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January 13, 1974 - Image 1

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See Today for details

See inside

Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. LXXX IV, No. 86 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, January 13, 1974 Ten Cents

Eight Pages


Hopwood winners
Daily staffer Mary Long, '76, has won the top prize
of $150 in the poetry division of this year's Hopwood
Awards for Underclassmen. Two other literary college
sophomores, Stephen Katz and Randolph Schein each
won $100 for poetry entries. Susan Rosegrant, '76, of the
Residential College, won $150 and first prize in the fic-
tion category. Martin Lee, .'76 LSA, won $100, while
Arte Pierce, an LSA sophomore, and Sarah Cassill, a
freshwoman in the Residential College, each took $50
third prizes. No prizes were awarded in the essay cate-
gory. Thirty-eight freshmen and sophomores competed
in the eighth annual contest.
Dorm note
A mass meeting for all residents of University
housing has been called by the University Housing Coun-
cil. Set for Monday at 4 p.m. in the SGC chambers on
the third floor of the Union, the meeting will focus on the
proposed 8 per cent hike in dorm rates for next year.
Arab unity
In another attempt to promote unity within the
Arab world, Libyan strongman Col. Moammar Khadafy
and Tunisian President Habib Bourguiba have decided
to unite their two countries, If voters in the two coun-
tries approve the plan in a Mar. 20 referendum, a single
nation known as the Arab Islamic Republic will be
created with one government, constitution and presi-
dent. Last year, Khadafy tried unsuccessfully to forge a
similar union with Egypt.
Soviet crackdown
The Soviet government continued its attacks on
Nobel prize-winning author Alexander Solzhenitsyn yes-
terday with two critical reviews on his controversial new
book, The Gulag Archipelago. Printed by the official
news agency Tass, the attacks come from a member
of the West German Communist Party and an Ameri-
can Communist writing in the Daily World. The Daily
World story said Solzhenitsyn's actions as a Russian
officer in World War II would have been punished in any
army, and put him on a level with "anti-semites, count-
er-revolutionaries, spies and other criminals."
.. . are topped today by the third and final cession
of the Native American Powwow which will be held in
the League Ballroom from 1 p.m. to midnight . . . PTP
will perform Twigs at the Power Center at 3 and 8
p.m. . . . a program of All Duets will be offered by the
music school in Rackham Aud. at 4:30 p.m. Kubrick's
Dr. Strangelove will be shown in Ad. A, Angell Hall
at 7 and 9:00 p.m. . . . Oshima's "Diary of a Shinjuku
Burglar" will be shown at 7 and 9:05 p.m. in the Arch,
Heath bolstered
British Prime Minister Edward Heath's hard-nosed
policies got a big boost yesterday when a sample poll re-
ported that 63 per cent of British voters believe the con-
servative administration should stand firm on its pay
and price , restraints. Heath has allowed the British
economy to reach a near-crisis situation rather than
give in to the demands of striking coal-miners. T 1 e
combination of the strike and the Arab oil embargo have
forced Britain to adopt a three-day work week.
Landmark case
Eleanor Donoghy, a 16-year-old Britisher was em-
ployed at a fish processing plant where her job was to
dump prawns, small shrimp-like animals, into boiling
water in order to turn them into scampi. Her workmates
allege, however, that she instead put the prawns on the
hot stove and watched as they "jumped about in agony
until they died." They reported her to the Royal Society
for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. The society
has taken Donoghy to court where she faces possible
conviction on a cruelty to animals charge. Her lawyers
will try to beat the rap by arguing that prawns are in-
sects and hence not covered under the Protection of
Animals Act. As usual, the creatures themselves are

just prawns in the battle.
King Elvis
A recently released book of pop music statistics
seems to support the claim that Elvis Presley is indeed
the king of the rock world. The awards were based on
the number of weeks each artist was on the weekly
chart of best selling singles published by Billboard
Magazine, a leading trade publication. Finishing be-
hind Presley were the Beatles, Pat Boone, Rick Nelson,
Connie Francis, Fats Domino, Ray Charles, the Su-
premes, James Brown and Brenda Lee. In the competi-
tion for the most number one records, however, the
Beatles outscored Elvis, 20-14.
On the inside. . .
Magazine Editor Tony Schwartz writes about
Christmas Day in a topless bar . . . the Sports Page
features a report on yesterday's basketball contest by
Marc Feldman.



seek Nixon testimon

Ervin hints at tape deal
WASHINGTON ( -- Special Watergate prosecutor Leon
Jaworski said yesterday he might need President Nixon's testi-
mony in some of the criminal cases being developed by the
And in yesterday's second major Watergate development,
Sen. Sam Ervin (D-N.C.) said his Senate Watergate Commit- V
tee might bring its investigation "to a speedy end" if the White' <

Daily Photo by ALISON RU I I AN
WEARING THE HEADDRESS of his tribe, one of some 200 Indians who gathered yesterday for the Native
American Powwow joins in a social dance at the Michigan League ballroom yesterday. The powwow con-
tinues this afternoon.

House hands over five tapes of1
John Dean.
IN A MEETING with newsmen,
Jaworski was asked if he could
foresee any need to seek testimony
from the President. After a long
pause, he replied:
"That could be so . . . You're
raising something that could con-
ceivably happen."
Jaworski noted that among the
evidence in his possession are
tapes of presidential conversations
and that it might become necessary
to ask the President to explain
matters on the tapes.
HE DECLINED to elaborate.
Jaworski also made the following
O His staff is studying the legal
and constitutional questions of
whether an incumbent president
can be indicted but he has reached
no conclusion.
* Two days ago he asked the
White Honse for tapes of about 10
more conversations.
* He has received everything he
asked for from the White House ex-
cent for a few items not yet locat-
ed. But, he emphasized "don't let
the conclusion be drawn that these
things have been handed to me on
a silver platter."
* Once he gives material to a
grand jury, he cannot also pass it
on to the impeachment study be-
ing considered by the House Judic-
iary Committee.
O The evidence presented so far
to grand juries"warrants action,"
and be predicted indictments
would be returned by the end of
February and said he hoped trials
would be scheduled as soon as pos-
* He met with former presi-
dential aide John Ehrlichman on
Thursday,but he did not offer him
a chance to plead guilty to a sin-
gle felony charge in return for his
cooperation. "I have not, since I
have been here, made an offer to
anyone," Jaworski said.
FOUR FORMER administration
officials have pleaded guilty to
single felony charges and prom-
ised to cooperate with the prose-
Jaworski said he would have to
determine in each case whether
the evidence indicated a plea to
a single charge would be suffi-
. While he has not offered deals
to potential defendants, Jaworski
acknowledged that it isn't "of any
great significance who takes the
first step."
Jaworski said he has met twice
with John Doar, chief counsel for
the House impeachment inquiry
and that the committee still is in
the process of establishing guide-
ERVIN, interviewed in North
Carolina, indicated willingness to
compromise with the White House
on his committee's subpoena for
hundreds of tapes and documents.
"If we found they (Dean tapes)
hadn't been doctored, there were
no gaps in them, I'd be inclined
to say that we bring the hearings
to a speedy end," Ervin said in ai
interview with WBTV-TV. The in-
terview was taped in the little
community of Troutman, where

presidential conversations with
Ervin appeared at the dedication
of a furniture plant.
Ervin's comments yesterday fol-
lowed by five days his suggestion
that the Senate Watergate com-
mittee might drop its pursuit of
the other s bpoenaed White Horse
materials if it could get the Dean
"IF THE White House is willing
to surrender any tapes, I would
s u g g e s t they surrender these ja
tapes," he said Monday.
"According to the testimony of
John Dean these five tapes
will reveal whether or not John
Dean testified truthfully' before
the committee when he testified
that these conversations indicated
that President Nixon had knowl-
edge of the Watergate coveru),"
Ervin said Monday.
The Watergate committee is due
to go out of existence in late Feb-
ruary, and there have been re-
ports that the White House wold
oppose any attempt to win Senate
approvalefor a continuationt of the
committee. 9
MEANWHILE, a poll t'ken by
the National Observer, a conserva-
tive weekly, showed 21 per cent
of the members of the House would
probably vote "yes" for an im-
peachment resolution. The survey
showed a 37 per cent "no" vote
with 32 per cent still undecided.
Experts see





from 24 tribes

detente with Cuba

gather here for powwow

Custer would not have liked it.
A group of Indians chanting and
pounding rhythmically on drums;
another dozen Indians circling the
drummers, all chanting and sway-
ing to the music while bedecked in
the traditional colorful regalia that
would have warmed the heart of
Chief Pontiac.
And surrounding the dancers
were more Indians, sitting placid-

ly and enjoying the dancing.
NO, CUSTER would have cringed
at the sight of Indians from the
Sioux, Ojibwa, Seneca, Chippewa,
and 20 other tribes all mingling
together in the Michigan League's
But then Custer was put to rest
long ago; and neither he nor any
of the other Indian killers who fol-
lowed him ever destroyed that sub-
tle fiber of national pride - and

Kissinger discusses
troop disengagements
with Arabs, Israelis

pride was evidenced in the eyes
of the aged Indian men and wom-
en who watched their people
Some 200 Indians arrived from
villages, cities and reservations
scattered across North America,
streaming into Ann Arbor to cele-
brate their heritage. It was a pow-
wow, a social get-together spon-
sored by a local group - the Na-
tive American Student Organiza-
THE NATIVE American Pow-
wow is one of many held in North
America. During the summer
months there is at least one pow-
wow every weekend. Families pack
up~ their cars or ride for hours on
a bus to the Upper Peninsula of
Saskatchewan, where some gath-
erings are held.
There the Indians visit with rela-
tives and other families amid a
festival - like atmosphere of danc-
ing and Indian displays. The dis-
plays sell handcrafted blankets,
necklaces, trinkets, and at yes-
terday's powwow, even a. peace
pipe disguised as a hatchet.
Indian who is a forestry major at
the University, particularly enjoys
the powwows. The gatherings give
See INDIANS, Page 2

AP News Analysis
WASHINGTON (R) - The United
States and Cuba appear to be mak-
ing a tentative effort to bridge the
broad ideological gap that has sep-
arated them for the past 13 years.
Although there is little serious
talk as yet of a new era of U. S.-
Cuban friendship, the consensus
among diplomats here is that the
worst days of bilateral enmity are
over. The two neighbors still live
in uneasy intimacy but the rela-
tionship is more bearable now.
Cuban Prime Minister Fidel Cas-
tro appears to be no less wedded
to his Marxist philosophy but there
has been a perceptible lessening in
his hostility toward the United
THE PAST YEAR has been
sprinkled with subtle hints that a
warming trend is under way. Last
Monday, a Cuban diplomat in
Mexico, Fernando Lopez Muino,
produced a flurry of speculation
about an eventual detente by tell-
ing newsmen that Cuba is willing
to establish a dialogue with the
United States if the U. S.-supported
hemispheric embargo of Cuba is
lifted. The condition was not new,
but the tone of the statement
struck some diplomats as unus-
ually conciliatory.
As if to prove the remark was

no slip of the tongue, the Cuban
Foreign Ministry issued a state-
ment Thursday reaffirming what
the newsmen in Mexico were told
Monday night.
A MORE restrained Castro has
emerged over the past year. He is
still among the foremost critics of
the United States but usually his
wrath is directed at the policymak-
ers in Washington, not at the life
style of the American people.
Also missing from Castro's state-
ments are the kind of personal at-
tacks against President Nixon
which once were commonplace.
Apparently in response to Cas-
tro's more civil attitude, the Nix-
on administration appears to have
retrerated somewhat from its ear-
lier positions on Cuba.
LESS than a year ago, official
spokesmen were citing three basic
reasons for supporting Cuba's iso-
lation from the hemispheric com-
munity: 1) Cuba's close -military
ties with the Soviet Union, 2) it's
systematic hostility toward the
United States, and, 3) its policy of
encouraging subversion elsewhere
in Latin America.
At his Thursday news confer-
ence, Secretary of State Henry
Kissinger mentioned only the last
of these reasons in discussing U. S.
objections to Cuban policy.

JERUSALEM (Reuter) - Israeli
and American officials undertook
an all-night session here to shape
ideas on the disengagement of
front - line forces to present to
Secretary of State Henry Kis-
singer flew here today from Egypt,
where he had talks with President
Anwar Sadat. His mission is to set
the scene for agreement at mili-
tary talks in Geneva on separating
the Israeli and Egyptian armies
on the Suez front and clear the
way for substantive peace issues
to be tackled at the Geneva con-
KISSINGER had an hour-long
talk with Israeli Prime Minister
Golda Meir and a long working din-
ner with Israeli foreign minister
Abba Eban and other ministers.
The American party, which in-
cluded Assistant Secretary of
State Joseph Sisco and Ambassa-

KISSINGER told newsmen his
talks with Meir had been "very
good, cordial and constructive."
The remark was very similar to
the way his aides had described
the secretary of state's reaction
to his talks with Sadat.
Eban also said that there would
be a special cabinet meeting to-
morrow to shape an Israeli propos-
al for Kissinger to take back to
Cairo tomorrow night.
Kissinger, like Eban, declined to
go into any details of what was
being discussed except to say there
was a very complicated problem.
"The Israeli government is in the
process of clarifying a proposal on
the nature of disengagement," Kis-
singer said.
He said he had presented the Is-
raelis with the Egyptians' ideas in
the saime way as he had attempted
to present Israeli ideas to the
Egyptians, and there was now a
process of shaping the resulting

Localtraining center proposed

Washtenaw County voters will have a chance to fund a multi-
faceted vocational skills center by approving a new one mill property
tax in a special election later this month.
Two nronosals on the January 22 ballot would, if passed, authorize

land and construct a building to house the vocational programs.
The total cost could be cut by 50 per cent if federal funds can
be acquired, according to Pat Gilbert of the Intermediate School
District. All of the 26 vocational centers now operating across the
sate have received some federal aid, Gilbert says.


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