-t- NIIL HI(9AN flAiL V... . IA.n tyI UU rL, -.I t l.. l.V A I Nri 1 1 V/ Nt I L//-11 L. 1 I nur5aay, reDruary r r Daily Classlifieds FOR RENT BUSINESS SERVICES HELP WANTED ROOMMATESI DECADES of ERRORLESS TYPING. 75c DRIVER NEEDED--I need someone to .IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY for female FOR RENT ONE ROOM in house on 425 Church Street. $65/mo.h663-3267. 05C3011 FIRST MONTH'S RENT FREE. Twol furnished 1-bdrnm apts., 1 furnished 2-bdrm. apt., near downtown. Im- mediate occupancy. 761-1431. 86C301 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY - 2 bed- room furnished apartment on cam- nus. Dahlmann Apartments--761-7600. 2-BDRM. HOUSE for couple. Large yard, garden, near lake. 15 miles from campus. 761-4515.after 9. 63C228 QUALITY APARTMENTS FOR FALL Efficiency. 1, 2, and 3 bedroom fur-. nished apartments. Good campus lo- cation. For showing and rate infor- mation, our leasing office is open from 1-5 p.m., 720 S. State St. 663- 7701. ANN ARBOR TRUST COMPANY 769-2800 FALL RENTALS and summer sublet. One, two. three bdrm. Modern furn- ished apts. on Division, fireplaces. _ Call 662-0651 eves. 95C313 FURNISHED 1 and 2 bedroom apart- ments available for immediate occu- pancy, short term leases from $170/ mo. Ann Arbor Trust Company. 769-- 2800. eCt" MODERN two-bedrm., 4-man apts. near* hospitals. Fully furnished and car- peted. Call 663-6549 before 5. 17C326 NEAR CAMPUS: modern one and two- bedroom furnished apartments, avail- able May 1 and September 1. 1-629- 5512. 000228 5 BEDROOM HOUSE-Big yard, 2 carl garage. Available for summer and fall. $325/month. 769-0248. 74C301 McKINLEY ASSOCIATES CAMPUS LOCATORS FOR FALL 1974 Rooms, Efficiences, 1, 2, 3, and 4 bedroom apartments in modern build- ings and older houses plus many whole houses. (Security deposits now, only equal half a month's rent). Please come pick up our listings. 611j Church St. cCtc FOR RENT FALL RESERVATIONS ore now being{ accepted at oury campus locations. I Newest furnished student apartments available, DAHLMANN APARTMENTS ! 545 Church 761-76001 CAMPUS-HOSPITAL AREA LARGE 4-MAN CALL 668-6906, 663-3641 cCtcI 663-4 101 CAMPUS MANAGEMENT, INC. 337 E HURON cte SUMMER AND FALL Campus rooms for girls. Carpeted,I nicely furnished in a modern, safe brick bldg. Summer rates $100 for; double, $75 single. Includes all util-i ities. 761-1932. cCtc LIVE WHERE YOU'RE A RESIDENT ROYAL DUTCH APTS. 715 CHURCH 1 BLOCK FROM CAMPUS SECURITY SYSTEM *AIR MANAGEMENT CALL 665-4578 base rate. $25 minimum. Medical, En- gineering, Rackham, Publishers. 475-1 7310. 12J419! run errands, must have own car. Rebecca Sobel, days-444-1111, eve- nings and weekends-662-4964. 97H301 SPANISH: TRANSLATION OFFERED DELIVERY HELP- with own car. Mr. by fluent. Spanish speaker brought Pizza, 769-8038. 99H301 up in Mexico, with B.A. in Spanish -- and French. Fee negotiable. Call 663- BABYSITTING - I child, light house- 1953 preferably 8 a.m. to 12 noon. work. Tues. and Thurs. Own trans- 66J301: portation preferred. References. 665- 3816. d1H3lt1 i CCtc OWN ROOM in house, woman. No lease. $75.00. 668-7289. 46C228 FALL, 4-MAN. $300. 2-bedroom. 927 S. Forest. After 5 p.m., 761-6943. 64C419 This Fall Rent from a Company Where TENANTS; Come First! Available for Fall ore this town's most popular campus apartments: Albert Terrace Algonquin Dean Apartments Carriage House The Lion The Forvm The Lodge Maize & Blue Management 300 5. Thayer, Suite A 761-3131 CARPENTRY: SPECIAL PROJECTS. REASONABLE RATES, RELIABLE. TOM, 769-0425. 65J314 The ANN ARBOR SCHOOL OF CREATIVE MUSIC Private instruction on all instru- ments-jazz and classical techniques' -modern theory and harmony-com- position-weekly jazz workshop-ar- tistic spiritual guidance. For inter- view appointment call Prof. Curtis' 62-8281. 51J313 TYPING and EDITING. Call Jean, 663- 4451, 10 a.m.-10 p.m. cJtc MOVING SERVICE, 769-2645. ai. Un BABYSITTER, my home, weekends. I need someone to take care of 2 small. childrenfrom Sat mornings to Sun evenings. Rebecca Sobel, days-444- 1111. evenings and weekends-662-4964.' 9511301, COUPLE with 5 children requires 6 days of rest. March 15-20. Can you help by sitting for us? Good pay, ref-x erences required. 662-4268 before 9 p.m 80H301 in two-man apt. close to campus. To take over lease or sublet, nego- tiable. Call 662-4932 PERSISTENTLY! dY301 ROOMMATE NEEDED. Immediate occu-! pancy. Close to campus. $64/mo. 769- 3438. 50Y301 SITUATIONS WANTED WILL DO carpenter work-bookshelves,' speaker cabinets, etc. Call Eugene Smith at 764-3631. 910301. FEMALE NEEDS place to live Immedi- ately where one or two cats would be allowed. Apt. or house. Call 662-4932 PERSISTENTLY. d0301 I NEED SOMISONE to take care of one or both of my two cats until I find a place to live. Will pay. Call Jean, 662-4932. d0301 PERSONAL WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY. Profession- al Custom Work. Very reasonable. Call Modern Photography, 8-6 p.m. 761- 0272. cFtc HALF MILLION dollar income in first 20 years after graduation and get paid or receive full scholarship for Jr. and Sr. years Sophomores and other in- terested persons call 764-2400 for in- fo and applications. 40F1319 SERVE your community and gain teaching experience. Tutors needed in Community Elementary Schools. GradesyK-12 Please call Project Com- munity, 763-3548. 82F301 COUNTERPOINT THE original musical PERSONAL KAY, at the Vaudville-You've been noticed and I wish to talk with you. It's too hard to approach you at work and I can't think of any other way. Gary. Michigan Daily Box 25. 00F312 THE ANN ARBOR STROKE EXCHANGE How to start new ,relationships while maintaining your autonomy. Satur- day nightngroup. Limited, register by Friday night. Call 761-2754. 42F228 M-PIN BOWLING SAT. MARCH 2-10 WIN A FREE GAME UNKI(TJ ON LANES TYPING-79-2645, anytime. cJtc cJtc SUBLET SUMMER SUBLET-Own bedroom for one girl; neat, non-smoker. Campus- IM area, a/c, price negotiable. Callj 662-8630. 93U301 BLOCK FROM CAMPUS and hospital- Sunny 2-bdrm. apt. Air-conditioned.' May-August. 769-5859. , 94U301' TWO BDRM. APT close to campus and hospital. A/C, May-August. 2-4 people. Rent negotiable. Call 663-9626, after 6. Furnished. 85U301' LOWER FLOOR of pleasant older house avail. to sublet for May-Aug. Furni- ture provided. Features include 3 bedrooms, large kitchen, large outside porch, and backyard. As of now, still avail, for fall. Call 63-8155. 87U301 SUBLET-May to Aug, 3-4 person apt., near Arb, air cond. Rent negotiable. 1700 Geddes, No. A-4. 763-6656. 08U301 ROOM IN HOUSE available immediate- ly. Near campus. Lynn, 665-2603. 75U301 NEED SHELTER? We have apt. to sub- lease: beginning in May, for 1-2 on N. Ashley, $150/mo. plus electricity or negotiable. Call 662-3707 after 5:30 p.M. 78U301 ENTIRE HOUSE 8-plus persons, fall option, 829 Packard. 769-4824. 61U301' ARBY'S of Ann Arbor is now hiring NEW CARS part-time counter help. Also week - ends. Janitor (approx. 7-10:30 a.m.). LET THE RIVERS of your body run Please apply in person 1-4 p.m. 3021H Washena, 73301 clean. Drink a raincloud of Golden Washtenaw._ 73H30 Mint Herb Tea. Applerose has Celes- tial Seasonings Herb Teas and all SUMM ER JOBS! kinds of other good stuff for your (GREATER DETROIT AREA) little body. cV3O The Jewel Cos.. Inc.-A diversified re ANNOUNCING tailer - has openings for ambitious students to run vacation routes, de-E velop new customers. Are you A HARD WORKER? eyu... NEED $200 PLUS PER WEEK? UP TO 24 MPG. SCHOLARSHIP ORIENTED? NOW AT PEUGEOT OF Full time positions (5 days a week),. ANN ARBOR flexibility and transportation a must. For full information and personal in- SEDANS AND WAGONS terview please call Mr. Waters or FOR 1974 Miss Timmer at53-70 Mody March 4, 1974 between 9 and M. 901 N. MAIN 769-7935 84H301 -- CHILD CARE and very light housework. TA S RATO $2/hr. Wednesday afternoons. Also oc-R casional mornings or evenings. Near rse are Sre to nd drivi campus. 761-0614 after 5, 591228 March 1-3. 662-5764. 14G301 DELIVERY-PART-TIME, must have G-IN T -- -- ---- car, be familiar with Ann Arbor and GOING TO BAJA, MEXICO. Riders or area. Excellent compensation. 662-3375 travelers. Steve, 1-533-6753. 76G301 04F301 V t 14 1 %a tIN L-1I 1IV LJ cF391 TYPING-769-2645, anytime. cFtc - INTERESTED in no-frills low-cost jet OPEN REGULAR HOURS travel to Europe, the Middle East, the Far East, Africa, or practically any- TH IS WEEK & NEXT where? EDUCATIONAL FLIGHTS can U-M STYL ISTShelp you find the least expensive way U- for getting where you want to go. AT TH E U N IONPhone us toll-free at (800) 223-5569. AT TH UNIO ___56F228 cF3Ol BOARD EXAM TUTORING ANNUAL DIAMOND SALE - Now in Enrollments now being accepted for progress. Sale began January 1 and S. H. KAPLAN tutoring courses to will end December 31. Austin Dia- prepare for the upcoming M.C.A.T., mond, 1209 S. University, 663-7151. D.A.T., and L.S.A.T. Board Exams. cFtc Call (313) 354-0085. cFtc WOULD YOU Like to Leave Your Apartment at 9 a.m.! to Make Your Nine O'clock Class on Time?- UNIVERSITY TOWERS APTS. 536 S. FOREST 761-2680 cCtc REGISTER NOW FOR MARCH CLASSES ART WORLDS 668-6244, 668-6222 223% S. Main (bet. Liberty and Washington) FALL RENTALS EXTREMELY NICE ON-CAMPUS APARTMENTS WELL FURNISHED Sharon, our rental associate will be glad to help you with your housing needs. STOP BY - OR CALL HER CAMPUS RENTALS 1 335 S. University 665-8825 BARGAIN CORNER CARPET SPECIAL Thousands of yards in stock--many colors and textures. $.99-$5.99 yd. None Higher. HAMBURG WAREHOUSE 10588 Hamburg Road 1-227-5690 cwtc I 3 } 3 4 i I I NOT A TENANT FALL or SUMMER 1 and 2 BDRM. * 1016 OAKLAND 662-3929 2 BDRM. 9912 BROWN DAY 761-3470 OTHER TIMES 665-0110 MANAGED BY FLYING DUTCHMAN ASSOCIATES STRATFORD APTS. is now taking ap- plications for fall and summer rentals. Modern 2-bdrm. $248-284. See apts. at 631 S. Forest, No. 3 or No. 11, or call 761-1840 or 663-2709. Close to campus. 680227 MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS BUDGET STEREO, Allied 426 receiver. MAY-AUG. SUBLET - Furnished, air- speakers, turntable, stereo phono- conditioned, comfortable, one-bed- graph, cheap, must sell. 769-6774. room apt., close to campus. Rent neg. 88X3011 Call 769-0832, 5-7 or anytime daily, - including spring break. dU301 HESS KIT, AR-155 Receiver, Dual 1218 -- .- -- turntable, 2 speakers, 8 track deck, TWO BEDROOM carpeted furnished excellent condition. All for $650. Will# apartment with dishwasher, disposal. sell separately. 665-6447 evenings. air - conditioning, friendly balcony. 02X301 Rent negotiable. Available beginning - May 1. Call 769-5098 if interested. KENWOOD KR150 receiver. Excellent dU3Ol condition. New $350, asking $250,O.-ga----p- - -. ..al . 7 1- Original packing materials. 11X228 SUM M ER GUITAR LESSONS Campus rooms for girls. Completely Class or private instruction - all furnished, carpeted, in a modern styles. Our studios also accommodate bldg. Sunny, pleasant neighborhood. styles.fOurestudiosasorccemmoadtf$100 for double, $75 single. Fall op- bano flute andreorder, keybd,~ tion. 761-1932. cUtc bass drums, clarinet, oboe, and sax. Call Ann Arbor Music Mart, 769-4980. SUBLET: May-August. Furnished, mo- et dern 1-bedroom ant, Quiet buiding. TICKET SALES-For civic organization. Pleasant worok done by telephone from our office or from your home. Previous experience an asset. Morn-E ing and evening work available. Ex- cellent compensation. 662-3375. 33H221 MA'TURE STUDENT-Free rent, laun- dry facilities, utilities, food within reason, in exchange for cooking and housekeeping. Call after 3, 769-2037.: 54H301 PART-TIME LIVE-IN HOUSEKEEPER NEEDED. 2 blocks from campus. From 9-5 your day is your own, but I need. you to get the children off in the morning and bring them home after 5 in the evening, give them dinner, put them to bed. Ineed a very res- ponsible person who is willing to take charge of the house, keep it clean. You will get a good salary, yourI own room, and the use of a car.: Please call days, Rebecca Sobel, 1- 444-1111 or eve, and weekends, 662-, 4964. 94H' 01 LOST AND FOUND FOUND - Gold bracelet in front of Angell Hall 2 days ago. 662-4976 after 5. dA301 WEIMARANER-Steel grey, female, 60 lbs., last seen with choke collar and tags Reward. 769-5065. 96A316 LOST - Animal Physiology notebook.' Picked up in S.A.B. Needed desper-- ately Call Ted, 761-6921. 90A327 RIDE NEEDED to or toward the Balti- FINE ARTS &CRAFTS more/D.C.darea. Will share gas and ACRYLIC & WATERCOLOR PAINTING possibly driving. Call 764-0557. days! -3/12 and ask for Steve. dG301 BAMBOO FLUTE MAKING-3/13 - --- - --------- - - BATIK & TIE-DYE-3/12 RIDE NEEDED to Boston. Will share DECORATIVE IRON WORK-3/16 gas and expenses. 761-6152 p.m.; 763-1 -free instruction 3/13, 7:30 p.m. 3246 days. dG301 EGG DECORATING-3/12 - _----- - FIGURE DRAWING & PAINTING-3/12 WILL SELL SOUL-but not body-for GLASS BLOWING-3/14 ride to WASHINGTON, D.C. over PATCHWORK-3/14 spring break. Call Marilyn or Diane PRIMITIVE WEAVING-3/11 at 769-3238 persistently. dG301 ADV. PRIMITIVE WEAVING-2/25 STEHEN--------------------SCULPTURE--3/12 STEPHEN STILLS CONCERT: Ride SCUI E-L/A 31 needed for two to concert in Detroit STAINED GLASS LAMPS-3/114 on Tues., March 5. Will share ex-'STAINED GLASS WINDOWS-3/14 penses. 769-3166, persist. 35G301 WOOD CARVING-4/1 USED CARS MI THEATRE ARTS & MUSIC USEDCARSMIME '74-3/13 -- -d VAUDEVILLIAN TECHNIQUE-2/28 1968 PLYMOUTH Valiant, 6 cylinder, RENAISSANCE MUSIC-3/12 excellent gas, very clean. Best offer. 487-3614. 98N301 WRITING - ___ - POETRY WORKSHOP-3/11 1969 MGB/GT overdrive. Call Sherwin, SHORT STORY WORKSHOP-3/11 668-8994 or 764-9492. 79N301 ----__ _DANCE '66 DODGE CORONET, 6 cylinder, stick. AMERICAN GRAFFITI-3/27 Clean, economical. Good transporta- BALLET-3/13 tion. $90. 663-9626, 6-8 p.m. 60N227: CREATIVE DANCE-2/27 - -- MODERN DANCE-3/16 65 FORD GALAXIE, no rust, new AFRO-HAITIAN DANCE-3/13 paint, AM/FM, 78,000 mi., $300 or best offer. 761-0176 8-10 a.m. 14N228 PHYSICAL & MENTAL DISCIPLINE 16COE S~o Gd -ASTROLOGY-3/24 1965 COMET Station Wagon. Good IATHA-YOGA-3/11 trans. $100. Call Pete, 761-7407. 36N01 YOGA FOR LUNCH-2/28 64 CHEVY. needs work. Ideal for do- YOGA OF PHOTOGRAPHY-3/20 it-ourelfr.Mus sel. 35 66-854RUNG-FU-3/13 t-yurselfe .MPust sell. $35. 665 854PSYCHIC AWARENESS-3/24 alter 4 p.m._dN226 WOMEN'S SELF-DEFENSE-3/12 T'EI CHI CH'UAN-3/21. ADV. T'EI CHI-3/1 TRANSACTIONAL ANALYSIS-3/12 TUTORING French/Italian by French girl student in Italian (Master). Call 663-2639. 61F228 PARKING SPACE, Packard/Tliompson/ Cross area. $10/mo. 761-2754. 41F227 THE COPY MILL - 211 B. S. State: 662-3969 FOR QUALITY COPIES AND OFFSET cFtc Why buy mass produced WEDDING RINGS? Have your own personal de- sign made by Jhan. 769-7550. cFtc WHY WALK FARTHER? Get your Levi's cuffed flairs at WILD'S VARSITY SHOP TRAVELING TO EUROPE this summer? Call Cindi Hopkins, 769-0634, TWA Campus rep. for info. cFtc WEDDING INVITATIONS-Mod, or tra- ditional style. Call 761-0942 Anytime. XEROX AND OFFSET Fast, low cost duplicating. COPY QUICK 1217 S. University 769-0560 WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY - All the new styles of romantic photography. No minimum order, or convenient packages. Weddings by David, 769- 0053. cFtc BUMPER STICKERS custom printed while-U-wait! $2. MBL Press, 1217 Prospect, Ann Arbor, 761-0942. cFtc WATCH FOR MOONLIGHT BOWLING COMING TO THE UNION cF228 PIPE SMOKERS! Handcrafted meer- schaum pipes. Exceptional values and the most personalized of service. Free Catalog. PMP Co., P.O. Box 444, Gaithersburg, Md. 20760. 66Ftc ABORTION ALTERNATIVES offered by PROBLEM PREGNANCY HELP 24 hrs. Phone 769-7283 Office-Basement, 400 S. Division cor. William. Mon.-Thurs. 1:00-4:30 p.m. Thurs. 6-9 p.m. Free Pregnancy Testing CFtc ANSWER TOPREVIOUS PUZZLE COLE STAMP UTAH A 1 LG I N A P O K E S KI EVA ALIKE CHE T SENATOR SWOON COM SHOWDOWN D I SH, MA INE V IA E N E R F D R A RI E G RET E R ST F EA R LE SS A HA 1 T E A 0C A R INA., H E AVY C A I NR A NG E G 0 W H 0 1 H 0 G-T"EL A R G Y MS M E LEE S TE T SAM'S STORE TRADITIONALS ... . 8.95 Geddes OR Observatory FURNISHED 4-MAN $65.00 per Man INCLUDES HEAT AND WATER STUDY UNDER ENJOYABLE CIRCUMSTANCES " Piano Room " Pool & Ping-Pong Room " Free Movies " Study Lounge " Weekly Housekeeping " Fully Furnished UNIVERSITY TOWER APARTMENTS 536 S. Forest 761-2680 eCte THINK FALL THINK SPRING AND SUMMER WE ARE ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR THE FOLLOWING BUILDINGS 418 E. Washington Modern 1 bedrooms for 2 students Balconies, air, security system Near Gino's and Frieze Bldg. 521 Walnut Street Modern 1 & 2 bdrm. units Dishwasher, air, security system Campus-Hospital area 911 S. Forest Modern 2, 3, & 4-man units Modern balconies, near Hill Street BELL BOTTOMS .... 9.66 38 LENGTHS . ... 10.16 BUTTON FLYS. .....8.00 BOOT J EANS .......8.95 GIBSON SG guitar and G-10 amph. $200 for both. 769-7955. 72X301 SONY TC-122 cassette deck, almost 2 yrs. old, hardly used, excellent condi- tion. $75. 764-2752. . 47X228 APPROXIMATELY 70 8-track tapes, 50c to $1.00 each; 2 Rollei TLR's $70 ea.; Fisher stereo system $250. Before 5:00, 761-2800, after 5:00, 769-1427. 11X228 STEEL GUITAR - 3 peddles, 1 knee lever. $330. Lessons, 761-6101. 47X403 NEW AUTOHARP: Regular $89.95, NOWs $79.50. 769-1400. exte CRAIG 8-TRACK TAPE PLAYER, ra- dios, voice of music stereo, head- phones. All must go! Great prices, in- ventory Sell-out. Apollo Music Cen- ter, 322 S. Main. 761-9430. cXtc APOLLO DRUM CENTER: All makes, new and used. 4 piece sets. Zieldjian cymbals and accessories. 5 piece So-s nor set. Snare drums by the dozen. 322 S. Main. Free Parking. Open eves. cXtc WANTED TO RENT WANTED-5-6 bdrm. house May to May, lease. Will pay $50 for lease on your. house. Call 764-0979. 92L301! - - - - -. - - - --. -- - - ----- - - for double. $7 761-1932. 5 single. Fall option. cUtc CAMPUS ROOMS for girls. Completely LOST & FOUND-1011 SAB 1:30-4:30. furnished, carpeted, in a modern bldg. 764-6288. A Sunny, pleasant neighborhood. $100 -- --- --- JACKETS ... . FOR SALE QUEEN SIZE WATERBED, frame and acc. $50 or best offer. 769-3514. 83B301 U i 1VU VLLUJ. WU V U J l K. Carpeted air conditioned, dishwasher. disposal, private parking and laundry facilities Five minutes to campus and Campus Corners. Fal option. Best offer. Call 769-1698 after 6 p.m. 57U301 10.50 COMFORTABLE 4-person apartment to sublet May-August. CLOSE TO CAM-' PUS AND HOSPITAL. Air-conditioned furnished, fully carpeted. $55 (nego- tiable) 1341 Geddes, No. 3. 662-2201. Call persistently. 43U301 SUBLET AVAILABLE, 2 bedroom, furn- ished, two blocks from Diag. Available Feb. 15th.- 662-7787. cUtc SUMMER SUBLET. Modern, 1-bdrm., furn. apt. with A/C, close to campus. Call 769-4691 (5-7 p.m.) 23U301 SINGLE furnished apt., May-Aug. Ad- jacent St. Joseph's Hosp, Call 761- 4254 aft. 10 p.m. 26U301 MAY-AUG.~CAMPUS-HOSPITAL AREA Modern and large 2-bedroom 4-man; and beautiful 2-bedroom 3-maan. We also have several 1-bedrooms. Call 668-6906 or 663-3641 for appointments. cUte CASH BRING YOUR TITLE WE'LL BUY YOUR CAR! TOP $$$ t LEVI S-CORDUROYS Boots Jeans 8.50 & BELL BOTTOMS . . HOODED SWEATSHIRTS ... 9.50 9.50 7.98 - I-- SPORTS CARS - FOR SALE - Woman's size 5 winter ,73 CAPRI V-6 automatic, silver- coat. Good condition. Call Barb, 764-7meallc,2,00 m ies e $3695 5655.-'73 FIAT 124 SPORTS COUPE, 11,000 mi. FURNITURE, excellent condition: com- AM-FM, 5-speed, factory warranty plete bedroom set $125, sofa $125, .. ...........$3695 table and lamp. 668-7082 evenings. '72 DATSUN 240Z. low miles, auto- 45B301 matic, AM-FM, beautiful brown metallic, chestnut interior .. $4795 COMPLETE SET of CRAFTSMAN tools, '72 PEUGEOT 4-door, 4-speed, model includes 3 socket sets, dwell meter & 504, dark blue finish, 24,000 miles. timing light. $100 or best offer. Royal See today at. .... .........$3495 Safari typewriter $30. 761-2800, after 5 '71 FIAT 124 Spider, 5-speed, AM-FM, 769-1427. 37B302 yellow, sharp,................ $2795 __- ----'71 PORSCHE 914, 5-speed transmis- sion, AM-FM, bright yellow R e i g rfinish ..............$4395 Red Zi nger 71 TRIUMPH GT-6, new paint, low miles, sharp................. $2695 PHOTO SUPPLIES '71JAGUAR XKE, V-12, A.T., P.S., AM- PHOT SUPLIESFM. Chrome wires, 15,000 miles, x- sharp............ .............$7595 MINOLTA SRT-01. f/.4, case, shade, '70 LAND-CRUISER, 4-wheel drive, mint condition. New Rokkor 135mm Vrshp..........$2995 f/2.8, Rokkor 200mm f/3.5, with cases, TYVeryTsharpA ...... shades. 665-9544 71D301 1969-1972 all models to choose from: LEICAM-4, superb cond. w/new 50mm 100 per cent warranty on engines, black finish summicron case, hand- transmissions and diff. for 1000 miles book. Paid $600, will negot. Call 769- or 30 days. 5 1973 DEMO'S - Real dollar values. PHOTOGRAPHY INTRO TO PHOTO-3/16 BASIC PHOTO-3/27 and 3/16 BASIC DARKROOM I-3/15 and 16 DARKROOM II-3/21 and 30 DARKROOM 11I-2/26 FIGURE PHOTO-3/26 and 30 PHOTOMATTING & MOUNTING - 4/18 and 20 NATURE PHOTO-4/20 PHOTOSCREEN PRINTING-4/14 STILL LIFE PHOTO-3/13 and 16 STUDIO PHOTO II-3/2 STUDIO PHOTO III-3/30 cF301 MICHIGAN LOTTERY tickets on sale at :he Village Apothecary. 1112 So. University. cFtc SPIRITUAL solution of the economic problem. Baha'i Faith. 764-9868. In- formal discussions whenever you like. 28F301 DOWN COATS .... ARCTIC PARKAS . . FLANNEL SHIRTS ... TURTLENECK SHIRTS ... WESTERN SHIRTS ... from 37.50 $40 & $50 .... 4.98 .3.98, 4.98 . from 5.98 $200 REWARD For 4-pius bedroom house. Steve or REAL ESTATE' Nina. 662-6744 repeatedly. 15L301 - -BEAUTIFUL, secluded 80 acres on Pine $40 REWARD for lease to 3-5 bdrm. Ridge Reservation. 100 mile view of house or large apt. near campus, for Badlands and Black Hills. $7500 firm, fall. 665-9257. 77L301 terms. Box 27, Rts. No. 3, Rapid City, i CROSSWORD PUZZLE Cox. '74 Gen'l Features Corp. We also have many other new and older units. Baggies from $9 207 E. LIBERTY -- - -S. Dakota57701.901228;a6951 _ _. .k WANTED: five or more bedroom house --_ - MODERN APTS., INC. for next fal, close to campus. $15 re- PETS AND SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS Ofice at 418 E. Washingtn, basement ward if we rent. Call 662-7597, T, Th. - - -- - - or Fr. between 6-8:30 or 665-2878. FREE to good home-6 month old fe- WHEN THE winter whistles through' 668-6906 or 663-3647 dL301 male Lab/Shepherd. All shots and your bones, warm up with Celestial cCte license 665-6616. 09T301 Seasonings Herb Tea. Avail. at Eden -W-- - - WANTED TO BUY - ---------- Retail, Soybean Cellars, Applerose. 1 BEDROOM apartment, State and - - - - ---- --- GERMAN SHEPARD-Malamute puppies, cM301 Kingsley. $175 including utilities. 764- WILL BUY silver dollars before 1935, $10. See both parents. 761-7491. -- --- - - ---- - -- - . 2451 before 5. . 03C301 $3 each. 662-3700. 65K322 09T301 TYPING term papers, theses, etc. Will ------ - 1-proofread and edit grammar, etc. Also' keypunch, *format, prices vary with; difficulty. Call 769-3348 or 662-5388 evenings. cMtc , FOCAR SERVICE, ACCES. J o nPlYSTEEL HARD-TOP. Will fit all Tri7 umph Spitfires from '71-'74. $75. 482- MYou Con Place A 0106 (Donald). 48S226 A- - - - I uppiement ai1i; I Col. x'4"AD I I i sa-smm.smsssm mamam mm samami iain mmmm mm m nn m mm mm mu ammimm wamm -murn urn rn w mr m mm m urn m m min mam0 1 1 1 M 1 1 PHAME 1B , 1 / 1 1 1 1 1 , Prn orTpIoyLgbyi pc Prvie asYuWudLk ttIper MAK CHCSPYBET *~~~H ADDES______GAN___DAILY___ HARRY'S ARMY SURPLUS I166 Broadway (north of Broadway bridge) 769-9247 BACKPACKER'S SUPPLY DEPOT LET US OUTFIT YOU FOR THE GREAT OUTDOORS 2 LB. GOOSE-DOWN SLEEPING BAGS . . . . $66.98 DUNHAM HIKING BOOTS $9 OR v &P I i i_ E It E - i i, a e Toyota Ann Arbor 907 N. Main 769-7935 cNtc PERSONAL FOR INDIAN CURRY, Chinese fried rice, people from different countries, good conversation live at an Inter- national Co-op. Spring/Summer, Fall/ Winter- applications being taken. Call Tom or Carol, 761-7435. 89E315 TRAVELING companion wanted. Male' or Female. Destination: West Coast, leaving as soon as possible. Day of return unknown. Sharing expenses nice but not necessary. Leave number if not home. Chris, 763-6647. 07F301 UPTIGHT? Relax in whirlpool. Angela massages muscles. Exclusive, confi- dential, inexpensive. 971-6867. cFtc MAN LOOKING for woman, object ... object. 82F301 A SLEEPY TIME pause-Something to sit bac kand bridge the gap with, as the world rumbles on and on. All three of the best natural food stores in town have it. Lots of good things at Soybean Cellars, Eden Natural Foods, and Applerose. cF301 WOMEN IS YOUR WORLD CHANGING? Come to a Personal Planning Workshop- March 16-17. Call Barb at 761-2274 or 485-4355 for more information. 06F313 MICHIGAN UNION OPEN REGULAR HOURS DURING THE BREAK cF3Ol ALL THE DATES you can handle. Sat- urday Night Insurance, 663-1392. 78F314 ACROSS 1 Small weights. 6 Mary Roberts Rinehart heroine. 10 Swiss game, probable source of pinochle. 14 Hair-raising. 15 Preposition. 16 Single item. 17 Creator of Holden Caul- field. 19 Charles -. Gibson. 20 Ovine animal. 21 Trifle. 22 Contemporary of Renoir. 23 Make marmalade. 24 Black haw. 25 Card game. 26 Characteristics. 28 Gyrate. 30 Common verb. 31 Nobel prize writer Lagerlof. 32 Douglas is its capital: Phrase. 34 Old hands. 36 - virumque cane. 37 Faith. 41 Prefix with lock or urban. 45 Half of a Heyerdahl title. 46 Girl's nickname. 47 Store, as grain. 48 Versifiers. 50 Children's nurse. 52 Rule: Abbr. 53 Unique persons: Slang. 54 Archie Bunker, for one. 55 M.D.'s gp. 56 Village north of Dublin. 57 Small rattlesnake. 59 "When _- one and twenty..." 60 Frigg's spouse. 61 Upright. 62 Dingle. 63 Trim. 64 Abodes. DOWN I Saddens. 2 China for Mao, perhaps. 3 Storehouse of a sort. 4 My: It. 5 Car parts. 6 Character in "I Pagliacci." 7 Entrance. 8 Let it stand. 9 Opposite of vert. 10 Pontius Pilate's realm. 11 Eire turned into Erie. 12 Famous Frank. 13 Republican. notable. 18 Troubles. 22 Name. 25 Yesterday: Fr. 27 Mischief-makers. 29 Neil Simon product., 32 "There - any more." 33 Balletomanes. 35 Farmer's crop. 37 Neck artery. 38 Historic island of the Pacific. 39 Ten or twenty. 40 Courtesan called a witch by Horace. 42 Screeds. 43 Gold or silver. 44 Looks at. 47 Plenty, old style. 49 Cancel: 51 Ten-percenter. 54 Wait, old style. 57 Junior. 58 Direction Abbr. 1 2 t4 1? 3 5 6 1 5 Z 4 8 8 9 10 111 1 F--- - - - I i i i I - + - --f -4-4i. I r,1 Z$ 29 21 LL 37 38 39 34 131 4 An40 31 A7 a I 0 0 i 1 1 1 1 1 1