I IIS i i WL:SJ:i tu. tii 9 ., v : . ,.; . , ., . ,. _ 5Lthdacy,: Mo rth :3, 1 ; i V t't THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven I tIL MICMIL~AN VAILY Page Seven Profs talk to chimpanzee Stickers (Continued from Page 1) consuming program, and Washoe was moved to the chimp colony at the University of Nevada. Washoe tried, and failed, to strike up conversations with her, fellow animals and looked to her- self for shortcomings in her per- For the Gardners, having opened sparK sistent efforts to communicate. the door to animal communication, She became a leader in the col- they've just begun. They are al- ony, and is solicitous and kind to ready dreaming of establishing controversy newcomers and, during a recent communication with a band of fl1i epidemic, she travelled around champanzees in their natural habi- wiping noses. tat. (Continued from Page 1) DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN r Sunday, March 31 Physics: P. Carruthers, Los Alamos ! and call on regular customers, selling Day Calendar Sci. Lab., "New Developments in the{ and delivery work. Excellent money. Dance:. Pethick's "Mandala:" Szy- Hydrodynaical Model of Particle Pro- Register. kula's "Reflections of Rembrandt,"' duction," P-A Bldg. Collog. Rm., 4 pm. Camp Tamarack. Ortonville, Brigh- Barbour Gym, 2 pm. W. W. Cook Lectures on American ton. Will interview Fri., Apr. 5, 9:30 to Music School: L. Reisman, piano, SM Institutions: N. Glazer, "The Distinc- 5. Openings: counselors for (boys -10),. Recital Hal, 2:30 pm. tiveness of American Ethnicity," Aud. kitchen help & bus/truck drivers, na- PP: Two Gentlemen of Verona," 3, MLB, 4:15 pm. ture. Power Ctr., 3, 8 pm. Music School: Composers Forum: SM BASF Wyandotte Corp., Wyandotte, Music School: K. Marcus, soprano, Recital Hall, 8 pn-I MI, Will Interview Tues. Apr. 9, 9:30 SM Recital Hall, 4:30 pm, Afro-American Studies Ctr.: lecture, to 5. openings in engr. dept., plant Music School: University Philhar- demonstration by Bessie Jones, & the maintenance serv. for chem and mech. monia, T. Alcantart, conductor, Hill Georgia Sea Island Singers, Trotter engrs. Juniors only, Register. And., 8 pm. House. 8 pm. Good Humor Corp, Detroit. Drive a1 Monday, April 1 Music School: G. Meyer ,organ, Hill small truck - sell ice cream and be Prog. for Educational Opportunity: Aud., 8 pml. out doors all summer. Good money. "'fuderit Behavior, Student Rights, & General Notices Register. the Fair Administration of Justice," Graduate School Deanship Search' League, 1 pm. Committee: Requests nominations for Announcements: ISMRRD, Speech, Phys. Med., Re- the position of Dean of the Horace H. Meredith Corp., Des Moines, Iowa: habilitation: "An Auditory Emphasis Rackham School of Graduate Studies 'Summer Intern Prog. for Juniors in Approach with Young Hearing Im- to replace Dean Donald E. Stokes. gen .,graphic, agricultural journalist. paired Children," M5330 Med. Cci. I, Please furnish background information Details. 1335 Catherine St., 3:15 pm. on candidates: nominations may be National Life Ins. Co.. Montpelier, Vt. Ctr. ' Russian, E. European Studies: submitted to the Search Committee Openings for grad. student with one mini-course, R. Krklins, "The Baltic Chairman, Professor W. J. MKeachie. year of their MBA prog. of study com- Nations In the Soviet State," W. Conf. Department of Psychology, West Quad. pleted, in investment dept. RM., Raekham Bldg., 4 pm. Summer Placement Pfizer. Inc. Chemicals Div., Groton, Slavic Languages: G. Gomori, Dar- 3200 SAB, 763-4117 CT. Opening for grad. student In win Coll., "Witold Gombrowicz," E. Jewell Company, Detroit. Will inter- Chem, familiar with liquid chromatog- Conf. Rm., Rackham Bldg., 4 pm. view Tues., Apr. 2, 9:30 to 5; Deliver raphy. "I will continue to work for s a better Ann Arbor" * Fiscal responsibility * Improved City services t~*fety of all citizens *Planned growth *Parks and recreation programs *Sound governmental relationships The Colburn "Bunch" RE ELECT COLBURN/FOURTH WARD/REPUBLICAN/MONDAY, APRIL 1 (Paid Political Adertisement) Paid Political Adv. Your landlord hopes you wont vote tomorrow If you vote tomorrow your landlord may be in trouble. He'll have to rent his property at a reasonable price. He'll have to start doing maintenance work. He'll have to bring his property up to building code. He'll have to start paying his taxes on time. In other words, if Rent Control wins tomorrow, the days of the rental rip-off are over. It's al up to you. Tomorrow you can do your landlord a favor and stay home. Or you can do yourself a favor and vote yes on Rent Control. Vdta YF MasrnIrn, than we should have," he said, "but practically speaking no real violation has occurred." Thiry ex- plained that a written statement was necessary from Hess in order to go ahead with the procedure, but that his office did not receive the statement until late last week. No oher HSRI employes have filed complaints about Hess's or- der. Carroll says he has gotten "a lot of quiet moral support" from other employes, but 'he claims they haven't spoken up for fear of en- dangering their jobs. Carroll requested that his hear- in be helid at the institute so that other employes could attend. Thiry refused, however, saying that an open meeting might tend to "dis- rupt" the work of the institute. He added that the matter as yet was "only between an employe and his employer." IE SEDER Meals for Passover at H I LLEL SATURDAY, April 6, 9:00 p.m. SUNDAY, April 7, 8:30 p.m. Reservations must be in by Wednesday noon, April 3. Cost-$8$Cli 663-4129 VOTE IN RACKHAM STUDENT GOVERNMENT ELECTIONS TO BE ELECTED: President, Vice President, 15 Representatives ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: Every student enrolled in Rackham DATES: March 25-29 and April 1-5, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. LOCATION OF POLLS: Mon.,. Mar. 25-Rackham Building Tues., Apr. 2-Grad Library Tues., Mar. 26-Grad Library Wed., Apr. 3-Fishbowl Wed.. Mar. 27-Fishbowi Thurs., Apri. 4-Kresge Library Thurs., Mar. 28-Engin. Arch Lobby Fri., Mar, 29-Education School Fri., Apr. 5-Rackham Building Mon., Apr. ,-Rackham Building For information, call 763-01 09, weekday afternoons 'U "FOOLISH AND FIENDISH" EMU PLAYERS SERIES IS PROUD TO PRESENT Harold Pinter's COMEDY OF MENACE THE BI RTH DAY PA RTY Mar. 29, 09 31 Apr. 3,4,-5, 6 QUIRK AUDITORIUM 8:00 P.M. $2.00 Dial 487-1221 for reservations BOX OFFICE OPEN: 11:45-4:30 NOON-8:30 (performance dates) I TRY DA ILY CLASS IFI EDS PAID POLITICAL ADV, K We're convinced... This rent control bill will cause more problems than it wi11 solve. The proposed rent control bill is a patently bad piece of legislation. It can hurt too many people. It can hurt homeowners by causing higher tax burdens. James Stephenson Mayor It can hurt renters by causing deterioration of rental properties. It can hurt the city of Ann Arbor by causing serious administrative problems, It can only be modified or discontinued by the voters through another tedious process of petitioning and through another general election. And, according to the Mayor's Blue Ribbon Citizens' Commission, "A general rent-control policy (in Ann Arbor) is unwarranted." CITIZENS FOR GOOD HOUSING urge you to Vote NO on the rent-control Charter Amendment .a Paul McCracken 0 Eunice Burns -.. $'' ,... .. I.L..-, vd..f __ .. ' .af~ ..... I