94i at tyian 43 l Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan PUIG.ANTICH A brand of I_ h 6- 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104 News Phone: 764-0552 By PAUL O'DONNELL BARCELONA, Spain, Marc TUESDAY, MARCH 19, 1974 Happy birthday, Judge Siriea YESTERDAY, FEDERAL JUDGE John Sirica ordered that a grand jury re- port on President Nixon's role in the Watergate affair be delivered to the House Judiciary Committee for use in the impeachment inquiry. "It would be difficult," said the judge in his opinion, "to conceive of a more compelling need than that of this coun- try for an unswervingly fair inquiry based on all the pertinent information." Today, March 19, is Judge Sirica's 70th birthday. The law now requires him to step down as chief judge of the U. S. Dis- trict Court in Washington, and Sirica, forever a man of the law, is stepping down. He will, however, remain on the District Court's judicial panel, and has already assigned himself the remaining Watergate cover-up trials. Sirica, never known for flamboyant quotes, yesterday described his efforts to resolve the issue of the grand jury's re- port: "It's been late night work, early morning hours, things like that." THE CRUCIAL MATTERS of guilt and innocence in the Watergate scandal may never be fully resolved, but one thing is certain: the story that began in' June of 1972 and may not end for many months has gone far to shatter Ameri- cans' sense of confidence or trust in the machinery and the people of their gov- ernment. But it is most reassuring to know that even if men in the Pentagon, men in the White House, men in all the big and small smoke-filled rooms of government- al corruption spend their nights trying to bulldoze the democracy, at least one John Sirica is staying up late and doing his legal damnedest to stop them. We wish him a happy birthday. -DAN BIDDLE Editor's Note: Paul O'Donnell is European Correspondent for The Daily. I have included the letter and postcard he sent with his most re- cent story so that readers can better under- stand the context in which this article was written. Paul is a University student currently studying in Barcelona. Dear Marnie, As I mail this letter, I also send you a postcard in the hopes that at least one of them will arrive. I have reason to believe that my mail is being interfered with (let- ters arriving which have been opened, etc.) I took the precaution to mail this letter f rm Valladolid, where I am visiting an art exposition. I do this especially because the Puig Antich affair is the hottest item going in Barrelona at this moment, the repression and student protest are even stronger than after the Carrero Blanco killing. Many cases of repression have taken place that no one hears about. Student rumors mention tortures, atrocities, etc. None of this 1 can verify however, so I stuck to what I saw and what the newspapers (who usually understate the case) printed. One Barcelona activist told me, "Be care- ful, you're sticking your neck out on this one." Other Barcelona sources would talk. in private but not on the phone. The handout I'm sending you describes the situation from a Spanish leftist point of view. Although the organization which printed the flyer is a trotskyite organization whose methods I don't approve of, their version is closer to the truth than the news- papers. If you want, you can notify me of re- ception through my family. Thanks, Paul ALVADOR PUIG ANTICH, former stu- ' dent at the same University where I study in Barcelona, political activist, was sentenced to death by the Supreme Council of Military Justice and executed in the ear- ly hours of the morning of March 2, 1974. His death took place twelve hours after the government refused to commute the sen- tence. Although the charges against him were "acts of terrorism . ... resulting in the death of a police officer," anyone with even a casual knowledge of the facts can see that this execution had obvious political overtones. Puig Antich was in his middle twenties when he died. What exactly are the facts? Briefly and as accurately as possible considering the limited information available, they are: * that Puig Antich was a member of an extremist organization (the Iberian Libera- tion Movement or MIL) of anarchist ten- dencies, ! that he was involved in the hold-up of a Barcelona bank, the goal of which was to gather funds for his organization. f that he was identified and captured more than six months after the robbery. Of the arrest there seems to be many versions, the most plausible of which being that there was a scuffle between Puig An- tich and the police officers, that the' police officers beat Puig Antich, and that the lat- ter fired one or more shots during the melee. It is reported that more bullets were found in the dead policeman's corpse than were missing from Puig Antich's pistol. Whatever the truth may be, most jurists, professors, and reporters I talked to agreed that there seems to be doubt as to whe- ther or not it was Puig Antich's bullet that killed the policeman. Even after the sentence was declared on January 8, 1974 and confirmed on February 11, most observers expected the govern- ment to commute the death penalty: it would have been the first time in ten years that the death penalty had been used, it would be logical that the less-than-three- month-old government (which replaced the government of assassinated Carrero Blanco) would grant a suspension of capital pun- ishment, if only to curry public favor. The case had drawn international attention; im- portant figures in Sweden, France, the United States, and elsewhere tried to in- fluence the government for humane rea- sons. But the Spanish government decided to "show who's boss;" Puig Antich was strangled to death on the second day of March.. The news exploded like a bomb in Barce- lona. I learned about it an hour or two after it happened through the "student grapevine." Hundreds of telephone calls saying "they killed him" crossed- the city. Reaction was immediate on both sides: the students took to the street and the police responded: with an iron hand, of course. Here is an account of what happened: MONDAY, MARCH 4: The University opened as usual, but with certain dif- ferences: more than 200 Assault guards (riot police) were standing in front of the building; inside the walls were splashed with painted slogans and posters: LET THIS BE THE LAST CRIME OF THE DIC- TATORSHIP, FRANCO, ARIAS ASES- INOS!! Down the street, on Barcelona's main avenue, hundreds of people demon- strated, fire bombs were thrown, arrests were made. Inside the University, a quiet tension reigned; plain-clothes police were ubiquitous, my papers were checked more than once by police. All foreigners were advised to carry their passports at all times. During an afternoon class, one teach- er read a proclamation, supported by num- erous students and faculty members, con- justice was frisked . . . one of the cops hit my girl- friend and told us to disperse. There must have been a demonstration in the area ..." WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6 - The police cleaned out the University, foreign students and all. One American student was in the library when the "clean-up" took place. He reports: "I was in the library, reading, with my back to the door, when I heard a lotta noise. I looked around and saw a group of "grises" (riot police) in the lib- rary, about twenty of them, kicking every- body out by force . . . I took my books and left, talking English the whole time so they'd know that I'm foreign, and they confiscated my student card as I left." The foreign newspapers that the students in my section read didn't appear. and it was obvious that the government was covering things up. I was obliged to resort to trying to hear foreign broadcasts with my AM radio. From what I could understand, Euro- pean opinion condemned the execution. WHEN THE UNIVERSITY closed this morning, I took advantage of the "vaca- tion" to write this article, and send it to the United States. As an American student, I didn't know what it was like to study in a "In reaction to the lack of expression in Spain, I even find myself writing political slogans on the inside walls of public toilets . .. (as) my only way of expressing protest and in- dignation at the Spanish brand of justice." ............ - ~................... --vr:--- " ""- "::w.v :."v:: : ." ."q;."r" .t :"q::vs. t.'r5~": L:r.."":tes sa '<$m k:"': :S°rs ;}:{,'ais :. John Sirica TODAY'S STAFF: News :Jeff Day, Jim Schuster, Bill Ship- ley, Sue Stephenson, Becky Warner Editorial page: Clifford Brown, Brian Col- gan, Marnie Heyn Arts page: Ken Fink Photo technician: Rolfe Tessem Staff artist: Doug Zernow demning the government action. Ile con- cluded the discussion by saying "In Spain, there is no legal or legitimate way to pro- test government actions, . . . all opposition is illegal or clandestine, . . . even the press has little freedom . . . Foreign students can be deported for criticising the govern- ment." TUESDAY, MARCH .5: More demonstra- tions, more police, but the University re- mained open. Special police in large num- bers tore down the posters and slogans on the walls, pulling away at a black mourn- ing ribbons tied around the 19th century pillars of the University. Sandblasters eras- ed the painted slogans; they and the poster- tearing police seemed to attack their work with real hatred for those who had put them up. Even the mostly apolitical foreign students has a taste of Spanish law enforce- ment: One French-Canadian reports: "We were in a cafe at about 9:00 p.m. when we decided to leave. As we 'eft, several plain- clothes cops grabbed us and pushed us out of the cafe. One of the Spanish fellow's bag University that is often closed by the police for "unrest" of one kind or another; last year the University where I study was closed during a majority of the nine month school year. In Spain, Kent State-type inci- dents take place every year, but the press can't publicize them. In reaction to the lack of expression in Spain, I even find my- self writing political slogans on the inside walls of public toilets. That, and my articles to the United States, are my only way of expressing protest and indignation at the Spanish brand of justice. It would be unfair, however, to stop here. One Spanish friend who read my last Daily article said, "It's not enough to criticize the Franquist dictatorship. Franco and his regime are directly supported by the U.S. government, and Franco will never fall while America has military bases on Span- ish soil." He was right. The theme of America calling itself the defender oi demo- cracy while it supports, even provokes, military dictatorships all over the world is an important one. One that will, certainly, be the subject of a future article. s W. 0. FIELD GEN. GEORGE CUSIVER . . - -.MOP-- lettersletters lettersletterslettersleti PICKA ' M. Nl)(ON BONNIE AND CL bE MM MROF 11E AW Wr1 SCE eNhesE ARN 1 w ~kc1i jj IJ A. GM 4 Ot1IO&6 BLClt ~MAG ?PIt C. SDAW RG&4fi . PIOH eI 1OHAIs R FR Impeachment events for you By BARBARA BUSHEY A MARCH ON Marvin Esch's local Ann Arbor office is being planned for this month by the Ann Arbor Committee to -Impeach Nixon. The object of the march will be to show Mr. Esch the amount of support for impeachment among his constituency. Mr. Esch has not yet given his unqualified support for impeachment, so support from the local constituents is neces- sary to convince him to vote for impeachment. Another scheduled event is a massive "walk for impeachment," which. consists of canvassing neighborhoods and supplying materials for let- terwriting. Taking part in this tactic is an ex- tremely effective method of relating your feel- demonstration to be held April 27 to rally for impeachment. In addition to a march, the de- monstration will include a rally and an im- peachment fair followed by several speakers. Activities for the impeachment fair will in- clude guerilla theater, booths, and displays by various impeachment groups from throughout the country. Washngton D.C., Chicago, and an as-yet-undetermined city on the west coast are planned as the sites of the activities. The Ann Arbor Committee to Impeach Nixon will be sending buses to demonstrations in Chicago and Washington. WITH THE ADVENT of the streaking craze, fence sitting To The Daily: ON FEBRUARY 28, the Demo- cratic City Committee held a meet- ing at which they were forced to deal with Rent Control because of the presence of members of the Tenants Union and the Human Rights Party. H.R.P. taped the de- bacle and the results are not sur- prising to those familiar with the Dems' position on Rent Control. The Dems have been stalling on Rent Control since its introduction on council last winter. Dems and Republicans blocked a resolution that would have immediately im- plemented Rent Control and sub- stituted a commission to study i. The commission, rather than re- commending any specific program to control Ann Arnor's rapidly ris- ing rents, instead stated that fur- ther study was needed. Further studies will not creat- more hous- ing units in the inner city; further studies will not ensure maintenance of housing units by 'andiords; nor will Democratic 31)w-wows on the political expediency of Rent Con- trol help people u understand the take a position on everything " Laird Harris, chs'person of the Ann Arbor Demo -ratic Party, ex- plained at the opening of the . meeting the reason or the Party's "stand." He said, "A decision was made last time basically that we would not say yes or no because no matter which way it went it would embarrass several candi- dates." WHY IS RENT Control such an embarrassing issue for the Dems? Could it be that they are feeling pressure not only from the voters, but also from a prominent local landlord/attorney who "loaned" the party $3,000.00 last year. The major questions asked by Democratic Party members of Jonathon Rose (Tenants Union) concerned the opportunity for Ann Arbor landlords to make "a fair profit." Many expressed the opin- ion that a profit of 14 per cent above all expenses (including mort- gage, interest, maintenarce, and capital improvements) would not be sufficient. They expressed fears that despite the numerous tax ad- vantages that landlords currently THERE CAN be no doubt that Rent Control is one of the hottest issues in this election, and the Dems, in their usual efforts to be all things to all people, are now caught in a bind of their own mak- ing. Tom Weider, campaign man- ager of the second ward, summed up the Dems' dilemmai 'There cannot be a single Party position on the thing without greatly alienat- ing some of the people who have already taken stands." It seems that the Dem strategy will be to support Rent Control in the wards with high tenant populations and to slatn it in the others. Whether the voters and the landlords will let the Dems get away with this deceptive mefnod of campaigning will be decided at the polls on April 1. --Diane Lee Kohn February 14 charisma To The Daily: BY WATCHING the television coverage it appears that there is only one Democratic Presidential candidate for 1976, that being Sen- mittee Chairman Robert Strauss, and his growing support in organ- ized labor. He has also tried to project himself as a friend of lib- erals though his rating by the lib- eral Americans for Democratic Ao tion gave him a 55 per cent. I can not easily forget Jackson's candidacy in 1972 when he called Senator McGovern's cutting of the defense budget fat as surrendering to the Communists. We quickly saw that the McCarthy Red Scare was still an effective weapon. Even now he keeps pushing the Red Scare, warning against a detente with Russia. Meanwhile, one man in tne Sen- ate has been fighting nard for the people on important issues, not just =those in the limetig Et. This man stands for what he believes in, and being a true liberal, he has a rating f 100 per cent by the Americans for Democratic Action. The man I speak about is Senator Edward M. Kennedy. While Jack- son was out campaigning around the country, this is what Senator Kennedy did just on March 12th and 13th. On the 12th, Senato: Ken- ON THE 13TH the Senate vot- ed to restore the death penalty, but not before Senator Kennedy led a major fight against it. First, he tried to send the bill back to com- mittee, but was defeated 53 to 35. Then Senator Kennedy tried to at- tach two gun control amendments to the bill, one forbidding the sale of "Saturday night special" hand- guns, the other amendment would require the registration and licens- ing of all pistols,' but both were defeated, 58 to 31, and 68 to 21. But this is just a two day illus- tration of what he has done, not mentioning the things that he has done such as National Health Care. So, if the liberals think that they had a hard time getting Senator George McGovern nominated in 1972, wait until' they see tie bat- tle that they must fight against the conservatives in 1976. And their only hope of winning that battle is Senator Edward Kennedy. -Guy Cavallo, Executive Vice President, College Young Democratic Clubs of America Letters to The Daily should I