council. Ten years ago, being open-
ly gay would've meant automatic defeat. We've picked
up a good deal of votes we haven't had before and our
victories have proven that this is just a beginning-
we'll be around for a long time to stay."
UHC race set
The University Housing Council (UHC), an all-student
committee on residencehall policy, voted yesterday to
hold its elections during pre-registration. Seats open In-
clude those of the president and seven dorm district
representatives. Anyone who wants to serve a half year
term on the Council must file with the SGC secretary, on
the third floor of the Union, between Friday April 5
and Tuesday April 16.
UAC recruiting
The University Activities Center (UAC) is looking
for students interested in producing next year's Soph
Show or MUSKET productions, or students interested in
being on the central coordinating committees of Future
Worlds, UAC Travel, or Mediatrics. Newcomers are wel-
come! Applications and 4further information are avail-
able at the UAC Travel Office, Second floor, Michigan
Union. Applications are due April 5, 1974.
MERC election
Today marks the \third and last day of the Michigan
Employment Relations Commission (MERC) election
which will make or break the Graduate Employes Or-
ganization (GEO) as sole bargaining agent for the Uni-
versity's teaching assistants. GEO must get the approv-
al of at least 51 per cent of the TFs and research assist-
ants and staff assistants who vote in the three-day elec-
tions to obtain legal sanction from MERC.
Happenings ...
.. today are led by appearance of United Mine
Workers President Arnold Miller, who will speak on
"Appalachian Coal Miners: An Endangered Species?"
at the School of Public Health's Thomas Francis Aud,,
3:30 p.m. Also speaking will be D. Rasmussen, chief of
the pulmonary division at Appalachian Pulmonary Lab-
oratory in West Virginia, and M. H. Ross, UMW admin-
istrator . . . the Association of Black Social Work stu-
dents hold their second annual conference, "Environ-
mental Influences on Social Functioning: the Black Ex-
perience," beginning at 9:30 a.m. on Rackham's fourth
floor. Leon ghestang, associate professor at the School
of Social Services Administration of the University of
Chicago will be the guest speaker . . . then if you want
to catch up on the latest science fiction happenings, the

Stilyagi Air Corps is sponsoring a discussion at 7 p.m. in
the SGC chambers on the 3rd floor of the Union . . . on
the serious side of life, the Huron River Watershed
Council is holding a public informational meeting at 7:30
p.m. in the Hamburg Fire House, 7252 Stone St., Ham-
burg, concerning the future of the Huron River and the
role of the Michigan Natural Rivers Program . . . also
at 7:30 p.m., the city's Cablecasting Commission is meet-
ing in the Council Chambers of City Hall to consider
recommendations on the planned consolidation of public
access resources . ;. and finally, the Center for Russian
and East European Studies is sponsoring a film at 8 p.m.
in Lecture Rm. 1 of MLB entitled, "The People of the
Soviet Union."
On the inside.. .
the Arts Page hosts the results of the Academy
Awards . . . George Hastings writes a column on the
Detroit Pistons. basketball team on the Sports Page... .
and the Edit Page continues its series on the LSA gov-

AP News Analysis P.
PARIS-President Georges Pompidou's politic
death yesterday has dramatically worsened GaullE
a flood of problems besetting France, from PC
inflation to nagging disputes with the Unit- tion a
ed States and France's Common Market A
partners. of the
At a time when strong and determined EDT.
leadership is needed, France is about to be T
plunged into the uncertaintiessof a political diatel:
campaign to choose a successor. Al
THE COMMUNISTS and Socialists are had b
certain to make a strong bid to wrest con- form c
trol from Pompidou's Gaullists, in power
for almost 16 years. The Gaullists them- been warn
selves are divided. ahead. H
Among the leading potential candidates unity of t
mentioned in recent speculation about a 'rance's
successor to Pompidou are former Premier the nation
Jacques Chaban-Delmas, Finance Minister THE WC
Valery Giscard d'Estaing and the Socialist late last y
party secretary general, Francois Mitter- and sharpe
and. ing the c
Since New Year's day, Pompidou had motor car




ARIS W--Georges Pompidou, whose sole venture into electoral
cs gained him the strong French presidency built by Charles de
e, died yesterday of an undisclosed illness at the age of 62.
ompidou had been plagued by illness and there had been specula-
bout his possible resignation.
one-line communique from the Elysee palace said: "The president
republic died on April 2, 1974, at 2100 hours"-9 p.m., or 4 p.m.
'he palace refused to give any further details on the death imme-
y. Reporters were barred from entering the building.
[though the cause of death was not disclosed immediately, there
een reports of various ailments, including leukemia or some other
of cancer.

of the French Cabinet's efforts to deal with
these problems, but just as the govern
ment began focusing on internal issues, a
bitter squabble over oil policy and the At-
lantic partnership erupted with the United
U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger
and French Foreign Minister Michel Jo-
bert exchanged charges of bad faith. Wash-
ington accused the French of willfully im-
peding U. S. policies, and Parish claimed
the United States was trying to set the
members ofethe European Common Mar-
ket against each other.
IN RECENT weeks, Pompidou - the real
architect of French foreign policy - acted
to tone down the dispute. But he warned
nt his last Cabinet meeting March 27 that
he would reject U. S. attempts to control
European policy.
Relations with the United States and
the Common Market are two of the issues
dividing the Gaullists and their leftist op-
ponents, and - once the period of mourn-
ing is over - are sure to be injected into
the election campaign.

ping the French of difficult times
e had cited worries about the
the country, about relations with
European neighbors and about
's wider role in the world.
ORLDWIDE increase in oil prices
year slowed the French economy
ened the bite of inflation, increas-
ost of everything from meat to

Industrial protests, always just below
bubbling point in France, in recent weeks
spread to white collar workers in banks and
other economic sectors.
Industrialists' are unhappy over the gov-
ernment's efforts to hold down prices and
maintain they are being hampered when
France needs a massive boost in exports to
offset the higher cost of oil.
POMPIDOU intensified the streamlining

ges Pompidou at a March 26
diplomatic reception, his last
public appearance before his
death last night.

City Council1
formally, OIKs
ele ct ion results
City Council last night formally certified the results of
Monday night's election confirming the passage of the famous
$5 marijuana fine and the victory of Second Ward HRP candi-
date Kathy Kozachenko.
Council also voted to discontinue the practice of borrow-
ing money from the Park Fund for bailing out other city pro-
grams in urgent need of cash.
THE POSSIBILITY of consolidating the city's health department
with the county health department was also explored, and council
approved the rezoning of an 87 acre parcel of:land so that progress can

Splendor in the grass
Two students emerge from hibernation yesterday to enjoy the belated mild temperatures and sunny skies April brought the city. Dorm
residents could be spotted sunbathing on roofs, and barefoot people romped with stray dogs on the Diag.

Note reports' Cinin knew

about fake

kidnapers to
free Hearst
time and place of Patricia Hearst's
release will be disclosed within 78
hours, a communique bearing the
signature of the Symbionese Liber-
ation Army (SLA) said last night.
The communique was received
late yesterday by a biweekly un-
derground newspaper, the Phoe-
nix. Also enclosed was what looked
like half of the kidnaped news-
paper heiress' driver's license. The
newspaper said it had confirmed
the authenticity of the partial li-
cense which was Ms. Hearst's cor-
rect birth date and her signature.
The newspaper said it had re-
ceived the communique wrapped
in a dozen long-stem roses, which
were delivered by a local florist.
"IF IT'S TRUE we're delighted,"
said a statement released by mil-
lionaire Randolph H e a r s t, Ms.
Heart's father. "It sounds like
their (SLA's) communique. I wish
to believe it."
There was no way to confirm
that the communique was authen-
tic, but it followed the pattern and
style of previous SLA communica-

- -s w I .. mA in. . , v v! .T

WASHINGTON {P) - Dwight charged
Chapin was kept informed about when he
fake political literature that Don- Segretti1
ald Segretti distributed in the 1972 that he n
campaign and knew what Segretti fornia la
was being paid, witnesses testified candidat
Segretti, the opening witness in SEGRE
Chapin's perjury trial, said he sent he was r
samples of his phony news re- job by C
leases, embarrassing question- 1971, Ch
naires and wrongly credited post- mund Mu
ers to Chapin at his home. concern
that he
HERBERT KALMBACH, once both the
President Nixon's personal law- Wheni
yer, testified he told Chapin about that the
the meeting where he and Segretti ging, Seg
agreed on a salary of $16,000 a in to ask
year plus expenses "either that kie was
day or a day or two later." ner."
Their testimony went to the "Mr.
heart of the government's charges should c
against Chapin - that he lied to a forcing a
federal grand jury that he didn't bert Hu
know Segretti distributed any cam- said.
paign literature and didn't know Meanw
what Segretti was paid. cial Pr
Chapin, once President Nixon's said yest
appointments secretary, also is not yet c

witnesses say,

with lying under oath
testified that he advised
to talk with the FBI and
never told the young Cali-
awyer which Democratic
es should be his target.
ETTI SAID shortly after
recruited for the prankster
Chapin, in the summer of
apin "told me Sen. Ed-
uskie was the one I had to
myself with primarily,
was the front-runner in
polls and the media."
it became apparent later
Maine senator was lag-
gretti said, he called Chap-
k "what focus, since Mus-
no longer the front run-
Chapin . . . told me I
oncentrate my efforts on
a split of the staffs of Hu-
mphrey and Muskie, he
chile, a spokesman for Spe-
osecutor Leon Jaworski
erday the White House has
omplied with a number of

requests for materials sought in
investigations by the Watergate
special prosecution force.
THE STATEMENT said new sub-
poenas may be issued for those
The White House earlier declined
to say that President Nixon turned
over to Jaworski last Friday all
the materials the prosecutor had
sought in a March 15 subpoena.
The special prosecutor's office
said that material is being ex-
amined now.
that aside from the March 15 sub-
poena, other items still are sought
from the White House.
"We have made and will make
requests for materials whenever
we have sufficient cause to be-
lieve that they are relevant to the
various investigations that fall un-
der our mandate, which includes a
number of areas other than the
main Watergate case," the spokes-
man said. "A number of such re-
quests are outstanding."
In other Watergate-related mat-
ters, the Senate Watergate com-
mittee made a final plea yesterday
to the U. S. Court of Appeals for
access to five presidential tape re-
SAMUEL DASH, the committee's
chief counsel, promised the court
that if the panel is given copies of
the tapes it will submit to a pro-
tective order preventing their pub-
lic release.
John Chester, a lawyer repre-
'senting President Nixon, said the

be made on a housing development
Nixon Road and Green Road.
With virtually no pressing busi-
ness before Council last night,
much of the meeting was far more
relaxed than the meetings in re-
,cent weeks, although the opening
moments were a little tense..
Gay people packed the Council
chambers, both to thank the two
outgoing HRP Council members,
Jerry DeGrieck and Nancy Wech-
sler, for their service, and to
gloat over the defeat of William
A SUCCESSION of gay speakers
stepped up to the microphone to
congratulate Wechsler and De-
Grieck and also to condemn Col-
burn one last time before his re-
James Toy told the two HRP
members, "I wish you peace and
love." Subsequently the pair was
presented with a cake which was
decorated with the words: "Rum-
ors of our death (HRP's) are pre-
Another man, who announced
himself as Diana Ross of Holly-
wood, presented Wechsler and De-
Grieck with the award for "best
councilpeople," in the "First Aca-
demy Awards of City Council."
HRP and the gay people also pre-
sented Colburn with a cake, and
the icing on his read, "Good-bye
Clyde-Love, Commies and Fag-
gots," in response to a Republi-
can who allegedly said election
night, "The hippies and faggots
are taking over the city."
AS THE CAKE was presented,
the speaker told Colburn, "this
one's for you golden boy, just to
let you know you're not forgotten."
While the gay people and the
IIRP members gloated, the Repub-
licans were visibly disconcerted.
See CITY, Page 2

to be located at the intersection of
Congressman Marvin Esch yes-
terday lashed out what he called
"inexcusable bureaucratic bungl-
ing" by the Department of Health,
Education and Welfare (HEW) in
handling a scholarship program to
help needy students become doc-
tors, dentists, nurses, and other
heailth specialists.
The program, enacted by Con-
gress more than 17 months ago,
was designed to help supply health
workers to over 5,000 communities
listed by the Health Services and
Mental Health Administration as
having no health care services.
Office of Health Manpower De-
velopment (OHMD), which is im-
plementing the program, has been
working at an unreasonably slow
rate which has virtually elimi-
nated the program.
James Kissinger, a spokesman
for the OHMD, said yesterday he
was "as embarrassed as anyone"
about the length of time the office
spent in getting the program into
Kissinger said Manpower was
given two alternatives, to wait un-
til next year, or to try to work
under pressure to give as many
scholarships as possible this year,
"I guess we overestimated our-
selves," he admitted.
AS A RESULT of the agency's
slowness, students who accepted
grants through the program this
year will serve a year after gradu-
ation to pay off only two and a
half months of aid.
The scholarship p r o g r a m, as
passed by Congress, specifies that
eligible students receiveaid in
monthly installments to6 cover the
costs of tuition, books, school sup-
plies, and medical expenses. The
stipend was set at $600 per month,
a rate comparable to pay and al-
lowances of armed forces second
lieutenant or ensign.


375 secretaries meet

A panel of seven labor organizers addressed more
than 375 enthusiastic University clerical workers last
night on the problems, processes, and benefits of

two groups of clericals. One faction, concentrated in
the Medical Center area, wants the Association of
Federal, State, and County Municipal Employes
(AFSCME) to represent them. However, the CCFA

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