==== I[HE MICH.lIHAN DAILY Wednesday, March I J, I V/'t ._ - - -------------- - -g e0AM.t P.M.odia -10 A.M.-4 P.M. Monday-Friday II FOR DIRECT CLASSIFIED SERVICE CALL 764-0557 '- FOR RENT ROOM suitable for 1 or 2 available in bi-level, furnished apt. for fall. $135. Call 761-3239. 940315 ROOM in a three-bedroom apartment, corner of Ingalls and Huron. Mike, 763-6141. 89017! ELEGANT HOUSE for group of 4-6 ma-{ ture students. Four or more bed-! rooms, recreation. room and garage, Completely decorated, carpeted, furn- ished and A/C. About one mile from campus, residential area on a bus line. One-year lease. $540/month. Aug. 20th. 475-2663. 660316 F.A.C. Now taking applications for fall rentals. Hill Street location. 1 & 2 bedroom furnished apartments. No pets. Days -434-0140, after 6-973-1744. 460324 We Are Not Expensive- We Just Look That Way UNIVERSITY TOWER APTS. S. University at Forest S! fS *] 0, 0 8 MONTH FALL-WINTER LEASE HEATED SWIMMING POOL RECREATION and PIANO RMS. MOVIES and PARTIES FREE WEEKLY IOUSEKEEPING STUIDY LOUNGE FOR RENT FALL RESERVATIONS are now being accepted at our campus locations. Newest furnished student apartments available. DAHLMAN N APARTMENTS 545 Church 761-7600 cCt c ROOM FOR RENT. Temple. 322 Cath- erine. 662-4201. 77C315 APARTMENTS FOR RENT on Hill St. for the fall, All furnished and utili- ties paid. One 1-bedroom apartment, one 2-bedroom apartment. Call after 1:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m. 761-1463. 840317I ROYAL DUTCH APTS.{ 715 CHURCH 0 1 BLOCK FROM CAMPUS r SECURITY SYSTEM * AIR MANAGEMENT CALL 665-4578 eCtc FALL RENTALS I EXTREMELY NICE ON-CAMPUS APARTMENTS WELL FURNISH)D Sharon. our rental associate will be glad to help you with your housing needs. STOP BY - OR CALL HER CAMPUS RENTALS 1335 S. University 665-8825 SUMMER AND FALL Campus rooms for girls. Carpeted, nicelysfurnished in a modern, safe brick bldg. Summer rates $100 for double, $75 single. Includes all util- ities. 761-1932. cCtc CAMPUS-HOSPITAL AREA I ARGE 4-MAN FOR RENT TH I N K FALL THINK SPRING AND SUMMER VISIT OR CALL 761-2680 cCtc TRONY ASSOC I ATES BEGINS FALL RENTALS I HOUSES AND OTHER LIVING SPACE AVAILABLE 624 PACKAR D 59015 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY - 2 bed- room furnished apartment on cam- pus. Dahlmann Apartments-761-7600. QUALITY APARTMENTS FOR FALL Efficiency. 1, 2, and 3 bedroom fur- nished apartments. Good campust lo- cation. For showing and rate infor- mation, our leasing office is open from 1-5 p.m., 720 S. State St. 663- 7701. ANN ARBOR TRUST COMPANY 769-2800 MODERN two-bedrm., 4-man apts. near hospitals. Fully furnished and car- peted. Call 663-6549 before 5. 170326 FALL RENTALS and summer sublet. One, two, three bdrm. Modern furn- Ished apts. on Division, fireplaces. Call 662-0651 eves. 950313 Geddes OR Observatory FURNISHED 4-MAN $65.00 per Man INCLUDES HEAT AND WATER 663-4101 CAMPUS MANAGEMENT, INC. 337 E HURON eCtc3 BARGAIN CORNER CARPET SPECIAL Thousands of yards in stock-many colors and textures. $.99-$5.99 yd. None Higher. HAMBURG WAREHOUSE 10588 Hamburg Road 1-227-5690 cWtc{ SAM'S STORE LEVIS-DEN IMS TRADITIONALS .... 8.95 BOOT JEANS.......8.95 LEVIS-CORDUROYS BOOT JEANS .8.50 & 9.50 WE ARE ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR THE FOLLOWING BUILDINGSI 418 E. Washington Modern 1 bedrooms for 2 students Balconies, air, security system Near Gino's and Frieze Bldg. 521 Walnut Street Modern 1 & 2 bdrm. units Dishwasher, air, security system Campus-Hospital area 911 S. Forest Modern 2, 3, & 4-man units Modern balconies, near Hill Street We also have many other new and older units. MODERN APTS., INC. Office at 418 E. Washington, basement 668-6906 or 663-3647 cCtc McKINLEY ASSOCIATES CAMPUS LOCATORS FOR FALL 1974 Rooms, ,Efficiences. 1, 2, 3. and 4 bedroom apartments in modern build- ings and older houses plus many whole houses. (Security deposits now only equal half a month's rent). Please come pick up our listings. 611 Church St. ctc This Fall Rent from a Company Where TENANTS Come F i rst ! Available for Fall are this town's most popular campus apartments: Albert Terrace Algonquin Dean Apartments Carriage House The Lion The Forvm The Lodge Maize Blue Management 300 S. Thayer, Suite A 761-3131 cC331 665-8325, 662-1576. 90J16 TYPING - Experienced in all phases. 971-1629 or 483-5839. 56J14 DECADES of ERRORLESS TYPING. $1 page, $25 minimum. Medical, En- gineering, Rackham, Publishers. 475- 7310. 12J419; CARPENTRY: SPECIAL PROJECTS. REASONABLE RATES, RELIABLE. TOM, 769-0425. 65J314 The ANN ARBOR SCHOOL OF CREATIVE MUSIC Private instruction on all instru- ments- jazz and classical techniques' -modern theory and harmony-com-; position-weely jazz workshop-ar- tistic spiritual guidance. For inter- view appointment call Prof. Curtis 662-8281. 51J313 TYPING and EDITING. Call Jean, 663- 4451, 10 a.m.-10 p.m. cJtc MOVING SERVICE, 769-2645. cJtc TYPING-769-2645. anytime. cJtct WANTED TO BUY WANTED-Used motorcycle 90, 100 or 125cc. Call Chuck, 769-5613 after 3:30 p.m. 82K14j WANTED TO BUY-Used 3speed bi- cycle. Cheap. 665-6807, evenings.ddKl5 WILL BUY silver dollars before 1935, $3 each. 662-3700. 65K322. MISCELLANEOUS TYPING term papers, theese elc. Will proofread and edit grammar, etc. Also keypunch. *fortnat, prices vary with difficulty. Call 769-3348 or 662-5388 evenings cMic HELP WANTED PART TIME telephone canvassing us- ing your own phone. Early Eves. Pleasant telephone voice needed. $2.5043.00 per hour. Call 662-9438 af- ternoons only. 78H16 MAGICIAN NEEDED urgrently for party. 761-9195, noon or evening. 65H315 MOTHER of two needs summer live-in helper. For details write Dr. S. Fried- man, 24200 Pierce, Southfield. MI 48075. 62H17 DESK CLERK needed, full time, apply in person. 2151 S. Fourth, Ann Arbor or call 761-7853. 45H317 ORGANIC Garden Manager-May-Sept. Experience and expertise mandatory. Send resume now to Ecology Center, 417 Detroit Street, Ann Arbor, 48104. 47H17 $65 TO $95 PER WK./PART TIME Unlimited earning potential in address- ing envelopes at home. Companies pay top money for that "personal" touch. For further information re- garding opportunities with these com- panies send $2 to Phoenix Advertis- ing, P.O. Box 11707, Atlanta, Ga.- 30305 31H17 MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS 901 N. MAIN 769-7935 PETS AND SUPPLIES AFGHAN HOUND, male, 7 months, AKC, cream with black mask. Rea-! sonable. 455-6252 after 6. 92T314 BIKES AND SCOOTERS PLEASE BUY MY BICYCLE! Almost new, perfect condition. Women's 10, speed tourer..$75.00 or best offer. Call 662-4309 evenings. 96Z15 CYCLE INSURANCE. Immediate cover- age. Low rates. Just call Renwick, Grimes, and Adams Insurance, 437- 1708 South Lyon. cZtc ROOMMATES GRAD STUDENT needs 3 roommates for 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom. modern apartment. Bi-level, 3 blocks from Diag. $375/month for Fall. Men, wo- men, or couples. Call Tom, 764-5910. dYl5 PROGRESSIVE, CONSIDERATE people wanted to share nice, huge house this fall. Convenient loc., reasonable "rent. Judy or ''erry, 665-0825. dY14 BUSINESS SERVICES NEW CARS CERAMIC CLASSES-Begin March 25, 1 OLDS, F-85. Reliable. Winter Mon. & Thus. 7:30-10:30 p.m. School- 4 door. $290. 665-6728. jhouse Pottery. Call 662-8057 (11-3);: tires. 38N313 '66 VW, REBUILT Engine. $900. 764- 1107. 60N13 ANNOUNCING PEUGEOT UP TO 24 MPG. NOW AT PEUGEOT OF ANN ARBOR SEDANS AND WAGONS FOR 1974 OWN ROOM in house. Rent until June 15, possibly desire. Call 761-3021. from now longer if 48Y14 WANTED TO RENT ROOM in cooperative vegetarian house starting May. Larry, 761-2047. 63L15 $20 REWARD for info leading to occu- pancy of 3 bedroom house beginning April or May. Call 662-3107 after 5:30. 33L316 FOR SALE '65 VW, orange, rebuilt engine. New tires and interior. $250. 662-6310. 7213315 JUST ARRIVED! New shipment of SOAPSTONE for carving. Only $2 a ,pound, while it lasts. The Mineral Kingdom, 209 S. State St. 74B316 EPIPHONE 2-string guitar. Good cond. $75. 761-8280. 70B315 FARFISA COMBO COMPACT DELUXE ORGAN. Good condition. Best offer. 761-8280. 69B315 SONY AMP, changer and speaker pack- age. Great for beginning listener- like new-$95. Mike, 665-4282, 8-9 a.m. or dinnertime. 71B314 RALEIGH INTERNATIONAL 10-speed. 82; zinch frame. Chartreuse. $350. mint cond. 971-7596. 6813315 PERSONAL EVER HAD CAR repairs done at Wagon Werke Inc.? Want to talk about it? Then call Student Legal Aid Office, 665-6146, ask Irvene. 42F312 EUROPE-ISRAEL-AFRICA Travel discounts year round Int'l. Student Travel Center 739 Boylston St. Suite 113 Boston, Tel. (617) 267-1122 86F16 CUT your study time by one-third. Read THE STUDY GAME over vaca- tion. $5.50. U-Cellar, Follett's. Very amusing book. 0F313 SPEND AN AFTERNOON AT YOUR FRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOOD POOL HALL THF MICHIGAN UNION BILLIARD ROOM cF317 NEED Application Pictures for Schools, Passports or Jobs? Then come to the Michigan Daily every Wednesday eve- ning from 7:30-8:00, for exceedingly inexpensive and fast service. Ask for Tom, dF227 FIVE WOMEN & ONE MAN-Need 4 more men for experimental residen- tial Singles Workshop, March 29-31. Call Bob or Margaret Blood, 769-0046. 51F22 EVERY DAY is RING DAY at the Mi- chigan Union. See our display of class rings at the concession stand on the first floor. cFtc STREAK NEAT! U-M STYLISTS AT THE UNION cFl3 IF YOUR thermos knows how to keep it hot, let it warm up some Sunrise Orange Spice. and turn those mid- mornings and afternoon breaks into something worth breaking for. Eden Natural Food Store carries it, so does Applerose. cF17 "FOXFIRE" Amazing Rock & Roll, Thurs.-Sat., Rubaiyat, 102 First. 13F324 THE EQUALITY of men and women. Baha'i Faith. 764-9868. Informal dis- cussions whenever you like. 29F317 TYPING-769-2645, anytime. cFtc ATTENTION: ALL STREAKERS One of the first offering of this type in the country . . STEAKER EN- SEMBLES: Do your own thing in creative and distinctive attire. Be a flashing success with our color co- o'dinaedrstreaker kits.sPerfect for yourself or a gift for someone you care about. Includes color coordinated Streaker Sneakers, head cover and lettered Streaker Shirt-all for $9.95 prepaid. Snecify shoe, head and shirt size. as well as color. Your choice of: Maize/Blue, Flashing Red, Go-Go Green, Fun-Glow Yellow 'or Passion Pink. Send to: CREATIVE HORIZONS P.O. BOX 5001 COLUMBUS, OHIO 43212 35F14 LET ANN ARBOR'S only diamond ex- pert help you style your engagement ring. It costs less. Over 5.000 U-M men have. Austin Diamond, 1209 S. University. 663-7151. cFtc PURE SPIRITUALITY Spiritual development certainly be- gins from the level of a life lived in perfect health, free from negativity, with full mental potential, a lively, stable body and a warm and generous capacity for feeling. It may be said that all the scientific research taken together prove that the practical as- pect of the Science of Creative In- telligence does provide wholeness, in- ner fullness and the dynamism of ac- tion and perception in the outside world which give a spontaneously evolutionary direction to life. The theoretical spet of SCI, satis- fying the intellect with profound knowledge, and the practical aspect of SCI, providing that experience which sets the whole life in the di- rection of evolution and in the dig- nity of wholeness, will bring about the achievement of the spiritual goals of mankind in this generation. Wednesday, March 13 at 8 p.m. the practical aspect of SCI trancen- dental meditation will be discussed by Douglas Daler recently returned from advanced training with Mahari- shi Mahesh Yogi in Switzerland. Fa- culty Club Lounge, Michigan Union, Wednesday at 8 p.m. or call 761-8255. cF313 ~BRAINS don't get the good grades knowing how to learn does. Read THE STUDY GAME. $5.50. Follett's, U Cellar. 01F313 . --_ - ---_._- - LECTU RE ON TM Clearly, Transcendental Meditation is a major scientific discovery. The practice itself is unique and its ef- fects seem to be unprecedented in their range and profundity. The sci- entific studies will be reviewed at a i lecture this Wednesday, March 13, at ' 8 p.m. in the Faculty Club Lounge, Michigan Union. cF13 MAE WEST: "I'd rather have someone compliment my boob than call me one." See Counterpoint. 73F313 BOARD EXAM TUTORING Enrollments now being accepted t0 S. H. KAPLAN tutoring courses to prepare for the upcoming M.C.A.T., D.A.T., and L.S.A.T. Board Exams. Call (313) 354-0085. cFtc PERSONAL LET US FILL your next prescription. The Village Apothecarv. cFte PARKING SPACE, Packard/Thompson/ Cross area. $10/mo. 761-2754. 41F227 THE COPY MILL 211 B. S. State: 662-3969 FOR QUALITY COPIES AND OFFSET Why buy mass produced WEDDING RINGS? Have your own personal de- sign made by Jhan. 769-7550. eFtc, WHY WALK FARTHER? Get your Levi's cuffed flairs at WILD'S VARSITY SHOP TRAVELING TO EUROPE this summer?; Call Cindi Hopkins, 769-0634, TWA! Campus rep. for info. eFto WEDDING INVITATIONS-Mod. or tra-, ditional style. Call 761-0942 angtime. -Ftc XEROX AND OFFSET Fast, low cost duplicating. COPY QUICK 1217 S. University 769-0560 BUMPER STICKERS custom printedl while-U-wait! $2. MBL Press, 1217 Prospect, Ann Arbor, 761-0942.. cFtc PIPE SMOKERS! Handcrafted meer- schaum pipes. Exceptional values and the niost personalized of service. Free Catalog. PMP Co., P.O. Box 444, Gaithersburg, Md. 20760. 66Ftc HALF MILLION dollar income in first1 20 years after graduation and get paid or receive full scholarship for Jr. and- Sr. years Sophomores and other in- terested persons call 764-2400 for in- fo and applications. 40F319 WOMEN IS YOUR WORLD CHANGING? Come to a Personal Planning Workshop- March 16-17. Call Barb at 761-2274 or 485-4355 for more information. 06F3131 Maharishi "Knowledge is for action, action for. achievement, achievement for ful- pen ia.m. fillment. Thus, knowledge is directly cF13 concerned with fulfillment. For com- plete fulfillment, complete know- "The search for definition of basic ledge is necessary. Complete know- goals which is so prominent a con- ledge should mean total knowledge of cern of the educational community, the object of inquiry and total know- echoes a similar quest for purpose ledg ofthesubecttotl kowldge within the field of science and, in- led e of the subject, total knowedg deed, within society at large. While When the knower does not know educators are asking, What are hmen, thenoher ds o now schools for?" scientists are asking himself, then the basis of knowledge "What is the significance of science?" esis missing. Inknweg this liletwl situation of base- and political leaders still seek to de- ways remain baseless. This is what fine our "national purpose." The mankind has been left to face con- soul-searching is widespread, yet cerning life throughout the ages. within each profession or field of ac- tivity the search is carried out within the boundaries of that field, solutions Nie ow inoisscetifi ae itoIshigh are sought in the framework of the timeforfknowllmedg to be romplete problem perceived, and more funda- and for fulmnt to be profound mental aspects of the situation are for every man, for every society, for consequently overlooked."-from Phi every nation, for the whole human Delta Kappan, December, 1972 race.pan eeme, 92 "The significance of SCI is that is The Science of Creative Intelligence, consists of a systematic program by opening one's awareness to the in- combining intellectual enquiry and finite, unbounded value of intelli- direct experience which simultane- gence, broadens the awareness, makes ously benefits every aspect of the it permanently unbounded, so that personality Instead of merely de- no area of life remains foreign. This veloping specific dvalues olifeti- is the ground of all knowledge - gecinlaizdrasolfth complete knowledge-and therefore is subjective experience ofrestful altert- the basis of complete fulfillment." ness (fourth major state of con- Maharisi oMe Yogi m cn.' sciousness) when supplemented by a h s s Yprogram of intellectual enquiry into the principles involved, develops the T M I S N O T: physiology, the emotions, and the intellect in a holistic manner." - from Social Education, December Transcendental Meditation is not a 1972. cF13 matter of philosophical attitude, reli- gious belief, psychological suggestion JonThe Daily Staff or mode; it is a definite, specific, Join y systematc technique, easily learned' by anyone.in a short period of in- struction. Measurements show that ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE the twenty minute period of TM brings the experience of a 'fourth C A S C A S C A R A major state of consciousness', distinct N .TI I A from dreaming, deep sleep or waking. A L G E1R I A A B I L E N E The remarkable usefulness of TM de- S T E A K N 0 R S E R A pends on the fact that its effects E A K N T u C. E A N extend beyond the actual period of T I L L S T U C K C A N L meditation. It has been verified that S C I L OAT HE 0 T AA TM brings measurable improvements S C R U F F S N 0 S E to almost every area of human func- A N T E P N E U tioning and consequently contributes P A T T I P E E R S S solutions to all the basic areas of MA SEC O N D0S LEG human problems. cF3 LAV SAPPY Ri A GAS CO. DEPOSITS: If you have had AM E N Z S D A N trouble getting your deposit back, we 0 C A R I N A L E A D I N G would like to talk to you.Mike,665- R S A V A N 3248; Randy 769-5034, persistently. T E Y Y T 0 N G S dF315 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING POLICY AD deadline is 12 noon the day before publication (4 p.m. Fri. for Sun.) including corrections and can- cellations. The Daily is not respon- sible for more than one incorrect insertion of an ad. Advertisements m a y be removed from publication, but will be billed according to original number of days ordered. This policy is also applicable to ads requiring pre-pay- ment, i.e., no refunds. Information regarding content of classified ads cannot be disclosed prior to publication. Advertisers .names may never be revealed. Number of lines in advertisement is determined by total number of words-5 words/line. "Help Wanted" ads cannot discrimi- nate on the basis of sex, color, creed, or national origin to any extent (i.e. "preferably" is still discriminatory). Found" ads are run free-of-charge to a maximum of 3 lines for 3 days. PERSONAL DRUG HELP needs volunteers. Call 761- HELP for more info. 43F315 TUTOR WANTED for studying (Ethio- pic) Amaharic language. Michigan Daily, Box. 5. 85F16 MINIMUM PAY - Maximum personal satisfaction. We are looking for orien- tation assistant, especially grads but undergrads as well, to orientate the incoming foreign students. August 19-Sept. 6 Call International Center, 764-9310 by March 27th. 04F317 Afternoon Bowling At the Union 4 CALL 668-6906, 663-3641 eCtc LIVE WHERE YOU'RE A RESI DENT NOT A TENANT FALL or SUMMER 1 and 2 BD1AM. * 1016 OAKLAND 662-3929 2 BDRM. 0912 BROWN DAY 761-3470 OTHER TIMES 665-0110 ! MANAGED BY FLYING DUTCHMAN ASSOCIATES FURNISHED 1 and 2 bedroom apart- ments available for immediate occu-I pancy, short term leases from $170/ mo. Ann Arbor Trust Company. 769- 2800. cCtc FALL, 4-MAN. $300. 2-bedroom. 927 S. Forest. After 5 p.m., 761-6943. 640419 KING SIZE heated waterbed with TANDBERG 3300X. One year old. Best hand-made elevated frame. $105 com- offer. 769-3117. 75X316 plete. 971-7596. 6713315, SUBETSUN GOIN' DOWN at seven these jSUBLET days. Get inside, put on some tuines. i get cozy and try and stay healthy. FURNISHED modern one bedroom Slow it down a little and brew up apartment. 3 min. from DIAG, air- some comfort. Herbal tea blends conditioned, May-Aug. Call Miyawaki, from Celestial Seasonings. A good 761-8994 evenings, 761-3499 days. 79U17 catalyst between you and winter. Shuffle down to Applerose Natural 2-MAN, 2-BDRM. Close to campus. Foods. They've got it. cX17 May-August. Modern, furnished with parking. $120. 665-8223. Call persist- DOBRO-1930's "original." $225. Erle- ently. 95U17 wine Instruments, 761-6101. 37X319, SUBLET-May to Aug., 3-4 persons apt., near Arb, air cond., rent negotiable. 1700 Geddes, No. A-4. 763-6656. OU15 SUBLET MAY-AUGUST Private room in house, 2 blocks from campus, includes bathroom, parking, closets, cooking. Call Jeff, 663-0291. 93U315 4 BEDROOM HOUSE-Fall option. 1/3 air-conditioned, near campus and Arb. Rent rooms separately or house.- Call persistently, 663-7016. 10U314 MELLOW MARTIN D-28 guitar with soft case. $375. 769-5410. 52X16 SONY HP-610, compact with DUAL turntable and ACOUSTIFLEX speak- ers. $350 cr will sell separately. Sue, 662-9789. 57X16 CLASSICAL GUITAR. Jose Ramirez, No. 4374, class A-1, 1970, $1200. Vihuela (Spanish Lute) by Enrico Piretti, 19- 69, excellent for performance, tied gut frets, friction pegs, $850. Call Detroit, 532-6071 evenings. 21X312 BELL BOTTOMS .. . . 9.501 ARIMY SURIPLIUS 1166 Broadway (north of BroodwoV bridge) 769-9247 STREAKER'S SPECIAL 7 " SKI MASKS 20(/, OFF * DUNHAM HIKING BOOTS -for the fleet of foot- NOW $22.98 BACKPACKER'S SUPPLY DEPOT 0 1 DOZEN STYLES OF BACK- PACKERS IN STOCK * 2 MAN NYLON TENTS BIKER LEATHER JACKETS AND HELMETS OPEN: mon-fri. 10-7. sat. 9-6 HUGE 1-BDRM. APT. near Oakland/ STEEL GUITAR - 3 peddles, 1 knee Hill. May-Aug. 663-7974. 29U15 lever. $330. Lessons, 761-6101. 47X403 CORDUROY JACKETS .4.00 '64 CHEVY. Runs. Needs some body work Must sell. $110. Call 665-8584 after 4 p.m. dB315 SWING SET: fine cond., 2 swings, swing seat, see-saw swing, slide. $15. You move it. Call 761-5948. dB 1973 YAMAHA 250-MX. Excellent condi- tion case Klotz racing oil with deal. $600. 662-9810. 36B317 MODERN CAMPUS apartment-One or two bedrooms, dishwasher, air condi- tioned, bi-level, large balcony, free parking, furnished, utilities included. Phone 769-1240. 390320 Red Zinger LOST AND FOUND LOST: brown folder with Bot/Zoo notes Between MLB and Angell Hall. 764-0093. Call persistently. Reward. 76A315 FOUND: set of keys at Saginaw Woods. 663-8678, 764-7325. dA315 LOST: 2 month old male blue point Siamesetaround Packard, Stadium area (Stop and Go) March 7th. 668-: 6469. 83A314i LOST near Depot and Main, German Shepard, Elkhound, 2years old. 65 lbs. black and gray. Name, Ragnar. Reward. 665-7857, 994-8387. 88A313 LOSE SOMETHING? FIND IT IN 1011 SAB 1:30-4:30 BOOT JEAN CORDS LEVI TAB SHIRTS. WESTERN SHIRTS .950 13.50 . i al CROSSWORD PUZZLE Copr. '74 Ge 'l Features Corp. . .......from 6.98 SPRING JACKETS . ......from 6.98 BACK PACKS . .from 3.49 207 E. Liberty FOURTH FEMALE needed to fill apart-~ ment from May through June or August. Bi-level, a/c in bedroom and downstairs, walk-in bedroom closet, dishwasher, etc. Price negotiable. Terry, 761-6743. 40U314 SUBLET AVAILABLE, 2 bedroom, fur- nished, two blocks from Diag. Im- mediate occupancy. Parking and air-e conditioned. 662-7787. cUtc HOUSE FOR RENT. May-Aug. 4-5 peo- ple. Cal 665-6555. 54U16 NORTHWOOD EFFICIENCY, May-Aug- ust, rent negotiable. 764-5206.2665- 7508. 96U215 NEED SHELTER? We have apt. to sub- lease: beginning in May, for 1-2 on N. Ashley, $150/mo. plus electricity or negotiable. Call 662-3707 after 5:30 pim. 34U316 SUMMER Campus rooms for girls. Completely furnished, carpeted, in a modern bldg. Sunny, pleasant neighborhood. $100 for double, $75 single. Fall op- tion. 761-1932. cUte CAMPUS ROOMS for girls, Completely' furnished, carpeted, in a modern bldg. Sunny, pleasant neighborhood. $1001 for double, $75 single. Fall option. 761-1932. cUte MAY-AUG. CAMPUS-HOSPITAL AREA Modern and large 2-bedroom 4-man1 and beautiful 2-bedroom 3-man. We also have several 1-bedrooms. Call 668-6906 or 663-3641 for appointments. cUtc TRANSPORTATION GIVE YOUR BODY the fuel it. de-! serves. Soybean Cellars and Eden Natural foods store both have cozy# little restaurants. Slide in for a cupI of herb tea. Mellow Mint. cG17E WANTED - Regular ride sharing De- torit-Ann Arbor. Call 837-2786. 44G314 NEW AUTOHARP: Regular $89.95, NOW $79.50. 769-1400. cXtc CRAIG 8-TRACK TAPE PLAYER, ra- dios, voice of music stereo, head-, phones. All must go! Great prices, in- ventory Sell-out. Apollo Music Cen- ter, 322 S. Main. 761-9430. cXtc APOLLO DRUM CENTER: All makes, new and used. 4 piece sets. Zieldjian cymbals and accessories. 5 piece So- nor set. Snare drums by the dozen. 322 S. Main. Free Parking. Open eves. cXtc USED CARS dAtc LOST -Burgandy hard cover notebook '65 VW, runs good. $300. 434-5186 after at U Cellar. Important. Please contact 8 p.n. 28N314 Roger, 665-6308. 55A16 ACROSS 5 1 Fan: Colloq. 5 Analyzes6 critically. 10 Dawn, in Italy. '14 Colorful gem.f 15 Workers' group. 16 Opera by . Handel., 17 Blushing. E 18 Shakespeare:f Phrase.E 20 Catch. 6 22 Be didactic. 23 Scent. 25 Withered. 26 Hero of "The Bohemian, Girl." 30 Popular ball game. 34 Scull. 35 Hamburger trim. 37 Large volume. 38 Wild carrot plants: Phrase, 42 Brachial bone. 43 Took care of. 44 Can. prov. 45 Lost pet: Law. 48 Bargain tires. 50 Campus VIP. 52 a hand. 53 Still thirsty. 1 2 3 4 14 17 20 21 57 Collector of sorts. 61 Pay. 63 Girl won by Hercules. 64 Snugs as - in a rug. 65 Succotash ingredient. 66 Frost bitten. 67 Cabin material. 68 '- Lucia." 69 Bag and baggage DOWN 1 Sink, as a well. 2 Well informed: Colloq. 3 Speedily. 4 Equipment for angler. 5 Summon to court. 6 "Three men - tub." 7 Business. 8 - los dias (every day): Sp. 9 Nocturnal sounds. 10 Literary gleanings. 11 Anthropologist - Strauss. TOYOTA CASH BRING YOUR TITLE WE'LL BUY YOUR CAR! TOP $$$ - SPORTS CARS - '73 CAPRI V-6 automatic, silver- metallic. 10.000 miles.......$3695, '73 FIAT 124 SPORTS COUPE, 11,000 mt.' AM-FM, 5-speed, factory warranty $3695 '72 DATSUN 240Z, low miles, auto- matic, AM-FM, beautiful brown metallic, chestnut interiorb.r.$4795 '72 PEUGEOT 4-door, 4-speed, model 504, dark blue finish, 24,000 miles. See today at. .... . .....$3495 '71 FIAT 124 Spider, 5-speed, AM-FM, yellow, sharp. ......... ...... $2795 '71 PORSCHE 914, 5-speed transmis- sion, AM-FM, bright yellowE !finish .................. -.......$4395 71 TRIUMPH GT-6, new paint, low miles, sharp ...... ... $2695 '71 JAGUAR XKE, V-12, A.T., P.S., AM- FM, Chrome wires, 15,000 miles, x- sharp......... ....... $7595: '70 LAND-CRUISER, 4-wheel drive, Very sharp. .. ...........$2995 I -TOVt 'A S- WEIMARANER-Steel grey, female, 60! lbs. last seen with choke collar and tags Reward. 769-5065. 96A316 LOST & FOUND-1011 SAB 1:30-4:30. 764-6288. A PERSONAL MINOLTA SRT-101, f/1.4. case, shade, mint condition. New Rokkor 135mm f/2.8, Rokkor 200mm f/3.5, with cases, shades. 665-9544. dD313 ANYONF CAN DO IT The remarkahle fact that there ex- ists one simple, universal easilyded itonsipeunvraelylearned practice, which can be added without modification to the daily routine of any way of life in any cul- ture or tradition and which can ac- complish all the dramatic effects and profound benefits validated in the scientific studies. clearly makes the introduction of TM a scientific ad- vance of the first maenitude. The data suggest that a broad spectrum of the causes of human suffering due to stress and mental limitation may now be considered to have been add- ed to the list of diseases which we know how to eliminate from human life by the apolication of this new +hern'l.-, o Tf M' 761 -8255 e . 12 Tito. 13 First-rate. 19 Gambling game. 21 Attach. 24 Damages. 26 Round hat. 27 Does trucking. 28 Common verbal contraction. 29 Sub's sounding apparatus. .31 Beverage. 32 Correct mss. 33 Takes a break. 36 Stair post. 39 Noise abaters. 40 Nun canonized in 1925. 41 Entertainer Luft. 46 Island off Ireland. 47 Hayseeds. 49 Selvage. 51 Roman holiday. 53 Eurasian river. 54 Mount Pisgah. 55 Self-satisfied. 56 Make fail. 58 Pouting grimace; 59 - mater, 60 Wyo. neighbor. 62 Gunny cloth. M10 !1 [12 113 1 I SPECIAL RING DAYS MARCH 14, 15 THURSDAY and FRIDAY 11 a.rm. to 4 p.m. Order Your College Ring During These Days and Have Your Signature Etched in GOLD "-FREE 1 t 'I EUROPE from $239 for Toronto departures; Detroit slightly higher This year enjoy the fun of an European summer. We have a va- riety of scheduled flights, youth- fare flights, and 60 day-advanced- booking-charter flights available. Plus Eurailpass, student ID cards, intra-European s t u d e n t charter flights, car and motorcycle lease/ purchase plans, insurance, and many other services. SPACE IS LIMI'TED THIS YEAR GIVE US A CALL TODAY FOR INFORMATION & SIGN-UP DEADLINES. 5 6 7 18 19 8 i i i iif r 4 + '26 I34 i .3$ 42 z 27 28 29 36 37 49 I 14' 45 1 1 146 147 4 I #