AAlf I "4 4 r%"7 A i r t:.. I k-1I iI..JriN L'IL. T Friday, March 22, 1974 :. _..___. 11 Iget the job done FOR SALE NORTH FACE BIGFOOT sleeping bag. Large. Almost new. 665-8391. 91B323 SELL EVERYTHING I own: '72 Grem- F lin, Panasonic stereo, tools, books, re- s cords, clothes. Call Dave after 5 p.m. m 769-8233. 81B328 la MATURE SPIDER PLANT, Pepperomia, Coleus for sale. 663-3410, evenings. i 78B326 n 3-DRAWER STUDY DESK, $50. Swivel b nhnlo @n va., ts~i f: ~r..a ., a PERSONAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH ON TM 'or thousands of, years men have neculated about the nature of hu- nan conscionsness. Only within the ast 50 years, however. have scientists ained the technical ability to des- ribe the nhysiological and biochem- lal" correlates of states of conscious- ess. This ability has enabled them. etter to understand the processes ind the neural structures which un- go I I-. --- PERSONAL FOR DIRECT CLASSIFIED SERVICE CALL 764-0557 -10 A.M.-4 P.M. Monday-Friday ,I .. FOR RENT AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY: efficiency,1 307 Thompson. 663-8642. 97C324 ONE-TWO-THREE BEDROOM APARTMENTS are still available for spring or summer at UNIVERSITY TOWERS HEATED SWIMMING POOL 30 Percent Reduced Spring and Summer Rates! 761-2080 - 536 S. Forest cCtc NICE HOME for 4-6 mature students, 4 bedrooms, large living room and kit- chen, recreation room and garage, completely decorated and carpeted, i furnished A/C. Residential area, 2 FOR RENT FOR RENT MALE freshman and sophomore inter- FACULTY OR PROFESSIONAL ested in small group living situation COUPLES ONLY. Lovely 2-bedroom this Fall. Good location, close to furnished apt. Fall. 668-6906 or 663- campus and IM building. Call Tony 3541. eCtc or George eves. 761-5676. 170241-- - --- ----- - - THE MOST CAMPUS-i BLOCK1 near Gino's and Freize Bldg. IN EX PENSIV E Large, beautifully furnished, A r'e'Air, balcony, security system. chairs, $20. Very slightly usedaCal derlie these states . . . Dr. Keith Wal- SUBLET BUSINESS SERVICES 769-8025, 9-5. 76B329 lace. Call 761-8255. Lecture: Wed.,' - AFRICAN CHESS SETS made of ebony March 27, Mich. League Room D & E. SUMMER SUBLET: one bedroom mod- CERAMIC CLASSES-Begin March 25, wood by Makonde tribesmen, $55. 8:00 p.m. cFtc ern apartment, perfect for couple, Mon. & Thurs. 7:30-10:30 p.m. School- 663-0865 anytime. 92B326 A PROFESSIONAL SERVICE a/c. Call 761-7578. 89U326 house. Pottery. Call 662-8057 (11-3), A FA E I 665-8325, 662-1576. 33J323 GERRY 2-man nylon backpacking tent. U-M STYLISTS _- __..ILkenew, $69. 665-4968. 49B23AT HEU IO REAL STYLE! Spacious 2-bdrm. apt. TYPING and EDITING Call Jean 663- AT THE UNION ear St. Joe'say-Aug.ge kit- 4451, 10 a.m.-10 p.m. cJtc QUEEN-SIZE WATERBED and frame. cF322 en, gorgeous bath, living rm. Rent-$5orbsofe.7931. 6B4JOSTARHELG'Cmlt negotiable. 769-3238 persistently. MOVING SERVICE, 769-2645. K JOBS IN ARCHAEOLOGY! Comple dU28 cJtc OAK DESK, bookcase and chair, floor; listing of Summer "Digs",- training ~ ^ ~~~~^~~ lamp. Excellent condition. Call 971- opportunities, all "How-Toe' informa- MAY-AUG. Heritage House apt., large TYPING-769-2645, anytime. cJtc 3332. 69B26 tion about this exciting field. Send 2-bedrm. furnished, kitchen, study - $3.00 to ARCHAEOLOGY FACTS, 306 rm., a/c. 668-6078 31U323 DECADES OF ERRORLESS TYPING. 25 RAPrinceton, SE, Albuquerque, N. M. -- __ ..1_page minimum. Local Medical, Engi-,ROOMMATES 87106. 32F23 ONE BEDROOM modern apt., great neering, Rackham Publishers. 475- ------------ --------- . _ _- location, close to campus, May 1 thru 7310. 12J419 HELP! I'd like a room in a cooperative CUSTOM WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY, Aug $145 or negotiable. 662-7084. 994--__.- - .------vegetarian house starting May. Larry for those who prefer the very best, 0137. 09U23 PIANO INSTRUCTION, all levels. Call 7612047. 90Y324 Starting at $660, call 769-1296 for ap- - - -.. Dave Brassfield, 663-5284. 58J29 - - - --- pointment. cFtcs SUBLET MAY-AUG. Quaint apt. for -__.- MAY-AUG., modern, 2-bdrm. apt. A/C, one. Excellent access to campus and The ANN ARBOR SCHOOL OF ( negot. 994-0475 eves. 27Y31 ESSENTIAL HARMONY of Science and hospitals. 662-2093. 62U23 CREATIVE MUSIC _ _ -- -_ -.__- - - religion. Baha'i Faith. 764-9868. In-' Private instruction on all instru- ROOMMATE WANTED immediately to formal discussions whenever you like. FURNISHED modern one bedroom ments--jazz and classical techniques sublet % apt. Close to campus (S. 30F324 S....4-.nt R min fr.. air-;-modern theorv and harmon e -om- Division between William and Lib-! WHY WASTE TIME STUDYING OR WATCHING TV? YOU COULD BE PLAYING POOL! The Michigan Union Billiard Room cF324 PIPE SMOKERS! Handcrafted meer. sehaum pipes. Exceptional values and the most personalized of service. Free Catalog. PMP Co., P.O. Box 444, Gaithersburg, Md. 20760. 66Ftc MAHARISHI MAHES YOGI The science of Creative Intelligence, by opening one's awareness to the in- finite. unbounded value of intelli- gence, broadens the awareness, makes it permanently unbounded, so that no area of life remains foreign. This is the ground of all knowledge-- complete knowledge-and therefore is the basis of complete fulfillment, Lecture: Wed., March 27. Mich. Lea- gue, Room D & E, 8:00 p.m. Call 761- 8255. cFtc Z 3VKM APTS ON CAMPUS 912 BROWN FREE CABLE & FAIR MANAGEMENT 971-4000 Days 665-0110 Nights 1 -bedroom units cCtc .U l~4~ , L .' LG 13111 1 R 4 , G miles from campus on bus line. One .year lease Aug. 20th. $540/month. HOUSE FOR GROUP, 6 bedroom on E. Phone 475-2663. 01C323 University beginning May 6, '74, one year lease. Unfurnished, no pets, lo-a ROOMMATE NEEDED: own bedroom. cal references. 662-7395. 36C322 Start April with fall option. Call 769- ~ - - 8233. 80C328 QUALITY APARTMENTS IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY: furnished EFORaFALL efficiency apt., near central campus. Efficiency 1, 2, and 3 bedroom fur- Rent negotiable. 663-8642. 77C328 nished apartments. Good campus it- ___________ -- f cation. For showing and rate inf«r- BASEMENT APT. Grad student, $110/1 mation, our leasing office is open month. Also Ige, room with kitchen in from 1-5 p.m., 720 S. State St. 663- N.Y.C. 663-3886. 83C326 /7701. WANTED: 1 or possibly 2 people toI share a large attic room in house.; $65 per mo./per person. 12 mo. lease,. but will consider 8 month lease. Call 761-7188. 750328 CONVENIENT LOCATION: Fuller Apts 1 bedrm. furnished. 2 blocks from Med. Center, 4 blocks from downtown.j A/C, carpeting, nice bathroom, mo- dern kitchen. Call 662-7058. 86C324 ROOM(S) for parent and child(ren) in large house with other single parents interested in child care, corner of Hill and Olivia, immediate occupancy, summer or fall, negotiable. Call 994- 3396. 94C328 ANN ARBOR TRUST COMPANY 769-2800 MODERN APTS., Office at 418 Washington 668-6906 or 663 ROYAL DU APTS. 715 CHURC 0 1 BLOCK FROM C f SECURITY SYSTE * FAIR MANAGEME CALL 665-4 FALL RESER VATI are now bein accepted at o campus locatio Newest furnisl student apartm available. DAH LMAN APARTME 545 Churc 761 -76®C INC. , basement -3641 cCtc i ~I ITCH H AMPUS I ;Mr NT SANS SOUC I Furnished 1-2 bedroom apt. available for Fall '74 occu- pancy. 434-0550 Across the street from Michigan Stadium ecte 3 sible tail option. $70.00 per month.! k578 |2 '66 4* fAlison. 665-0390. dU23 cCtc CHEAP SUBLET-Mav-Aug.-1 or 2 per- sons. Spacious I-bdrm. apt. Air con- dit ioning, free parking, disposal. Com- pletely equipped and furnished. $50/ mon. 994-0212. 45U26 0O NS EFFICIENCY, May-August. - Married Student Housing. 665-7508, 764-5206. 1g 53U24 ur SUMMER SUBLET-Modern 2-bdrm., 3- )ns. man. Balcony. A/C. near campus and hed IM. Parking. $150/rno. 663-5743. 70U22 ents TWO WOMEN want third to share house on West side. Rent $75 and utilities. 665-0671, 769-1604. 25U325 4N MAY-AUGUST-Large modernfeffieien- f rv. Close to diag., a/c, furnished, y TS $125/month. Call Bob, 662-6272. E _ dU23 SUBIET MAY-AUG. Quiet, beautiful 2- bedroom apt. directly across from Law Quad. Complete with turret. cCtc 994-0424. 38U24 Iapartment. :Smin. rrom DMAG, air- conditioned May-Aug. Call Miyawaki, 761-8994 evenings, 763-3499 days. 58U27 SUBLET May through August - Own room, large. in newly renovated 90 year old house. Lots of woodwork and windows. 1 block from campus, pos- I i F - zucnu sy aunruy-cm position-weekly jazz workshop-ar- tistic spiritual guidance. For inter- view appointment call Prof. Curtis 662-8281. 20J27 MISCELLANEOUS FINAL PAPERS leaving you short of time? Gas shortage making shopping a problem? Save both and make new friends. Eat atran International Co- op. Tom or Carol, 761-7435. 71M22 WANTED: PRIVATE VENTURE CAPI-1 TAL. High interest returned. Excel- lent tax sheller. Prospectus submitted on request. Richard Robinson, 1974 Traver Knoll, Apt. 108 Ann Arbor, 48105 32M326 Red Zinger TYPING term papers, theses, etc. Will proofread and edit grammar, etc. Also keypunch *forrnat, prices vary with difficulty. Call 769-3348 or 662-5388 evenings cMtc NEW CARS ANNOUNCING PEUGEOT erty). $85/mo. Gay female preferred. GEO Ul Call Sue: 994-0053, Sherryl, 761-2924. 3 in7 18Y24 SA's' FOR SALE THE A -Ho INDOOR and OUTDOOR green carpet, while stereo, pole lamp, convertible couch 1 Satu and-cover and kitchen dishes. Call 475-1734. 96B322 FOR SALE: 17' hang glider kite. Alum- inum frame, polyethelene sail. Ready to fly. $190. 764-0646. 89B24 Wet - -.. - throt "JEAN", attractive, atheletically slim I can brunette, always eager for a good that time-too hard for present owner to our handle. A bargain for $295. Contact throl Marjaret at U-Cellar Mon., Thurs., & natun Fri. eves. 79B27 close; if yo SMALL one-man downtown, good vol- hear. ume restaurant for sale. $15,000 down, mast balance good terms. Call Business Op- of y portunities Broker, Jim Weir. Lectu 663-6789 769-1615 gueP 67B22 NN ARBOR STROKE EXCHANGE w to start new relationships maintaining your autonomy. rday night group. Call 761-2754. 22F13 __ CIENCE OF CREATIVE INTELLIGENCE can find art in nature, and BUM ugh art and the open mind we wh make the step to the whole truth Pr we are searching for throughout lives and through education, WED ugh meditation. All the events of pi re are inside of you. When you mo your eyes you can still see, and do u close your ears you can still ity You are dominant, you are the 8-6 er, but you must be the master --- ourself . . . Roman Vishniac. SELF ure: Wed., March 27, Mich. Lea- Ap Room D & E, 8:00 p.m. eFtc sto BOARD_.EXAMTUTORI11N BOARD EXAM TUTORING !- - i I XFROX AND OFFSET Fast, low cost duplicating. COPY QUICK 1217 S. University 769-0560 WHY WALK FARTHER? Get your Levi's cuffed flairs at WILD'S VARSITY SHOP [PER STICKERS custom printeo bile-U-wait! $2. MBL Press, 1217 ospect, Ann Arbor. 761-0942. eFte DING PHOTOGRAPHY. Custom ctures of your most memorable oments including silhouettes and uble exposures. Compare our qual- . Call MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY, 6 p.m., 761-0272. cFtc ECTING WINE from the Village othecary's cellar means properly ored wine at a reasonable price. 12 S. University. cFte UNION ELECTION, April 1, 2 and GRAD COFFEE HOUR returns Wed. Rackham Lobby. TA's, RA's and nights, 4th floor Rackham. Try it. vote YES for a union!! 06F03 eFte MAY-AUGUST _ L - Modern building, 1, 2, 3 and 4-man 2-BEDROOM APT., $186/mo., yr. lease units for reasonable rates. starting July 1, 2 person or family- sono young children, no pets. Call 668- Calf 668-6906 or 663-3641 6061 after 5 p.m. 39C22 for full listings. ctcgCAMPUS-BURNS PARK. FURNISHED c~tc 4 bdrm. house. $525. May 1, year1 ROOM in a 3-bdrm. apt., corner of In- lease. 769-3590, 15C23 galls and Huron. Arthur, 763-6141. LIVING WITH YOUR BOYFRIEND Call eves. 54C23 NEXT YEAR? and don't want your parents to know? We'll give you an FOREST NEAR HILL address for a reasonable rate. Call Modern building, large 3 or 4-man. Jane or Linda, 769-1768 persistently. Reasonable.-83C22, LI R 'NOT cCtc 2 BDRM. unfurnished, close to hospital and campus. Pool, air, dishwasher. Lease either May-Aug. or 1 year. $200. 668-7365. 73C23 2 or4 MONTH Lease. Start May 1 or July 1. Campus rooms for girls. Single.$75-85. Double $90-100. 761-1932. cCtc TRONY ASSOCIATES HAS FALL RENTALS 5 Rooms, 10 Efficiencies, 16 1-Bdrms., 8 2-Bdrms., 3 3-Bdrms. and 4 Houses still available. CALL 662-3228, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. or pick up list at 624 PACKARD 65C31 CAMPUS-BURNS PARK. FURNISHED, 1-bdrm. apt. in house. $180. May 1, year lease. 769-3590. 11C23 MODERN two-bedrm, 4-man apts. near hospitals. Fully furnished and car-. peted. Call 663-6549 before 5. 170326 BARGAIN CORNER CARPET SPECIAL Thousands of yards in stock-many colors and textures. $.99-$5.99 yd. None Higher. HAMBURG WAREHOUSE 10588 Hamburg Road 1-227-5690 cW to I THE HIGHLANDS . It's more than a place to hang your hat. The view ... The location . . . The con- veniences . . . And more. COME TO THE HIGHLANDS MAKE A MOUNTAIN OUT OF OUR HILLTOP 1697 Broadway, Apt. 303 1-7 P.M. Daily 769-3 672 Fall '74 occupancyl Buses to and from campus daily cctc 1 or 2 PEOPLE for 1-bedroom of mod- ern 2-bedroom apt. close to campus and hospital. $100. Immediate occu- pancy. 761-9769 persistently. 03C323 SPRING SEMESTER RENTAL, female applicants for doubles only. Kitchen fac., phone 662-0006 or 761-1473 or1 761-1472 after 5 p.m. Shown by appt. only. 63031; CAMPUS-HOSPITAL AREA 521 Walnut Street Extra large 2-bedroom 4-man in exceptional building 668-6906 or 663-3641 cCtc VLOWER FLOOR of pleasant older house UP TO 24 MPG. V E W' HER E avail. to sublet for May-Aug. Furni- NOW AT PEUGEOT OF ture provided. Features include 3 bed-' f ' rooms, large kitchen, large outside ANN ARBOR porch, and backyard. As of now still SEDANS AND WAGONS avail. for fall. Call 663-8155. 90U20 FOR 1974 :ES IDENT_ TWO FEMALES for May-August. Park- 901 N. MAIN 769-7935 - iing, air conditioned, $35 per person. A TENANT Call 662-4809. 46U22 PHOTO SUPPLIES - FALL or SUMMER McKINLEY ASSOCIATES Spring-Sum- -- 1 and 2 BDRM. mer Sublets. Rooms, efficiencies, 1 NIKKORMAT FT: 2 bodies, lenses, ac- * 1016 OAKLAND and 2 bedroom apts. plus whole cessories. Any or all, 668-8879. 64D22 houses. Furnished, campus locations USED CARS MANAGED BY available May 1974. Please pick up our SDUTCHMAN ASSOCIA'TES listing at 611 Church St. 47U19- - -- 1950 CHRYSLER New Yorker, excellent VERY NICE APT. for sublet, furnished condition. Call 481-0852. 61N322 oRENTALS Ine bedrm. w/ a/c. Call 994-0058 after 02U42 '52 INT'L. PICKUP. Patriotically paint-. _._ _.__ __ - ed. Runs well. $150 or best offer. 761- EXTREMELY NICE SUBLET May to Sept. one bedroom. 1 7228. 48N26 CAMPUS APARTMENTI'S $100/mo. 662-3005. 78U22 -- -- - WELL FURNISHED -11--'68 CAMARO, small V-8, automatic, our rental associate will be APR.-MAY SUBLET - One bedroom 763-2495 days. 37N322 help you with your housing lower apt. in old house. Campus lo- - ----- cation. Deposit. Rent negotiable. 665- CAPRI 1972, dark green, 2600cc. en P BY -- OR CALL HNR 7079 persistently. 88U19 gine. Good condition. 763-6857. 64N23 1964 HOLLY PARK travel trailer, 8'x24' Enrollments now being accepted fot TM AND THE SPORTS WORLD in good condition. Price $750 or best S. H. KAPLAN tutoring courses to Four members of the Jets, including offer. Call after 9 a.m. 663-1975. prepare for the upcoming M.C:A.T.,! Joe Namath, are into Transcendental 30B326 D.A.T., and L.S.A.T. Board Exams. Meditation. About half a dozen more Call (313) 354-0085. cFtc are considering it. Bob Svihus, the of- D.J. is selling rock 'n roll LP collection. fensive left tackle, says , the long $1.00 each. Excellent condition. 662- "FOXFIRE" Amazing Rock & Roll, range effect could be to make the 9559. 24B322 Thurs.-Sat. Rubaiyat, 102 First. meditators better football players, be- - - --- 13F324 cause Transcendenta' Meditation re- SKI SET - Rossi Strato, Look-Nevada,- lieves stress, and stress causes poor Lange Comp, Scott, many extras - Why buy mass produced WEDDING performance . . . New York Post. Best offer, 663-5091. 22B26 RINGS? Have your own personal de- Call 761-8255. Lecture: Wed., March sign made by Jhan. 769-7550. eFtc 27, Mich. League, Room D & E, 8:00 HELP WANTED ' -A -N -- - p.m -F27 - PARKINGSPACE, Packard/Thompsdn/ M -H A R E NC Cross area. $10/mo. 761-2754. 41F227 IS LARRY HERMAN really taking CO -SR N-----g lessons. 79F322 A NATIONWIDE TIMESHARING 'TYPING-769-2645, anytime. cFtc- ORGANIZATION WEDDING IVTAIN- od rtra NEEDS SYSTEM PROGRAMMERS: ~ I INVITATIONS-Modn or ra To write operating systems, compilers style. Call 761-0942 anyti loaders, a telecommunications sys-UP E tem, and/or an information retrieval M rN B from system. , M PIN BOWLING Are you a computer freak who has had at leeast M473 and M573 and Sundays 1. p.m.-1 2 mid.$2 9 wants to solve challenging problems? Win a free game for Toronto departures; If you are, and feel confident that you can handle a difficult job, send N I O N LAN ES Detroit slightly higher your resume and transcript to: This ear en the fun of an D. Redding cFtc Com-Share, Inc. European summer. We -have a va- rim US of 1h A laA d i tht Juth FLYING FA L ON-C Sharoni glad to t needs. TO CAMPUS RENTALS 1335 S. University 665-8825 McKINLEY ASSOCIATES CAMPUS LOCATORS FOR FALL 1974 Rooms. Efficiences, 1, 2, 3, and 4 bedroom apartments in modern build- ings and older houses plus many! whole houses. (Security deposits now, only equal half a month's rent). Please come pick up our listings. 611 Church St. cetc ELEGANT SUMMER LIVING - Private room in private, sun-splashed house on South Division. Call 761-9447. dU22 3-BEDROOM tri-level; air cond.; 112 baths; balcony; disposal; dishwasher; free private parking; one block from ni- e~hlot sav-Aton Vn l 994 VW, 1970 - Excellent condition. $1200. 971-4774 27N24 TOY1OTH CASHI I Box 1588 Ann Arbor, Mich. 48106 50H23 DELIVERY HELP nights. Call after 4, 769-8031. 29H326, WAITRESSES and WAITERS wanted- Apply in person Ramada Inn West, 2800 Jackson Road. (We are an Equal Opportunity Employer). 769-0700. 60H31 STUDENTS: need drivers to East coast. For details call Linda at Rampy Chevrolet, 663-3321. 28H324, SOME SPACES are still available in the M.A.R.C. House (Law Quad). For in- formation call 763-2066 weekdays, 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. 16F23 ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE I F00 CUED SPAD A AP ANT AR1 ! DETECT R P L U AM ! 0 1 R T E NE F ROG MA N R EA D REPLOTTED ECEM A S IAN E RA E VAD0E S P A S IM R I N G L 1 N G S S A IC C RE A TE S A PT R TE E A ST BREAKUPS STICKY BUNOE THEPE0PLE A N T EE N, D YE D S SE rlety or scneauie Ilgns, y u~- fare flights, and 60 day-advanced- booking-charter flights available. Plus Eurailpass, student ID cards, intra-European s t u d e n t charter flights, car and motorcycle lease/ purchase plans, insurance, and many other services. SPACE IS LIMITED THIS YEAR GIVE US A CALL TODAY FOR INFORMATION & SIGN-UP DEADLINES. TRAVEL- WORLD 665-3603 610 S. Forest, No. 4 0 Ann Arbor 64F15 JACK'S MEN'S WEAR 118 E. Washington DENIMS Bell Bottoms-$6.99 Traditional-$4.99 DENIM JACKETS-$8.99 LINED-$10.99 FLANNEL SHIRTS-$3.99 (Assorted Colors) TURTLENECK SHIRTS-$2.99 (Long Sleeved) cw tc IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY, furnished 2-bedroom apartments. Short term leases available. $170. Ann Arbor Trust. 769-2800. c~tc Geddes! OR Observatory FURNISHED 4-MAN $65.00 per Man INCLUDES HEAT AND WA'IhR 663-4101 CAMPUS MANAGEMENT, INC. 337 E HURON cCtc FALL, 4-MAN. $300. 2-bedroom. 927 S. Forest. After 5 p.m., 761-6943. 64C419 EDiag; sublet May-Augus. .Uan V- BRING YOUR TITLE 0459. 98U26 BIPOSITIONS OPEN for 12 young, crea- WE'LL BUY YOUR CAR! tive, ambitious women and men to OPENING in cozy 4-woman apt.; 5 T $ make up a team to do research for a jmin. to campus. Price negotiable. OP $ ' doctorate thesis In the fields of 665-6358. 56U22 - SPOR'TS CARS -- Sociology, Psychology and Political '73 CAPRI V-6 automatic, silver- Science this summer. Free room and SPRING-SUMMER SUBLET. Two-bed- metallic, 10.000 miles........$3695 board at a small Torch Lake resort room apartment. Air cond. Next to '73 FIAT 124 SPORTS COUPE, 11,000 ml. near Traverse City, plus expenses. Al- Law Quad. 761-6473. dU17 AM-FM, 5-speed, factory warranty so potential for earning an extra SUBLT AVILABE, 2bedrom, ur-$365 $1,000. Send picture and complete re- SUBLET AVAILABLE, 2 bedrOom, fur '72 DATSUN 240Z, low miles, auto- I sume to: Mr. Lahti, 805 Oxford, Ann nished, two blocks from Diag. Im- matic. AM-FM. beautiful brown Arbor, 48104. 99H05 mediate occupancy. Parking and air- metallic, chestnut interior .. $4'95-- conditioned. 662-7787. cUtc '72 PEUGEOT 4-door, 4-speed, model JOB OPENING for full-time house 504, dark blue finish, 24,000 miles. managers (couples preferred) in Ann SUM ME 7R See today at .... .......3495 Arbor half-way house. The job begins 71 FIAT 124 Spider, 5-speed, AM-FM. July 1 and involves working with pa- Campus rooms for girls. Completely yellow, sharp................$2795 tients from Ypsi State Hospital. If furnished, carpeted, in a modern '71 PORSCHE 914, 5-speed transnis- 1 interested contact Rick or Linda Sol- bldg. Sunny, pleasant neighborhood. sion, AM-FM, bright yellow omon at 769-7535. 27H326 $100 for double, $75 single. Fall op- finish ............... ... $4395 -- - _---------- tion. 761-1932. cUtc 71 TRIUMPH GT-6, new paint, low RESEARCH ASSISTANT-grad student, miles, sharp ..... ....$2695 ultra-sonic wave effect. Living on CAMPUS ROOMS for girls. Completely '71 JAGUAR XKE, V-12, A.T., P.S., AM- organisms, pay negotiable. Prefer en- furnished carpeted, in a modern bldg. FM, Chrome wires, 15,000 miles, x- gineering, nat. sci., med. student, Sunny, pleasant neighborhood. $100; sharp......................... $7595 physics. 665-2878. 23H23 for double, $75 single. Fail option.1 ' 70 LAND-CRUISER, 4-wheel drive, --- - 761-1932. cUtc, Very sharp.................... $2995 BABYSITTER needed weekends in my -TOYOTAS-- Ihome. Need someone who can baby- MUSICAL MDSE., 1969-1972 all models to choose from: sit Sat. morning-Sun. evening every RADIOS RP100 per cent warranty on engines, weekend. 662-4964 or Gayle Moore at , REPAIRS transmissions and diff. for IOWj miles 1-444-1111. 21H30 U$or 30 days. UPRIGHT PIANO, $300. 769-1526. 1973 DEMO'S - Real dollar values. DISABLED young woman requires 2 women to live-in and help with dailyI , i i CROSSWORD PUZZLE AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY - 2 bed- room furnished apartment on cam- pus. Dahlmann Apartments-761-7600. F.A.C. Now taking applications for fall rentals. Hill Street location. 1 & 2 bedroom furnished apartments. No pets. Days --434-0140, after 6-973-1744. 46C324 SUMMER AND FALL Campus rooms for girls. Carpeted, nicely furnished in a modern, safe brick bldg. Summer rates $100 forI double, $75 single. Includes all util- ities. 761-1932. cCtc lA IIIIYS IAI11MSY SIUPLUS I166 Broad way I (north of Broadway bridge) 769-9247 j SAM'S STORE LEVIS-DEN IMS TRADITIONALS .....8.95 BOOT JEANS .......8.95 LEVIS-CORDUROYS BOOT JEANS .8.50 & 9.50 BELL BOTTOMS .... 9.50 CORDUROY JACKETS........14.00 This Fall Rent f rom a Company Where TENANTS Come First! Available for Fall are this town's most popular campus apartments: Albert Terrace AlgonquinI Dean Apartments Carriage House The Lion ' The Forvm The Lodge Maize & Blue Management 300 S. Thayer, Suite A 761-3131 cc3* 1 GARRARD SL-72 turntable with wood Toyota Ann Arbor actFal.eeromindboard, apt. bae 9.Sui ratsekrls close to campus. 764-9149, days; 662- $400, best offer. 663-4790. 82X324 907 N. Ma i n 2734, eves. 20H26 FOR SALE: Lafayette 1500 TA -receiver;! 769-7935 DELIVERY: P-tiendevnigs Lafayette cassette tape deck; PE' cNtc, Must have car and be familiar with turntable; Jensen 4 speakers. Asking---------- - Ann Arbor area. Excellent compen- $.550. Price negotiable. Leonard, 764-i BARRACUDA, 1968. Very clean. $700. sation and gas allowance. Call 662- 6692, 7-11:30 a.m. dX28 971-4774. 24N24 0H2 3375. 0A i2 $55 MU -617 STSELNeXE23Dob 1-uit B IKES AND SCOOTERS TECHNICAL DIRECTOR for R/F Ana- $5.7361.5X3 - - ----lysis. Advanced degree, experience I ERO YSE: E~itovic E-1972 KAWASAKI 350cc street bike.! preferred. Attractive salary/benefits, SEkErSSTEnw2oodctrmoe (EA-250 2000 miles. $650. 662-7746. 932331I great potential. Contact Dr. Ruben- 4)erae amp., Benjamin Miracord TRIUMPH 650: '71. Clean, extras, $150 stein (205} 837-1541. 01H24 750A turntable with "new" Shure Bany76-21(:0pm) 832HOSDIETR eddfosrri; M93E cartridge, Sony model ST-80W any,7148(60pm. 8434HUEDRCO neddfrsoit Must be experienced in food and tuner, Concord MKIII tape deck- MEN'S 3 SPEED, Sturdy. 662-5378 after domestic management. Send resumesI (open reel), 17 1800' tapes (Basf). 5:30. 70Z26 to Michigan Daily, Box 16. 6129 $550 or best offer. Call Ron, 665-7124 9-7 N. Ma-n 234,e .2H from 5-7 p.m. 92X21 CYCLE INSURANCE. Immediate cover- SECRETARY. Conscientious, self-moti- age. Low rates. Just call Renwick, vated person for 30-40 hr. permanent FRAMUS 12 STRING GUITAR! Good Grimes, and Adams Insuance, 437- position in small office. General typ- condition with hardshell case. $130.E 1708 South Lyon. cZtc ing (50 wpm), bookkeeping.lrecep- Leo, 668-6393. 00X24 --C-U-,-y$ tonist duties, errands. Conservation/ $E. 7GUITAR-3 X LOSTsnaturalnresources background or in- STEE GUI 3peddles 1ksee I terest desirable. Available immediate- lever. $330. Lessons, 761 610E. 47X403 LOST: Malamute puppy, 2 Zmonths ly, 3/hr or higher. Huron River NEW AUTOA Regular d$89.95, NOW old, around Division and Lawrence,1 Watershed Council. 665-0514.38H324 $79.50. 769-1400. cxtc Great personal value attached. Please' r call 761-6812. 95A24 MAIDS, full-time and part-time. Apply "MCRAIG 8-TRACK TAPE PLAYER, Ma- in person. Ramada Inn West, 2800 do te a LOST: Gold square faced Omega watch. Jackson Road. (An Equal Opportuity ph, on ces stofemusereat orie a- Reward. Paula, 769-1957. 42A23 Employer).19H324 vpuoJsll-oustAollord sMuictkn4n-k4 FtrU 32 STain GU6T-943G.scCd Grm aWANTED TO RENT INTER4-STED in a summer-long flight ter, i322hS.dMain.761-9430. c.$ 7 u y.to Europe at a reduced rate? UAC APOLLO DRUM CENTER: All makes, WOMAN looking for space in vegetarian Travel offers a Detrot-London- new and used. 4 piece sets. ZeLdTanD house where people are open to us- Detroit group flight on TWA, May 9- cym .als and accessories. 5 piece So- ing grain and vegie co-ops. Pegge, Aug. 15. Total cost $333.18. Deadline nor et. Snare drums by the dozen. d 663-8457. 99L324 fo rsign-up is April 9. Call 763-2147 . reaor moren ivaormaattond.cPtca 322 5. Mai. Free Parking. On .evest WOMAN desires own room in house or fm e fotin. AU CA k A .n r ,p . OPENfTl1 amin.geriar OPEN TILL 1 a on- ACROSS 1 Hems' partners.; 5 Instrument f.or . refracting light. 10 Package. 14 Give forth. 15 Lariat, 16 Exclamation. 17 - Seashore est. 1961: Phrase. 20 Set - (take the lead). 21 Supported. 22 Money, in Zagreb. 24 Diminutive suffixes, 25 Overlook. 28 In bosom (at rest). 33 Displayed. 34 Farm enclosures, 35 Obtain. 36 Greensward. 37 Practiced, 38 French father. 39 Literary collection. 40 Emulate Crosby. Copr. 74 GenI Features Corp. earthenware. 45 Increases:I Colloq.I 46 Tunicate fish. 48 Fished a certain I way.2 52 Becomes furious.2 56 Baseball.2 58 Czar.2 59 Spruces.2 60 Man's name. 3 61 Throw things at.3 62 Building material.3 63 Saucy.3 DOWN 3 1 A hundred: Prefix.4 2 Indian nurse. 4 3 Dry dishes. 4 4 Resign.4 5 Philomela's 4 sister. 6 "..._ cock4 horse..."4 7 Author Fleming.5 8 Terminals: Abbr.5 9 Had importance.5 10 Sound of a rocket.5 11 Peel.5 12 Melville's5 captain. 13 Many: Prefix. 18 Significant heap of stones. 19 Jots. 23 Gives sparingly, 25 Moslems. 26 Where Accra is. 27\Never! 29 All right!: Fr. 30 ,Representative, 31 Combine into one. 32 Take the helm. 34 Wild plum, 37 Introduces. 38 ' to (end) Phrase. 40 Copper: Prefix. 41 Swings along. 43 Picturesque. 44 Polite command. 47 Colorado resort town. 48 Small cut. 49 Do a road job. 54 Useful Latin abbr. 1 Move rapidly. 53 Anger: Colloq. 54 Eastern prince. 55 Fender problem. 57 Constellation. 10 1112 113 41 42 Sudden thrust. Spring festival monarch. 44 Maker of 1 2 3 14 4 STREAKER'S SPECIAL! * SKI MASKS 20%/ OFF * DUNHAM HIKING BOOTS -for the fleet of foot- NOW $22.98 BACKPACKER'S Ct IED V EV(1nT 6 7 8 9 16 I 18s ; 20 22 - i i i i i i 4 1 . 2 1 29 - 1 i i BOOT JEAN CORDS LEVI TAB SH I RTS . WESTERN SHIRTS ..9.50 ..13.50 33 36 39~ 37 34 - 30 35 3$ 31 '40 iapamentoraat!CalCthy 764-0086. despe -E, ate! Call Cathy, 764-0086. dL324 TONIGHT AND SATURDAY TTNT.lflMVA tTL' 44 S, _ . _ . _ -.. ... -- . __ -_ I 143 I I I 1 1. I .... ,