sIhg £fI$sian e3ai1 Eighty-three years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Saeksan: Reorganizing society's values 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104 News Phone: 764-0552 TUESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1974 Revitalizing student action WITH A FEW serious reservations, we commend the constituents who dom- inated and eventually took over last Thursday night's Student Government Council meeting. While noisy demonstrations, radical rhe- toric, and literally locking a quorum in the Council chambers will not solve SGC's problems, Thursday's perform- ance was the first glimmer of activism in a campus that has been somnamnbulic- ally silent through an almost comical series of fraudulent elections, financial disasters and, at times, even racism. Administrative officials and the Re- gents have not yet reacted to this latest SGC crisis. The form their reaction could take - and the reaction of the Johnson Commission charged with investigating SGC - may prove last week's action more detrimental than beneficial to the cause of student power. Yet despite the chaos and disorganiz- ation of the demands voiced at the meet- ing, the constituents displayed an interest and seriousness of intent rarely parallel- ed by SOC's own members, not to men- tion th6 campus as a whole. jOPEFULLY, WE ARE witnessing the growth of a long-term, all-encom- passing student interest in student wel- fare more appealing than that of the ad- ministration - sponsored Johnson Com- mission or SGC's own investigative com- mittee. For what is at stake is student power, the ability of students to control their own lives at this university, which cannot be handed to students by the adminis- tration nor, it would seem, by the present council. At worst, these students will be an ever-present reminder of purpose to a frivolous SGC in future weeks if they ful- full the least of their promises as voiced by one constituent: "I will come back. I don't care if the police and the FBI are here. I don't care if you beat me up. I'll crawl back. And I hope some of you will crawl back with me." Now that whatever unifying powers former SGC President Lee Gill may have had are gone with him, these students may be SGC's best--if not only-remain- ing hope. We hope their enthusiasm will infect non-minority students as well, in- suring a widely-based scope for SGC re- form. AN OPEN MEETING has been called to- night at 7:30 p.m. In East Quad to discuss SOC's problems and goals. This could be the first step towards the re- juvenation of student government on this campus. We urge all students to par- ticipate in tonight's meeting. By MARNIE HEYN Copyright 1974 Marnie Heyn BY anybody's standards, Saeksan Pras- ertkul has been a powerful man in Thai- land. It is not his past achievements and fame which concern him now, however, but rather the future of Thai society. A charismatic 25-year-old Thai student in political science at Thammasat Univer- sity in Bangkok, he led a series of demon- strations that resulted in the overthrow of the military strongmen who were bleeding Thailand dry. The ouster of the Prapass- Narong regime was the one bright spot in a year characterized by coups to the right, notably in Chile and Greece. Why was Thailand different? Saeksan be- lieves, as American activists no longer do, that students make the difference. When we were settled over coffee in the den of the Chicago home where I met him, he said, "You want to talk to me because of the revolution, but I want to tell you about the future. "I have left the National Student Centre of Thailand (NSCT) to form a new organiz- ation called the Federation of Independent Students of Thailand. I left because the N- SCT members are part of the elite struc- ture of our society and cannot understand that, while liberty and national sovereignity are important, there are many large social problems that afflict our country. "I HAVE TAKEN for my constituency poor people, rural people, but I am not talking about charity. I want to change the system that produces poor people. "After the demonstrations, the NSCT peo- ple were very self-congratulatory. They look down upon the vocational and teaching students who were the bulk of the demon- strators. These students, who were the most disciplined group, were seeking dig- nity and some sort of compensation from society. "I am forming a new organization to break down the elitism that is present among university students. "We needed a more specific political line. I've developed closed cadres of more radi- cal, aware students who are all involved in doing political work. We are formulat- ing concrete proposals for government ac- tion, and striving to educate the populace. "We need to organize power bases of students and people for a democratic thrust. Our organization encourages leadership. We place a strong emphasis on self-reliance a -d social practice." BECAUSE HE REMINDED me vividly of American young people who came to radicalism through the civil rights, peace, and studentpowergmovements, I asked him to explain his ideology more fully, and to talk about how he became aware of the need for social change. "In my study of developing nations, it occurred to me that growth is measured in Western standards - like Gross National Product - which are all wrong. They pay no attention to income distribution. Workers become merely living machines. Foreign investment in considered a good end in itself. "Hotels are built for outsiders, and the rich profit. Tourism makes money only for the rich. They export rice in a time of famine to maintain a favorable balance of trade, so that they can buy color TVs. Supply and demand only works when every- body has money. The rich in Thailand have turned production toward luxury goods when the people go hungry. "ONCE SOCIETY HAS turned toward consumerism, limited resources are used wrong, and the people have the wrong frame of reference: they are unhappy with their lives, and continually want to spend more. "This consumerism affects the education system. School becomes a lottery rather than the pursuit of knowledge. Goals are distorted, and competition becomes more important than learning. Soon the brain- Or,in to Western countries begins, because educated reople can make more money t- Schols become consumer goods. "Soon 'winning' becomes the most im- portant thing in life, and it doesn't matter how you win. Corruption spreads, because n?onle are willing to do anything to gain approval, and therefore privileges from au- thorities, from those in power. "I understand that because I was once 1kn that. I was an exchange student to the U-ited States and Japan. I had nice clothes, a car, lots of money to spend. My family was noor, and I worked hard to- get my "rimileges as a student, but I learned that I wasn't happy. "OUR GOVERNMENT TRIES to coerce young people to be consumers, to suspect change with a lot of red-baiting. They tried to coopt me by offering me a leading role in an anti-communist drive, but I was not interested. I understand' whose interests they protect. "So we're putting forth the philosophy of Social Buddhism, in language and ideas that people can understand. This way we can reach them without attacking their king or religion. "We understand that people cannot con- sume endlessly. We need to cultivate more spiritual values, to cherish more peaceful lives. We are no longer simply animals, so we can learn to behave in a more egali- tarian fashion. We cut back our own con- sumption of things we don't need, as an example to others. "Control of production must be taken away from the rich-who use that control to make toys and gadgets-and transferred to the people who need tools to live. We mast eradicate consumerism. We want to organize hippies, because they have learned to l""e enough. We all need to learn that. Greed is man-made, therefore we stop be- ing greedy. Photo by SAEKSAN PRASERTKUL The police station burns in downtown Bangkok Register to vote UPCOMING City Council elections could well have a great impact on the lives of students at the University, not, only in terms of candidates for council but the ballot referenda as well. In view of this, we urge all students to register to vote in Ann Arbor. The Twenty-stith amendment giving the' franchise to 18-year-olds and a Su- preme Court decision allowing college students to vote in their college towns made the student vote a power to be reckoned with. The power of the student vote exists only in the abstract, however, if students fail to register. The current voter registration drive conducted by the city's! three political parties and the League of Women Voters gives student an excellent opportunity to, take this necessary first step in the exer-, cise of political power in Ann Arbor. TBERE ARE MANY arguments in'favor of student registration in their college communities, but the essential rationale for local registration is that it is the Ann Arbor government which affects stu- dents' lives, rather than their home town governments. All students spend the eight-month academic year in Ann Arbor while many students spend additional months here in "' the summer. Many regard being a student as some- thing of an occupation, not merely an incidental sidelight. Voting in one's home town resembles living and working in one, TODAY'S STAFF: News: Prakash Aswani, Gordon Atcheson, Christopher Parks, Cheryl Pilate, Chip Sinclair, Charles Stein Editorial Page: Marnie Heyn, Cindy Hill, Eric Schoch Arts Page: Diane Levick Photo Technician: John Upton community but voting in a place where one spends a summer holiday. In addition, Ann Arbor politics provides a good deal more diversity than can be expected in most local politics. The pres- ence of the Human Rights Party offers Ann Arbor voters a wider range of elec- toral choice than traditional two-party elections.t Moreover, students voting as a bloc can make progressive reforms possible in this city that can serve as models for the rest of the state and country. This power can- not be equalled in home town voting, where students are an insignificant mi- nority and often relatively ignorant of candidates and Issues. UJH BALLOT FOR the upcoming April 1 city council election will provide citizens with the opportunity to vote on two issues with great relevance to both the student constituency and the com- munity as a whole: Rent control and the $5 marijuana fine. Voter approval of the $5 marijuana fine law would represent one step toward shifting the emphasis of local police work away from the enforcement of laws against victimless crime and petty traf- fic harassment to more serious criminal activity. The rent control law is an idea whose time has surely come in this community. The never-ending upward spiral of rents in Ann Arbor has placed the city's cost of living among the highest in the nation. The rent control law is an attempt to end the city's intolerable housing situation which has placed the tenant's right to decent housing at a reasonable price within the arbitrary power of the land- lord. Registration now will give University students the political muscle to help make Ann Arbor a better community for all residents, students and non-students alike. - EXPLOITATIVE ADVERTISING m u s t stop. People should want to drink milk be- cause it is healthy, not because it gives them sex appeal. "Economic planning must be instituted so that the needs of people come before the production of luxury goods, and also so that the extremes of economic classes are di- minished. The poor and the rich will be no longer." I asked Saeksan for his evaluation of the present political situation in Thailand, about foreign military influence, and about the role of the CIA. He said, "The three figureheads of the military regime are gone but the power structure is virtually intact. Although the civilians now in power are basically good people, there is always the very real fear that Prapass, Narong, and Thanom will re- turn, or that some other military person or clique will attempt to seize power. The king seems to be sincere in his desire for democratic rule. "ALTHOUGH NARONG and Thanom were principally responsible for the export of rice while there was a shortage, rice exports continue unabated. Hunger could change the shape of the government if peo- ple got desperate enough, and some pow- erful person promised them food. "I don't believe that we could have over- thrown the regime without the tacit ap- proval of your government. Evidently the regime had become too greedy, too big a liability. "Japan and the United States must leave our country alone. Now the CIA wants to come in and take a census. We can take our own census, and feed our own people, and run our own country without interfer- ence from anyone. We can make our own constitution and elect our own parliament if your government will keep its hands off. "That is my hope for Thailand. Right now I cannot hope for your country, or for many other countries in the world. Tyrants are always ready to stand on the necks of those poorer or weaker than themselves. T' o;1 ' wey to get rid of them is to be strong, to fight back. Most people cannot do that apparently, especially Americans. I wait for the day. WHEN ARE YOU GOING to have a revo- l1tion in this country? You have the cause; now you need only the will. You will be t'ranni7ed, as will the rest of the people in the world, as long as you tolerate your government's infamy. You students can Daily Photo by MARNIE HEYN Saeksan Prasertkul r rke th -ers ties vou." Continuing the Farm By TOM O'BRIEN THIS SUMMER, after Teamster President Frank Fitzsimmons repudiated 29 contracts signed with grape growers in the Delano area and verbally agreed to stop steal- ing farm labor contracts from the United Farm Workers Union, many UFW supporters felt the struggle was over and it was just a matter of time until the UFW regained the contracts it had won with the 1965-1970 grape boycott. Un- fortunately, this hasn't been the case. After months of hemming and hawing about consulting with his lawyers and the Teamster execu- tive board before signing the nego- tiated agreement with the UFW, Fitzsimmons announced on Nov. "5 that the Teamsters intended to "honor" all their contracts with grape and lettuce growers, includ- ing contracts with Delano grape growers that Fitzsimmons h a d specifically repudiated as "unau- thorized" this summer. Thus t h e fledging UFW is still faced w i t h battling not only grape and lettuce growers but also the largest and richest union in the world. THE STORY of Teamster raids against the Farm workers Union goes back a number of years. The Teamsters first raided the Farm Workers in 1970 and almost over- night signed 170 contracts cover- ing workers in the lettuce fields. 5000 lettuce workers went out on strike and the lettuce boycott was born. In March 1971, the Teamsters agreed not to seek to represent farm field hands and agreed to re- solve its disputes with the UFW through discussions and, if neces- sary, through arbitration. That agreement was to remain in ef- fect until March 31, 1973. In fact, the discussions and negotiations never resolved anything and the Teamsters maintained all of their lettuce contracts. In December 1972, Fitzsimmons went to Los Angeles to address the annual convention of the Ameri- can Farm Bureau Federation, the employer group. "We in organ- ized labor," the Teamsters' pre- sident said, "welcome an alliance with farmers - whether they be of the family farm variety or the agribusiness variety - when the alliance works for the mutual bene- fit of the farm worker and his employer." IN THAT SAME month the Cali- fornia Supreme Court held that the Teamsters did not represent the workers in the lettuce fields when the 1970 lettuce contracts were signed. The Court held that the growers and the Teamsters had a collusive relationship. The Court therefore dissolved the injunctions against the UFW picketting of the lettuce fields. On April 15, 1973, the United Farm Workers contracts with the grape growers of the Coachella Valley expired, and the UFW was attempting to negotiate renewal agreements. These contracts had been in effect for three years and covered all UFW members em- ployed by the Coachella Valley grape growers. Within hours of the expiration of the UFW contracts on April 15, 1973, the growers announced they had just negotiated and signed con- tracts with the Teamsters. um7Tq'1T rUA 'I' . c.t it Workers of the Teamsters constituted an unconscionable raid. While it is true that the Team- ster contracts provided for wage increases and other benefits for the workers, the agreement also pro- vided for a return to the contrac- tor" system of employment which deprived the farm workers of any semblance of dignity or any op- portunity to establish and maintain decent working conditions through a direct employment relationship. "The UFW had gone on strike over terms of a new contract. While that strike was in progress, the Teammsters signed their contract with Gallo and announced the workers had voted 150 to I for the Teamsters. At the time all but 27 Gallo workers were on the UFW picket lines." :":"::i"}:':'"tZd.; :{Y r.t: .AjY::?iT'tt?'":{'k;{{":io.:.rX'.tie,y i";:}Ce.i,:"::'>a°'"l,'":':''.''"t ; e difference. So why are your uni- silent? Everything depends on figh t unlimited supply of strikebreakers from Mexico, it has been impos- sible to organize a strike to shut down the growers, although this summer's harvest was greatly hampered. For these reasons, the UFW is forced to rely or a con- sumer boycott to bring pressure on the growers to let the workers select their own union. FOR THE PAST year there has been boycott against A&P in the eastern part of the United States, AT 1XT66IJ3: StOA$ S1TUPU? CDkFL)ED AT 'TWCRJq--VU AUP AGS6R7- Is ~~- A;' BPf AS SOON AS the Teamster Con- tracts in Coachella were-revealed, the United Farm Workers ssruck and began picketing. Whenever pickets appeared, Teamster strong- arm squads appeared and violence flared as they attempted tC break the UFW strike. Two farmworkers were killed. On July 10, the E&J Gallo Win- ery, which had a contract with the UFW for eight years, signed a con- tract with the Teamsters. The UFW had gone on strike over terms of a new contract. While t a a t strike was in progress, the Team- sters signed their contract w i t h to pressure them to stop buying non-UFW grapes and lettuce. As the largest grocery, chain in the East, A&P holds a pivotal posi- tion in the boycotts. The A&P boycott has been successful in Bos- ton and Chicago' and has yet to force them to stop buying s c a b products. Recently, we in Michigan have launched campaigns against re- gional chains as well as A&P. So far, Farmer Jack, Great Scott, Hamady Brothers and Foodtown chains have agreed to carry only UFW grapes and lettuce. We are currently boycotting Wrigley's. A1 FORT1V-FJVE: / 3AM STO {fV. Cc4J VNFV S i[ i 0k)%CkF AN)L P i I LOHO IW WI4