Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, January 15, 1974 Page Two THE MICHiGAN DAILY Tuesday, January 1 ~, 1974 Park West Galleries ANNOUNCES AN .at acion SUNDAY, JANUARY 20 AT 2 P.M. exhibit starting at 1 p.m. at HOLIDAY INN WEST 2900 Jackson Road-Ann Arbor, Michigan LITHOGRAPHS . ETCHINGS * SERIGRAPHS 0 DRAWINGS 0 PAINTINGS , WATERCOLORS 0 POSTERS, etc. Featuring hand signed graphics pulled from editions limited to from 10 to 300.. ARTISTS REPRESENTED INCLUDE: Albers Appel 0 Anuskiewicx * Braque + Boulanger 0 Buffet " Calder * Cezanne ' Chagall 0 Dali 0 Friedloender * Gat * Giacometti * GoyaS" Hwang 0 Jonsem 0 Lautrec 0 Liberman 0.Lindner 0 Nieman 0 Marini 0 Max * Matisse * Miro * Picasso SI Reuben * Renoir 0 Silva 0 Vasarely 0 and many others. Caftaogues available during preview. (All art absolutely guaran- teed to be genuine as described.) Shop at 4 FOLLETTS for TEXTBOOKS and SUPPLIES I We Style Hair . .. We Don't Just Cut Its appointments available. Doscolo Barbers Arborand-97 1-9975 Maple Village-761-2733 East Liberty-668-9329 East University-662-0354 Egypt balks on military pullback COUNTERPROPOSA L ISSUED I1 I Group Flute Lessons Beginners can take advantage of our 6 week group flute course... only $12.00 Private Instruction Available For enrollment, call: 6hn /lI'bo' it i~c * #( 336 S. STATE - 769-4980 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Mon.-Sat. I (Continued from Page 1) EGYPTIAN Foreign Minister Is- mail Fahmy was to travel to the Soviet Union to sound out the Rus- sians - cochairman of the Gene- va talks-about disengagement ne- gotiations. Fahmy complimented Kissinger on his shuttle diplomacy, but told reporters the language and map in the plan Kissinger brought from Israel "are not entirely accept- - - - - - able." "We are giving him our own' map and language," Fahmy add- ed, without detailing the sticking points. KISSINGER called the back-and- forth talks the toughest he has ever been in. But in what appear- ed to be an optimistic assessment, he expressed confidence that both sides agreed with his efforts. on his peacemaking mission. Fahmy also offered an optimistic appraisal of Kissinger's chances for pulling an agreement out of his mediation travels between Jeru- salem and Aswan, the upper Egypt resort where Sadat is recuperat- ing from bronchitis. "YOUR SECRETARY of state, when he sticks his fingers in some- thing, generally brings it to a suc- cessful conclusion," he told Ameri- can reporters. "And I think he will this time." Kissinger and Sadat assigned top United Nations spokespersons in once he nails down final accords 'New York said Kissinger also had from Sadat and Premier Golda presented Secretary-General Kurt Meir's government in Israel. Waldheim with a "positive" report HE SAID he planned to see Sa- dat again before returning to Israel yesterday evening to take u3 again any objections the Israelis might have to the detailed drafts. The separation agreement would mark a first step on the road to Middle East peace and, it is hoped, halt the almost daily clashes along the jagged Suez cease-fire lines while negotiators in Geneva work on an over-all peace accord. Daily Official Bulletin - MMM&44. ..lllu I I i II Pak West allcries 24151 Telegraph Road Between 9 & 10 Mile Rds. Southfield, Mich. (313) 354-2343 .presents u'74 .~Lecture Series Jan. 29-RALPH NADER, Consumer Advocate' Feb. 5-CAR. SAGAN, Astrophysist Feb. 12-HUNTER THOMPSON, Gonzo Journalist Feb. 21-MARGARET MEAD, Anthropologist Mar. 12-GENE YOUNGBLOOD, Electronic Communication Expert Mar. 17-R.D. LAING, Anti-Psychiatrist Mar. 26-GEORGE BORGSTROM, World Nutritionist Apr. 2--JOHN LILLY, Sensory Experimentor Apr. 9-JOHN TODD, Alternative Energy Researchist MORE SPEAKERS TO BE ANNOUNCEDj ll lecturesC in RHILL AUDITORIUM ALL LECTURES AT 3 P.M. EXCEPT R.D. LAING AT 8 P.M. The Future Worlds course-Geography 303 is stillopen-Don't let the Future close you out i L solv men and per the C bers Rich and the to c B con que the its Ass of t T mai slid ter aMf use con C Cable TV fees studied (Continued from Page 1) (R-Fifth Ward) disputed he phi- ast night, however, Council re- losophy behind his, however, say- 'ed to temporarily delay imple- ing, "cable TV is no different from ntation of the new fee schedule, any other commodity. When the also appointed a special three- time comes that groceries, autos, son committee to investigate lawnmowers, and other goods are matter further. sold at a graduated rate, then that will be the time to have a sliding ONSISTING OF Councilmem- fee scale for Cable TV." s Robert Henry (R-Third Ward),T hard Hadler (R-Fourth Ward),mte Commision e er also Norris Thomas (D-First Ward), ing scale was written into the committee is to report back igisal asritt nts the :ouncil in two weeks. original charter that established thea esides instituting the special stabeteng ommissinnas imittee, council also extensively statement of intent. stioned representatives of both He referred to section 2132 of the Cablecasting Commission and charter which states that, "the franchisee, Michigan Cable TV commission has full power to regu- ociates on the relative merits late rates, including the power to heir respective positions. establish a sliding scale." he Cablecasting Commission intained that their proposed CRUCIAL TO THE council de- ing scale was in the best in- bate, however, was whether Michi- ests of the community, because gan Cable TV would lose money if at rate would inhibit Cable TV a graduated fee scale was imposed, by and input from lower in- and the issue of what amount con- ne city residents. stitutes a fair rate of return to the OUNCILMAN Lloyd Fairbanks private corporation. aides to a joint task force that The Daily Official Bulletin it an went to work on language for a de- official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan. Notices should be tailed draft pinning down how far sent in TYPEWRITTEN FORM to Israeli troops would withdraw into 409 E. Jefferson, before 2 p.m. of the Sinai and how much Egyptian the day preceding publication and armor and artillery would remain by 2 p.mFriday for Saturday and armo andartiler woud reain Sunday. Items appear once only. east of the Suez Canal. Student organization notices are Their deliberations were design- more informatio, publication Fo ed to provide the Egyptian version .pnear 4920 of a draft accord that Kissinger Tuesday, January 15 could submit to the Israelis on his DAY CALENDAR return to Jerusalem later jast Music School: Trumpet Student Ite- cital, SM Recital Hal, 12:30 pm. night. Ctr. Russian, E. Europeon Studies, American Culture: Vandenberg Lecture: UNITED STATES officials called, Gyorgy A. Arbatov. "The U. S. in the the drafting "optimistic activity," 1970': The view from Moscow," Rack ham, 4 pm pointing out that earlier discus- Physics: F. Henyey, "mEastic Scatter- sions had revolved around prin- ing & the TWo Component Picture of ciples and tentative positions with- iParticle Production," 2038 Randall Lab, out getting down to the detailed 4English ept., Ext. Service: poetry language now under study. reading. G. Kinneli, Aud. 3, MLB, 4:10 Dayan said, in Jerusalem, that pm. Kissnge's orkto defse he sych Film: "Multiple Mant;" "Mon- keys, Aues, & Man," Aud. 3, MLB, 4:30 unfinished war" was essential to pIm. prevent new fighting along the Asian Studies: Ray's "Daevi," Aud. canal.1 C, Angell Hall, 7:30 pm. Computing Ctr., Engineering: B. Car- He called Kissinger "a juggler, nahan, "An Introduction to Digital going from one place to the other computers & Computing Languages," trying to achieve the impossible." 1st of 6 lectures, Nat. Set. Aud., 7:30 But in another optimistic note, he pm.ENERAL NOTICE added that the American secretary Applications for LS&A Scholarships stands a better chance than all available starting Jan.'-14, 1220 Angell previous mediators to reach a Hall. These are. for the 1974-75 aca- Midde Eat setlemnt.demic year. Applicants must have 3.0 Middle East settlement. gpa in LSA; awards based on need. All applications due inl2AO2PYrRa "1 THINK both parties agree applications due in. 1220 Angell Hall Iwith the, effort," Kissinger told' Feb. 8. reporters on a son-splashed verIn- CAREER PLANNING & PLACEMENT 320SAB, da in Aswan as the draftsmen got Liberal arts grads: opportunity to to work. "It is a very tough prob- earn teaching certificate at Smith Col- lem. It is hard to reconcile. lege beginning June 24, Summer In- tern Teaching Program. Write Lawrence "It is the toughest negotiations Fink, 37 Prospect St., Northampton, I have been in, certainly the most Mass 01064. complex," he said, then added af- To prepare for an understaffed field, ter a pause: "I like the people in- Yale U. offers grad program with fi nancial aids in its Sch. of -Medicine. De- volved." tails at career Planning & Placement Kissinger said he will submit the Grad Fellowships, $400-$06, avai- withrawl pan t th Geevaable at Inst. of Paper Chemistry, A- withdrawal plan to the Geneva pleton, Wis. (Lawrance U.), details at Middle East peace conference cP&p. V i I BOWL IN A LEAGUE UNION LANES OPEN 11 A.M. SIGN UP NOW LSA. COFFEE HOUR TVUESDAY 3:00-4:30 January 15 GEOGRAPHY 4th Floor Lobby LSA Bldg. .1 Coursemort 326 MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT OF CO-OPERATIVES 3 CREDITS LECTURE: TUES. 7:30-9 PLUS DISCUSSION CALL 662-4414 FOR INFORMATION w -, STEVE'S LUNCH 1313 SO. UNIV. DAILY SPECIALS: TUESDAY-Goulash........... $1.45 WEDNESDAY-Homemade Stew . $1.50 THURSDAY-Chinese Pepper Steak ... . .... $1.85 FRIDAY-Beef Curry Rice ..... $1.85 WE SPECIALIZE IN HOME COOKING HOMEMADE EGG ROLLS HOMEMADE SOUPS-45c (beef barley, clam chowder, etc.) HOMEMADE CHILI-bowl 60c Fast and Friendly Service by Mr. & Mrs. Lee S -n U Uv Tues.-Fri. 7:30 a.m.-9 p.m everyone welcome why does a man join MaryKnoll? 1 1. Nd A IIA il1 5 -4 I1 I. 'F I. Sat.-Sun. 9:00 o.m.-9 p.m. 769-2288 II --- E,_ I There are probably as many answers as there are individual Maryknoll priests and Brothers. Some men are deeply moved when they hear of babies dying in their mother's arms because of hunger or disease. Others are distressed by the growing antag- onism and separation between the rich and the poor nations. More are concerned about the great injustices that have beer inflicted upon the poor by those who possess wealth and power to an excessive degree. Others look to learn from peoples who have grown up with a different mentality than that which is theirs. All feel that the only solution to the crises that threaten to split men asunder is the love of God as shown in the life of His Son, Jesos Christ. This love of God urges men to go forward and be missioners so men can love one another. What could be your reason for joining Maryknoll? UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN MARIONETTE THEATRE of PETER ARNOTT Aeschylus' ORESTEIA (a trilogy) AGAMEMMON Wednesday, Jan. 16 LIBATION BEARERS & EUMENIDES Thursday, Jan. 17 Euripides' CYCLOPS Friday, Jan. 18 Marlowe's DOCTOR FAUSTUS Saturday, Ja". 19 Residential College Auditorium-8:OO P.M. EAST QUAD General Admission $1.50 Tir-L-+ monilnh i + PTP Tickent Office. Mon - If you keep saying you want to do something with your life - here's your chance to prove it ~ .... .,,For information, write or phone to:-- MD -. ...." MARYKNOLL MISSIONERS, 610 LONGFELLOW AVE.MD DETROIT.MI.48202 (313) 865-0990 r,