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April 02, 1974 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily, 1974-04-02

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Tuesday, April 2, 1974

pe law passes; Iiozs
~es 2n ward Coib

fords into (Wards)
and did well."

One and Two

RICHMAN, who was expected to
beat her radical opponent. in a
close two-party race-no GOP can-
didate ran in Ward Two-told re-
porters, "Nobody's crying. Fvery-
body's relieved that it's over. Ap-
parently all the Republicans voted
for Kathy (Kozachenko)."
The election night was punctuat-
LSA goverw
blocks course
The LSA Governing Faculty
yesterday eliminated the Report
of the Commission on Graduation
Requirements' (GRC) proposal
calling for most Literary College
courses to carry either four or
two credits.
By substituting classical studies
and romance languages Prof.
Ernst Pulgram's resolution -
which relegates responsibility for
credit hour decisions to individual
departments-the faculty effec-
tively blocked the Commission's
original plan designed to en-
courage students to concentrate
on a four course load per semes-
ter rather than the present five.
course average.
Commission Chairman Ray-
mond Grew opposed the Pulgram
resolution, arguing, "It allows
far more decentralization than
this college can permit."
ed in principal proposals suggest-
ing that advanced placement
credit, credit by examination,
course mart, pilot, and mini
courses be continued.
After heated debate, the fac-
ulty passed two proposals asking
that the College grant a maxi-
mum of 16 credits to students
undertaking atypical studies of
experience outside listed courses.

ic en Daily Official Bulletin
Tuesday, April 2
Day Calendar
u rn Future Worlds: J. Lilly, "Interspecies
(SCommunication," Hill Aud., 3 pm.
Ctr. Russian, E. European Studies:
Smini-course, F. Svensson, "The Tribal
ed by inaccurate slating of pre- Peoples of the Soviet Far East,"rw.
cinct totals, late inclusion of us- Cont. Rm., Rackham Bldg., 4 pm.
uaily conservative-leaning absen- Music School: Wind & percussion
student recital, SM Recital Hall, 12:30
tee votes, and some 34 challenged pm.
Second Ward ballots eariler in the statistics: R. LePage, MSU, "Smooth-
day. ing Wald's, Tests," 3003 Angell Hall, 4
Physics: J. Lannin, Max-Planck
Today's election story was writ- Inst., "Roman Scattering in Amor-
ten by Dan Biddle with files from phous Materials," 2038 Randall Lab, 4
reporters Gordon Atcheson, Jeff Kelsey Museum: B. Kanael, Haver-f
Day, Cheryl Pilate, Stephen Selbst, ford College, "The Art of the Ancient
Synagogue, Aud. A, Angell Hall, 4:10
Jack Krost, and David Whiting. pm.
W. W. Cook lectures on American
Institutions: N. Glazer, "Challenges to
i the System: Jobs & Education," Aud. 3,
E fac lty MB, 4:15 pm.
Psych Films: "Timepiece;" "Year of
the Commune," Aud. 3, MLB, 4:30 pm.
Society, Automotive Engineers: G.
caThompson, "Engineering & Racing,"
325 W. Engin., 7:30 pm.
Romance Languages, Classical Stu:
dies: H. Flasche. "Key Words in Cal-
The credits will be. reviewed deron's Tragedy," Lee. Rm. 1, MLB, 8
by a Board of Study composed of pm.
fivefacuty embes wose er- Music School : Jazz Band, E.L. Smith,
five faculty members whose ser- conductor, Rackham Aud., 8 -pm.
vice will be regarded as part of WCBN: "Going Crazy with Blues &
a teaching assignment. all .that Jazz: A History of Women in
JOURNALISM professor Wil- Blues & Jazz," WCBN 8.5, 8 pm.
liamPortr oposedthe ro- Music School: M. Evans, organ, Hill
am Porter opposed the pro- Aud., 8 pm.
posal's suggestion to grant credits Music School: String dept. student
for outside work, stressing, "The recital, SU Recital Hall, 8 pm.
heat on our department will be Summer Placement
tremendous if this passes. We 3Jewel Company,
Jewlomn, Detroit. Will inter.
already have enormous pressure view Tuesday, Apr. 2, 9:30 to 5, deliver
on us to grant credits for work and call on regular customers, selling
on The Royal Oak Tribune, The & delivery work. Excellent money. Reg-
Pontac ressandThe ichgan ister.
Pontiac Press, and The Michigan Camp Tamarack, Ortonville, Brigh-
Daily newspapers. We spend an ton. Will interview Friday, April 5 9:30
enormous amount of time fending to 5. Openings: counselors for (boys 8-
it off." 10), kitchen help, bus/truck drivers,
Counerig Prter Grw sidnature.
Countering Porter, Grew said, BASF Wyandotte Corp., Wyandotte,
"The heat is going to increase in Mi. Will interview Tues., Apr. 9, 9:30
colleges everywhere for work- to 5. Openings in Engr. Dept., Plant/
study. Good teaching always Maintenance Services for chemical and
generates heat, sometimes de- Mech. Engrs. Juniors only. Register.
Good Humor CorJ., Detroit. Drive a
bate as well." small truck sell Ice Cream and be
A chemistry professor argued, outdoors all summer. Good money. Reg-
"Our department voted unani- ister,
thispropsal, Announcements:
mously to oppose this proposal, Meredith Corp., Des Moines, Iowa.
since we do not anticipate enough Summer Intern Program for juniors in
release time to meet the huge general, graphic, agricultural journal-
burden this would place on the ist. Details available.
faculty." National Life Ins. Co., Montpelier, Vt.
Openings for grad. student with one
year of their MBA program of study
IN OTHER ACTION, the fac- completed, in investment dept. Details
ulty approved the Admission Of- available.
fice's recommendation that the
requirement of SAT scores from
transfer students be eliminated. $100 except Fri., Sat.,

Happy to announce we now carry
men and womens
711 N. University 668-6915


Home Cooking Is Our Specialty

Breakfast All Day
3 eggs, Hash Browns,
Toast & Jelly-$1 .05
Ham or Bacon or
Sausage with 3 eggs,
Hash Browns, Toast and
3 eggs, Rib Eye Steak,
Hash Browns,
Toast & Jelly-$1.90

Specials This Week
Beef Stroganoff
Chinese Pepper Steak
Home-mode Beef Stew
Egg Rolls
Home-made Soups
(Beef, Barley, Clam Chowder,
Chili, Vegetable Tempuro
(served after 2 p.m.)
Fried Rice with Sausages
and Vegetables

THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, April 2, '1974



Society of Automotive Engineers
"Engineering & Racing"
Accompanied by Progress Slides of Dayton Car
Tuesday, April 2,7:30 p.m.
Room 325, Weest Engineering


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Tues.-Fri.: 7:30 a.m.-8 p.m.
Sat.-Sun.: 9:00 a.m-9, pm



Students from 18 thru 25 interested in preparing for
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Year includes kibbutz work period and touring Israel.
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bun., :pi.a

Art 1

ends Tues..
Apr. 2

"Funny Car Summer"
Weekdays. 7, 9; Fri., Sat., 7,
9, 11; Suri., 3, 5, 7, 9-rated

Art 2

ends Tues.,
Apr. 2

rated R
Week, 7:15, 9; Fri., Sat., 7:15,
9, 10:45; Sun., 3:30, 5:30,
7:15, 9:00


1needs Next Year's{
2. Soph Show
central 1. Future Worlds
committee 2. UAC Travel
members 3. Mediatrics
}Applications and Further Information Are Available at the UAC Travel
Office, 2nd Floor, Michigan Union. Applications Are Due: April 5, 1974.}



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