THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, March 13, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAiLY Wednesday, March 13, 1974 tre xrs stri (Continued from Page 1), I FINALLY THE shiverers were{ able to break away for a brief so- journ through the Undergraduate Library, followed by less-bold cloth- ed observers. This inspired a rash of disunified streaks in all direc- tions. At another point several of the exhibitionists climbed trees and ceremoniously doffed ther duds be- fore the adoring multitudes, while others chanted "S-T-R-E-A-K." ANOTHER STREAK-IN yester- day afternoon involved five streak- ers, who streaked from Nichols Arcade across the Diag and back, while some 1,000 spectators spec- tated. Two women streakers, however, apparently. began to burn out as they approached the Diag - they started walking - inspiring mixed reactions of amusement, embar- rassment, and consternation froml Diag passers-by. ke Diag' past few days. Residents of East Quad hall are reportedly quite fond of "streak- ing for impeachment," as abund- ant home-made hall signs attest. And Markley residents have not been known to pass-up the streak-! ing challenge. MEANWHILE, opinions last night! on the ethics and joys of streaking,J unlike the numbers of streakers to be seen, were plentiful. One immodest student bared his: feelings on why he chose to streak: rather than spectate, saying, "I wouldn't want to disappoint my fans." Another female streaker made a1 clean breast of the matter, assert- ing she struck because "I'm really an exhibitionist at heart.' The cold night air, meanwaile, proved no serious obstacle to those, desiring to quite literally expose I their feelings on streaking. One r3 unabashed nude man revealed his I secret (not to mention a few otheri Students blast grad requirement' pro posalis (Continued from Page 1) Klein cited the tendency of the report to glorify the ambigious "I i b e r a I education" with its changes in class credits and grad- ing rather than such questions as admissions, training programs and how the college functions in terms of social stratification. "The report just doesn't accur- ately convey what's important or what was agreed upon," Klein em- phasized. "The tone of the whole thing is bullshitty." KLEIN EXPRESSED consider- able disillusionment with LSA Dean Frank Rhodes claiming that Rhodes is "not nearly as liberal as he's made out to be." Feldkamp, city By STEPHEN SELBST members of the community to in University Housing Director John prove communications and t Feldkamp and 25 unit managers image of the police force in th from 14 major city rental agencies city; and met yesterday to discuss matters * more widespread use of Opt of mutual concern -notably rent ation Identification. control and security measures. The meeting, chaired by Feld- OPERATION Identification is kamp, was originally scheduled program where the driver's licen to be a closed caucus, but was number of the owner is engrave opened to the public when mem-: nto the back of a valuable iten bers of the press and the Human This number can then be trace Rights Party (HRP) appeared. The and the object can be recovere landlords decided informally to anywhere in the country if stole open future meetings to all in- After discussion of the securi terested parties. issue, Feldkamp stressed coord In a spirit of cooperation with nation b e t w e e n the Universi the landlords, Felfdkamp disclosed Housing Office and the landlord the University's full plans for ex- and stated that they should co pansion of University owned and tinue to hold meetings to discu operated housing. among themselves their commo problems. FELDKAMP ADMITTED that al- At this point, HRP member Ric though the University still faces: Levy commented on the amount housing shortage, expansion is un- alleged collusion already occurrin likely to occur in the near future between the various landlords. "V due to a lack of available funds just don't trust you, we thin for subsidizing construction. you're sneaky," he commented. "At least 600 married couples and 400 single males were denied THE MEETING concluded wi space last year," said Feldkamp. a brief discussion of the prese Transfer and returning students developments in the rent contr are not encouraged to apply for matter, scheduled to go before ci University housing since it is tn- voters April 1. likely that space would be avail- Speaking for the University, Fel able, Feldkamp added. kamp said that the Universi landlords huddle RENT CONTROL DISCUSSED things). THERE HAVE also been numer- "A little brandy," he said, -and ots individual streaks during the it almost feels like Miami." Rhodes FREE FILMS WEDNESDAY THE HEALER-filmed on the 12,000 ft. antiplane of Peru, docu- ments the story of an American priest, relating to an Aymara In- dian witch doctor and their desparate views of life and death. GAMES OF PEACE-with Art Carney, Godfrey Cambridge, Ron Carey, Bob Dryden is about the U.N. and its peace keeping. Tough questions and tough answers about United States roles in the United Nations. NOON--International Center U of M EVENING-10 o'clock p.m. ECUMENICAL CAMPUS CENTER-921 Church St. According to Klein, Rhodes "did a lot of rotten things" to those - j students chosen for membership on the commission. Rhodes, Klein claimed, was also not enthusiastic about the idea of student partici- pation on the commission. th nt ol ty d.- ity II -_ _-f Course Mart Deadline FOR NEW COURSE PROPOSALS: Friday, March 22 forms & information aavilable in 1018 AngelI Hal I, 763-1552, 1553) INTERESTED IN WORKING ON COURSE MART COMMITTEE? INQUIRE AT 1018 ANGELL I__I Dean Rhodes could not be reached last night for comment on the charges. SMORGASBORD WEDNESDAYS 6-9 p.m. AND SATURDAYS 6-9 p.m. $3.95 1. cold vichysoisse 2. coq au vin 3. potatoes anna 4. shrimp newburgh 5. boeuf burguignone 6. rice 7. swedish meat balls 8. vermicelli 9. breaded veal cutlet 10. fresh garden green 11. tarragon peas 1 12. eggplant parmesan 13. beef oriental 14. veal hearts 15. chicken giblets 16. cheese casserole 17. sliced beef 18. fried chicken 19. barbecued ribs 20. fried cod fish 21. black olives 22 o 23. green olives '4. dill pickles 25. celery 26. carrots 27. green onions 28. crab apples 29. red peppers 30. radishes 31. corn salad 32. sliced cucumbers with sour cream 33. sliced tomatoes with fresh dill 34. red bean salad 35. greek bean salad 36. italian green peppers 37. greek stuffed eggplants 38. sliced beets 39. garlic sauce 40. herring 41.portuguese sardines 42. anchovies 43. cod fish caviar mousse 44. cod fish red caviar 45. liver pate 46. sliced jambon 47. sliced salami 48. sliced cold turkey 49. chicken salad 50. russIan fish salad 51. tuna fish salad 52. cottage cheese 53. sliced mushroom in dill sauce 54. eggrolls 55. hot mustard sauce 56. stuffed eggs bonnefemme 57. cole slaw 58. cold salmon 59. fresh tuna in syu sauce 60. butter 61. home made bread 62. sliced tongue 63. horse radish sauce 64. chicken wings japanese 65. fried squid 66. smoked pork chops 67. potato salad 68. russian salad 69. macaroni salad 70. jellied fruit salad 71. tossed green salad 72. chef's dressing 73. french dressing 74. 1000 Island dressing 75. russian dressing 76. tartar sauce 77. hot sauce 78. bacon crumbs 79. croutons 80. parmesan cheese 81, sliced onions 82. eggplant salad 83. cocktail sausage 84. hors d'oeuvres 85. stuffed grapeleaves 86. greek feta cheese 87. swiss cheese 88. ceddar cheese 89. bread pudding 90. rice pudding 91. creme caramel 92. baked apples 93. house cake 94. peaches 95. mandarin oranges 96. orange sliced candies Housing Council had shown little THE LANDLORDS spent over an interest in pursuing the matter, but! hour discussing security measures, that representatives from his office a matter which seemed crucially have met with HRP activist Frank important to them. They were ad- Schoichet. "We did learn some-v dressed by Al Padilla, a city po- thing from the meeting," Feld-r liceman who heads the crime pre-! kamp commented.,tH ventillnbureu. tre p it Dave Goodman, another HRP Padilla stressed a three point member, asked Randolph White, program for crime prevention: of Wilson-White Co., why Citizens " an inspection and survey of a for Good Housing (formerly Citi-t building made by the police includ- zens Opposed to Rent Control) had t ing recommendations for improv- requested $5 per rental unit from ing security; city landolrds to finance the anti- * a series of meetings with rent control campaign.t ~ ~ ~ - - - -- - - - COME ON DOWN ... see on the air-LIVE! Daily Photo by TOM GOTTLIEB CITY POLICEMAN Al Padilla (right) describes a three-point crime prevention program to an early-morning gathering of local landlords yesterday. University Housing Director John Feldkamp (center) and his aide Peter Schoch (left) chaired the meeting. GOODMAN contended the money "originally participation was high, would be used "for a massive but it has slacked off." media scare campaign," and ques- The new publicity campaign will tioned whether this was "a proper include widespread availability of use of the electoral system." the markers used to engrave ob- White said the "basic purpose of, jects and issuance of new green Citizens for Good Housing is to get stickers proclaiming owner partici- the facts to the electrorate and let pation in the program. them make a decision." i The building managers pointed out, however, that participation in PADILLA EARLIER announced the program has been low. A that a massive publicity campaign spokesman for University Towers was scheduled to begin early in said that "less than one per cent the spring to re-awaken the com- of the tenants" had used the en- munity to the use of Operation gravers, and that subsequently the Identification. Padilla noted that engravers had been stolen. 3035 Washtenaw across from lee Oldsmobile Listen to the action on 650 AM in your dorm, and COME ON DOWN 341 S. MAIN ST. ANN ARBOR 769-5960 r 'S Anniversary Sale OFFERS BELOW GOOD AT ARBY'S OF ANN ARBOR WASHTENAW AVE. 1 mile W. of Arborland YPSILANTI WASHTENAW AVE. Across from K-Mort near Golfside BEEF. ARBY'S PILES IT ON! SAVE up to $4o_ Norwegian National Ballet Three performances in the Power Center this weekend by this talented company of 80 young dancers: SATURDAY, March 16, at 8:00 "Romeo and Juliet"-music by Prokofieff SUNDAY AFTERNOON, March 17, at 3:00 "For All Eternity"-music by Vivaldi, "The Four seasons," "La Sylphide"-music by Lovenskjold SUNDAY EVENING, March 17, at 8:00 "Mythical Hunters"-music by Oedoen Partos "Miss Julie"-music by Rangstrom "Aurora's Wedding," Divertisement from "Sleeping Beauty," -music by Tchaikovsky Tickets available at Burton Tower from $4 to $8, or at the Power Center box office one and one-half hours before performance times. iwwswwww===ww==== www========swww===========.== PRESENT THIS COUPON R i 1 PRICE SALE Buy a Super Arby's at reg. price Get 2rid Super Arby's for just 55c SAVE 54c with this coupon (Limit 4 Super Arby's * per customer per sale) Good thru 3/17/74 R PRESENT THIS COUPON R I %/2P RICE S A LE R Bum an Arby's at rea. mrice PRESENT THIS COUPON iI 1 PRICE SALE j i Buy a Beef 'n Cheddar at reg. price * Get 2nd Beef 'n Cheddar for 50c I R tSAVE 49c with this coupon I * (Limit 4 Beef 'n Cheddars I per customer per sale) Good thru 3/17/74 am a m m ma mm m mm am mm mm emam=memama mm ma m a mm a PRESENT THIS COUPON % PRICE SALE Buy a Turkey Deluxe at reg. price