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March 01, 1974 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1974-03-01

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Friday, March 1, 1974


r~age seven'

Friday, March 1, 1974 ThE MICHIGAN L)AILY






Having trouble getting gas? En-
joy Ann Arbor weather better
than Florida's? Then why not
hang around town another day
and watch the Michigan Wol-
verines go after their 19th victory
of the season against Minnesota
tomorrow afternoon.
The Maize and Blue bring a
10-2 Big Ten record into the
Crisler Arena affair, and need a
victory against the Gophers to
stay within striking distance of
front-running Indiana. The Hoos-
iers, 11-1 in the conference, face
last-place Ohio State at Columbus
tomorrow night.

"I think they will come out and
hold the ball. That's his style,"
Michigan's m e n t o r analyzes.
Northwestern played "ball con-
trol" here a few weeks ago, and
Musselman surely knows the Wol-
verines won that game by just
two points.
IN THE TEAMS' first meeting
back in January, the Maize and
Blue fought off a late Minnesota
rally and foul problems for a 66-
65 victory. Michigan led by 16
with nine minutes to play, and by
eight with less than a minute
to go, but barely escaped un-
Guard Rick McCutcheon led
the Gophers on that date with 20
points, while Schaffer had 19.
Phil Filer, a 6-8 forward, was
held scoreless, but has really
charged on lately. In fact, Filer,
had 29 of Minnesota's points in
their 56-S0 upset victory over
Michigan State just two weeks
ago in East Lansing.
The Wolverines, confident of "a
berth in some postseason tourna-
ment, need wins over the Gophers
tomorrow and Michigan State
next weekend to become only the
third Michigan team ever to post
a 20-victory season. The other
two, of course, were achieved by
the great Cazzie Russell-led
teams of the mid-60's.
EVEN IF the Maize and Blue

do get by the Gophers, the road
to that 20th win at Jenison Field-
house will be rocky. The Spar-
tans have had a successful yet
heartbreaking season, and Gus
Ganakas' crew would like nothing
better than to derail the Michigan
C e n t e r L i n d s a y Hairston,
Campy Russell's nemesis from
'way back' is the key to the
Michigan State attack. Hairston
leads the Big Ten in rebounding
with 14 per game and has shown
the ability to carry the entire
team with him in a victory over
Purdue and in a near-upset over
Notre Dame.
If Michigan can win its re-
maining games, all it can hope
for is that either Ohio State or
Purdue (next Saturday) can
break the Indiana winning streak.
But even if the Hoosiers don't
falter, a 20-4 record for a team
nobody expected anything from
'and a trip to the Conference Com-
missioners Tournament in St.
Louis in two weeks, will be any-
thing but disappointing.

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Evil Bill

THE GOPHERS, 12-10 overall
and 6-6 in the league, have been
somewhat of a surprise since the
Minneapolis school did not re-
tprn a single letterman from the
21-5 club of last year. Minnesota
has come on strong lately, win-
ning 6 of its last nine games to
leap from the conference cellar
to fifth place.
Forward Dennis Shaffer leads
the deliberate Gophers in scoring
with at 20-point average and has
waged 'a season-long battle with
Campy Russell for therleague
lead, which Russell currently
Coach Bill Musselman is one
mentor not clamoring foria 24-
second rule in college basketball.
The fiery 33-year-old coach is not
adverse to having his team sit
on the ball for long periods of
time, and will probably be up to
his old Ashland College tricks
tomorrow afternoon. M o n d a y
night, the Gophers built up a 20-
point bulge and held the anemic
Harv Schmidt Illini to 52 points
the lowest total by an Illinois
team in 6 years.
Johnny Orr expects more of the
same from Musselman tomorrow.
Playoffs to
be at Illinois
From wire Service Reports
CHICAGO - In event of a dead-
lock for the Big Ten basketball;
title, a playoff game has been
scheduled for Monday night, March
11, at the University of Illinois to
determine the Conference's repre-
sentative in the NCAA tournament.'
Commissioner Wayne Duke an-
nounced yesterday that coaches of,
the top three contenders, Indiana,I
Michigan and. Purdue, agreed onI
selection of the Illini's Assembly
Hall as a neutral playoff court:
with an 8:05 p.m., CDT tipoff.
Should an unlikely three-team
title tie develop at 11-3, Duke said
the playoff would be between
Michigan and Purdue since Indi-
ana last represented the Big Ten
in the NCAA meet, that being last'
For Michigan to make the trip:
to the fungus-shaped Assembly
Hall, it must win the remaining
two games on its schedule and'
hope that the Hoosiers stumble
against either Ohio State or Pur-

Daily Photo by ROLFE TESSEM
LIONEL WORRELL (23) puts the move on a dismayed Jerry Nichols in last Saturday's game with
Purdue. Unfortunately for the world, Main Train's lighted candle will be hid under the bushel of the
CCA tournament in St. Louis.

Big Camp


Ic e rs
No coach in any sport enjoys
having to rely on getting a little
help from another team to im-
prove his own team's standing.
That's what Michigan hockey
coach Dan Farrell faces this
The Wolverines currently hold
down sixth place in the Western
Collegiate Hockey Association.
Farrell would like nothing bet-
ter than to climb to the lifty
heights of fourth place, giving
the Maize and Blue the home ice
advantage in the first round of
the playoffs.
But the only way for that
hope to become reality is if the
Wolverines sweep their two
game set with Michigan State,
and Notre Dame takes three of
four points from Wisconsin at
Because of a new method of
tie-breaking for final position
standings, Michigan cannot af-
ford to finish tied with Wiscon-
sin. The "new deal" gives the
higher position to the team that
has the best goals for versus
goals against recordin the two
team's head to head series,
which would give the nod to Wis-
consin. Under the old system,
the Wolverines would have been
awarded the higher position be|
cause they would have been
awarded the higher position be-
cause they would have had more'
total wins in league competition.
H o w e v e r, another reward
awaits the Michigan dekers this
weekend - a Big Ten cham-
pionship. Farrell's charges need
a win and a tie to cop the
league award. A split would
create some type of multi-cham-
pions arrangement shared among'
the Wolverines, Wisconsin andj

Farrell feels the Wolverines'
biggest problem this weekend
will be to stop the awesome
Spartan scoring machine. The
farmers' roster includes four of
the seven leading scorers in the
WCHA, featuring current scor-
ing leader Steve Colp. Colp tops
the circuit in both goals (37), and
total points (64) and trails assist
leader Doug Palazzari of Colo-
rado College (40) by three.
Centerman Tom Ross and
Daryl Rice have also notched*
over twenty goals apiece with
25 and 24 respectively.
The Spartans score a lot of
goals but for most of the sea-
son they gave up a large num-
ber, too. Freshman goaltender
Gary Carr (4.9 GPG) has hand-
led the brunt of State's netmind-
ing since returning from an ear-

ly season injury. Only lately has
he begun to nerform with any
degree of consistency.
The Wolverines h a v e not
scored anywhere near as many
goals as the Spartans (135 to
102), but they have not surren-
dered as many either (116 to 135).
Although Michigan goalie Rob-
hie Moore only ranks fourth
among the league's regular net-
minders with a 4.2 goals against
average, his percentage of goals
, to shots on goal is the best in
the league. Only 9.1 per cent of
the shots taken on Moore reach
the net compared to 9.4 per cent
for second place goaler Brad
Shelstad of Minnesota. Moore
leads all league goalies in saves
with 918, and could cross the
one thousand mark for the sec-
ond straight season this week-,


Fa rmers

end. team hosting number eight, num-
Angie Moretto still leads the ber two hosting number seven,
Wolverines in scoring with 15 and so on.
goals and 18 assists in league The four survivors will be
competition. Don Fardig ranks paired in two sets that will again
second to Moretto in points with go to war for another two game
25 (11 goals, 14 assists), while total goal series. The first round
Pat Hughes is second in goals survivor with the most total
scored with 13. points in league play will host the
No matter what happens ,this opening round winner with the
weekend, the Wolverines;;will be fewest points. The second lead-
among the teams in the WCHA's ing point totaller will host the
opening playoff 'round scheduled third with both series to be
for next Tuesday and Wednes- played on Saturday March 9 and
day. Unless the Blue deker can Sunday March 10.
weasle their way into fourth The two triumphant squads
play they will open on the road will then wing to Boston for the
more than likely at Denver, National Collegiate Athletic As-
Michigan State, or Wisconsin. sociation finals in the Boston
The playoffs consist of two Garden March 14-16. They will
games with total goals deter- be joined by two teams from the
mining the victor. The first Eastern Collegiate Athletic Con-
round will have the number one ference.

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NCAA fills nine slots

By The Associated Press
KANSAS CITY - Nine at-large
teams, including second-ranked
Notre Dame and eighth - rated
Marquette, were tapped yesterday
to compete in the National Colleg-
iate Athletic Association basket-
ball championships.
The others are No. 11-ranked
Pittsburgh, No. 12 Providence,
No. 14 South Carolina and No. 16
Creighton and Syracuse, Dayton
and Oral Roberts.
The at-large delegation will
join winners of 16 major confer-
ences to round out the 25-team-
NOTRE DAME, 23-1, will be
making its 11th NCAA champion-
ship bid. The Irish staged a major
surprise this season when they
,irn 1than tnn r.nPA TTk T A 71-7A

the last 10. The Bruins currently tra in Philadelphia in East region-

are ranked third.

al openers.

The Irish have never fared too' ORAL ROBERTS was paired
well in search of a national crown.
They reached the regional finals in j against the Southwest Conference
1953, 1954 and 1958. In their latest champion in the Midwest Regional
bid, in 1971, they lost in the sec-
ond round. Dayton, with a 17-7 record, will
meet the Pacific Coast Athletic
MARQUETTE, 22-3, which de- Association champion and the win-
clined an invitation four years ago, ners of the Big Sky Conference:
has played in the last three NCAA and the Western Athletic Confer-'3
tournaments and in five others. It ence will collide in the West Re-
reached the regional finals in 1955 gional at Idaho State March 9. s
and 1969.--
The University of Hawaii was
Notre Dame will play the winner selected Thursday for the 16-team:
of the Ohio Valley Conference inNtoa niain Bsebl
the Mideast basketball regional National Invitation Basketball
tournament's first round. Tournament at Madison Square
Marquette will face the mid- Garden, joining St. John's, Man-
American Conference champion in hattan and Massachusetts which
the same tournament. ' were chosen earlier in the day.

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Final ski
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In the Big Ten Swimming
championships held in Madison,
Indiana is, as expected, wiping
tip the field. Michigan holds on
to second. An extremely fine
showing by freshman Gordon
Downie has been the highlight
of the meet so far for Michigan.
Downie finished second to Indi-
ana's John Kinsella, the premier
swimmer in the Big Ten, in both
the preliminaries and finals of
the 500 meter freestyle.



I #


- - -


Boston 8, Detroit 1
Buffalo 2,Chicago 2 (tie)
Montreal 7, Pittsburgh 1
Milwaukee 113, Detroit 90
IDetroit 86, Loyola (Chicago) 75
New Mexico St. 95, N. Texas 69
Bradley 75, Drake 74
Utah 83, Colorado St. 82
Brigham Young 74, wyoming 62
Theta X1 74, Sigma Alpha Epsilon 51
Bombers 34, Couzens 22
Pistons 53, The Men 42
Law Gold 77, Law Vermillion 50

upset ien op-ran e Lkjt i-/}
f 'ai~uU.jL1I~ Providence will battle the Ivy
Jan. 19' in South Bend, Ind., end- Leag eIchamp bat St.thns
ing the Bruins' 88-game winning egecapo atS.Jhs
streak. in New York, Pittsburgh will meet
atUCLA, which must win the Pa- the Middle Atlantic Conference tit-
cific - 8 title to gain an NCAA list at West Virginia and South
berth, has won the last seven na- Carolina will face the Southern
tional championships and nine of Conference champion at the Pales-

0 fina

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