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March 31, 1974 - Image 1

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.:Y r e



See Today for details

Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom

Vol. LXXXIV, No. 144

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, March 31, 1974

Ten Cents

Ten Pages


April fools
Daily Editor in Chief Dan Biddle yesterday denied a
bevy of rumors that Page 3 of today's Daily contains
scurrilous satirical accounts of local and national un-
news. "We stand by our stories," said a haggard, bleary-
eyed Biddle last night. "As of press time, it's all true
facts, to the best of my knowledge." Meanwhile, a line
of local politicians and University administrators all
threatening The Daily with "lawsuits or worse" grew to
two blocks.
HRP responds
In response to statements by state Atty. Gen. Frank
Kelley on the rent control and marijuana law ballot
proposals quoted in Friday's Daily, HRP spokespersons
say the only crucial point raised by Kelley was whe-
ther a city has the power to institute rent control. Kelley
and HRP agree that this is an open question under Michi-
gan law, according to party representative Frank Schoi-
chet. Schoichet also says Kelley's claim that requiring
city police and the city attorney to arrest and prosecute
dope users only under the local law would "violate
strong public policy" is just a way of saying the rule
would violate customary practice - not any legal or
Constitutional provision.
Happenings .. .
...are topped by a plethora of Future Worlds con-
ference events. Highlights include "Workshop for Psy-
chics (know or suspected)" at 10 a.m. in the Union's
faculty club lounge, and "Humanus," a group simulation
of world-wide catastrophe through role playing, at the
Future Worlds office, 2 p.m. For information on other
scheduled events, call 763-1107 . . a dance concert
sponsored by the University's graduate dance program
takes place in Barbour Gym studio at 2 p.m. . .. Bessie
Jones and the Georgia Sea Island Singers participated
in the Ark's Sunday service at 11 a.m., 1421 Hill St... .
and on Monday ,along with the city elections, a beer
lover's Le Mans will be held by the Pi Tau Sigman Me-
chanical Engineering Honorary, sponsors of the famous
Egg Drop Contest. Two cases of beer will go to the per-
son who constructs a device that can travel farthest
using one can of beer as fuel. Contestants may enter by
slipping an envelope with the $1 entry fee and their
name, address and phone number underneath 226 W.
Engineering before noon. The race takes place at noon
underneath the Grad Library.
Dr. Kiss weds
Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, formerly known as
a global playboy, married New York socialite Nancy
Maginnes in a civil ceremony yesterday afternoon in
Arlington, Va. Kissinger and his wife left by private
plane for Acapulco following the ceremony, where they
will honeymoon for 10 days, a State Department spokes-
person said. Kissinger, 51, was divorced in 1964 from
his first wife, the former Ann Fleisher. They have two
children, Elizabeth, 15, and David, 12.
Nixon blasted
The record of the Nixon administration in education
was attacked yesterday by spokesmen for the Demo-
cratic leadership in Congress. Responding to an ad-
dress on education delivered by President Nixon last
week, Rep. John Brademas, (D-Ind.), and Sen. Clai-
borne Pell, (D-R.L), said the President's role has been
one of opposition to programs put forward by Congress.
"With only a few exceptions, President Nixon has shown
no willingness to work together with Congress to
strenghen our schools and colleges and improve our
system of education," said Brademas, the chief deputy
Democratic whip, in a nationwide radio broadcast.
Energyprogram hit
A private two-year study of energy policy released
yesterday sharply criticizes the Nixon administration's
current drive to develop U. S. energy resources at top
speed. In a preliminary report, the Ford Foundation's
Energy Policy Project said the government should con-
sider seriously an alternative policy of slowing or halt-
ing the growth of energy demand by the end of this cen-
tury. The report said the existing system, designed to
encourage resource development, works against consid-
ering other options.
Porno buried

Officials in St. Lucip County, Fla., yesterday buried
several tons of pornographic materials valued at $200,-
000. Magazines, films, photographs and artificial sex
organs confiscated in a January raid on a Fort Pierce
warehouse were buried by bulldozers under tons of dirt
at a nearby landfill, State Atty. Robert Stone reported.
The Daily reported on the Candidates' Page that Dem-
ocrat Second Ward hopeful Mary Richman sees fire and
police services and city calaries as top budget priorities.
Richman says that she in fact sees human resources
such as child care "at least equally important" on her
priority list.
On the inside .:. .
. . April fools graces Page 3 . . . Beth Nissen de-
scribes the ambience surrounding President Fleming's
recent State of the University address on Page 5 . . .
Chris Parks reviews the city election campaign on Page
4 . and John Kahler discusses the winners of the
state high school basketball finals on the Sports Page.




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Ruain falls,

Nixon speaks
President Nixon tells an audi-
ence at the National War College
at Ft. McNair that the "Ameri-
can effort was in good con-
science, honorably undertaken
and honorably ended," as he
speaks at a Vietnam Veterans
Day program. Rain fell through-
out the Chief Executive's speech.

CHICAGO (fi--Vice President
Gerald Ford said yesterday the
political lesson of Watergate
was "never again must Ameri-
cans allow an arrogant, elite
guard of political adolescents"
to dictate the terms of a na-
tional election campaign.
Ford referred to the Com-
mittee for the Re-election of
the President, which ran Pres-
ident Nixon's campaign in
"It violated the historic concept
of the two-party system in America
and ran roughshod over the sea-
soned political judgement and ex-
perience of the regular Republican
party organization in the 50 states,"
Ford said. "The fatal defect of
CREEP was that it made its own
rules and thus made its own ruin."
CREEP IS the double-edged
acronym Ford used in referring to
the campaign committee in his
sneech to more than 1,000 Midwest
The audience, incliding presi-
dential hopefnl Sen. Charles Percy
and GOP National Chairman
G-orge B sh stood up and cheered
when Ford said:
"Our -'Renublican party organ-
ization must be the vehicle for
f"ture elections. If there are any
more rlioues of ambitions amateurs
who want to run political cam-
nnians in the future, I snv let the
Demnnrrts have them next time."
HE OPENED his speech noting,
"I was snecifically admonished be-
fore enmine that I shouldn't talk
ahout Wntergnte, but with some
nrerogati-es of my own, I'll ignore
thnse a idelines."
He later told reporters he really
was not admonished by anyone,
and inferred that organizers of the
conference indicated they wanted
him to sneak to the conference
theme-"Looking Ahead."
In the speech, Ford said, "The
political failure of CREEP in 1972
was a failure to reinforce the
President's impressive victory,
overwhelming m a n d a t e, with
enoughRepublicans in the House
and Senate to insure the success
of his programs at home and
abroad . ..
The vice president told a news.
conference his remarks were not
cleared with the White House. "I
spoke as my own man," he said.
FORD ALSO SAID, "I don't think
you should interpret my remarks

scared of visit



as a criticism of the President."
Asked if he had intended to
divorce himself from the White
House or President Nixon's philos-
ophies, he said: "Not at all. . . .I
simply said CREEP did a great
disservice to the Republican party."
He was asked who was respon-
sible for the appointment- of
CREEP officials. Ford replied, "I
wasn't around then."
FORD ALSO urged in his speech
that each and every candidate for
the Republican presidential nomi-

DETROIT (A) - Michigan Republicans have told a White House
aide that a proposed presidential campaign visit in Michigan next
month would be disasterous for the party's Congress candidate, the De-
troit- Free Press said in this morning's editions.
State GOP chairman William McLaughlin was reportedly "flabber-
gasted" when Nixon aide Dean Burch told him Nixon wanted to cam-
paign for Jim Sparling, the party's 8th Congressional District candi-
date, the Free Press said.
McLAUGHLIN later attempted to deny the story, saying Nixon is
welcome to visit the state.
"President Nixon is welcome in Michigan at any time," McLaughlin
said late last night. "Negotiations are currently on .concerning whether
he will campaign before the election."

nation in 1976 "should sign in ad-
vance on the dotted line that they
will not set up outside committees
without the specific approval of the
"I have said it simply and em-
phatically. I have no intention of
being a candidate for any political
office in 1976," he said.
HE SAID Republicans "are
blessed with a spectrum of can-
didates, any one of whom, if they
got the nomination, could win in


AP Photo

Rodino, Hutchinson hear tapes

McLaughlin said the Free Press
story of the President's offer was
full of inaccuracies, and indicated
he was the only state party leader
aware of the offer until news re-
ports broke last night.
Reportedly state Republicans
told GOP aide Burch such a visit
would be disastrous. McLaughlin
told Burch the final decision would
have to be made by Sparling him-
Burch came to last night's ses-
sion of the Midwest Republican
Conferenceespecially to bring the
message to McLaughlin, sources
MICHIGAN Republicans had just
been advised of a party poll that
indicates what one GOP official
termed "an extremely negative
Nixon factor."
A party poll of the 8th district,
where Sparling is running against
Democrat Bob Traxler in an April
16 special election, indicates 40 per
cent of the voters want President
Nixon to resign.
This is in a district that hasn't
voted Democratic since 1931, GOP
leaders pointed out in Chicago.
McLAUGHLIN reportedly pulled5
aside Burch, National republican
Chairman George Bush and De-
troit pollster Robert Teeter where
they discussed the poll.
The poll was made by Market
Opinion Research, which does Re-
publican party surveys and was
responsible for polling in the 1972
Re-elect the President Campaign.
Teeter told Burch and Bush the
visit would be disasterous for Spar-
ling. "It's incredible they would
think of such a thing," one state
Republican said of the plan to
bring Nixon campaigning into
Sparling, a formuer aide to Rep.
James Harvey (R-Mich.) whose
seat is at stake, took a 10-week
leave of absence last summer to
work as a legislative aide for Nix-

Research engineer Phil Carroll
hasn't found it easy to keep an
"Impeach Nixon" sticker on his
office door.
Acting on the orders of Carroll's
boss, Highway Safety Research In-
stitute (HSRI) director Robert
Hess, custodians take his sign
down every night.
Every morning Carroll, who was
the Human Rights Party (HRP)
candidate in the Fourth Ward last
year, puts up a new one.
CHARGING harassment and vio-
lation of his civil liberties, Carroll
filed a written complaint with the
University March 13, but 14 days
and the legal time limit later, had
still not received any response.
Friday a grievance hearing was
scheduled for late next week.
In February Hess ordered all
signs and stickers removed from
office doors in his building, citing
good housekeeping as the reason.
Carroll charges that Hess order-
ed the signs removed because
their language -and political con-
tent offended the sensibilities of
visiting auto company employes
and Hess himself.
The HSRI director refused com-
ment Friday afternoon, however,
calling the dispute "an internal
University matter."
JAMES THIRY, manager of Uni-
versity staff and labor relations,
admitted that the "letter" of the
University's grievance regulations
had been "bent a snare" by the
delay in answering Carroll's com-
"Technically we took longer
See STICKERS, Page 7

WASHINGTON (A') - Most days
now, two short gray-haired men
can be seen walking into a former
hotel on the edge of Capitol Hill
where they enter a tightly guarded
second floor room, don earphones,
and spend a couple hours listening
to tapes.

They are Reps. Peter Rodino (D-
N.J.) and Edward Hutchinson (R-
Mich.) the chairman and ranking
Republican member of the House
Judiciary Committee, and what
they hear will have a lot to do with
whether President Nixon is im-

Profs, chimpanzee
talk in sign language

When University of Nevada pro-
fessors see their colleagues, Allen
and Beatrice Gardner, "talking"
to monkeys, no one gets excited
or calls a doctor.
For the Gardners, whose recent
project reads like a chapter out of
Dr. Doolittle, communicating with
monkeys-or chimps, to be more
exact-is all in a day's work.
THE GARDNERS, who are the
first to break the classical lan-
guage barrier with animals, came
to town last week to discuss their
communication with chimpanzees,
through sign language, the lan-
guage of the deaf.
For the Gardners, the communi-
cation was an ardous,dfour-year
task that often entailed 13-hour
workdays. But their endurance and
patience were rivalled by that of
Washoe, their chimp.
In fact, their story is a tribute
to the good nature, patience, and
affection of the chimp who was a
mere ten months old (relatively
young for chimpanezees, who often
live to 45 years) when she began
her training.

It took six months of work for
Washos and the Gardners toget
the message down pat. Originally,
she used it to indicate she wanted
more tickling. It was not until
sometime later she used it to ask
for second helpings on the food
BY THE TIME she was three,
she could use meaningful combi-
nations of two signs or more. Even
at the end of this stage of experi-
mentation, however ,she did not
have to be prompted into using
her linguistic skills.
The locquacious chimp would
very often comment on things by
herself, the Gardners report, and
even initiate conversations.
At times, however, Washoe's
good nature became a bit of a
THE GARDNERS say it was dif-
ficult to obtain snontaneously neg-
ative res-Its. When served a bowl
of rocks for dinner as part of the
experiment, she licked them a bit,
dropped them on the floor, climbed
a tree, and gestured "yeah, yeah,
After the initi'l signs for "no,"
"dirty," "come," and other basics

THE TAPES are part of the evi-
dence gathered by the Watergate
grand jury and bundled up in a
briefcase for transmission to the
committee for its impeachment in-
quiry. In addition, there are at
least a dozen more tapes turned
over by the White House that
have to be examined.
It is the task of Rodino and
Hutchinson to determine what in-
formation on all of these tapes is
relevant to the committee's inves-
tigation, either pointing toward
Nixon's involvement in the Water-
gate cover-up or clearing him of
any such suspicion.
Under rules adopted by the com-
mittee to protect against leaks,
only these two men and the com-
mittee's two top staff lawyers-
John Doar and Albert Jenner -
can take part in the screening op-
find pertinent will be presented to
the full Judiciary Committee when
it must make its momentous re-
In strict observance of the rufles,
Rodino and Hutchinson aren't tell-
ing other committee members
what they are hearing and it is
hard to get them to talk even about
how they are proceeding.
It is clearly a demanding as-
signment for them. Rodino, 64,
finds an hour and a half of con-
centrated listening is all he can
absorb. Hutchinson, 59, puts in
sessions of about two hours.
THEY FOLLOW transcripts of
the conversations while they lis-
ten and much of their responsibil-
ity is to deteriine the accuracy of

by background noises such as
shifting chairs ,and ringing tele-
phones, and by two or more peo-
ple talking at once.
APPARENTLY because of the
placement of the microphone in the
President's office, Nixon's voice
is harder to hear than that of the
persons he is talking to, Hutch-
inson says.
Also under the committee rules,
Hutchinson and Rodino cannot take
any notes on what they hear, and
a member of the staff is always in
the room with them while they lis-
They have not said how many
tapes they have.
The sessions began last Wednes-
day, the day after the grand jury's
briefcase arrived on Capitol Hill,
and by the weekend Hutchinson
said they were less than half way

Students create ad, campaigns

The zero population growth movement and the
increasing use of birth control may help save the
world's resources, but the idea of having fewer babies
hasn't exactly been well received by Gerber Foods.
Disgruntled that the lower birth rate had a similar
effect on baby food sales, last semester Gerber
brought their problem to the University's Art 470
"Creative Advertising Workshop."
THE CLASS suggested a campaign based on at-
tempting to sell baby food to adults. They also sug-
-gested that the slogan "Babies are our business, our
only business" be dropped.
The advice was followed and the company has

shop. "You must deal with a live advertising problem
because the problem can't be considered outside the
current environment."
"What we do is analyze a specific advertising prob-
lem for ogle client that we've selected and prepare a
communication recommendation at the end of the
term. The students make all the decisions," Korten
"In this," he added, "we're completely unique. No
other university in the nation offers any course that
comes close to giving this kind of experience to
"I CAN'T say how the class will help me get a job
in advertising, but the workshop is a real challenge

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