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March 15, 1974 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1974-03-15

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See Editorial Page

:Y r e


D Ait

See Today for details

Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom

Vol. LXXXIV, No. 130

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, March 15, 1974

Ten Cents

Eight Pages

Frisbee freaks
Frisbee freaks from California, Massachusetts, Toron-
to and the Midwest will descend upon Ann Arbor Satur-
day for the First Annual U of M Open Indoor Frisbee
Tournament. The 25 teams - including Ann Arbor's
own Humbly Magnificent Champions of the Universe -
will compete in the University Intramural Building from
12:30 p.m. until 8 p.m. The public is invited to spectate
for free or participate for a small fee, according to
their inclination. The events include Guts Frisbee (in
which two 3-nian teams attempt to battle over 45 foot
distance by hurling frisbees at speeds up to 70 m.p.h.)
and individual competition in accuracy and distance
Regents: No streak
Housing Director John Feldkamp presented the Re-
gents with a proposed eight per cent dorm rate increase
yesterday, with no sign of the expected protest from the
students on the Housing Unit Committee. The Regents
briefly discussed the proposal, with no apparent opposi-
tion, and it will probably find its way to student bills by
next fall. At one point in the meeting, President Robben
Fleming passed a memo to Wilbur Pierpont, vice presi-
dent and chief financial officer, saying "I see signs of a
streak-in outside." Pierpont tipped off a secruity man,
but the nudity never materialized.
Nixon in Chicago
Today's anti-Nixon protesters in Chicago-including a
sizable number of local people who left early this morn-
ing-will be greeted by an entourage of more than 850
police and Secret Service agents. The President's sched-
uled Chicago appearance is his first outside the South
since his 1972 "mandate." Chicago Mayor Richard
Daley, head of the most powerful Democratic political
machine in the United States, will also be on hand to
welcome the President. Local protest groups reported
that their own brand of "welcoming" would be peace-
ful, according to Chicago police officials.
Meeting flops
Student Government Council hit a new low in group
energy yesterday when the weekly Council meeting
failed to materialize due to lack of quorum. According
to President Carl Sandburg, several members had no-
tified him earlier in the week that they would be out of
town, and their absence, along with the basketball game,
was the reason that only seven people showed up for
the meeting.
$copyk3dn' "s the word
For all those who have access to campus computer
terminals, LSA closed course listings are available in
seconds. After entering a sign-on and password on your
terminal, type the code "$copy k3dn:closed *sink*@sp"
and up to date information on closed literary college
courses and sections will be listed,' according to a rep-
resentative of the LSA Checkpoint phone counseling sys-
tem. The spaces in the code are essential, the spokes-
man says.
The hamburger king
It's a McDonald's takeover-from Maynard Street to
the nation. WABX air waves report that the hamburger
chain has now become the largest food outlet in Ameri-
ca. Moreover, recent surveys of American grammar
school children show that 96 per cent can identify Ron-
ald McDonald. That makes him second only to Santa
Claus, and way ahead of Richard Nixon.
Happenings .. .
are few and far between today, beginning with a
lecture on "The Middle East: Energy, Economic De-
velopment and Politics." Prof. Charles Issawi of Colum-
bia University will present the lecture in Angell Hall's
Aud. B at 4:10 p.m. . . . Ethiopian students will spon-
sor a benefit dinner for the African Famine Relief
Fund at the Guild House, 802 Monroe, at 6:30 p.m... .
a Fourth Ward candidate's night will be held at the
Colonial Square Community Building, 3012 Williams-
burg, at 7:30 p.m. . . . New World will sponsor two
films on Puerto Rico at 8 p.m. in the East Quad Aud.
... at the Law Quad Lounge at 9 p.m., a benefit dance
will be held for .Democratic Second Ward candidate
Mary Richman . . . also on a festive note, the Turkish,
Hellenic and Arab Student Association will sponsor a

Mediterranean party at the International Center at 9
p.m. Admission's a buck.
Shultz resigns
President Nixon announced yesterday that the last
remaining 'member of his original cabinet, Secretary of
the Treasury George Shultz, has resigned. Shultz is ex-
pected to leave the Administration in early May, and
althought no successor has yet been named, the likeliest
candidate appears to be Deputy Secretary William Si-
mon, who is also administrator of the Federal Energy
Office. Shultz said his resignation was prompted by
purely personal reasons. "I am well into my sixth year
and it is demanding work," he said. He denied that
Watergate had anything to do with his resignation.
On the inside .. .
. ..Editorial Page correspondent Paul O'Donnell ex-
amines the role of Soviet author Alexander Solzhen-
itsyn in the western press . . . a slew of Sports Page
writers review the big Notre Dame game . . . and Arts
Page will guide through a weekend of movie-viewing
with Cinema Weekend.

0c ia



end still
By AP and Reuter
Confusion reigned in Washington
yesterday on the status of the
Arab oil boycott, as Vice President
Gerald Ford said he believed the
embargo had been lifted, but Sec-
retary of State Henry Kissinger
maintained he had received no
word on when the embargo would
"It's my understanding that the
oil'mbargo has been lifted," Ford
said in a CBS television interview.
"The official announcement will
come at a later date, a day or two
from now."
BUT WITHIN hours of Ford's re-
marks, Secretary of State Henry
Kissinger made a surprise an-
pearance before reporters to say
the government had received no
notification of an end to the boy-
"We have the same conflicding
reports that you people have," Kis-
singer told reporters.
A spokesman for President Nix-
on also contradicted the impression
given by the Vice President, say-
ing the Government had received
no word that the five-month-ald
boycott was at an end.
FORD'S REMARKS were t h e
first by an administration official
on reports that the Arabs had
agreed at a meeting in Tripoli on
Wednesday to lift the embargo,
which cut off oil supplies to the
United States at the time of last
October's Middle East war.
Kissinger's hasty denial t h a t
any such word had been received
appeared designed to avoid upset-
ting the Arabs at a time when
it seems they are prepared to lift
the boycott.
Kissinger said reports from
American diplomats in the Middle
East reflected conflicting p r e s s
reports of what the Arabs had de-
cided at their Tripoli conference.
Some news reports have said the
Arabs, in view of Libya's oppasi-
tion to a lifting of the boycott, pas:-
poned announcing the end of the
embargo to spare Libya the em-
barrassment of having the a n-
nouncement made in Tripoli.
MEANWHILE, the Libyan radio
said yesterday that Syria charged
at the oil meeting here that Arab
nations supporting the lifting of the
oil embargo against the United
States were treacherous.
But there was no immediate sign
the Syrian stand would interfere
with the reported decision by Arab
oil ministers Wednesday night to
lift the ban.

Campy powers
Orr-mn attack
Special To The Daily
TUSCALOOSA-Notre Dame basketball coach Digger
Phelps once mockingly said that Johnny Orr's idea of defense

was to beat you 91-89.
Well, Digger found out about
the Michigan style of defense
here last night as Orr's Wol-
verines knocked the big, bad
Irish right out of the NCAA
tournament by the score of
77-68, and did it by com-
pletely shackling four-fifths,
of Phelps vaunted scoring
Wayman Britt playing the biggest
clutch game of their careers,
Michigan out defensed, out quicked
and out leaped the numberth-
rated and heavily favored Irish,
to continue their roll as the Cin-
derella team of the NCAA Mid-East
The Wolverines could not really
hope "to stop 'Notre Dame's big
6'9" center John Shumate, but
their game plan was to shut off
the rest of the Irish, and they did
so with beautiful precision. No
other Irishman scored over 11
points, and afterwards Phelps had
to admit that Michigan had come
up with a super defensive effort.
"This was one'6f the best jobs
done all year against us on de-
fense," said Phelps. "We jist can't
rely on Shumate to win the games
for us. When the defense sags,
someone must score from outside,
and we couldn't do it."
BUT THE Wolverines also had
some s t r o n g offensive perfor-
mances provided by Russell and
Britt. Campy was just as superb
as the occasion called for, firing in.
36 points and grabbing 18 rebounds
to lead everybody in both cate-.
gories, including an incredible 24
points in the second half.
Britt added 18 points, and con-
tributed a fantastic defensive effort
on mammoth Notre Dame forward
Adrian Dantley, holding the much
ballyhooed freshman to two points.
In the game's first ten minutes
it seemed that the Wolverines were
going to blow the Irish right off
the floor. Both teams were nervous-
and missed a lot of shots ink the
early going, but Michigan was
playing strong defense and Britt
was sizzling.
THE BLUE stunned the crowd

by blasting out to a 22-6 lead after
11 minutes, with Britt hitting 12
of the first 18 Michigan points,
both gunning from the outside and
feasting off the fast break.
With 6:40 left in the first half,
Kupec, who had been successfully
fronting Shumate, drew his third
foul. A few seconds later Russell
upped the Michigan lead to 28-8,
but with Kupec exiting for Chuck
R o g e r s, the Wolverines' whole
game was suddenly off.
Notre Dame went to Shumate on
the inside and promptly outscored
Michigan 17-2 to get back into the
game. By the half it was a close
contest again, with Michigan on
the long end of a 34-29 count.
See CAGERS, Page 7
enters 'not
guilty' plea
WASHINGTON OP)-Three of the
convicted Watergate burglars were
reunited in a federal courtroom
yesterday as they pleaded innocent
to a conspiracy charge in the
Ellsberg break-in case.
Gordon Liddy, Eugenio Martinez
and Bernard Barker shook hands
and clapped each other on the back
as they met.
LIDDY ALSO embraced a fourth
Ellsberg c a s e defendant, Felipe
DeDiego, who like Barker and
Martinez is a m e m b e r of the
Cuban - American community in
Miami. DeDiego also pleaded in-
The four are charged, along
with former White House assist-
ants John Ehrlichman and Charles
Colson, with conspiracy to violate
the rights of Dr. Lewis Fielding,
the Beverly Hills psychiatrist who
had been treating Pentagon Papers
figure Daniel Ellsberg.

AP Photo
STEVE GROTE (30) leaps for joy and brilliant star Campy Russell is surrounded by his jubilant team-
mates during the pandemonium following Michigan's stunning 77-68 conquest of third-ranked Notre Dame
in Tuscaloosa, Ala., last night. The latest chapter to the Cinderella story of the Wolverines was high-
lighted by a 36-point effort from Russell.
Council1 hopefuls state
views on child cares

Several Democratic and Human
Rights Party (HRP) City Council
candidates met last night in Audi-
torium D of Angell Hall, and ex-
changed views on "continued city
funding of low-income child care
The sparsely attended "Carldi-
dates Night" on child care was
sponsored by the University's Pro-
ject Community Child Care and
Development Program.
DEMOCRATS present at the
forum represented all five wards,
while the HRP candidates cane

Lawyers discuss the
rights of defendants

The first of five seminars on
"The Rights of the Accused" was
held last night in Hutchins Hall at
the Law School.
The series of seminars is design-
ed to give law students case back-
ground and guidelines to help them
effectively defend their clients ac-
cused of criminal offenses, accord-
ing to seminar organizers.
"This is a 'how to' seminar-
how one practices criminal law,"
explained Neal Bush, the evening's
first speaker. Bush is an Attica
trial attorney and co-counsel for
the Detroit Panther 15.
BUSH SPOKE on the first phase
of the lawyer-client relationship, at
the time immediately following
"What will happen when, in the
middle of the night, you get a
phone call from a client or their
family?" asked Bush. "There are
very limited things you can do in
the middle of the night."
Bush continued with a step-by-
step description of police arrest
and booking procedures and listed

JOHN BARKAI, associate pro-
fessor of law at Wayne State Uni-
versity, devoted the second half of
the seminar to the legal pitfalls
of the preliminary examination,
which must be held 12 days after
Not all court cases are Owen
Marshalled into neat legal pack-
ages, with the client retaining the
trusted family lawyer in his de-
fense, Barkai said. "The judge will
ask if the client has retained a
legal counsel," he explained. "If
not, he will appoint one."
If a lawyer decides to accept a
case on appointment, explained
Barkai, there are necessary ques-
tions, probings and pre-trial deci-
sions that must be made in the
client's best interest.
Barkai cited several cases that
every enterprising lawyer should
know to remain firmly seated in
control at the defense counsel's
THE SEMINAR series will con-
tina thiso TuiPrl ox . Srvha 10 x,1wh

from all but the Third Ward. The
candidates from the two parties
spent much of the time voicing
their dislike of Republican policies,
and asserting their liberal and
radical views on the child care
NosGOP candidates were present
at the conference, however, even
though all political parties we. -e
Project Community coordinator
Skip Taube opened the meeting
with a plea for a progressive City
Council in the future, and empha-
sized the need for continued fund-
ing for child care.
IN THE FIRST ward race, ap-
parently little difference exists be-
tween HRP candidate Beth Brun-
ton's and Democratic candidate
Colleen McGee's views on the :mild
care issue.
Bruntonrcalled the funding for
human services "one of the most
important issues in the campaign."
She blamed the city's deficit of
$1.4 million on "unfair" property
taxes, and claimed rent con:rol-
the aim of an HRP ballot proposal
-would help alleviate that situa-
McGee said she favored "cut-
ting the police budget if it would
mean more money for child care."
IN THE Second Ward race,
Democratic candidate Mary Rich-
man maintained that the city
should "keep funding for child
care at least at their present lev-
She stressed that the state con-
stitution prohibited a graduated in-
come tax and that this law should
be changed. Until then "funds for
day care can come out of the flat
income tax."
Kathy Kozachenko, the HRP
Second Ward candidate, also ad-
vocated cutting the police budget
to aid human service funding.
Dan Burke, the Democratic
hopeful in the Third Ward race,
did not attend the forum. However
another Democrat stood in for
Burke, and said Burke feels day
care centers should be "paid for
by the n-rP.Gwn mak me of

Ill battles .ainst th
offttmiimm asan.eecr.
shortaaes: a
Check ups, nd
c a rporols for stu-
and CLAUDIA LEWIN o save
In ga
energy crisis, students and Uni
versity officials are working to
offset minimum gas and electric-
powerwith maximum brain power.
One student group is seeking to
improve campus power use by -
checking up on temperatures and
lighting in University buildings, and .,. KN~, ~\
the Housing Office is. mastermind-A \ v\~"k.~~
ing a network of carpools for stu- '.\ '\
dents, faculty, and staff to save ~ \
THE STUDENT Environmen)tal 3 C\\
Action Group (SEAG) last night'N
collected the results of a central ,* ' \ \~
campus heating and lighting studyN'
to assess the effectiveness 'of Uni-
versity energy conservation efforts. ~~
Group organizer Gregg Swindel-
hurst said a quick look at data
collected by 10 students- armied ,\siN
with thermometers from the t~hem-
istry department-showed that the 'N..

Jamie Kenworthy, the Demo-
cratic Fourth Ward candidate,
said, "I have a clear commit-
ment to daycare centers." How-
ever he said he opposes city fund-
ing for them.
JESSE HALL, HRP hopeful in
the Fifth Ward, upheld the HRP
platform in supporting funding for
human services and police depart-
ment cutbacks.

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