I Ht MR-MikJAN, DATLY rage inree ml{ __.._ Avoid Another Shortage! 1974 MICHIGANENSIANS are in short supply Don't wait until April to buy yearbooks . It may be too late! ONLY 500 COPIES LEFT Order Now at Student Publications Building, 420 Maynard or send this order: m .r mm ......m. m mm.... m... m.ir... a..... .m..m. m.. MICHIGANENSIAN 1974 Michiganension. Check here if you would like the book mailed ,_and enclose $1 to cover mailing expense. Name Address zip If you have paid to have the book mailed, please specify Address -zip Enclosed is a check or money order for $8 to cover the cost of one Supreme Court rules on disclosure of documents WASHINGTON VP) - The Su- preme Court yesterday refused to interfere with a lower court order imposing specific burdens on government attorneys at- tempting to deny access to docu- ments sought under the Freedom of Information Act. The Supreme Court declined without comment to hear a gov- ernment challenge to an order imposed by the U. S. Circuit Court for the District of Colum- bia in suits brought against the Civil Service Commission and the Defense Department. Overturning decisions by trial judges, the appellate court said the government must provide the courts and the plaintiffs a de- tailed description and index of secret documents requested un- der the Freedom of Information Act. UNDER present practice, the appellate judges, said, lawyers seeking government files cannot present an effective argument because they know little more than the general content of the documents. The government, on the other hand, can present a convincing argument against disclosure be- cause it has the benefit of full knowledge of the contents, the court said. SOLICITOR GENERAL Robert Bork urged the Supreme Court to reverse the lower court order because it would "deprive the government of the opportunity to determine the most effective manner in which to organize and present its case ..." IN ANOTHER case yesterday, the Supreme Court refused to revive an Oklahoma state regula- tion prohibiting sale of natural gas "at a price so low as to cause physical waste." The justices affirmed a deci- sion by a three-judge federal panel which struck down the reg- ulation by the Oklahoma Corpor- ation Commission as an infringe- ment on interstate commerce. The lower court held that the regulation really was intended "to increase the price which Ok- lahoma producers may receive from interstate pipelines." HARVEY CODY, conservation attorney for the state commis- sion, told the Supreme Court in a brief that the regulation was needed to keep productive wells from being abandoned because of low prices. Ray asks court to put imits on confinement SCARFACE (at 6:30 & 10:15) Howard Hawks' 1932 gangster classic on the career of Al Capone. It stars Paul Muni, George Raft, and Boris Karloff. THE JAZZ SINGER (at 8:30) The talkie that changed an industry and ruined the art of silent films. Al Jolson wants his Mamie. CINEMA GUILD $1 EACH SHOW ARCH. AUD NASHVILLE () -In his first court appearance since 1969, James Earl Ray, convicted as- sassin of Dr. Martin Luther King, arrived in the federal court- house here yesterday morning. Ray, serving 99 years in the King murder, is testifying in United States District Court be- fore Judge L. Clure Morton at a hearing on whether he should be released from solitary confine- ment Ray says his health has de- teriorated in solitary confine- ment and he cannot properly pre- pare for his appeal to withdraw his plea of guilty in the King case. He has asked to be allowed to mingle with the general prison population, to go to the library and church and to be given the same food as other inmates. STATE OFFICIALS say they expect a full hearing on Ray's petition to withdraw his plea of guilty sometime later this sum- mer, probably in Memphis where King was killed on April 4, 1968. Five years ago this month, Ray pleaded guilty to the sniper slay- ing of the Nobel Prize-winning civil rights leader. Two weeks after pleading guilty, Ray began his efforts to change his plea to innocent. Ray has charged that former lawyers forced him to plead guil- ty for their own self-interests. DURING THE PAST five years in prison, Ray has filed numer- ous petitions to state and federal courts complaining his rights are being violated by prison offic- ials and he is being mistreated. Ray says that he feels he is in no danger from other inmates in the prison. However, prison of- ficials say they fear that Ray will be killed if he is allowed in the prison yard with other in- mates. AP Photo JAMES EARL RAY (wearing sun glasses), the convicted assassin of Dr. Martin' Luther King Jr., is taken back to the Tennessee State Prison after a hearing in U.S. District Court on whether he should be released from solitary confinement. NEW THESIS PUBLISHED: Scientist disputes theorythat smoking causes lung ,cancer -4 6 /. f, :J 'r ~ j . , , ; . k .. / ,,, ; fir' VON;' 0 Elvira Madigan Award winning musical score "Theme from Elviro Madigan". Swedish director Bo Widerberg (Joe Hill) sensitively and beautifully portrays this love story of a tight-rope ballerina and an Army deserter. "Excellent"-Film Review. "Stunning- ly beautiful, much like The Immigrants and The Passion of Anna, but in a class by itself".-Film Quarterly. :.t l; j.:. .!) i. i LONDON (Reuter) - More than 20 years since the first de- finitive evidence emerged to in- dict smoking as* a principal cause of lung cancer, a leading British scientist has publicly challenged the whole theory.- Prof. Philip Burch, -a medical physicist from the University of Leeds, has re-examined and re- jected the evidence which he once accepted as proving a con- clusive link. Instead, he argued in an ar- ticle in the latest "New Scien- tist" magazine, the figures and studies show that genetic de- velopment is the main cause of lung cancer. Whatever it Is that impels people to smoke may also induce the deadly disease. HIS ARGUMENT, closely rea- soned and backed by columns of statistics, hinges on two main factors: 0 Despite all the research, "no convincing description of the mechanism whereby smoking is supposed to cause lung cancer has emerged;" and O Close study has convinc- ed him that the smoking-causes- cancer data, statistics showing increased death risks for smok- ers, are ambiguous, inconclusive and incomplete. He also cites various reports suggesting that lung cancer was drastically under-diagnosed in the 19th century and has been' almost as seriously over-diagnos- ed this century. This, he says, accounts for the apparent dra- matic rise .in the incidence of the disease since the turn of the century, coincidental with the universal spread of cigarette smoking. 'One or more of the genes that predispose to c e r t a i n smoking habits are the same as, or associate positively (or negatively) with, genes that predispose to various diseases. We should, perhaps, regard compulsive smoking as a disease.' -physicist Philip Burch BURCH ADMITS he was con- verted by the views of the late Sir Ronald Fisher, "who has been described as the greatest statistician who ever lived" and who vigorously opposed the smoking - and - cancer - link data from the start. He turns to Fisher for they answer to "the undoubted fact that smokers suffer a higher in- cidence ,of lung cancer and var- ious other fatal diseases than non-smokers." "THE ONLY plausible and con- sistent explanation of most of these positive and negative asso- ciations seems to be in terms of Fisher's 'constitutional hypothe- sis.' "One- or more of the genes that predispose to certain smok- ing habits are the same as, or associate positively (or negative- ly with, genes that predispose to, various diseases. "We should, perhaps, regard compulsive smoking as a dis- ease." ATTACKING various aspects of the "smoking kills" argument, although agreeing it does harm people with chest complaints such- as bronchitis., Burch. quoted evidence that smokers who ii- hale may be less likely to get lung cancer than those who don't' inhale. He alsonoted that Finland in 1960 had Europe's second high- est lung cancer rates but below- average cigarette consumption. Studies of the average age of on- set of lung cancer, and of the in- cidence among identical twins only one of whom was a smoker, also supported the genetic cause theory, he said. THE MICHIGAN DAILY Volume LXXXIV, Number 133 Tuesday, March 19, 1974 is edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan. News phone 764-0562. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor; Michigan 48106. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday morning during the University year at 420 May- nard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan .4104. Subscription rates: $10 by carrier (cam- pus Area); $11 local mail (Michigan and Ohio); $12 non-local mail (otherastater and foreign). Summer session publishea Tuesda7 through Saturday morning. Subscrip- tion rates: $5.50 by carrier (cam5us area). $6.50 local mail (Michigan and Ohio); $7.00 non-local mail other states and foreign). TUESDA _MLBAud.3/ Y/WEDN ESDAY Natural Science Aud. 7&9p.m. MI i - HOMEWORK NOT i j'. I I , KEEPING YOU I BUSY ENOUGH? PEACE CORPS-VISTA Recruiters at Career Planning & Placement, 3200 S.A.B. Drop in or call 764-7456 for appoint- ment. March 18-21, 9-5. It's still not too late to come down to the Daily i and help us out. The Business Department NEEDS PEOPLE who want to: A career in law- without law school. Our Officer Selection Officers are looking for a few good college men- -maybe 3 out of 100-who will make good Marine officers. If you're one of them, we'll give you a chance to prove it during summer training at Quan- tico, Virginia., Our program is Platoon Leaders Class, PLC. With ground, air and law options. You might even qualify for up to $2,700 to help you through college. But if money is all you're looking for, don't waste your time. The challenge is leadership. If you want it, work for it. If you've got it, show us. It's one hell of a challenge. But we're looking for one hell of a man. e CP 1.74 S The M arinesPlease send me information on Box 38901 Marine Corps Platoon Leaders Los Angeles, California 90038 Class. 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We will visit your campus on i Name_ _Age Name. Ag