Page Seven
. .
Ma tmen
By CLARKE COGSDILL matches they had figured to lose.
Northwestern University's Mc- That was the difference.
Gaw Hall, site of the recent Big Michigan coach Rick Bay re-
Ten wrestling championships, was marked afterward that "if anyone1
named after a Presbyterian mis- had told me we would wrestle as
sionary. Throughout the long hours well as we did-four champions,
of March 1-2, a turgid air of pre- one runner-up, three thirds - and
destination hung over the place, not win the conference, I'd have
and Michigan's wrestlers seemed: told him he was crazy. Using last
fated in advance to fall short in year's scoring system, we got
their defense of the conference more points this year, finishing;
championship. second, than we got in 1973, when
Iowa's 151-123 victory margin we won."
over the Wolverines began form- The Hawkeyes's pattern for
ing during the first eight min- success was set in the 118-pound
utes of the first session, when division, where Chris Sones
Michigan's heavily - favored caught fire and blitzed the field
first - seed 118 - pounder Jim to win the individual title.
Brown came out flat and slow Sones's most impressive victory
against Mike McArthur, of Min- was a 10-5 upset mauling of Cor-
nesota, and was thoroughly best- so in the semifinals, which the
ed in a 6-3 decision. Iowan followed with a superb 14-
Eventually, Brown gained mo- 5 demolition of Michigan State's
mentum in the wrestlebacks and Randy Miller.
upended second - seed Joe Corso The Hawkeyes were also helpedE
of Purdue 2-0 to qualify for the by two key wrestlers not showing
NCAAs. His opening - round loss up. Northwestern's 142-pound star
alone did not cost the Wolverines | Andre Allen was benched by his
the championship. coach on the grounds of a "coun-
But i t w a s phenomenally terproductive attitude" - and
strong wrestling by the entire Iowa's Brad Smith moved through
Iowa team that placed the Hawk- the gap to place third behind La-
eyes in a dominant position. winger and Michigan's underrated
Iowa's wrestlers did not lose a Bill Schuck. Wisconsin's Laurent
single match they were expect- Soucie (190) stayed home with a
ed to win, and won at least six bruised knee, and that opened the
i Daily Photo by t:N FNKA
Michigan's outstanding 150-pound grappler Jerry Hubbard forms a spectacular arch to score a 3-point near-fall on the way to a 13-2
superior decision against Indiana's Dan Wiley last January 19. Hubbard, as expected, recaptured the 150-pound title at the recent Big Ten
Championships, and will be favored to successfully defend his NCAA 150-pound crown in action later this week at Ames, Iowa.
Special To The Daily
TUSCALOOSA-All the people
who bet that this would be the
last season Johnny Orr would
coach Michigan basketball have
lost their shirts. The 75-67 victory
over Indiana climaxed a season-
long campaign for vindication by
the much-maligned Wolverine
Orr, one of the few genuinely
nice people in college basketball,
took the criticisms directed at his
coaching of last year's Wolver-
ines very hard. He deserves an
opportunity to celebrate, and last
night he got it.
He was floating on air all night,
first in the locker room and
later in the lounge of the Cham-
paign Ramada Inn. The only per-
son who possibly could have been
higher than he was Bill Frieder,
who seemed amazed that he
would actually be coaching in the
Yesterday morning, the Wol-
verines flew back to Ann Arbor
and spent the day reading scout-
ing reports and watching films
of their first tournament oppon-
ent, Notre Dame.
"I haven't seen NotretDame as
yet; but I've heard they're a
pretty good team" said Orr after
the victory over Indiana. "I'm
going to talk to Gus Ganakas and
Bobby Knight about them tomor-
The Wolverine coaches also
plan to check out the tape of the
Michigan State-Notre D a m e
game, played earlier this year, in
which the Spartans came within
a hairsbreadth of knocking off
the Irish. Perhaps Campy Rus-
sell can succeed where Terry
Furlow failed.
Meanwhile, Orr is relishing the
strange sensation of being recog-
nized as a coaching genius. Talk
of replacing him disappeared
about three months ago. People
are now praising his ability to
coach defense and mold a co-
hesive team, both complete re-
versals of the prevailing opinion
of a year ago.
It should be noted at this time
that Orr is dealing with different
material than he had available
last season. Last year's Wol-
verines were an impressive lot
on paper, but the potential never
materialized on the court.
Explained "Bird" Carter, "last
year, we had a lot of good people
who tried hard, but they only
played for themselves. When it
came to a close situation, they
would feel that it was their per-
sonal obligation to carry the
team, and forgot about everyone
else. They would take bad shots,
and Michigan would lose in the
That cannot be said of the 73-
74 Maize and Blue. As an ex-
amole, one would cite Monday
night's game. With Campy Rus-
sell fouled out with five minutes
to go, they were given an excel-
lent excuse to fold. They didn't
take it.
The entire team took up the
slack, and Bobby Knight sat
kicking and screaming.
The Wolverines arrive here this
afternoon. The entire team was
looking forward to the national
exposure. One thing people
around the country, and Digger
Phelps, will discover is that
Johnny Orr can, indeed, lead a
team out of the locker room.
door for Iowa's Paul Cote to place ine superstar who had placed.third
fourth. at 150 in the 1973 NCAAs - in the
Thus, by the time Rob Huiz 158-pound semis, and after a 12-2
enga was upset 6-3 by Iowa's drubbing he ran into Northwest-
super - freshman Chris Camp- ern's Jim Torres in the wrestle-
bell in the 177-pound semifinals, backs. Torres was hot that night,
his loss didn't make a difference and Brink's 8-2 loss, albeit disap-
in the team standings. "We pointing, was clearly in the cards.,
needed five individual titles to As usual, the tournament
beat out Iowa - and six is the claimed its share of important
conference record. That should victims. Chief among these was
give you an idea of how good Michigan State's Jeff Zindel,
Iowa was." rated by many as one of the
The Hawkeyes had to be sharp three best 177-pounders in the
because, excepting Brown's and country, who placed fifth and
Huizenga's defeats, Michigan failed to qualify for the nation-
wrestled better than it had any als.
right to expect. Billy Davids was Purdue lost all its aces: Corso
uncharacteristically cautious and (118), Alan Hoisner (142) and
characteristically successful as the Barrile (167). Dave Simonson of
134-pound champ; Jerry Hubbard Minnesota, the 1973 Big Ten heavy
added four more victims to his weight runner-up, took the fifth
winning streak and garnered his after his upset loss to Washek.
third title in four years at 150; And at 126, Gopher Jeff Lamphere
Dave Curby was at his best and and Wiscourhs Jim Abbott - the
took the 190-pound crown deserv- failnd touthce
ingly; and Gary Ernst discovered "Wfailed to place.
-to his surprise - that he was stWe're not out of it yet," a
in good enough condition to tough stern-faced Bay told his charges
it out over MSU's over-egoed as they began to prepare for the
Lr Aut verM U'seavyweght NCAA showndown. "I still think
Larry Avery at heavyweight. itsbwen s wandOa
John Ryan was a pleasant it's between us, Iowa and Oka-
Maize and Blue surprise. After homa State. Iowa's going to be
losing his opening round match favored because they qualified all
tosMinnesota's Dan Chandler, 42, their guys, but we've got the talent
he roled through the wrestle- to knock them off - and they
backs to destroy Illinois's Mark know it.
Bergren (10-2), upset Purdue's Hawkeyes humble
Bernie Barrile (4-3) and decision 118-Chris Sones (Iowa) dec. Randy
Indiana's Ken Kalcevich (4-0) to Miller (MSU), 14-5.
earn a worthwhile third. 126-pat Milkovih (MSU) dec. Tim
Even Rich Valley and Dan ISysewski(Iowa), ID (C) dc o-
Brink, the Michiganders who ra CaldaVS (MIH)ec.Con
failed to qualify for the NCAAs, 142-Rick Lawinger (wis) dec. BILL
were at their best. "There's a real SCHUCK (MICH), 4(.
iron inRic's ase, BaClam- 150-JERRY HUBBARD (MIC) dec.
irony in Rich's case," Bay claim- Chuck Yage (Iowa), 5-1.
ed, adding that "he was the one 158-Larry zilverberg (Min.) dec. Don
guy on our team who really im- Holm (Iowa), 8-4 s
provd oer te rgula seson 167-an Sanderson (Iowa) dec. Dave
proved over the regular season Froehlich (NW), 10-2.
for the tournament - and he 177-Chris Campbell (Iowa) dec. Ed
couldn't make it because 126 was Vatch (wise), 3-2.
just too tough." 190-DAVE CUR Y (MICH) dec.
Brink had the misfortune to run HWt.-GARY ERNST (MICH) dec.
into Iowa's Dan Holm - a genu- i Larry Avery (MSU), 7-6.
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THURS., March 14-8 p.m.
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Sports of The Daily
Indiana invited
Indiana's basketball team is on its way to St. Louis to
participate in the newest of post-season tourneys, the Conference
Commissioners' Tournament. After relinquishing their bid for
the NCAA berth to the surprising Wolverines, Bobby Knight's
Hoosiers are slated to represent the Big Ten against the second-
best teams of seven other leagues.
At first, there was some doubt as to whether Indiana was
willing to take part in what Coach Knight labeled "a tournament
for runners-up" and "a waste of time." He further stated, "We're
not a runner-up, we're a co-champion, and it's up to our players
whether or not they play. If Monday's game had been for the
championship, it would have been different."
An early release quoted Knight as saying, "The nlayers are
going to have to decide. Nobody has asked them if they want
to play and we're going to have to do it somehow."
Hwever, Big Ten Commissioner Wayne Duke and Indiana
Athletic Director Bill Orwig made it clear that the Hoosiers
would play. Duke, in reply to Knight's remarks after the playoff
loss, stated, "The league and the institution are committed to
the CCA."
The Hoosiers (20-5) meet the Volunteers of Tennessee from
the Southeastern Conference in opening round action Friday
-Jeff Liebster
Pistons pile it on
DETROIT ()-The hot shooting of Dave Bing, Bob Lanier
and Curtis Rowe sparked Detroit to a 113-108 victory over the
Golden State Warriors last night and reduced the Pistons magic
number to two for clinching a spot in the. National Basketball
Association playoffs.
The loss, coupled with Los Angeles' 109-102 victory over New
York, sliced Golden State's lead to seven percentage points over
the Lakers in the battle for first place in the Pacific Division.
After the Pistons trailed 57-56 at the half, Bing pumped in
15 of his game-high 28 points in the third period, helping the
Pistons into an 88-79 lead at the end of the period. During the
period, Rowe hit for nine points and Lanier six.
Then in the final quarter, Lanier came through with 11
points and the Pistons were able to fight off a late Warrior
comeback. A basket by Rowe with 27 seconds to go put the
game out of reach.
Aaron answered
Commissioner Bowie Kuhn declared M o n d a y that the
Atlanta Braves must play Henry Aaron in their opening series
in Cincinnati if he is physically able. The commissioner's action
raised serious questions of baseball rights and sharply divided
not only the game's players, managers and officials, but also the
Many observers felt that the Braves created their own mon-
tet hr ,annnnpnn nlans to hnl Arnn nut nf the series
AP Photo
A picture is worth 1000 words
Swimmers dive to third place
By BILL CRANE Coach Gus Stager of the Wolver- sprinted at the end, to no avail.
The ever-creative Michigan swim ines commented on Downie's "ex- The Wolverines' chance to catch
team discovered a new trick last cellent job" but had no idea wheth- Wisconsin vanished.
week at Madison in the Big Ten er Downie could keep it up. Pat Bauer of Michigan raced to
Swimming and Diving Champion- In the second day's events, the best times of his career in the
ships. They finished third. Downie finished fourth in the 200- breaststroke events. Finishing third
Winners, as always, were the yard freestyle, busting an Indiana in the 100-yard breaststroke and
Indiana Hoosiers, awho captured all sweep. Bill Heiss' time of 1:40.909 fourth in the 200-yard breaststroke,
but two swimming. events and both for the race set another new Big the Ann Arbor junior swam gut-
diving events to take the trophy Ten record. tily and his times may be good
by a wide margin. Wisconsin pull- Downie consistently swam well enough to qualify him for the
ed off the big surprise, and edged in the freestyle distance events, NCAA competition 1 a t e r ,this
out the Maize and Blue for the finishing fourth in the 1,650-yard month.
runner up slot. freestyle and holding down his Don Craine led the Maize and
However, some Wolverine tank- spots on the relay squads more Blue in the diving champion-
ers enjoyed good performances, than adequately, ships. Craine finished fourth in
partially dispelling the gloom in Michigan senior Stu Isaac set the one-meter dive behind team-
the Maize and Blue ranks. a new Big Ten record in the mate Dick Quint, who took third,
In the first contest of the fi- 100-yard breaststroke, winning and took a run at Ohio State ace
nals, Michigan's Gordon Downie the event for the third straight Tim Moore in the three-meter
made a superb showing and fin- year with a time of 58.920. Isaac dive before placing a strong
ished second in the 500-yard free- nipped Wisconsin's Pat Jarvis second.
style to Indiana's John Kinsella, to retain his Big Ten crown. Pete Agnew placed in the high
the premier swimmer in the Big Jarvie upset Isaac in the 200- board along with Steve Schenthal
Ten. Kinsella's time of 4:32.038 yard breaststroke. The Badger took and Quint, with both of the latter
set a new Big Ten record. the pace out quickly and Isaac' also placing in the low board.
aT AThe Wolverine rookies added a
breaks so we might have
chance to roll."
Wisconsin may be the second-
place team of the future.
"It's going to be hard for us to
beat Wisconsin from now on,"
Stager claimed. He was right.
Wolipack ranked tops;
,Wolverines finish twelfth
From wire Service Reports and San Francisco failed to earnz
North Carolina State, undefeated a spot.
in the rough-and-tough Atlantic/
Coast Conference for the second ?ima i[vir";
consecutive year, captured its first ; '}
national championship in the UPIy Ted snTop t
coaches's poll, breaking a three
year skein by UCLA. By United Press International
The Wolfpack garnered 17 first- N.Carolina St. (17) (26.1) 313
place votes to the Bruins's 13, out- 3. Dame (3) (25-2) 260
pointing their only conquerors 313- 4. Maryland (23-5) 184.
304. Notre Dame collected the Ii- 5. Marquette (23-4) 134
nal three top-notch nods to wind up 6. Providence (24-3) 1141
} 1 (tie) DAILY LIELS (27-0) 114
third, despite a 15-point setback 7. Vanderbilt (23-3) 104
to Dayton. 8. North Carolina (22-5)!9
o nian(20- 4)-
ray of hope for next year. Rob
Helt, Rob Bauman, Joe Bauer,
Fred Yawger, and Norm Semchy-
shen all scored points for the
Maize and Blue.
Tom Szuba had a difficult year
at Michigan and this meet followed
the pattern. As Stager put it,
"Szuba had to do well for us to
have a chance. He simply didn't."
Szuba admitted it had been a
strange and disappointing year
while noting that, "I just have to
work my head off in the nextI
couple of weeks."
"We couldn't get anything go-
ing," coach Stager admitted.
"We couldn't get a string of
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