. aturday, December 12, 1974
THE ICHIAN AILYSatrday Decmbe 12,197
Kissinger in Egypt,
negotiations to begin
(Continued from Page 1) beg for sympathy and charity,"
ing Israeli leaders "depends on his Heykal said.,
uccess or failure in Israel." He said Egypt was fully alerted
and would never allow Israeli
HE INDICATED that it would i plans to materialize.
be on Monday or possibly Sunday,! IN CAIRO, a UN spokesperson
though a U.S. spokesperson saidrINtCai cabe spckesersn
Kissinger was expected here on reported a noticeable tncrease n
Monday.the ceasef ire violations in Janu-
Monday. ary between Egyptian and Israeli
Fahmy said he will leave for forcestranged along the Suez Ca-
Moscow on Wednesday or Thurs- nal front. The count was 34 inci-
day whatever the outcome of Kis- dents including nine exchanges of
singer's talks here and in Israel. fire and 25 firing incidents.
Fahmy was originally due to leave The spokesperson reported that
for Moscow Saturday but postponed in the area west of Fayed, near
his departure. Ismailia in the central sector of,
Gill era: Unfulfilled promises
The minister said he understood1
the U.S. had also been in touch
with the Kremlin since Dayan's
Washington visit.,
KISSINGER, THE architect of#
the six-point -agreement on imple-.
menting the October ceasefire,
was last in Egypt just under a'
month ago and had two long pri-
vate meetings with the president
at his countryside residence out-
side Cairo.
Sadat, who had an attack ofj
bronchitis shortly after Kissinger's.
December visit, had been in Aswan
most of the time since then. Egyp-
tian officials said the president.
hopes to return to Cairo shortly,
although Kissinger's second round
of talks is expected to take place
in Aswan.
Aswan is a symbol of Soviet as-
sistance to Egypt. It is the site of
the high dam in the construction
of which the then American Sec-
retary of State John Dulles refused
to participate in 1956.
AS OFFICIALS from the two
sides waited for Kissinger to ar-
rive, Eilts met informally with
Fahmy and other members )f the
Egyptian government ona hotel ter-
race overooking the Nile cataract.
The group included Hafez Is-
mail, Sadat's adviser for national
security affairs.
Later, Chief of Staff Maj.-Gen.
Mohammed Abdel Ghany El-Gam-
asy joined Fahmy 3at the ontel,
though Eilts was no longer there.
MOHAMMED Hassanein Heykal,
editor of Al Ahram, and a clase
friend and confidant of Sadat, said
yesterday that Israel was trying to
divide the Arabs and weaken
Egypt's position through the Ge-
neva Peace Conference.
He wrote that Israel might feel
that the Geneva conference was a
good start towards the break up
of the Arab front. Egypt was en-
gaged in the conference on the po-
litical and military levels. Jordan
was there but only on the p'litical
level while Syria was absent al-
together, he said.
"The Arab world does not know
exactly where it stands, and the
oil has shifted from the war front
to the auction hall," he added.
ISRAEL ALSO wanted to sow
suspicions between the Arabs and
the Soviet Union. "The Arabs
would seem to have stepped for-
ward towards an American solu-
tion after going to war with Soviet
weapons," Heykal said.
Israel's strategy had not been
changed although it now had anew
formula. The object remained the
same: "The isolation of Egypt
completely and turning her upon
herself to lick her wounds and to
the canal front, there had been
three exchanges of fire lasting for
a considerable time.
He said that the United Nations'
T r u c e Supervision Organization
(UNTSO) reported two cases of
the Israelis using anti-tank mis-
siles southwest of Fayed. Otheri
weapons used in the incidents in-
cluded machine guns, tanks and
about 10 Egyptian soldiers who,
had moved to an advanced psi-'
tion in the Suez area in January
were still there. The Egyptian
authorities agreed to withdraw to'
the previous positions "but the cy-'
cal Egyptian forces had not witn-
drawn yet," he said.
The spokesperson reported a E
heavy artillery exchange in the Egyptian
area south of Adabyia near Suez Abdel Gb
Thursday. In the afternoon another (secondf
45-minute exchange took place near
Three Egyptian trucks parked in
the compound of the UN Finnish Rec
battalion were set on fire as a'
result. The trucks were used in D .
carrying non-military supplies to Daii
the Suez City and the Third Army.I
(Continued from Page 1)
H Guienze said Gill is "as close to
being totally rehabilitated as any
r prisoner I've ever seen." Parole
officer John Stacy termed him "a
brilliant human being, an ambi-
tious and persuasive leader.
Lee Gill's version? "I ran that
place (Milan) in eight months. I
had more to do with what went on
down in the jail than the goddamn
warden did."
Gill was paroled under the aegis
of the prison's study-release pro-
gram, an operation he helped de-
sign. The program involves classes
for prisoners at the University,
and is didn't take long for Gill to
move from parolee to enrollee-as
atconcentrator in Public Policy
THE CAMPUS political arena
saw Gill rise quickly from South
Quad Minority Council president,
to SGC Vice President for Minor-
ity Affairs, and finally to the po-
sition he vacated Thursday night.
Meanwhile, there was a notice-
able improvement in Gill's per-
sonal effects. He became involved
in a concert promoting operatior
which has staged a string of sell-
out shows. Gill and Smith, Inc.
has so far netted nearly half a mil
lion dollars in net profits, accord
ing to Gill. Also, he claims to be
AP Photo receiving upwards of $1000 for each
of his numerous speaking engage
ments on other campuses.
ohammed Hence the self-styled "modest
il Fahmy sort of guy" usually showed up
). [ for SGC meetings clothed in a
dashing array of f'shionable shirts
and high-heeled shoes.
FOR A TIME, it appeared that
the new SGC president would re-.
vive the Council through sheer
personal force. The black, green
and red colors of black liberation
began appearing on SGC letter-
heads; sober working sessions re-
placed the zoo-gone-wild atmos-
phere prevalent in SGC meetings
under previous administrations.
The eloquent Mr. Gill lingered
in the spotlight for several months
after his election made headlines
from Chicago to Detroit. He initi-
ated the tuition strike with an im-
passioned speech to some 600 en-
tering freshmen in early Septem-
rber. Gill challenged the new stu-
dents to "rise up together against
the University's tyranny.
The plea produced a roaring ova-
tion from the audience and tongue-
tied amazement from Allan Smith,
the University's vice president for
academic affairs, who shared the
podium with Gill on that remark-
able night.
* But the tuition strike soon lost
whatever impetus Gill had pro-
2vided. By late October a discour-
aged Gill sat in his office next
- to a pile of unused strike leaflets
- and said, "I did what I could,. .
we, the Council, did what we could,
but the students just wouldn't pick
- up the ball."
THE FALL semester was punc-
t tuated by attacks from Gill's op-
ponents. The charges of illegality
a and fraud went unproved, but the
constant banter of "he's a crim-
inal" must have taken its toll.
The list of allegations included
embezzlement of Council funds,
theft of an SGC desk, assault and
battery, and failure to properly
enroll as a student.
The blockbuster was the em-
bezzlement charge: an anonymous
leaflet chock full of libelous over-
tones declared that Gill tried to
pocket some $8500 by making a
questionable SGC financial trans-
action. A Daily investigation pro-
duced no evidence of wrongdoing,
but the incident raised enough
questions and drew enough public-
ity to sabotage Gill's waning in-
GILL, THE winner-against-all-
odds, was cast in the uncomfort-
able role of the loser who cheated
and got caught. No one could prove
that he cheated, but the campus
saw in SGC a weak double image:
a number of Council members in-
cessantly voicing their distrust of
Gill, and a president who said lit-
tle and made fewer and fewer pub-
lic appearances.
But from his election to his
resignation, Gill ran Council meet-
ings with a calm, impartial effec-
tiveness that moved both support-
ers and opponents to reflect at his
departure: "He kept SGC from
flying apart."
In the jurisdictional chaos that
has already engulfed SGC since
Thursday, the Council may soon
regret the exit of the remark-
able Mr. Gill.
Sadat reviews the situation
President Anwar Sadat (center) reviews a military map at Aswan with Lt. Gen. M
hani Gamaswy, Egyptian chief of staff (far left), Egyptian Foreign Minister Isma
from right) and Hafez Ismail, Eadat's adviser for national security affairs (far right
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