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March 28, 1974 - Image 1

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See Editorial Page

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See Today for details

Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom

Vol. LXXXIV, No. 141

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, March 28, 1974

Ten Cents

Ten Pages

_ ,


flMU SEE twSiiiP~fi ~ Sn~ly
Professor McNeil dies
Respected and well-loved psychology Professor Elton
McNeil died yesterday of a heart attack at the age of 50.
In 1952 McNeil received his Ph.D. in clinical psychology
from the University and then stayed on as an instructor.
"I think the title of one of his books 'On the Importance
of being Human' sums him up well," says one of Mc-
Neil's collegues and Psychology Department Chairman
Keith Smith, "He was a very warm, open person."
Cavanagh withdraws
Former Detroit Mayor Jerome Cavanaugh yesterday
withdrew from the race for Governor announcing to a
group of stunned supporters that he would undergo sur-
gery for cancer of the kidney later this month. The
announcement, which came at a press conference at
which Cavanaugh was to announce his candidacy, leaves
formerState Sen. Sander Levin as the only major Demo-
cratic candidate. Asked if he would consider re-entering
the race after the operation, Cavanaugh said, "Frankly,
I'm not thinking about it right now," but he left the
door open.
Benefit dinner
The Ann Arbor Committee to Aid Disabled Students
will be having a dinner Sunday in the Campus Inn be-
ginning at 7:00 p.m. to help raise funds for the Leonard
Greenbaum Memorial Scholarship for Disabled Stu-
dents. Speakers at the dinner include State Senator Gil-
bert Bursley and William Ballinger. Information on tic-
kets, which are $15 each or $25 per couple can be ob-
tained by calling 971-8007 or 763-3000.
Committee openings
Students interested in serving on University Commit-
tees should drop in at the SGC offices on the third floor
of the Union and sign up for an interview. The inter-
views will be from 9:30 to 11:30 p.m. in the SGC offices.
Openings include positions on the Union Board of Direc-
tors, the Commission for Women and the Student Rela-
tions and Research Policies committees.
Happenngs ..
Start off today at noon with Helen Hudson of Ad
Hoc Advocates leading a discussion on grievance pro-
cedures before the meeting of the MTG Secretarial Sub-
committee of the Commission for Woman in room 1322 of
the Ed. school ... University President Robben Fleming
delivers a lecture on ethics at 3 p.m. in MLB auditor-
ium 3 for the Future Worlds Committee .. . The Strauss
lounge in E. Quad will be the site of an HRP mass meet-
ing to discuss the city election campaign at 7:30 p.m.
... at 8 p.m. over in the Greene Lounge, the Bach Club
will be listening to David Berick play harpsichord .. .
Professor William Kerr, chairman of nuclear engineer-
ing and director of the Phoenix Project will be speak-
ing along with Professor Lawrence Jones of the physics
department on "A Hydrogen Economy" at 8:00 p.m. in
the A. E. White Auditorium of the Cooley Electronics
Laboratory . . . the Michifish present their annual syn-
chronized swim show "Street Beats" at 8:15 in the
Margaret Bell Pool. Tickets are $1.35 at the door . . .
There's an organizational meeting of the U. S.-China
Friendship Club at 7:00 p.m. in 220 Tyler of E. Quad
. and second ward City Council hopefuls Kathy Koza-
chenko (HRP) and Mary Richman (D) will be around
for an evening of political discussion in the Jordan
Lounge of Mosher-Jordan at 9 p.m.
Up in smoke
No -cigarette will ever be safe, a scientist said yes-
terday. But he told of progress toward making cigarettes
safer. The tars obtainable from cigarettes contain at
least 1,200 known chemical compounds and probably
others that have not yet been discovered, said Dr. Ben-
jamin Van Duuren, a chemist and professor of environ-
mental medicine at New York University Medical Cen-
ter. New studies have "pinpointed a new series of smoke
components that contribute to induction of cancer in

mice,' Van Duuren told an American Cancer Society
symposium. If the components could be removed from
cigarettes, smoking would be sa'fer and fewer deaths
would result, Van Duuren said.
Dope note
Bad news for all you dope fiends. Seattle voters yester-
day rejected a proposal that would have legalized use of
marijuana and permitted non-profit sales of up to 40
grams. All is not lost though. According to Seattle's act-
ing police chief, the city has "all but stopped enforce-
ment of laws against the use of marijuana."
On the inside . ..
. . George Hastings speculates about the Pistons'
playoff chances on the Sports page . . . Arts page fea-
tures a review by Tony Cecere on an avant-garde music
school event . . . and an explanation of the upcoming
march to Esch's office by the Ann Arbor Impeachment
Committee appears on the Edit page.

Stans covered
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Former Commerce Sec- fired White House cou
retary Maurice Stans successfully covered up an il- spirator in the case.
legal $200,000 contribution from fugitive financeer
Robert Vesco to the Committee to Re-elect the Presi- COOK TESTIFIED he
dent (CREEP) a federal court was told here yester- in Texas in November,
day. spoke about the Vesco ca
G. Bradford Cook, former counsel to the Securities by Cook's office.
and Exchange Commission (SEC), testified that Stans The witness said that
succeeded in having a reference to the $200,000 de- had discovered that Ves
leted from an SEC complaint against Vesco. to Nixon's re-election ca
balked at disclosing the
STANS AND co-defendant John Mitchell, former $200,000 that had been w
Attorney General, are charged with attempting to Commonwealth Bank.
influence an SEC investigation of Vesco in exchange Cook quoted Stans as s
for the illegal campaign contribution. any money from Vesco
Cook, the 26th government witness to testify, took would have been in che(
the stand yesterday following the completion of testi-
mony by the government's star witness, John Dean, COOK TESTIFIED he

Up u200,000 to CR
znsel and unindictedco-con- it was important and that Stans should find out for it and get back to me," Cook quoted Stans as sayin
sure. Cook said he checked with SEC staff membe


met Stans at a hunting party
and that at one point they
ase, which was being handled
he told Stans that the SEC
sco had legally given $50,000
ampaign, but that Vesco had
disposition of an additional
ithdrawn from the Bahama's
aying: "I don't think we took
, and if we did, I think it
cks." s
etold Stans that he thought

Cook said he subsequently received a telephone
call from Stans and that he told the former Com-
merce Secretary, who was then chief fund raiser for
the President's re-election effort, that the SEC com-
plaint would detail the movement of the entire $250,-
Cook said he read to Stans the paragraph of the
SEC complaint dealing with the $250,000.
The witness quoted Stans as saying, "Oh-oh. That
gives me a problem. Do you need that in your case?"
Cook testified that Stans advised him the details
about the $250,000 were not necessary in the com-
plaint against Vesco.
"Your case is primarily about looting. Why don't
you see if you can do something about it (the para-
graph about the money)? Why don't you look into

about the necessity of the details about the $250,000.
AS A RESULT, the original paragraph to which
Stans had objected was deleted and a new paragraph
was inserted which did not make specific mention
of the cash contribution, Cook told the court.
He further testified that he was told by Stans in
February that the entire $250,000 campaign contri-
bution had been returned to Vesco.
Cook's testimony came after defense lawyers com-
pleted their attempt to discredit Dean., However Dean
stuck to his story that Mitchell had contacted him
several times to encourage him to use his influence
to end the Vesco investigation.

to name
President Robben Fleming ex-
pects to announce "very shortly'
the names of those faculty mem-
bers and students who will serve
on the search committee designed
to find a replacement for Literary
College (LSA) Dean Frank Rhodes.
Rhodes is slated to resign his
position as LSA dean on July 1 to
become Vice-President for Aca-
demic Affairs. Allan Smith, who
is currently vice-president, will re-
turn to teaching law.
FLEMING WILL c h o o s e the
search committee members from
a list of nominations. the LSA Ex-
ecutive Committee is gathering
and will submit to him later this
"We want to be sure to include
on the committee minorities, wo-
men, representatives from various
academic disciplines and a wide
age spread," Fleming says.
According to Fleming the com-
mittee's composition will be simi-
lar to the last deanship selection
committee which included six tac-
ulty members and three students
-two undergraduates, one gradu-
ment has submitted the names of
three nominees to the LSA Execu-
tive Committee. The Rackham Stu-
dent Government, which received
its request for three nominations
late, due to a mail mix-up, has not
yet selected its nominees.
The Executive Committee has
See FLEMING, Page 10

U. s.






gras prices,
WASHINGTON (Reuter) - of Calofirnia on a 1968r
Senate investigators charged memorandum proposing
yesterday that American oil prevent a predicted increa
supplies by holding down
companies in the Middle East tion around the world.
acted in concert to help boost In a CBS report Tuesd
oil prices and profits. dard of California said t

ways to
:se of oil
n produc-
ay, Stan-
he mem-

Idaho), chairman of the subcom-
, mittee, said yesterday that Aramco
had made four and a half dollars
profit per barrel since the be-
ginning of this year and nearly two
dollars a barrel since the October
Middle East war. He said this
compared to a dollar per barrel
profit for the months of 1973 before
the Middle East war.
I Referring to the Arab oil em-
bargo, Senator Church said, "The
tighter the energy squeeze, the
higher Saudi Arabia jacked up its
See SENATE, Page 2


Senior members of the Sen-
ate Foreign Relations sub-
committee investigating mul-
tinational corporations said
the oil companies had no in-
centive to try to keep Arab,
nations from raising prices
since their own profits rose at
the same time.
Committee staff sources said
they had obtained documents indi-
cating American oil companies,
worried about a potential surplus
of crude oil, make agreements
years ago to limit production in
order to maintain prices.
the Foreign Relations Subcommit-
tee heard testimony from two oil
company officials-Joseph Johnson,
vice president of the Arabian
American Oil Company (Aramco)
and George Piercy, executive vice
president of Exxon.
Investigations continue today
with the committee planning to
question officials of Standard Oil

orandum was never implemented.
Exxon also denied any cartel ar-
rangements existed or that major
oil firms had conspired to hold
down production to support high
SENATOR Frank Church (D-

Council creates
anti-rape unit

AP Photo
I'd walk a rile . .. for a camel?
Edward Ellis carries fuel to his car which ran dry.near North
Adams, Mass. Ellis, who is Lebanese, was leaving North Adams
State College, where he spoke on the Middle East to an Arab Af-
rican geography class, when he developed a gasoline shortage
of his own.


Kissinger-Brez hrn
MOSCOW (Reuter)-Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and Soviet
Communist Party Chief Leonid Brezhnev ended three days of talks
here yesterday and an official communique described their discussions
as "businesslike and constructive."
The session lasted almost four hours and a statement issued after-
ward said the two statesmen and their aides had discussed both bi-
lateral relations and several international problems.
No further details were released.
A U.S. SPOKESPERSON said there would be no more talks during
the current visit and that Kissinger would leave for London and Wash-
ington today as scheduled.
It was thought the two sides had completed their discussions on
how to proceed toward a second agreement to limit strategic nuclear
However, U.S. officials could not say whether the negotiators had
made ,the "conceptual breakthrough" Kissinger had said was the
main aim of his visit here.
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tv conclude talks
It was hoped Kissinger's discussions here had also cleared the way
for a visit to Moscow by President Nixon in June.
A SCHEDULED meeting between Kissinger and Brezhnev yester-
day morning was canceled at the last minute and the Communist Party
leader instead called a conference with his 15 colleagues in the party's
ruling Politburo.
ON THE SUBJECT of strategic arms limitation, high U.S. officials
said the two sides were attempting to decide whether nuclear weapons
should be limited in terms of number of rockets, number of warheads
or destructive force.
One compromise suggested as a possibility by senior U.S. officials
was an agreement to limit the numbers of rocket carriers possessed
by both sides.
THE DEVELOPMENT of multiple independently-targeted re-entry
vehicles (MIRVS), each of which has several warheads, has rendered
the two-year-old initial U.S.-Soviet pact on strategic weapons obsolete.
Though neither side would know
whether each rocket had five or
ten warheads, they would at least
o iled know roughly the war potential of
the other side.

City Council voted 7-3 last night
to establish an Anti-rape Policy/
Advisory Board and a special anti-
rape squad within the Police De-
The policy/advisory board will
be composed of seven women. The
details of the anti-rape squad with-
in the police department remain to
be worked out.
THE RESOLUTION passed last
night does not provide any funds
for the anti-rape program, al-
though earlier in the week City
Administrator Sylvester Murray
had promised, "there will be $65,-
000 in front of the anti-rape pro-
gram in next year's budget."
The motion passed was a substi-
tute resolution offered by Mayor
James Stephenson, replacing a
more specific proposal submitted
by HRP Council members Jerry
DeGrieck and Nancy Wechsler.
The Mayor's version provides for
the seven members to be appoint-
ed by the Mayor with the consent
of Council, and "shall specifically
include women from minority
groups and those with interest or
expertise" in the field of anti-rape
policy/advisory board to be respon-
sible for implementing a six point
anti-rape program developed by
Murray.pMurray's six points were;
-a program to meet the emo-
tional, psychological and medical
needs of rape victims;
-a program to provide city po-
lice with special training in deal-
ing with rape victims;

- plan to educate the commun-
ity about the crime of rape
--counseling and self defense
for women about rape; and,
-more safety programs design-
ed to reduce the incidence of rape,
possibly including better street
lighting and improved city trans-
HRP Council members were not
pleased with the action taken by
the Republicans. Nancy Wechsler
claimed, "What we're setting up
is another Human Rights Commis-
sion with a lot of fine words that
will do nothing."
CQuncilmen William Colburn
See COUNCIL, Page 2
No action,
taken on
school plan'
The Ann Arbor School Board last
night failed to act on the protests
of citizen groups concerning the
redistribution of North Campus
school children. The protests were
led by the School Committee of
North Campus and parents from
the Clague Middle School.
Fridl Gordon led the North Cam-
pus group and demanded that ov-
ercrowding in the schools be re-
See SCHOOL, Page 10

IBertoia stresses
growth, expects
The Republican-dominated Third Ward GOP City
Council candidate Roger Bertoia, stressing con-
trolled municipal growth in his campaign, expects,
and should achieve, an easy win in next Monday's
His Democratic opponent Daniel Burke is running
a campaign aimed to discredit the Republicans by
blaming the present GOP council members for an
unpopular commercial development to be built
in the area.
Meanwhile Harry Kevorkian, the Human Rights
Party (HRP) entry, expects to "lose miserably" in


easy victory
oppose the construction, thus placating many
angry area residents.
Bertoia, who lost the GOP primary that year,
was not among the Republicans making the no-
construction pledge.
FINDING THE Third Ward "a tough nut to
crack," Burke, a member of the University's
Health and Human Ethics Program, focuses his
attack on accusing the Republicans of breaking last
year's campaign promise.
Bertoia, coordinator of Washtenaw Community
College's occupational studies, terms Republican


Representatives of about 50 stu-
dent organizations on c a m p u s
debated the problem of a threaten-
ed University take over of student
organization accounts yesterday.
While a number of representa-
tives stated they had no objection
to the University auditing or even

Lreatens audi~t

film groups charged that the Uai-
versity had refused the film groups
use of auditorium facilities, often
after the films had already been
ordered. This they charged was a
deliberate attempt to drive them
out of business.
In a reprint from an old issue
of movie News, handed out at the

of the University there would be
very little control over what the
school might do with them.
Differences of opinion on the
p r o p o s a 1 are currently being
thrashed out by the University and
the Student Organization Board.
And board member Eliot Chikof-
fsy termed the University a <"se-

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