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March 19, 1974 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1974-03-19

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. I ,, .,, I 1 1, I LI - I I 1 11 - 1 1, 11 1 I

to Campaigners
(Continued from Page 1) hind the economic problem.
,tertdinment to. other costs." PRESENTLY, CITY operations
what the West AT ANOTHER point however, are financed with a property tax,:
Mary Richman, the Democratic as opposed to a graduated tax.
'-Judith Crist candidate for the Second Ward "The proposed graduated income
Council seat, took a few pot shots tax would be both fairer to less
0 p.m. at the rent control ballot proposal. wealthy city residents, and would
While maintaining that she sup- also generate more revenues in
ports the idea of a rent control times of i n f I a t i o n," Brunton
system in theory, and that she claimed.
'will probably vote for the pro- "In times of widespread infla-
posal at the polls this April 1," she tion, such as the present, incomes
10;30 p.m. criticized several specific provi- rise faster than property values
. A) sions in the proposal as it is pres- . . . and therefore city revenues
ently constituted. would keep a better pace with the
Terming the present ballot pro- inflationary trends if taxes were
posal a "bureaucratic nightmare,"based on income."
Richman charged that the system Before getting into a discussion
will be difficult to police, and that of her rent control stand McGee
"there's all kinds of ways that addressed herself to other city
landlords can get 'around the rules issues.
in the currently proposed rent con- Claiming that present city bus
trol system." , service is inadequate, she said
"For one thing it encourages in- "City Council can exert indirect
efficient maintenance," she elabo- pressure on the Ann Arbor Trans-
rated. "Since the allowable rent portation Authority," to improve!
levels are, at least in part, based service.
on the amount of maintenance put In a related area, she claimed that
into a building, landlords will over- "work on the bicycle paths sys-
charge for maintenance." tem, which was supported by the
HANNUM WAS the last to speak, voters in the bicycle paths ballot
pE and addressed the child care and issue last year, hasn't been mov-
city planning issues.
Hannum says she thinks day care-
centers are urgently needed, but S
does not favor more city funding i
- for them.
"The child care issue is really
a question of simple survival,"
she said. To insure their survival, a
istic financing alternatives (besides (Continued1
city funding)." pensation increase," which it defin
HRP's Brunton blasted the re- pensation expenditures."
cent lay-off of 168 city employes According to SACUA, the pres
as a means of averting the fiscal the proportion of state appropriatic
. crisis, charging that the move is reduction of real faculty income.
"discriminatory towards lower in- THE LETTER advised that hig
come city employes, while letting alternative if the legislature refuse
the top administrators completely hike. "This recourse is anything b
off the hook."
She cited "the present imprac- The University budget request
tical tax base structure," and Senate Appropriations Committee,
"misuse of city funds by previous the State House of Representatives.
j administrations" as the reasons be- Engineering Prof. Brymer Willi

Iuesday, March I, I919t


tackle (
ing fast enough. . . . That is one
area where the city can exert di-
rect influence through the Plan-
ning Department."
ON THE CITY planning and
crime issues, M c G e e avoided
"We have to decide what to do
with the remaining available space
in the city," she declared. "We
have to decide what kind of mix-'
commercial v e r s u s housing de-
velopment-we want in future con-



On c r i m e, McGee advocates sistance to rape victims. It also
"community - oriented techniques," calls for the formation of an all-
and said that "the solution to the female police rape squad, free
crime problem isn't to add more medical treatment for rape vic-
police." tims, and free self defense classes,
KATHY KOZACHENKO, the HRP among other provisions.
Second Ward candidate, started off "HRP's rape proposal is indica-
the proceedings with a plug for tive of our responsibility Lo our
the proposed HRP anti-rape reso- constituents, by coming up with
lution, which was tabled a week concrete plans for dealing with
by City Council last night. city problems . . . and also re-
The HRP anti-rape proposal is flects our priority of getting control
aimed at both preventing rape and away from Krasny," Kozachenko
offering medical and emotional as- said.

City Council votes to examine
HRP rape motion next week


(Continued from Page 1)
! the creation of an eight mem-
ber policy/advisory board respon-
sible to City Council:
! a six woman rape unit to deal
with rape on a 24 hour basis;
! the rape unit would provide
for public information services and
- .4- -

state fr

from Page 1)
ed as "a percentage of real com-
ent salary base, as determined by
on to total revenue causes further
her student fees might be the only
s the requested ten per cent salary,
ut attractive," the letter advised.
is now under consideration by the
after which it will be reviewed by
ams, chairman of the Proper Role
versity president on state affairs,
adhere to the governor's recom-
cision has not been made yet, and
er." ,
mic Affairs Allan Smith is also
rease beyond six per cent. But he
ata to indicate that even a ten per
of raising student tuition rates,
stomach for an increase in fees

check into free 24 hour public signs.
transportation; With the presence of so many
" urges support of reform for people, the room was hot and oc-
the state rape law, originally pass- casionally noisy, prompting Steph-
ed in 1857. enson to hit the gavel a few times
The cost of the program was es- and call for order once.
timated by HRP at a staggering HRP'S DIANA AUTIN responded
cost of $66,000, although Council- to the unexpected Council action
woman Nancy Wechsler (HRP- by saying, "I'm really elated by
Second Ward) indicated "there are this victory for Ann Arbor women.
some Federal grants available if It shows that even Council* Re-
the city gets off its ass." publicans can't ignore the need to
HRP emphasized in its propos- take serious steps to deal with the
al that the burden of proof was to city's rape epidemic when faced
be removed from the rape victim with strong pressure from com-
and the proposal was designed to munity women to act."
both obtain more convictions for In other business Council voted
rape and lessen the stigma attach- 7-4 to pass on second reading of the
ed to rape by society. new sound truck ordinance to re-
DEBATE ON THE issue of rape place the city's former ordinance
centered primarily on how to which was declared unconstitution-
achieve the goals set forth by the al by Federal District Court Judge
proposal, rather than on debate on Damon Keith earlier this month.
the actual question of rape itself. The new law empowers Council
In his opening remarks Mayor to issue sound truck permits in the
Stephenson said, "I support the event that no other communication
concept and ask for support on media is available.
this resolution," setting the stage - --_ -
for a measure of tri-partisan sup-
port necessary to insure any sort
of legislation on the subject. .k( U i y
Even stalwart party-line Repub-
lican Lloyd Fairbanks, (R-Fifth "
Ward) was moved to comment, X I10
saying, "it has a good thought be- ! _,e
hid it."
THE MOOD OF THE meeting,
was stormy, however, despite the re
rare retreat from strict party vot- re ort,
ing. Many students, gays, women
and HRP members jammed the (Continued from Page 1)
meeting, alongside a sizeable num- cepted as "constructive criticism."
ber of older constituents. The two "Those who have found the
groups did not mix well. meeting less enlightening than my-
Several instances of shouting oc- self have left and we have no
curred, and many older citizens quorum." He noted that, "unless
seemed appalled by demonstra- we find some way to focus our at-
tions .of affection by the many gay tention on the truly important is-
people present in the audience sues, it will take too long to con-
carrying "Lesbians are every- I sider the entire report and no one
where" and "Smash Homophobia" will be satisfied with the result."
S------- After the meeting, Sociology
Prof. Gayl Ness, who seemed con-
cerned with amending recommen-
dations to meet the real spirit of
the document, explained the slow-
ness of the faculty action. "We
want to make a move," he said,
"but we're afraid of it."

Falmouth, Massachusetts
Summer Employment
Representatives will
be on campus
8:30 A.M. to 5 P.M.
Dishwashers-i18 plus
Line Cook-18 plus
Waiters-18 plus
Waitresses-1 8 plus
Bartenders-il8 plus

Committee which advises the Univ
predicted the legislature woulda
mendations. But, he said, "the dec
we're trying to affect it with the-lett
gloomy on the prospects of an inc
said, "We're using cost of living da
cent increase is modest."
With regard to the alternative
Smith stressed, "No one has less;
That's a very serious matter to consi

Register with
Summer Placement Office



" a
Actually, we took the liberty of /
pulling that figure out of the air. We
honestly don't know how many fresh-a
men, sophomores, juniors, and seniors
sent Pocket pictures home last year.
We only know that a lot of people liked H
the idea of dropping a picture into the
mailbox rather than writing a whole, long
letter. Pocket pictures are good for this \
sort of thing because they are just about
postcard size. Just turn them over, address
them, put on 100 stamps and you're
as good as home.
. ~y.

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