DEATH PENALTY See Editorial Page Y it 4 U 471 il DRAB High-40 Low-25 See Today for details Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom Vol. LXXXIV, No. 129 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, March 14, 1974 Ten Cents Ten Pages 17- . .. . ..... 5 amommm ". Senate iU SEE NEL S HAPPEN CA DLY Circulation gripes The staff of our newly revamped circulation depart- ment is requesting your help in clearing up the various problems that existed under their predecessors. They plan to accomplish this within the week by guaranteeing that action will be taken on all complaints about home delivery. So if you cannot read this because yourpaper was late or did not come at all, please call 764-0558 be- fore 4 o'clock and lodge your (friendly?) complaint. Regents meeting It's that time of month once again and the Regents are -in town today and tomorrow. What they do may well affect your life, especially if you plan on living in a dorm next year. On the slate is a discussion and possible vote on a proposal to hike dorm fees an average of eight per cent-about $100. According to Dick Kennedy, as- sistant to President Robben Fleming, the Regents will probably vote the increase in on Friday, despite the expected protest of members of the Housing Policy Committee. Reuther's candidacy official John Reuther officially threw his hat into the ring yesterday with a formal announcement of his intention to run for Michigan's 2nd Congressional District seat. The 30-year-old nephew of the late United Auto Worker president Walter Reuther announced his candidacy at a morning press conference at the Casa Nova restaurant in Ypsilanti. "I've been active in politics most of my life as an aide to various candidates," said Reuther, "now I want to be part of the political process by being among the Democrats privileged to upset President Nix- on's vetoes," said Reuther. Candidates speak Candidates night will be held in Angell Hall's Aud. D tonight at 8 to acquaint you with the people who will be your city council representatives after April 1. The focus for tonight's pre-election discussion will be the continued city funding of child care centers. Candidates will make campaign statements, and later answer questions from the audience. Laing cancels Those of you who were planning to celebrate St. Patrick's Day with a lecture by famed radical psychia- trist R. D. Laing had better make alternate plans for the evening. Future Worlds organizers report that R.D. Laing has found the strain of cross-country lecturing and touring too great, and is instead flying back to England to recuperate from the ordeal, and has can- celled all his lectures. Future Worlds has not yet sched- uled a replacement. Oops! In Tuesday's Daily, we mistakenly reported that the Graduate Employes Organization (GEO) needs the votes of half its 2185 person constituency to be recognized as the official bargaining agent of the University's gradu- ate employes. Only 30 per cent of the employes need vote in the April elections, and of those who vote, a majority must approve GEO as their representative. In yesterday's paper, a decision to support a dorm boycott of non-UFW grapes was attributed to the Housing Unit Committee. Actually, the action Was taken by the University Housing Council, an all-student, elected group. 0 HPC-Johnson exchange The Housing Policy Committee (HPC) yesterday ap- proved a formal memo to Vice President for Student Services Henry Johnson listing the committee's com- plaints with regard to his attempt to remove what they consider their rightful policy-making authority. Johnson earlier requested the memo during the recent HPC- Johnson clashes over whether the body is merely ad- visory or has policy-making powers. ! Happenings.. . ... are headed by the bizarre today. Namely, a coed streak-in at the traditionally all-male faculty nude swim hour, scheduled for noon in the IM pool . . a seminar series on "The Rights of the Accused," featuring several well-known attorneys, will begin at 7:30 p.m. in Hutch- ins Hall Rm. 120... the opening ceremony for the two- week Undergraduate Art Show will be held at 7:30 p.m. in the Rackham Galleries . . . The Women's Interna- tional League for Peace and Freedom will, discuss a proposed World Peace Tax Fund at 1027 Miller Street, 7:30 p.m. . . . the City Planning Commission will hold an informal meeting for the northeast Ann Arbor area at 7:30 p.m. in the Northside School Centrum . . . At- tica Brigade, FIST, GAWK, HRP and New Morning will celebrate International Women's Day in the Union base- ment Assembly Hall at 7:30 p.m. . . . HRP will hold a mass "meeting in East Quad's Strauss Lounge at the same time to discuss reactions and plans inlight of the city council's recent Rubaiyat decision . .. a concert of music from the court of Maximillian the First will be performed at 8 p.m. in the Rackham Building . . . a re- ception for Congressional candidate John Reuther will be held at 8 p.m. in the Unitarian Church at 917 Washte- naw . . . and Glauber Rocha's "Land in Anguish" will be shown in the East Quad Auditorium at 8 p.m. On the inside .. . . Brian Colgan discusses the current conflict in the Philippines on the Editorial Page . . . the Sports Page previews the crucial Notre Dame game in an article bill to passes restore penalty Oil sheiks t said to be halting embargo death WASHINGTON (Reuter)-The Senate last night voted 54 to 33 to restore the death penalty in the United States and make its use mandatory under certain circumstances. The bill now goes to the House of Representatives, which voted yesterday to .establish much of the same procedure used in the Senate bill in connection with aircraft hijackings. THERE HAVE been no executions in the United States since 1967. In 1972, the Supreme Court overturned U.S. laws dealing with the death Miller to appear in new play By SARA RIMER When Arthur Miller's first musi- cal premieres here April 23, the noted playwright himself will be on stage as narrator. . . . From the Creation, based on Miller's play The Creation of the World and Other Business replaces the Mich- igan Theatre's Program's previous- ly scheduled Miller work The American Clock. The Clock is still unfinished and has been postponed for future pro- duction at the University. EXPLAINING MILLER'S deci- sion to appear, Richard Meyer, di- rector of Michigan Theatre Pro- grams, said, "I talked him into it." According to Meyer, Miller's nar- ration is "superb, he's a very good storyteller." Miller's performance is an exclusive for city audiences. When the musical leaves on April See MILLER, Page 7 penalty, ruling they were written in ways which gave too much dis- cretionary authority to judges and juries and led to discrimination against the poor and minorities. Under the Senate bill, the death penalty will be authorized for treason, espionage, some cases of murder, hijacking, kidnaping, ar- son, and escape from custody. Before the death penalty could be considered, the defendant would have to plead guilty to the crime or be found guilty of the crime. Then, a separate procedure would begin in court to determine if the death penalty should be imposed. THE BILL establishes five miti- gating circumstances which would bar the death penalty if any one were proven. They are: -If a defendant were under 18 years of age; -If a defendant was under un- usual and substantial duress; -If he or she could not under- stand the actions taken were wrong: -If participation in the crime was relatively minor; and -If the defendant could not have reasonably foreseen his actions would create a risk of causing death. The Senate later, by amendment, added an exemption to the death penalty for pregnant women. If none of these conditions is present, and if the defendant is found to have committed the-crime in a heinous, cruel, or depraved manner, or to have been done for gain, or involved the President or other high government officials, or a foreign head of state, the death penalty would be mandatory. THE VOTE, after two days of Senate debate, revealed sharply conflicting views over the value of the death penalty as a deterrent to crime. Some opponents also questioned the constitutionality of the bill and others denounced it as morally repugnant. Among those who voted against it were Sens. Charles Percy (R-. Ill.) and Edward Kennedy (D- Mass.), both of whom have had immediate members of their fam- ily murdered. Request TV appearance Joseph Remiro, center, Russell Little, both wearing white prison overalls, leave the Contra Co house yesterday in Martinez, Calif., after a court appearance at which their attorneys asked the oners be granted a national television appearance to present ideas for winning the release of Patricia Hearst. The judge said he would rule on the r equest next Monday. Remiro and Little, m the Symbionese Liberation Army, the group holding Hearst, are charged with murdering Oakla Supt. Marcus Foster. TRIPOLI, Libya (1) - Arab oil ministers held a short meeting here yesterday and a high Libyan offiical said they decided to lift the oil embargo against the United States. The Libyan official said the se - sion would be resumed in Vienna, Austria, on Sunday. Presumably the ban will be officially !ended then. There was no indication whether the ban against the Neth- erlands also will be lifted. The ministers issued no state- ment after their closed meeting, evidently to avoid embarrassing the Libyan government with an announcement ending the ban com- ing from here. Libya was one of the chief opponents of lifting the embargo imposed during the Oc- tober Middle East war. EGYPT'S PRESIDENT Anwar Sadat had pressed the Arab oil ex- porters for over a month to lift the embargo in recognition of Washington's role in getting Israeli troops withdrawn from the Suez Canal. The Vienna meeting will come the day after ministers of the Or- ganization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) meet there to ? set new prices for oil from the Persian Gulf, Libya and Algeria. Observers in Vienna say the out- AP Photo come of that meeting is "entirely unpredictable," but Arab officials agreed that the price and the sup- sta court- ply were linked. two pris- OBSERVERS IN Washington be- kidnaped lieve the lifting of the Arab oil embers of embargo would not directly ease End School U.S. fuel shortages for at least a month or two. Just how much it - -- would help depends on how it comes about. The report of an end to the em- bargo left the key questions un- answered: -How soon would the embargo end? -Would the Arabs allow oil pro- duction and shipments to the * United States to return to pre- Le embargo levels? -Would the Arabs increase pro- duction to meet increasing U.S. needs? and and a nega- -Would the Arabs lower their oil grades and prices, which have led world oil um, and io- prices to triple since October, pos- ing serious balance of payment problems even for wealthy nations. 'er mercury Whenever the embargo ends, the - especially direct relief could not be felt here Gordus to immediately. ison of con- It would take about one month ughout most for the first tanker of Arab oil to reach the United States from the re-industrial Persian Gulf. exist thanks But U.S. energy officials might y of weav- be able to release some additional ve wreaths, gasoline and perhaps other fuels le also drew from U.S. inventories, in anticipa- -ks from the tion of renewed tanker arrivals. nd Martha JOHN SAWHILL, deputy admin- 00-year old istrator of the Federal Energy See ARAB, Page 10 CHEMICAL CLUES ' prof seeks answei in human hair analy Miller LA judge dismisses state charges against Watergate defendants By AP and Reuter LOS ANGELES-A California judge yesterday dismissed burglary and conspiracy charges against former. White House aide John Ehr- lichman and "plumbers" David Young and G. Gordon Liddy. The charges stemmed from the September 1971 break-in and bur- glary at the offices of Daniel Ellsberg's psychiatrist. The Los Angeles prosecutor's office had asked that the charges be dropped because of a federal indictment in the same case handed down in Washington last week. THE FEDERAL indictments charge Ehrlichman and the "plumb- By TIMOTHY SCHICK "I am currently incarcerated and awaiting trial on a charge of murder. Although I am innocent, it is a long and arduous task to prove . . ." A cryptic message from a doomed defendant to ace lawyer Perry Mason? The paralyzed plea for help to legal eagle Owen Mar- shall? No, this is just a sample of the "fan mail" that often comes across the desk of Chemistry Prof. Adon bordus. And if this particu- lar letter wasn't strange enough, some unusual packages arrived on the same day. The containers held samples of human hair. TO ADON GORDUS, a single strand of human hair is a veritable memory bank which can be ana- lyzed to reveal everything from degree of mercury contamination, to the guilty party in a murder case. And most recently, the mild- mannered professor has determin- ed a correlation between-believe it or not-students' grade-point av- erages and the amount of zinc in their hair. To Gordus, use of hair analysis as evidence in criminal proceed- ings is nothing new. Six years ago, he was a key witness in the mur- der trial of John Norman Collins when prosecutors attempted to 'de- termine whether Collins' hair matched strands left behind by the murderer. According to the professor, hair "can 'best be used for identifica- tion in rape cases where pubic hair is bound to be left behind." BUT EVEN Gordus was sur- prised when he discovered the' zinc-grades correlation. The first clue appeared when Gordus in- structed his students in the U. S. Naval Academy's class of '75 to analyze their own hair samples. He recalls looking at the results* and finding that "the students re- Iceiving the highest grades had the highest hair sample zinc content, while the students with the low grades had the lowest zinc con- tent." Further experimentation with students at the academy and in Ann Arbor proved a positive cor- relation between "smartness" and zinc, as well copper, a tive match-up between levels of lead, cadmic dine in hair. RECENT concern ov contamination in food - seafood - prompted put together a compar tamination levels throi of human history. Large samples of p era hair samples stillf to a 19th-century hobb ing hair into decorati according to Gordus. H upon well-preserved loc heads of George a Washington, and a 5 Peruvian mummy. NY, Times, reporter talks on VP coverage ers" with conspiracy to violate the trist, Dr. Lewis Fielding. Ehrlichman is also charged with four counts of lying to the FBI and federal grand jury in Washington. Further, he still faces California charges of lying to the Los Angeles County Grand Jury. These charges will not be dropped. One side effect of the dismissal will be to terminate the contro- versy over whether a president can be subpoenaed by a state court. Ehrlichman's a t t o r n e y s had sought the president's testi- mony to back their contention that the former White House aide was acting as a national law enforce- ment officer. Judcge Gordon Ringer, who had civil rights of Ellsberg's psychia- Local groups protest threat to rent control By BOB SEIDENSTEIN Traveling around on a twin- prohellered A i r F o r c e plane with Vice President Gerald Ford may nottbe everybody's idea of a good time, but for New York ..~ Times Washington bureau re- porter Marjorie Hunter it's all part of the job.s Hunter was on campus yester- day delivering a lecture on "The Washington Scene" before ap- uroximately 100 people at the MLB. She began her speech with her impression of the nation's capi- tal as seen from an airplane. f "The White House looked so very tiny and innocent," she} said to the crowd's amusement. HUNTER FINDS her current assignment, covering the Vice President, "fascinating and strange." Her nationwide tour with Ford has given her an op- portunity to read both the mood of the people and the mood of .... the VP. Ford now s e n s e s "that the ' country desperately 1 o n g s for new lea d er sh ip," she said...."" Ford's support for Nixoncarries 'less "conviction" these days as By ANDREA LILLY Four individuals representing the Human Rights Party (HRP) and the Tenants Union marched to City Hall yesterday morning in response to what they termed a "direct threat" to tenants by city landlords and members of the Citizens Op- posed to Rent Control. The alleged threat came in the tenants who openly support :ent control risk eviction for in-xpiic- able reasons. Further, they may be blacklisted by landlords, making it difficult to lease apartments from other landlords who belong to the citizens group. Police detective Richard De- grand responded mildly to the Tenants Union requests for investi- I