The All-American Hamburger Test EIhe Sltan 1E1t33 Egt y-three years of editorial freedom Edited and mnanaged by students at the University of Michigan 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104 News Phone: 764-0552 SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1974 Anunielyesgnaio LEE GILL'S UNEXPECTED resignation as president of the Student Govern- ment Council comes at a very unfortu- nate time for students on this campus. The reasons offered, both official and unofficial, for his resignation are beyond dispute. Yet the timing is highly unf or- tunate. The attacks that Gill has come under ill recent months have been marked by their breadth if not their depth. As he himself said, he has been accused of "'everything under the sun," and subject tc' the mostly grossly improper and un- proven sorts of allegations. Members of the Council have been be- hind most of Gill's problems. Through- out the term of the Council, members of the Campus Coalition and Screw SGC parties have consistently vilified Gill's character and used every available means to subvert the Council from adopting pro- gressive stances. The tactics used by Gill's enemies have been reprehensible. Yet, throughout all of the chaos, Gill stood alone time and time again as the only voice of reason on Council. Gill ap- pealed for order .in the Council cham- bers endlessly throughout the meetings. And only Gill has shown the strength necessary so far to be able to control the meetings. Sports Staff DAN DORUS Sports Editor FRANK LONGO Managing Sports Editor BOB McOIN ..............Executive Sports Editor CHUCK BLOOM .............Associate Sports Editor JOEL GREER...............Associate Sports Editor RICH STUCK............Contributing Sports Editor BOB HEUER ............Contributing Sports Editor Dmimn Stnf Business Manager RYCATALN . ........ Oeationse Maagr SANDY FIENBURG .............. Finance Manager DEPT. MO S.:teve LeMire. JaeDunnng ala Scbwach Ross, Mark Sacrainte, B u a n n e aTiberlo Kvi Trimmer ASST. MGRS. Marlene Katr, Bil licalon STAFF: Sue DeSinet, Laurie Gross, Debbie Novess, SALEPEOPL: W endci Pobs, Torn Kettinger, 3rie Phillips, Pe t e r Anders, R 0 be r t Fischer, Paulo Schwach, Jack Mazzara, John Anderson Dennis Dismae (forecaters)ma aioad Photography Staff DAVID MARGOLICK Chief Photographer TOAS GOTTLIEB..........Staff hotorpher STEVE KAGAN.........Staff Photographer KAREN KASMAUSI. .... ...Staff Photographer TERRY MCCARTHY ............Staff Photographer JOHN UPTON ..........Staff Photographer TODAY'S STAFF: News: Della Di Pietro, Michael Duweck, Charles Stein, Ted Stein, Sue Stephen- son Editorial Page: Ted Hartzell, M a r n i e Heyn, Eric Schoch - Arts Page': Diane Levick, Mara Shapiro Photo Technician: Karen Kasmauski ND DESPITE the unparalleled broad- Asides on his character, Gill has been triumphant lately. He was able to get the Council to reverse the reactionary stand it took on Affirmative Action and the BAM demands. He beat a trumped-up as- sault charge in court with a glossy tri- umph. Clearly, Gill was asserting the up- per hand. Through his victories Gill had cleared the path for action, and there was every reason to suspect the new year would bring some tanglible action from a Coun- cil which has done nothing in the way of programs or achievements. The only pro- duct of the fall had been words. But Gill should not be criticized for his actions. His reasons for ending his association with SGC are legitimate enough, and more than one council per- son has seen academics slide due to the heavy time commitment involved. THE REAL LOSS of course, will be to the students, as replacement leadership of the caliber offered by Lee Gill is not easily found. Jeff Schiller means well, and his intentions are beyond dispute, but he presently seems to lack the respect accorded the former president. Whether Schiller proves himself capable of rising to the occasion and providing dynamic leadership Is open for speculation. First steps BETTER LATE than never, as they say. Federal energy chief William Simon an- nounced Thursday that Energ Office In- vestigators along with the Internal Reve- nue Service would begin auditing the price, supply and profit records of the na- tion's petroleum refineries. In doing so, Simon and the Federal Energy office apparently submitted to growing criticism of the government's blind faith in the uncorraborated infor- mation provided by the industry and its organizational mouthpieces. Until now, the only information available had come from such sources. It has been apparent for several months that the main beneficiaries of the energy crisis could be the petroleum in- dustry, especially in light of its total mo- nopoly of the relevant data. Hopefully, not only will the audit pro- gram provide accurate information on the exact extent of the energy shortage in the midst of conflicting media re- ports, it will provide stronger tools to regulate, industry prices and profits. However, this is no call for unrestrain- ed euphoria. The methods and effective- ness of the auditing process will deserve close scrutiny. A long-necessary action has been taken, nevertheless. Now, with added information seeming- ly available soon to deal with the short- age, it is imperative that the country be- gin exploration of new lifestyles and en- ergy sources that will not destroy the en- vironment, while dealing with the prob- lems at hand. By KEN McELDOWNEY G EORGE AND MARY Conklin of San Francisco used to eat their hamburger rare until o n e night George had to make a mid- night dash to the emergency room of the local hospital. Chances are what caused the trip was the bac- teria that had crawled into the package of meat they had fixed that night. Now when the Conklins have to eat hamburger they make sure it is well-done. However, even that is no tenough to kill all the bce ria packages of hamburger sold to American consumers each year. Hamburger, the central fixture in the American dietary pantheon, is under scrutiny for the f i r s t tme. Tests, conducted by consum- er organiza'tin isenmao U.S. citis have turnedup enough bacteria in many samples of meat (taken right from supermarket counters) to cause anything from an upset stomach to food poison- ing. CONDITIONS IN slaughterhous- es and meat packing plants have improved greatly since Upton Sin- clair's classic book The J u n g I e was published in 1906. Until now, though, little attention has been paid to conditions in supermarkets where most of the hamburger that winds up on the dinner table to ground and packaged. But starting with Consumers Un- ion's extensive meat testing in 1971, there has been heightened in- terest in what invisible beings con- sumers are carrying home with them in those clear plastic pack- ages. The Consumers Union test, conducted in Philadelphia, found 20 per cent of the meat purchased contained a bacteria count indicat- ing the meat had started to spoil. Hamburger was chosen for the test because it is handled m o r e than any other cut of meat. If there is contamination in supermarket meat, it will show up first in ham- burger. After several newspapers across the country conducted tests of their own, discovering contamination of hamburger was wide-spread, news- papers and TV stations in seven a ordinaed nationwide te With the help of national consumer or- ganizations, the All-American Hamburger Test was born. ON THE SAME DAY in e ach city, reporters purchased hambur- ger from the meat counters of America's largest supermarket chains for a series of sophisticat- ed laboratory analyses. The results, while far less dramatic than the old stories of rats ground up into sausage rolls, were potentially as dangerous from a health stand- point. Fecal contamination was found in two-thirds of al Ithe samples test- ed. Fecal bacteria originate in the intestines of animals and people. They can enter hamburger in sev- eral ways: butchers failing to wash their hands after using the toilet, a sewage line backing up and seep- ing into waterlines used to clean grinders and processing areas, or a butcher accidentally slittmng open the intestines of an animal dur- ing processing. In Louisville, Philade'phia, and St. Petersburg, all the meat pur- chased by reporters contained fe- cal contamination. The offendng sumamma.,,..........W.WmAa s.VX.V4.V...... "Many times . .. left-over hunks of ground beef sit in a grinder for as long as eight to twelve hours in a poorly refrigerated room-a process which, somehow, does not transgress state standards. suammmmsammmm.amaamsmsgsma stores read like a Who's Who of supermarket chains: A&P, Safe- way, Kroger, Jewel Tea, Wirn Dixie and Lucky. GEORGE POLLAK, chief of Con- sitmers Union's food division, who served as technical consultant, says that even the slight est trace of fecale contamination should cause the meat to be unmuited for human consumption. "It causes sourness and spoil- age of meats and, in sufficient :esting of all was done, 23 of 30 samples (chosen from the meat counters of San U'ranciszas best supermarkets) il'vfle-l Cbnsumers Unions' upper limit of acceptabil- ity. STATE AND L0cAL laws are noticeably lax on athe subject and meat inspections in many cities are irregular at best. Eight San Fran- cisco supermarke's had not been checked by meat inspecor; in over a year. rooms, and improper storage of in- secticides. Five of the stores, in- cluding two Safeway marets, were branded the "worst"' is the San Francisco area for repeated vio- lations and carelessness. CALIFORNIA'S standards of san- itation are probably more rigid than those in most states, ye+ they are weak indeed. There are no temperature requirements for wat- er used in washing (Consumers Union recommends 180 degrees). srilizersn wthout which cmtin-1 mnated equipment will infect batch after batch of meat. Wooden workC surfaces and sawdust on the floor, both of which harbor bacteria, are allowed. (Wood is particularly hard to clean, because of scratches and nicks.) With the exception of the state of Oregon and a small rnumbe- of cities, there are no standards for maximum bacteria cont in meat, nor are there adequate standards for sanitary conditions in m e a t departments. George and Mary Conkli are warier these days anout buying meat. But without a microscope and their own testing lab, they iave no alternative but to take their chances on badly inspected nmeat marlCets or become vegetarians. Ken McEldowney is a free larice journalist living in the Bay area. He was co-directo of h Al American Hamburger Test for San Francisco's co'nsuner - orsented mnagazine The Bay Area Guardian. Copyright - Pacific News Serv- ice, 1973. amounts, can cause food poison- ing," Pollak says. "Its presence in meat is unacceptabAe because it indicates the potential presence of still other disease-causing or- ganisms. Each sample of meat was also tested for Coliform bacteria which produces odors and sliminess in hamburger and -which can cause mild food poisoning. Virtually ail 129 samples of meat contained more than the 100 Colifotrm bacteria per gram that Consumers Union considers a reasonable limit. Two- thirds of the samides exceeded the 1,000 per gram limit which Con- sumers Union considers the upper limit of acceptability. In Bostor, Chicago, Dayton and Louisville, reporters found some meat with Coliform counts ex'.eed- ing 100,000 per gram. Ini San Fran- cisco, where the most extensive Even stores whicn scrupulously abide by state regujations often find high bacteria counts in their hamburger. Many times, fur ex- ample, left-over hunes of ground beef sit in a grinder for as long as eight to twelve hours in a poorly refrigerated room - a pro- cess which, somehow, does act transgress state standards. The unlucky cus-omer who gets the first package of meat out of the next grind is likely to get a walloping dose of bacteria invisible to the naked eye but as liveby as a medievay orgy under a microscope In the San Francisco area, vir- tnally all the 86 supermarkets checked had at least one major sanitary violation ii the last iS- 24 months. The most frequent were flaking paint and plaster, impro- per refrigeration, dirty equipment, rodent infestation, dirty b a t h- Lettrs: ustie for Palestinians Tfo The Daily: FOR THE SECOND time in two months an anti-Arab racist state- ment appears on the pages of The Daily, this time in the form of a letter to the editor, dated Jan. 8. The previous one was a paid ad- vertisement full of vile pronounce- ments and hate messages. The out- rageous claim made by the letter writer was to the effect that the Palestinians do not exist, adding insult to injury. He asked, "what are their credentials for statehood.? ...their unique language ... unique culture . . . unique reli- gion?" He brilliantly concluded that they have none! Nothing unique, anyway. In the op-inion of the letter writer 'the fat that Palestiians share the 100 million people disqualifies them from having a language of their own; the fact thati they enjoy more than 2000 years of a rich cul- tural heritage does not suffice for them to have a culture; and that both Islam and Christianity do not constitute religions good enough for a group with which to identify. According to this weird logic and warped thinking, the Americans are not entitled to statehood be- cause their language is spoken elsewhere, their religion shared with, other nations, and their cul- ture a mixture of many! Other frivolous remarks and vile distortions were made by the let- ter writer, disregarding historical facts and figures. Political expe- diency may tempt a partisan advo- cate to distort and exaggerate. However, no one in his right mind ever denied the existence of the Palestinian people, their history, their cultural heritage, and their identity. I am a Palestinian, but according to the writer I do not exist! The facts are as follows: First, the land of Canaan, later called Palestine, as settled by the Cana- anites who were there before the Hebrews and some modern day Palestinians are descendants of the original inhabitants (Canaanites, Amorites, Arameans, Arabs and .Jews!); this was 1300 years be- fore Moses led the Hebrews to Palestine. Second, in 1948, over 700,000 Palestinians were terrified into leaving their homes, farms, and property; at the time of the Par- tition Planof 1947,f th Jtews owned Palestine and constituted aboit one-third of the population; in 1918, Jews constituted only 7 per cent of the total population of Pales- tine Third, the Palestinians of today are part of the Arab nation, shar- ing a common long history, a common language, and a common destiny. Their status was and con- tinues to be no different than the Lebanese, Syrians, Iraqis, Egyp- tians, or other fellow Arabs. Before Israel, they lived in thriving cities, had prosperous and productive farms, and enjoyed the highest standard of living in the Arab World. They agree with the nationally syndicated columnist, Jenkin Lloyd Jones (Ann Arbor News, May 12, '73) that "the in- gathering of the exiles to the new Zion may prove to have been the worst idea of modern times." They also agree with Israeli journalist, Yeshayau Ben Porat, wvho has close ties to Defense Minister Dayan, about the characterization of Zion- ism. He wrote, ". . . frankness with the outside world and the Israeli people will eliminate mis- understandings and rip aside the veil of hypocrisy covering many of our actions . .." And finally, the facts are that the Zionist occupation of Palestine which led to the forced dispersal of the Palestinian Arabs cannot annull the Palestinian personality, and that there ill be no true po- litical to the Arab-Israeli conflict until the rights and demands of more than one million Palentin- ians, now livig in exile, are taken -t osideaher Mohammed Jan. 11 l,'riawli A robs To The Daily: WITH ALL the varied reactions to the latest round of war in the Mid-East, it seems to be a good time to set the scene on the Israeli internal situation. It seems that the Arab supporters at this univer- sity and the rest of the country harp on the oppression of Arabs in Israel. I feel the notion should be changed. El Anba, the newspaper of the Arab branch of the Israeli or- ganization, The Histadrut, had an interview with the Arab mayor of Nazareth, Seif en Din el Zuabi (who is also a member of the Is- raeli parliament). He hailed the enthusiasm with which thousands of Arab citizens volunteered f o r work in the kibbutzim, to donate blood and to contribute to the vol- untary war loan. He said, Israeli Arabs had prov- ed their loyalty to Israel and iden-- tified themselves with the securny and well-being of the state. "The bombs do not discriminate b e - tween, Arabs and Jews," he said, noting the Syrian. rocket .ittack on a Druse village near the Golan Heights. . El Anba printed pictures of Arab women from Nazareth and Haifa distributirng sweets and soft drinks to soldiers. Also in the paper were pictures of Arab farmers sending fruit to the front, offering tog do- nate their vehicles and helping with civil defense work. In an editorial vie w E l e A b s a , th e s e ffo rt Arabs can live together and co- operate even in times of unen war- fare between Israel and her neigh- bors,. The Arab manager of the Naz- areth branch of the Israel Dis- count Bank, Janal Saad sail, "for us, Israel is our country, we don't want any other." Another Nazar- eth Arab told a Jerusalem Post reporter, "we have no sons in the Army (Arabs are not subject to army service), food supplies are normal, life has not been disrupt- ed, and the least we can do is to show our identification with the war effort." There are 400,000 Israeli Arabs, but in this war there was not one single~ act by any of them, direct or indirect, against the security of Irerted not a singl inciet be- tween Arab and Jewish prisoners in Israeli jails, while 700 prisoners', bot rArabs and Jews, gae blood to knit woolen caps for soidiers in the Golan and Sinai. Others made gift packages of cha1,tick, paper tissues, soap, nail lippers, shaving cream, chewing gun, dried fruit, nuts, to send to soldiers. A greeting in Hebrew and Arabic went into each tiackage. By Oc- tober 24, 350,000 such gift parcels were sent. Other Arab women set up roadside stands to offer free food and drinks to passing sold- iers. One Arab woman was touch- ed when a Jewish soldier, speak- ing for his group said in Arabic, "All honor to the women of Na.. areth." Though he is an Arab, Arabs outside Israel think of him first as an Israeli. Though he is an Is- raeli, Jews had thought of him first as an Arab. But Nv'at the Yom Kippur War has demonstraz- ed to the Israeli Jew is zhat the outside Arabswertright - srael Sa nford I .ein '77 To The Doily: AS ALMIGHTY COD, I greet you. I want to thank all the Editors and Publishers who sent a response tO Our last Letter. Faith can be locked up in Virtue, if the recipient aolws glory to enter into his heart. Lveh can conquer fear - as in th eart ofa enew brn bab e., orLbn GOD, to help all the Editors and Publishers in the w orld to gain new hope; To establs a Fa it tannt alvte perils, of the Universe I can enhance your Hope, so a troubled heart will not grieve, but will grow strong in stature a'nd as unmovable as the proverbiaul house built upon a rock. Even bell's fire could not prevail against it. There may be mongrels w h 0 mock Mv Word, but their live now 'and in the Hereafter is short-lived. With your hand in Mine, We can elevate to a greater Glory than ever be attained in your journey through life alone. As Almighty GOD, I have Dic- tated this Letter to you through My beloved Son who wrote down My Very Sacred Words. With a reluc- tant but fond farewell, I elose this Holy Letter which only My Son will sign. As you may already know, My Holy Name is void of form. Eugene Changey December 15, 1973- past wisdom To The Daily: YOU MAY BE interested ir the following quotation: "I would like to run the meet- ing somewhat on the basis of the SGC meetings. They seenm to be very efficiently run, but yet every- thing is properly considered." - Bill Diamond, Engineering Coun- cil President, Sept. 13, 1955 -Paul Heiss '75 President, Engineering Council Jan. 11 The Editorial Page of The Michigan Daily is open to any- one who w is he s to subnmit articles. Generally speaking, all articles should be less than 1,000 words. The long~~ bitrsac for an acceptabl hertage By JOHN BODINE JT WAS QUITE some time ago that I left my boyhood home and wandered to Ann Arbor to seek my future; and although I still don't understand why I made that cursed decision, I've come to understand a little better the malady that has afflicted me - and I'd like to share that know- ledge with you. I was born in a small town. I Missouri. And (can I say it?) I have an ack-say-ent. In short, friends and readers, the following is the sordid confession of a downstater (in Missouri, those squalid life I left for what it truly is. I remember when I was 10 ... my daddy sent me to the grocery and feed store one Sunday to buy a New York Times. I remember passing men in worn, faded cover- alls - men who weren't students wearing coveralls that weren't pre-. faded: The shame, now I see it for what it is, the shame! And I , remember asking Mr. Rurton for "The New York' Times"' - and my ears burn to remember his re- ply. He smiled and winked and said, "Well son, I don't reightly know but if you add an hour to Central Standard, I betchu'il come " And my brother, he worked at that grocery and feedstore, and 1w, he wore shirts to work, and he came home smelling of sweat and oats. Dis- gusting, I know, but I must continue, I must." everybody knows about St. Louis, but who knows about Potosi? And who wanted to sound just like Johr- ny Carson when, without even try- ing, you could sound just I i k e Dennis Weaver? Little did I know until I arrived in liberal, academic cosmopolita . . . little dlid I know. I BEGAN LEARNING of my de- bility soon after arriving here. At the bus station a studenit noticed my jean jacket and offered to give me a ride to campus. "Thay-anks," I said and sudden- ly his warm manner iced up. , "What's happening, baby?" his girlfriend said. He pointed to the dekalb patch I had sown on my jacket and her mouth dropped open. ''Oh wow," she said, "like, bum- "Iis," he said to me, '"we aren't bigots like you, you redneck honky, so you better tno'v your place." His face was purple, his featurkescontorted n rage.yur down on abortion, right)? Up on Vietnam? Well, I'm a liberal, hay- seed, I worked for Gene McCar- thy; I own every record Dyian ever made; I read the New Yo-k -Times; and I ain't from no goodam outstate jackshit town! So you watch your step, boy, you just watch your step!" lIE WHEELED and stomped j~A1l ~ afflicted with this crippling illness are referred to as being "from down state"), and of my unsuccess- ful attempt to cure myself in the liberal bosom of Ann Arbor. I WAS BORN in a small tnwn named Potosi which lay 75 miles SSW of St. Louis and squatted on the rusted foothills of the Ozark3. It wvas a tiny town of frame hotis- close." He had smiled and patted my head at the time - ani how could he have? Could Faulkner have imagined worse? AND MY BROTHER, he worked at that grocery and feed stwre. and he, he wore worn shorts to work, and he came home smelling Of sweat and, oats. Disgusting, I know, but I must continue, I must. LArrEe- DA~~? I~Rb.ELlit4 VJM~OG2t~& 40 Y~A2~ w~ 1~G ~fLC~J~ IA~A~ '~ me