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February 28, 1974 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1974-02-28

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See editorial page


Y t e

Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom


See Today for details

Vol. LXXXIV, No. 125

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, February 28, 1974

Eight Pages

Ten Cents

Ten Cents


. ---

Rent control
The Ann Arbor Democratic party will discuss their
possible support of the HRP rent control proposal which
will appear on the April ballot, during a meeting at
the Ann Arbor Public Library on the corner of Fifth
and William Streets at 7 p.m. Democratic backing may
be crucial to the ordinance, which at present has not
received official support from either of the two major
Postponed proposal
Henry Johnson's proposal which would require recog-
nized student organizations using University facilities
to deposit their funds with the Office of the Student Au-
ditor has been delayed. "Fairness to all is the key is-
sue" 'said Elliot Chikofsky, chairman of the Student Or-
ganizations Board. "We want to protect both sides
against what has happened in the past. The University's
tax structure must be protected from abuses and stu-
dents must have complete access to the democratic
rights of their organizations." The plan calls for a
meeting of representatives from the auditor's office,
SGC, the Office of Student Services and the Student
Organizations Board to be held after spring break for
the purpose of determining the best possible policy.
Student power?
Housing Policy Committee (HPC) member David
Faye proposed a motion to abolish the organization at
its weekly meeting yesterday. As a quorum was not
present at the time, the motion was tabled for later
discussion. Faye claimed that as Vice President for
Student Services Henry Johnson has relegated the com-
mittee to an advisory capacity, its existence would only
continue to mislead students into believing they have
much more of a say in decisions concerning University
housing than is actually the case. Faye suggested that
the University Housing Council and the Northwood Ten-
ants Association take over HPC's duties.
Happenings . ..
lean toward the political today, starting with an
HRP mass meeting beginning at 7 pm. in the Newman
Center of St. Mary's Church. The HRP Women's Caucus
will discuss internal sexism, party elitism, and cam-
paign progress . . . State Representative Perry Bullard
(D-Ann Arbor) will speak at the Mosher Jordan dormi-
tory at 7:30 p.m. The public is invited to attend . .
The Revolutionary Students Union and the Attica Brigade
will hold an organizational meeting for people interested
in participating in a revolutionary drama group. The
grftp will hopefully prepare street theatre, guerrilla
theatre, and multi-media presentations. The meeting be-
ginning at 8 p.m. on the second floor of 332 S. State St.
... the Bach Club will offer a program of trumpet, viola
and piano music, by Bach, Hummel and Torilli in East
Quad's Green Lounge at 8 p.m.
Calley freed
Lt. William Calley, the only man convicted for the
massacre of Vietnamese civilian at My Lai, won his bid
for temporary freedom yesterday only hours after his
first appearance before a civilian judge. Calley told
U. S. District Court Judge Robert Elliott, "I feel I
could be useful to society." Calley has been under house
arrest in his small bachelor apartment at nearby Ft.
Benning since his conviction three years ago for mur-
dering at least 22 unresisting South Vietnamese civil-
ians. He was freed on $1,000 bond.
More on impeachment
Attorney General William Saxbe said yesterday that
he "did not embrace" President Nixon's view of the
grounds on which a president could be impeached. "I'll
keep myself flexible," said Saxbe. Nixon, during his
press conference Monday, said that it was the opinion
of White House counsel and a number of other constitu-
tional lawyers that a criminal offense on the part of the
president was the requirement for impeachment. Asked
for his own view on impeachment grounds, Saxbe said,
"I don't have any firm view. If they were so inclined
they could impeach because they don't like the color
of his necktie."
Swedish crown

The Swedish Parliament yesterday overwhelmingly
approved a new constitution downgrading the monarchy
and making King Carl Gustaf only a ceremonial figure-
head. The 27-year-old king will no longer be asked to
give the royal assent to legislation and to formally nomi-
nate new prime ministers, although he will retain im-
munity from civil prosecution. The constitution also
lowers the voting age to 18 and reduces parliament from
350 to 349 seats in order to prevent a future repetition
of the present dead-heat between government and oppo-
sition parties. Although rightwingers had objected to the
downgrading of the monarchy, only communists voted
against the new constitution. They are in favor of abol-
ishing the monarchy completely and declaring a repub-
on the inside .. .
. David Stoll writes on the American Indian Move-
ment, the St. Paul Wounded Knee trials, and Clyde
Bellacourt's visit to town last week on the Editorial Page
. . .the Arts Page features an article on blues artist
John Jackson by Joan Borus . . . and Clarke Cogsdill
discusses Big Ten wrestling on the Sports Page.
A 9t Aan AhA Ill r

Rhodes r
In a long-anticipated move, President Robben Flem-
ing announced yesterday theappointment of literary
college (LSA) Dean Frank Rhodes to the position of
vice president for academic affairs, effective July 1.
Fleming, who has been evaluating "four or five" can-
didates during the past two weeks, last night affirmed
his faith in Rhodes, saying, "I wouldn't appoint some-
body I didn't like."
RHODES, who will succeed Vice President Allan
Smith, was considered by one high administration
source to be the only candidate "competent enough"
to fill the post.
According to informed sources, Rhodes had also
been asked to assume the presidency of the University
of Minnesota and was "seriously considering the of-
fer." Reportedly, Fleming had offered him the vice
presidency at about the same time and was just
"waiting for Rhodes' decision before making the an-
nouncement" yesterday morning.
Rhodes, who is in Louisiana attending a conference,
could not be reached for comment.



RHODES initiated his University career as a pro-
fessor of geology in 1968 and has been dean of LSA
since 1971.
Hailed as an "innovator" when he first assumed the
deanship, Rhodes once labeled his ideas "fairly wild
by conventional standards."
After two years as Dean of the University's largest
college, Rhodes now calls for a "skepical inventive-
ness" in improving administrative flexibility.
Fleming, who forsees Rhodes as having different
'policies and priorities than his predecessor, said.
"Smith did a superb job, but at the same time, I'm
delighted to have a vice-president with somewhat dif-
ferent interests."
BECAUSE THESE are "crucial times" for higher
education, "there will be no escaping hard decisions
as vice-president," continued Fleming.
Rhodes, who was born in Warwickshire, England,
47 years ago, was educated in both England and the
United States. After receiving his doctorate from the
University of Birmingham, England, he served as an
associate professor in geology at the University of Illi-

nois and in 1956, became a professor and geology de-
partment head at the University of Wales.
Rhodes is the author of more than 80 articles, mono-
graphs, and several books, including The Evolution of
At the University, Rhodes was known was his popu-
larity among students who had taken his geology
THE REGENTS, who authorized Fleming to nego-
tiate with Rhodes are expected to confirm the ap-
pointment at their next meeting on March 15.
Earlier, this month, Fleming said 65 persons, both
inside and outside the University were under consid-
eration for the post. Although no formal search com-
mittee existed, many recommendations were made
through the faculty's Senate Advisory Committee on
University Affairs (SACUA).
No one is currently under consideration to fill
Rhodes current post as LSA dean. However, Fleming
said a committee will be appointed promptly with
"provision for widespread consultation in the LSA and
University community."



Mideas t
JERUSALEM (/P) - Secretary c
State Henry Kissinger delivered
list of 65 Syrian-held war pris
oners yesterday and Premier Gold
Meir indicated Israel was ready t
begin talks with the Damascus
Release of the list by Syria wa:
considered a major step towar
bringing the two countries tagethe
to negotiate a troop separatio'
agreement on the Golan Heights.
American officials' said much o
the list had been in Kissinger',
possession for a week and one o3
two Israeli leaders had "a ballpar]
idea" of how many POWs Syri,
was holding.
Assad presented the names, it
Arabic, to Kissinger during a four
hour meeting that ended shortly
before 4 a.m. Tuesday.
Hassad also agreed that the In
ternational Red Cross would be
permitted to visit the prisoner:
Friday morning.
The list and the Red Cross visit:
were Israeli conditions for partiiaigi h ieggmn
ticipating 'inth dsai'sengagemen
Israeli estimates of the numbez
of prisoners held in Syria ha:
ranged from 80 to slightly over
100. A U.S. official said yesterday
that at ' one point the Israeli:
thought Syria had no more thar
28 of the 140 listed as missing it
action on the Syrian front.
THE SECRETARY of state con
ferred with Israeli leaders for 3/
hours yesterday, and will carry an
Israeli proposal to Syria tomorrow
Meir broke the news about the
POWs in athnationwide television
broadcast, thanked Kissinger for
his "unstinting efforts" and said
"Israel is ready to assist" the sec
retary in achieving an Israeli
Syrian disengagement.
She said "we will inform Dr
Kissinger of our ideas on disen
gagement of forces with the Syrian
army, so that he can bring them
personally to the Syrian govern-
The premier stressed that Israel
"will not relent" in its campaign
to get the prisoners home.



oil price cut in



WASHINGTON _(T--The House passed emergency energy
legislation yesterday, providing for an oil price rollback and
giving. President Nixon the authority to order gasoline ration-
The measure now goes to the White House where it faces
an almost certain veto.


ISRAELI PREMIER Golda Meir and U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger are all smiles at
of their meeting in the premier's Jerusalem office yesterday. After the meeting, Meir announce
offer for exchanging prisoners with Syria based on an Israeli prisoner list obtained earlier by K
'U', AFSCME hit padl

FINAL PASSAGE came after motions to
more controversial provisions, including the
ing authority were defeated by roll call votes.
Earlier, the House reversed its
Rules Committee and voted down
a parliamentary rule that had
threatened to kill the bill. ~ ,
The vote on final passage was
258 to 151, short of the two thirds
vote that would be needed to over- tai
ride a veto. &
According to figures from a
House committee the rollback pro-
vision would reduce gasoline prices
AP Photo by up to four cents a gallon at the
pump and cut propane prices in
the start half. By
d a new AUn
issinger. THE AMERICAN Petroleum, In- claimed
stitute issued a statement saying: attempt
"At a time when the nation needs atep
to focus its attention on expanding changed
domestic sources of energy, the a possib
Congress has approved legislationphom
which is certain to discourage such four tim
efforts. The end result of the pricefourFtb.e
rollback provision contained in the ofsFeb.'
legislation will be a drop in our pitai do
some time supply of crude oil." nent. C
A motion to strike the rollback have bC
section from the bill was defeated but he i
first time 238 to 173.
ersity have THE HOUSE turned down the WHIL
the last parliamentary rule on a 259 to police d
tract expi- 144 vote, bell adr
proved un- Instead, it adopted a compromise been the
versity was rule proposed by House Commerce in a na
unpleasant Committee Chairman Harley Stag- now be
day strike gers (D-W.Va.), floor manager of informa'
could be the bill, calling for full-scale roll- stabbing
cal votes on the price rollback, Meanw
rationing authority and a section hero ofa
the strike giving the President temporary paign by
dormitories authority to put energy conserva-
e next day tions plans into effect without first SHOR
seeking Congressional approval. Se

strike several of the bill's
price rollback and ration-
be false
iversity student who first
he was knifed in a robbery
earlier this month has
I his story and now faces
,le charge of falsifying a
as Campbell was stabbed
nes in the face on the night
11, suffering a 95 per cent
oss which University Hos-
ctors say may be perma-
ampbell at first claimed to
een assaulted and robbed,
has now changed his story.
E BEING interrogated by
detectives Monday, Camp-
mitted that he had in fact
e victim of a double-cross
rcotics deal, and he may
charged with giving false
tion at the time of the
while, he has become the
a short-livedismpathy cam-
y the Ann Arbor News.
TLY AFTER the knifing in-
e STABBING, Page 3

n After four hours of bargaining
yesterday, the University and its
- 2,400 maintenance and service
' workers reached a tentative agree-
n ment on a new contract.
The agreement between the Uni-
e versity and the union Local 1583
n of the American Federation of
State County and Municipal Em-
- ployes (AFSCME) was reached
without the aid of a state mediator
which both parties had previously
agreed to bargain through.
- The agreement between both
bargaining teams was reached at
the Office of the Michigan Em-
ployment Relations Commission.
l PRESIDENT of Local 1583,
Charles McCracken, refused to
comment on the situation before
union members vote on the settle-

MERC to test depth
of support for GEO

ment, saying only, "They gave in
on some things and we gave in on
Terms of the agreement will
not be released until after they are
explained to Local 1583 members
at two meetings scheduled to take
place on March 6.
McCracken and James Thiry,
University manager of union and
staff relations and chief negotia-'
tor, said, "We are satisfied with
the terms of the agreement and
hope it will be approved by the
members of Local 1583."
McCracken said that he had "no
idea" which way the union would
THE ISSUES under dispute in-
cluded wage disagreements, cost of
living escalator, and paid health
insurance benefitsaas well as other
non-economic issues. In a pam-
phlet released last January 20,
AFSCME charged that the Univer-
sity wage offer fell four per cent
short of last year's increase in the
cost of living.
Negotiations for a new contract
began last October 22. The former
three-year contract expired Dec.
31, but was extended three times
amid the threat of an impending
strike as no new settlement could
be reached.
At the last impasse the Univer-,
sity and AFSCME agreed at
AFSCME's suggestion to call in a
state mediator and a fact finder,
saying that they "would find it
The mediator would act like a
chairman, but not as an arbitra-
contract settlement eliminated the
need for a mediator.
Mark Kahn, an economics pro-
fessor at Wayne State University,
and an industrial labor disputes

The first steps toward recogni-
tion of the Graduate Employes
Organization (GEO) as the sole
bargaining agent of University
teaching fellows began yesterday
as the Michigan Employment Re-
lations Council (MERC) moved to
determine if GEO has the support
of one third of the TFs.
Yesterday, representatives of
GEO delivered some 900 members'
certification cards requesting union
status for the group to MERC's
Detroit offices.
Silberstein noted at a press con-
ference that this' figure is well
-1" A of h_ _ nee rr A a lir

have been made until
after that.
This is not thef
AFSCME and the Unive
knocked heads over a
Three years ago, at
AFSCME-University con
ration date, negotiations
successful, and the Uni
forced to suffer the
consequences of a three
before an agreement
By the second day of
food services in thed
had rolled to a halt. Th
the issues were settled.

whelming acceptance of GEO as
the bargaining unit for 1600 TFs,
but expressed fears the University
may try to stall the election de-
spite public pledges to the con-
"We are extremely wary of Pres-
ident Fleming's promise to cooper-
ate in a speedy election. Every
contact we've had with the presi-
dent has included some amount of
equivication," she 'said.
Silberstein declared that the first
indications of Fleming's "sincer-
ity" would come in about two
weeks, when he is presented with
an election agreement.
"Then we will know how reliable
his promises are," she said.

even almost reveals intention
of seeking governship again
h ,y{:'i,, -' Cti:Y' .} ~By RON LANGDON
Former Democratic state Sen.
Sander Levin, narrowly defeated
by Governor William Milliken in
1970 yesterday galloped to the
brink of ftrmally announcing that
he will again seek Michigan's gov-
ernorship this November. "I fully
expect to be a candidate," declared
" "I'm not trying to be coy," he
said, but-went on to explain that
he will definitely announce his
candidacy "in four to six weeks."
Levin made his nonannouncement
at a meeting with editors and
staffers of The Daily which he had
arranged, he said, as part of his
t three month program to "get the
3 feel" of voter concerns. "I am here
to ask you questions," he laid.
HOWEVER, Levin did use the
opportunity to expound on what he

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