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March 14, 1974 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1974-03-14

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s4e fitirwn Paita
Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104

News Ohone: 764-0552


Death doesn't solve crime

EVER SINCE the Supreme Court abol-
ished capital punishment in a wishy-
washy 1972 decision, vocal factions of
Americans have been fighting to restore
it, and yesterday the Senate voted on a
bill that would, do just that.
There was one paramount problem
with the 5-4 decision ruling that capital
punishment was unconstitutional be-
cause it was unequally enforced - the
ruling didn't go far enough. It should
have outlawed capital punishment abso-
lutely and with finality.
But the ruling, vague and subject to
a multitude of interpretations, left an
opening for Congress to delineate spe-
cific crimes for which the penalty would
be death, thus "equalizing" the enforce-
ment of capital punishment.
The Senate has constructed such a
bill, and passed it, in spite of emo-
tional floor opposition led by Sen. Harold
Hughes, the Iowa Democrat who plans to
trade his Senate seat for religion.
"It may satisfy our anger to take a
life for a life," said Hughes. "But what
does it solve?"
WHAT DOES it solve, indeed? Propon-
ents of the Senate bill point to the
rising crime rate in urban America and
assert that capital punishment would
serve as a deterrent.
This seems a bit shallow-it never has
deterred crime in the past. But there are
far stronger reasons for not killing fellow
human beings than that it doesn't work
as a deterrent.
To quote Hughes again, "the ques-
tion of the death penalty ... is the most
profound of all moral judgments for the
A moral, ethical and civilized nation
simply should not execute other people
out of vengeance for crimes which can-
not be, uncommitted-or for any other
The Senate bill would inflict the death
penalty for treasbn, espionage, murder
and homicide committed in the course of
sabotage, skyjacking, kidnaping, arson
and escape from custody.
News: Prakash Aswani, Cindy Hill, An-
drea Lilly, Judy Ruskin, Becky Warner
Editorial Page: Brian Colgan, Ted Hart-
zell, Marnie Heyn, Tammy Jacobs
Arts Page: Ken Fink
Photo Technician: Thomas Gottlieb

A SIDE FROM the chilling possibilities of
how some courts would define
"treason" and "espionage" (is that like
violating national security?), the crimes
do not merit death-nothing does, really,
in a civilized world.
What such crimes do call for it reha-
bilitation and, more important, preven-
"A society that refuses to protect the
innocent invites repetition of the das-
tardly deed," said Sen. John McClellan,
D-Ark., sponsor of the Senate bill.
Is a society not better protected by
prevention of a crime than by avoiding
its repetition by killing the criminal?
THE FIGHT to reinstate capital punish-
ment is simply dodging the major
issues of penal reform and crime preven-
tion in this country.
Instead of voting to murder fellow
Americans after they have blown up a
plane, the Senate should be discussing
how to prevent the plane from being
blown up in the first place.
Foot vote
(N FRIDAY, President Nixon will make
his first appearance outside the
South since his reelection in 1972. Mid-
western citizens should take this oppor-
tunity to air their views on the many
startling and ugly revelations about his
administration that have occurred since
his "mandate."
The Ann Arbor Committee to Impeach
the President is coordinating rides, rid-
ers, and bus transit to the Windy City
for local residents who wish to confront
our President.
Anyone able to drive to Chicago for the
noon demonstration should call the pom-
mittee at 665-6200. Riders should call the
same number. However, at this time
very few rides are available, so busses
are also being chartered.
Those interested in taking the bus
should call Barry Bennett or Bob Rei-
chel, 764-5948, Theo Scott, 764-6927, or
Despie Fausch, 764-5950 by Thursday at
10 am. Any of these numbers are also
good for general information.
TT WOULD BE VERY appropriate for
thosewho are concerned with de-
mocracy as a process to throng the
streets in support of impeachment while
Richard Nixon addresses a group of solid
citizens at a very expensive luncheon.

MARTIAL LAW went into effect in the
Philippines in September, 1972. Since+
then the givernment of President Ferdin-
and Marcos has become increasingly re-
An estimated 10,000 political prisoners are
now in jails throughout the country. Journ-
alists, Liberal party members (the opposi-
tion party to Marcos) and anyone suspected
of being "dangerous" have been rounded up
and incarcerated with no forseeable end
in sight to this practice.
The Philippines used to boast the freedom
of their press, which rated as one of the
world's best with hundreds of various news-
papers flooding the islands daily. Since the
implementation of martial law many news-
papers have been eliminated, and the rest
placed under strict censorship. News stor-
ies leaving the country must first be clear-
ed with the government in order to insure
their "accuracy".
Marcos suspended the congress in Jan-
uary, 1973, claiming that it had been in-
effective in dealing with the country's prob-
lems. He has pressured the Supreme
Court into "cooperating" by threatening to
pack it with people friendly to his regime.
The traditional authority of the lower courts
has also been severely limited, with mili-
tary tribunals taking over much of the
routine judicial process.
THE PRESIDENT of these 7,100 odd is-
lands since 1965, Marcos was consritutional-
ly barred from serving another terns prior
to martial law. He cited a "nation-wide
communist conspiracy" as his primary rea-
son for declaring martial law, claiming
that a recent rash of widespread urban vio-
lence and the alleged attempted assassina-

and order situation, which he himself is
creating, would give him 'the excuse to
declare martial law." Shortly thereafter,
members of the group were rounded up in
pre-dawn raids.
Professor Norman Owen, lecturer in his-
tory at the University shares this view.
"Marcos won't leave office voluntarily .. .
He's using martial law as a device to
remain in power."
IN AN EFFORT to placate those who
charged his regime was unconstitutional,
Marcos submitted his new constitution,
which he drafted, to the people for ratifica-
tion on Jan. 15, 1973. Among other things,
it stated that Marcos could serve beyond
1973, when, according to the 'old" Philip-
pine constitution, his term was to have
The voting on the new constitution was
conducted through hastily assembled "citi-
zen assemblies," administered by the Philip-
pine constabulary rather than the legally-
empowered Commission on Elections
(COMELEC). According to Owen "offi-
cers lined the walls with loaded machine-
guns during the voting." Marcos said the
people had ratified the new constitution
Responding to charges that the assemblies
were illegal, Marcos ordered alehiscites to
be held throughout the country last July.
The people voted on this question: "Accord-
ing to the new constitution, President Mar-
cos, if he so desires, can continue in of-
fice beyond 1973. . Are you in favor of
President Marcos continuing beyond
These plebiscites were conducted this
time by the COMELEC, now controlled by




SOLDIERS FROM THE PHILIPPINES armed forces fire on a village during the
government drive against insurgent Moslems.

"Realizing that this move (martial law) to assuage American
business was upcoming, the American Embassy there re-
portedly sent a cable of congratulations to Marcos when he
declared martial law."
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mind as Mussolini saying in the 1970's that
he made the trains run on time."
The virtually American-controlled Phil-
ippine economy has slumped badiy in the
past few years due in part to bad rice
crops. Rice is the main staple of the aver-
age consumer there. A year ago it seem-
ed that the islands were headed towards a
serious recession, and many observers
doubted that Marcos would survive.
Inflation was completely out of hand as
prices skyrocketed. The first good rice
harvest in four years helped to avert a
recession, but prices have continued to
ONE SEGMENT of the population, how-
ever, is enjoying booming business - the
Americans who have invested in the is-
lands. It has been estimated that for every
American dollar invested in the islands
there is at least a four-dollar return:
Martial law has benefited American busi-
ness by stabilizing the economic situation
and by giving Marcos the ooortunity to,
in effect, declare two previous Supreme
Court . decisions designed at loosening the
American stranglehold on the economy in-
operative. Realizing that this move to
assauge American business was upcom-
ing, the American Embassy there report-
edly sent a cable of congratulations to Mar-
cos when he declared martial law.
At present, the most critical problem in
the islands exists in the south, where what
has been described as a "full scale civil
war" has erupted between Moslem inhabi-
tants of the southern Sulu island chain and
the government. The Moslems have rebelled
'ginst the Manilla government charging
that it allows discrimination against them.
Ever since the Spanish conquest of the
islands in the 16th century, Sulus' Mos-
lems have resisted control by the central
SEVERAL WEEKS ago the situation ex-
ploded when Moslem forces made a three-
pronged attack on the city of Jolo, capital
of Jolo island. They struck at the bus sta-
tin north of the business area, the air-

port, and the main army outpost, Camp
By dawn the Moslems had claimed pos-
session of the city, with its predominantly
Islamic population of over 20,000. Up to
this time, most reports agree, there were
no civilian casualties.
Government forces replied by bombard-
ing Jolo with naval artillery and heavy
aerial strafing.
Under fierce government attack the re-
bels held the city for three days. On the
third day they pulled back, and the army
retook Jolo. Government reprisals I e t
thousands dead, wounded, and homeless.
"The government soldiers have burned
our homes", wept an old woman from Jolo.
"The whole city is on fire." Many refugees
fled to the nearby uninhabited island of Mar-
ungas, where boats took them to Zamboan-
ga, sometimes carrying as many as 3,000
at a time. Fortunately, government patrol
vessels didn't make good on their threat to
blow the refugees out of the water.
THE REFUGEE'S stories are varied &nd
tragic. One young man told of govern-
ment firing squads roaming the streets,
executing "suspects." "Any male with long
hair is shot," he said. "Even one of my
friends, Sakkam, a policeman, was execut-
ed." His story is more plausible than it
might appear at first, as the mayor of
Jolo, Aminkadra Abubaker and a large
percentage of his police force have gone
over to fight with the rebels.
It is said that any remaining .-ivilians who
venture outside of their homes are fired
upon by occupying troops. A middle-aged
Jolo executive, warned that "now it's kill
or be killed."
"Men are coming in from the countryside
to battle the army. Perhaps it is Allah's
w'll that the city will be destroyed."
Whether or not it is Allah's will that the
Philippine people regain their independ-
ence is a question unanswered. Disenchant-
ment with the Marcos government is grow-
ing. The government has U.S. supplied arms
on their side - but the Filipinos have a
longing for freedom on theirs.

tion of Defense Minister Juan Ponce Enrile
were results of communist terrorism.
Few attribute the violence which rocked
the islands to communists and even fewer
believe there was any bonafide attempt
on Enrile's life. This didn't deter Marcos
from singling out the New People's Army,
a Maoist group organized in 1969, for specif-
ic blame. He said that they "posed) a
serious threat to the security and well-
*being of the nation."
Alternate explanations are divaded along
two main lines. Some suspect the explosions
and kidnappings were extortion attempts
against banks and businesses which hadn't
paid off. Others place responsibility f o r
"communist terrorist tactics" and the En-
rile "attack" on Marcos himself.
Ten days before martial law went into
effect, a statement by the Movement for a
Democratic Philippines said Marcos'
"grandiose plans to stay further in office
as the continued deterioration of the peace

newly-appointed Marcos subordinates. Mar-
cos claimed that through the plebiscites,
the people demonstrated their absolute sup-
port of him and his policies.
TO BE SURE, not everyone s u p p o r t s
Marcos. An organization called the Filipino
Freedom Fighters (FFF) challenged Mar-
cos' right to serve beyond December 30,
1973. In an open letter dated Sept. 8 they
warned that if necessary they would "take
up arms to restore democracy." A nation-
wide anti-martiallaw group says tha: its
members are growing rapidly. The Kati-
.punan ngmga Democratikong Pilipino (Un-
ion of Democratic Filipinos) urges an end
to the present state of martial law and the
restoration of democracy.
Meanwhile, the government contends that
martial law has been good for the country.
Marcus argues that it has reduced crime
and contributed to the improtement of
general services such as road repair,
prompting Owen to remark, "It strikes my

Letters: International

Women's Day

In the Year of Our Ford
HERE FOLLOWETH the cataclysm of the annointed and inaugurated President, handed down
from Mount Clemente to the prophet Ziegler who released the gospel to the masses o
f communication in the year of Ford, 1974.
. THOU SHALT have no other gods before and I for I.

To The Daily:
MARCH 8 IS International Wo-
men's Day. This holiday cornem-
morates the struggles of women
against their oppression. It was
established as a proletarian holiday
in 1911 by the Second International
in honor of a 1908 strike of New
York City women garment work-
ers against kad working condi-
tions, child labor, and for the right
to vote.
International Women's Day has
always been important to the
workers movement. Notably, the
1917 International Women's Day
rally in Petrograd touched off the
February Revolution, the start of

the upheaval which resulted in the
Jctober victory of the proleteriat
and the establishment of Soviet
power in Russia under the leader-
3hip of the Bolshevik party. It
is the Bolshevik Marxist tradition
that the Spartacist Leagune, a re-
volutionary Trotskyist organization,
seeks the solution to the oppres-
sion of women.
Like the Bolsheviks we believe
that the oppression of women is a
necessary part of the capitalist
system. The special oppression of
women through the institutioa of
the family and the super-exploita-
tion of women wo'kers are not ac-
cidental features of capitalism

that can. be simply eliminated
through reforms.
THE FAMILY isa basic unit
of capitalism and its continued
existence (and with it the contii-
ued existence of women's ornres-
sion) is essential to the mainten-
ance of power and profitmfaorthe
ruling class.
To celebrate International Wo-
men's Day, the Sparticist League
is presenting a forum which will
discuss the questions which face
those who are seriously interested
in the liberation of women. The
title of the forum is "Which Road
for Women's Liberation: Feminisin
or Class Struggle?"

The speaker, M. Sal 'erg, was
a long-time feminist and was ac-
tive in several women s organic a-
tions, including Red Stockings
(New York), Oakland Women's
Liberation and East Oakland Wo-
men (California.) Her talk w i11
trace the history ofsthe E a s t
Oakland Women, a smakl feminist
grouping which did working class
organizing and which joined the
Spartacist. League in 1172.
The forum will be Thursday night
March 14, at 9 p.m., rather than
at 7:30 as previously announced,
faculty lounge, Michigan Student

This crisis of confidence in our
government and our President is
not merely'a national ma'ter, but
one that seriously endangers the
peace and security of the entire
world. It is time for us to face the
hard facts and accept some diffi-
cult choices.
There is a national crisis in lead-
ership, but more rhan that, there
is a crisis in the moral standards
of our whole society, not just those
of the President. Richard Nixon, in
many ways, is more a symptom
than the cause of our current cri-

-Mary Jo McAllist
March 11

Thou shalt not worship Wallace of the south-
ern tribes, Rockefeller of the northern tribes,
Kennedy of the, eastern tribes or Reagan of
the western tribes, nor shalt thou worship Cox
or Irvin or anyone in the Post other than that
of your elected Chosen King.
Ii. THOU SHALT NOT take the name of the
President, Your King in vain.
Thou shalt not criticize, mock, defame, or
besmudge the name of your President, either
in editorial or broadcast commentary, in public
speech or taped telephone conversation.
IIi. REMEMBER the Voting Day, to keep
it holy.
Thou shalt fear and honor the Voting Day,
that the constituents from thy tribe may cast
their lots for the heavenly Republican hosts
and be not led astray by the heavenly Demo-
crats, whohave worshipped the graven images
of their slain prophet brothers from the tribes
of Boston.
IV. THOU SHALT honor the Father of thy
country and thy motherland that it may be
well with thee and thou mayest live in a com-
fortable tax bracket forever. Thy President
is thy Rock and thy Salvation, even when thou
art in hock and in starvation.
V. THOU SHALT not kill, except where thy
pockets overflow from it. Keep the command-

VI. THOU SHALT commit a doltdom by
tolerating the appointment of a second second-
in-command to do the President's bidding. Thy
first vice president hath been proven to have
vice beyond precedent. Thy second vice presi-
dent shall be faceless and spineless, but trust
in the President and be His faithful servant.
VII. THOU SHALT NOT steal. Thou shalt
not steal thy neighbor's money, files, goods, or
votes by false or underhand dealing, nor shalt
thou buggeth thy neighbor's lines, except in the
year of the election of your President, when
this commandment shall be deemed inopera-
VIII. THOU SHALT NOT leak false witness
or any witness against thy neighbor or agains'
thy President either in court or to newsmen,
under subpoena or plea bargaining. Thou shalt
let sleeping dogs lie, instead of urging them
to tell the truth.
IX. THOU SHALT NOT covet thy neigh-
bor's seat in the House, nor the Senate, nor
in Committee.
X. THOU SHALT NOT covet thy neighbor's
wife, nor his press secretary, nor the director
of his campaign fund, nor his supporters, nor his
electoral votes, nor anything else that is thy
neighbors. Yet thou shalt see to it that thy
neighbor payeth his due taxes and part of

To The Daily:
lished three articles abou
of freedom in: commur
tries. The one titled Chi
Beethoven was hate liter
of national, racial, and
chauvinism. As evidenc
I quote: "Too much ex
Western composers could
demand for native work
parable skill, something
try's native artists wou
able to satisfy."
THIS IS AN insult tof
of China and as such
it offends the majority
readers. We deserve ar
-Eric Lerman
Feb. 16, 1974
Editor's note: The s
wire copy, which shou
been edited carefulya
paragraph cited remo
apologize; it is clearly
and should not have been

er OVER THE years we have let
American presidents assume in-
creasing power, as the responsibil-
racism ity of Congress and the American
people has withered. Unlimited
Daily pub- power, favoratisn, disregard of
ithelk bpublic concern too long has char-
.t the lack acterized this office. For the health
rist cou- of a democratically functioning so-
mnaBlss ciety we rmust halt this concantra4-
ature full inof power and spread of Corrup-
capitalist tion.
e of this
posure to We believe it is time to urge
J create a that Congress bring about a full
s of com- and complete disclosure ,f facts
the coun- pertaining to the o~r.eration of the
ld be un- office of the Presidency.
We urge that Congress expedite
the impeachment proceedings al-
the people ready under way in the. House of
I believe Pepresentatives. We believe as
of your Irends that the search for truth
retraction. in these matters will inevitably
have a beneficial and healng ef-
fect in bringing our divided nation
tory was
uld have together. To this end, we urge
and t h e that the President cooperate ful-
ved. We Iv with the Congress and the Spec-
offensie ial Prosecutor to bring out the full
in printed. tradh.


To The Daily: _
EVENTS of recent months have
deepened the concern of Friends
that the confidence of the Amer-
ican people in their President has
heen nro~foiiudlyshakeni. - nansw-

-Ann Arbor Monthly
Religious Society of
February 1
Letters to The Daily should

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