THE MICHIGAN DAILY aturdayMarch 30,171 Federal grand jury charges 8 . '.. Kent State National Guardsmen (Continued from Page 1) 1 Army Reserve Office Training to be done," said Floyd Stamps of A December charged all of the de- Corps building. South Euclid, Ohio, father of Rob-:3. fendants with violating the civil "I'm pleased that at long last ert Stamps, one of the nine wound- rights of the students who were there will be an accounting before ed students. Young Stamps gra'du- Vardkilled or wounded. the law," said Sarah Scheuer, of ated from Kent State last year.. ' i Youngstown, 0 h i o, mother of ARTHUR KRAUSE, w h o s e THE INDICTMENT said all the Sandy Lee Scheuer, one of the daughter Allison was killed, said 'N8 defendants were members of the students who was killed. from his suburban Pittsburgh, Pa., I Oard have a real hio National Guard at the time of "All of this time we felt our son home: "I'm relieved because this i the shootings. The guard units never did anything to be punished may be the beginning of the end of Council election. were ordered to the campus on for, let alone shot," said Ms. Louis a long road to finally get to the I May 2, 1970, after student dem- Schroeder, of Lorain, Ohio, mother truth. e has tried to ob- onstrations against the U. S. mili- of William Schroeder, another of "And I'm sorry because so many tary incursion into Cambodia had the dead. obstacles, were put in our path by tthe facts speak resulted in the burning of the "We felt something like this had people like former Atty. Gen. John . Mitchell, who didn't see any rea- J son to prosecute back in 1971," Krause said. PROFESSIONAL THEATRE PROGRAM James McGee of Ravenna, one andidate K a t h y presents of the former guardsmen indicted, ut Rent Control ' said, "I have plenty to say and I will say it." But he refused to llot. Her opponent answer questions until he had con- sulted an attorney. Mathew Mc- s. Manus, another of those indicted, r s.;; declined comment.. Guard Adjutant Gen. Dana Ste- G" 1 ' R "zi<.B O .". xity control of the ~wart said "these men are inno- cent until proven otherwise. We uses to go "that would hope, too, for a speedy trials v .. so that those involved will not have to wait another four years for a decision." orned, anh individ M aj. John M artin of W ooster, r . orned an individ-< who commanded Campany A, 145th Cavalry, during the shootings, ex- I AP Photo ettuce Boycott as pressed surprise at the indict- ments. O$N A $$T w a s o uIo nm e n t sEO N e a e i i h t g a p e s t y f r aG e t t i n g t h e fu l l p i c t u r e was out on the i "THESE YOUNG men have civil Photographers try for a different angle outside the Washington Monument Thursday as several Viet- rights, too," he said. "I'm won- nam veterans leave the monument. The veterans occupied the monument for a short while after they dering if anybody is looking after were denied entry to the White 'House where they went to air their grievances against Veterans them." Administration hospitals. There were no arrests in the incident. A spokesman for Ohio Atty. Gen. _<__-_________.. -- .. - . .. .__ ants put iWilliam Brown said the state would continue to lend legal help SOURCES CITE LAWYERS: for civil suits, but not to the crimi- iorsed Kathy, d.I IL LILnaldindictments returned in Cleve- c k's"It is the policy not to authorizeNixonIWon't fle new retur's zacnenkoSO F NIEdefense of state employes on crim- inal charges," he said. words." IN 1971, a state grand ab- (Continued from Page 1) papers worth $576,000 to the Na- of his San Clemente, Calif., pro- sf y bALTHOUGH -the joint commit- tional Archives, sources reported perty orand indiedsmen o pn a e tees inquiry is not directly related developments they said could lead The report also is understood to nto the general investigationintoto suggestions for compromise. A cover his claimed deduction of -At USI IL TONY AWARD WINNER ot and other related charges. possible grounds for impeachment new appraisal of the papers has| part of the expenses of the San Most of those charges were later being conducted by the House ,Ju- put a much lower value on them,; Clemente establishment on the dropped. But the federal grand diciary Committee, permitting his they said, so that, if the donation basis of official use, and several SA TUR DAY and SU N DAY jury said the eight persons it in- lawyers to participate could be were ruled valid, Nixon still would other items involving, smaller SAY nd dicted fired in the direction of the cited as a precedent affecting the owe some tax. sums. PdMmPolttical Advt broader inquiry. HOWEVER, one source said that The suggestion that Nixon volun- 3:00 and 8:00 Named defendants were: Law- James St. Clair, Nixon's at- nothing he had seen convinced him tarily file new returns for the rence Shafer, 28, Ravenna, Ohio; torney, has asked for an oppor-that the donation qualifies under years in question was made pub- POWER CENTER ames McGee, 27, Ravenna, Ohio; tunity to challenge evidence, cross- the law. A key question is whether licly by Rep. Wilbur Mills (D-Ark.), A.CEAE: E ELIHLOY William Perkins, 28, Canton, Ohio; question witnesses and introduce the gift was completed and ac- vice chairman of the joint commit- SSSADVANCE SALES: MENDELSSOHN LOBBYJames Pierce, 29, Amelia Island, his own evidence before the Ju- cepted before July 25, 169, when tee and chairman of the tax-writ- Power Center box office opens 1:00 a.; Ralph Zoler, 27, Mantua, diciary Committee. That group, di- a change in the applicable law took ing House Ways and Means Com- on performance days Oio; Barry Morris, 29, Kent, vided on the issue, has not replied. effect. mittee. --0558 763-.3333 Ohio; Mathew McManus, 28, West On the biggest single item in the The staff report is understood to THE WHITE HOUSE has not re- Salem, Ohio; and Leon Smith, 27, tax controversy, Nixon's conten- cover also such questions as sponded publicly, but sources said Bay City, Ohio. tion that he made a' valid gift of whether Nixon should have paid the committee has been given to -- capital gains tax on the profits understand that Nixon -has no in- - -from sale of his New York con- tention of conceding in advance do minium apartment and a portion I that his returns were incorrect. mr News, Sunday, anuary 20, 1974!' ALL-CAMPUS TIMED ESPECIALLY FOR UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN STUDENTS May '4 to 18' Tour Price includes: nTG -RoundtripJet from Detroit -Transfers to Ocho Rios -14 night accommodatio soa o Saturday, March 30 at TURTLE BEACHotai Cts TOWERS complete with kitchen for . your own meal pus 10 tips &I preparation service K i ilaigA14 Fraternity sifrmto is e Phone today for, 415 Cambridge application and furthe nformation the rest of Washtenaw County) does indeed have the B second highest median gross rent among the nation's Beer & Band hich appeared last Sun- SMSAs. The principal reason for the difference in our TRAVEL CENTRE OF YPSILANTI tch appeared last Sun- standing between the two types of areas is that many 50c cover charge 211 Ferris Street 70 census figures showed SMSAs are dominated by large central cities which Open Monday through Saturday . highest median rent in have older, frequently decaying housing stocks, and t- y further indicated that are characterized by larger resident populations in low _______________________________________________ constituted a strong ar-~ income brackets. The Detroit SMSA, for example, in-I i statement as it stands cludes many of the suburban cities noted earlier which Pd Political Adv. and could be very mis- have higher median gross rents than Ann Arbor. How- ever, it also includes the City of Detroit, with a com- ire quoted for the city- parable figure of $98/month. The Detroit SMSA is highest rent of any city large, diverse, and contains substantial areas of both 1970 census figures for very high and very low cost rental property. D etailed H ousing Ch ar- T he A nn A rbor SM SA is m uch less diverse. In con - T o - 2 3 a m n - t a t t h e r i r a r p r i n l y f w r r n a e t a d $ 7 ,S u h n t r o n t t e e t e e f t e r n a o tn e e l il - 3 0 a g . T u ,t e m d a r s e t f r t e S S sestdIni :Troy-$213, Farming- trast to the Detroit area, proportionally fewer rental Westland-$173, South- units are found at the extremes of the rental costa retdiA nAb ofr rid Beverly Hills-$300- range. Thus, the median gross rent for the SMSA is in Michigan alone have high relative to other SMSAs, while for the city it is more to nearly double not unusual relative to other cities with comparable income characteristics. ff em in interpreting these This clarification is not intended to be an argu- iamong several categor- ment on either side of the rent control issue, and by soi gmr lail Census to present rentalmeansd itsggestatAnkAboriswU distinction between the problems in the rental housing market. Indeed, other and "SMSA" (Standard data imply that problems do exist. The forthcoming . In relation to Ann Ar- report of the Mayor's Commission on Rent Control People are sill going to jail for smoking marijuana in Ann Arbor. And in case the City of Ann Arbor. will discuss some of these issues, as did the Ann Arbor you think dope busts are MayorLmtephenson's baby, marijuana arrests quadrup pal city plus the area Growth Study previously published by the City Plan- ly related to it economi- ning Department. during the term of former Democratic Mayor Harris. a Arbor SMSA this is de- rnnty. One final point should be made. With an issue as complex as rent control, care must be exercised in in- The only way to get rid of marijuana arrests is to change the low. The $5 Fe in the article-$167 and terpreting published figures. When numbers are used would do just that. And it would be a first step in exerting community control of 'oss rent for the city and on either side of a current political controversy, over- gross rent includes esti- simplification frequently occurs to the detriment of the police. s distinct from "rent" or understanding the issues. We hope that everyone will r may not include such take the time to Evaluate the implications of conflict- Marijuana use can be decriminalized if you vote YES Monday. cated, many cities even ing claims. 'ross rents considerably bor. Thus, rents paid by William Duddleson, proach being the second City Phmnino' Denrtment ®U ....