tH& MICHIG'AN PA IC Y we ndsday, Februdry 27, 1974 --PAID ADVERTISEMNT- r _1 THE REPORT OF THE COMMISSION ON GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Continued from page 5 anvenient familiarity, easy in- terchangeability, and potential flexibility. Somewhat reluctantly, the Commission embraced the cred- it-hour system after all. Unanimously, however, t h e itembers of the Commission agreed that the intensity of a student's engagement is far more important to the quality of educa- tio than the number of courses taken; we believe that the basic pattern for undergraduates in this College should be four courses a tern instead of five. (8) Applying the credit-hour system to this change offers some additional ad- vantages. Basically, the in a j o r formal courses should carry four credit'hurs; and the fourteen ad ditionial hours of class time per ter thereby added should be a serious supplement rarely used for an~ther lecture and not necessar- ily held i the usual classroom but rather a regular occasion which might be used in some courses to gie students individual guidance or for =the criticism of written wrk; in some for informal coun- seling, tutoral sessions, and dis- cyissions; in others for special field trips or demonstrations or re- viw sessions. Used seriously, these additional sessions could go far to establish richer and more informal facultystudent relation- ships and to give each course its particular quality and emphasis. Thwoughout the College the ten- d&ncy is toward assigning m o r e writjng 4ed research, encoraging mre exploration and lss mem- oization, stressing e s s a y s and e$rfiments more than the final e, ariation. This charge in peda- gogy demands more faculty time like counseling and informal d #sussIon$ should be treated not ea vague, unspecifie4 additional wvrk but as an integral part of teaching and of courses t h e m selves. In addition, there s h ou 14 be two-hour courses quite different in nature in which a faculty member niglt treat intenpivly an impor- tant but spe ialized topic (in the style of lectures at Oford and Ca brldge) or students and fac- ulty together might discursively follw some general theme. Two- hour courses Inght meet for half a term (preferably in the first half), inteusively for a month (perhaps inv itng a small team resrch project), be added to a four credit hour course to make an intensive terni or be stretched as an in- formal seminar across two terms. The course for two credit-hours, freed of responsibility for the ful- ler coverage of the four credit-hour course, wguld thus add to curric-. ulr flexibilty as well as to a! variety in seheduling that would accomro4te the exigencies of special projects or off-campus study. The contrast in the style of the two kinds of courses should, however, be maintained. Clarity of purpose can be better sustained and fallacious precision avoided by generally eliminating courses for three and five credit-hours. (9) Evep w i t h the adition of courses for two credit-hours there shoud be an overall reduction in the number of courses taken and' therefore in the n u m b e r of Courses offered. The reduction in1 the amount of formal classroom teahig demanded of the faculty' would in turn release considerable time and energy for interdiscipli- nary atferings, counseling, and in- dividual instruction. Such change would have the further, if pain- ful, benefit of requiring a thorugh re-examination of curricular of- ferings in each department and in the College at large. (10) Some courses now regularly given would be dropped, many offered in alter- nate years; some will be be ex- panded to four credit-hours, oth- ers contracted to two. This College also needs a sys- tematic mechanism for encourag- ing, supervising, and evaluating projects of indiv dual study. The University of Mliian eath 'year admits morO WOWS4 t SWith~ ad Vanaed pleoett credit thA Any university it the na ton; this fac ulty his voted to permit credit by naination for Up to one-half of the degree requirements, y e t curricular arrangements have so far ta) en little note of these 4e- velopments. (1) Students a n 4 alumni have expressed overwhelm' ing interest in plans for work-study programs or individually designed semesters in which a student might design a coherent program unusual initiative to design pro- grams of learning not available through regular courses, and they would grant credit and a grade not simply for worthwhile exper- ience but for the intellectual and academic use made of it. The Uni- versity after all need hardly pre- scribe that learning take place in the classroom in order to main- tain its own standards for the educated use of information. Sim- ilar Boards were established at the University of Chicago in 1931 to separate evaluation from teach- ing; our intention is the reverse. At Michigan these Boards should guide and assist the student as well as certify the work done. Membership on a Board should be considered a teaching assignment. We believe it would be a mistake to define in advance the exper- ience which might lead to the granting of degree credit. Rather the Board and the student should in each case establish the addi- tional exercises necessary to give non-academic experience (for aca- demic activity outside the class. room) the quality of formal learn- ing. By appointing a three-member faculty committee to supervise each student's proposal, the Board assures that the academic require- ments set are appropriate to the student's interests and needs, that students know to whom they c a n turn for guidance and to whom they are responsible, that consis- tent academic standards will be maintained (since normally at least two members of the com-: mittee are from the Board), that a faculty member expert in the area of the student is involved in approving the student's project and assessing the workbdone (the third, "outside", member of t h ie committee), and that most of the faculty time involved i supervi- sion is recognized as regularly com- pensated teaching. If this device proves effective and students in, terest considerable, then individ- ual departments may choose to es tablish boards of their own; and the College's Board of Study would pick members of ad hoc co- mittees from these boards as well as from its ownmembers. Thus gradually more and more mem- bers of the faculty would gain experience in this form of teach- ing Mnd in the College's w i d e standards of acceptable perfor- mance. Initially, h a w e v e r, the Board of Study may wish to limit the number of ad hoc committees it will appoint or the number of stu- dent petitions for such credit that it will consider. Because this kind of teaching and learning is rath- er new to us, we propose to begin slowly and with caution. We recommend that: I1. 1. Courses in the College! of Literature, Science, and t h e Arts normally carry either four, or two credit-hours with courses1 awarding other amounts of credit being permitted only exceptionally by the Curriculum Committee and upon petition. This need not ap- ply, however, to courses of inde- pendet study or directed research or to credit approved by Boards of Study. 1II. 2. The current policies of granting advanced placement cred- it by examination should be con- tinued. Although the changes here ad- vocated may somewhat reduce the need for some of them, 1IT. 3. Course Mart, Pilot, and Mini-courses should continue to be offered under the close review of the Curriculum Committee. I11.4. For en experimental pe- riod of three years at the end of which the faculty should review the entire program, the College may grant a maximum of 16 cred- its to any one student for an ap- proved analytic study of exper- lence outside listed courses when that experience is deemed to have: educational significance. A stu-; dent seeking such credit will a) petition the Board of Study in writing, describing in detail the activities Involved, the body of knowledge to which it is related, and the mode of analysis the ex- perience invites; b) if the Board of Study rejects his petition no; entry need be made on the stu- dent's record; if it believes the petition to have prima facie valid- ity, it will name an ad hoc commit- tee of three faculty members (normally, one or more may be members of the Board of Study); the ad hoc Committee and the stu- given up to a maximum of 8 credit. Non-resident credits are further J could reflect previous study else- I hours permitted for each petition limited as follows: where: and establish the method of eval- 60 credits by examination a n d Proposal B (amend the t h i r d uation to be used; d) if the ad advanced placement, h f hoc C o m m i t t e e subsequently 30 credits from University of'Inaghe thi .a2)R awards the project a passing Michigan extension and corre- commendationd V. 2 delete t he grade, credit may apply either to spondence courses.-1 phrase "and off-campus independ-' distribution or concentration re- 15 credits from other extension I ent study"'so the paragraph would: quirements. In the latter case, two c o u r s e s and correspondence read: members of the ad hoc Committee courses. No more than 64 credit-hours should be from the student's de- Obviously, the question of trans- may be earned by advanced place- partinent of concentration or the ferring credit arises only for stu- ment, credit by examinationex- department m u s t otherwise give dents whose outstanding record tension and i o r r e s p a n de n c e its approval, has earned them admission; and tensios and crar frs oe courses, and transfer from other II. . Initiall, the Colleges since in every case the actual LSA institutions, except that 96 credits' Board of Study shall consist of five credit awarded is based on the may be transferred from other members of the faculty represent- careful assessment of each course colleges of The University of Mich- ing different areas of learning and taken elsewhere and granted only igan. named by the Dean and the Execu- if an equivalent course is offered Paragraphs one and two would, five ytte n ntation: here, such restrictions category remain unchanged. with the Curriculum Committee by category seem unnecessary. Some members of the majority and the departments. The duties The Commission was unanimous in argued, however, that Recom- of the Board of Study shall be- wishing to abolish them and would 'mendation IV. 2 should in fact a) those outlined in the proposal leave to the Administrative Board be made more stringent. Noting above; b) general supervision of its present right to make excep- ; that up to 64 credit hours of the awarding of credit by exam- +tions in individual cases. Having !1e x t e n s i o n and correspondence ination; and c) the presentation of added this flexibility and having courses could now be counted, they an annual report to the faculty. }permitted the earning of off-cam-: favored defining residency not in The Board is expected to perform pus credit through the Boards of terms of credit supervised by The as a teaching body, and each term Study, a slim majority of the Com- University of Michigan faculty butE of service on the Board shall be mission believed it imperative to 'in terms of credit earned on the' considered the equivalent of ap. require that one-half the credits Ann Arbor campus in regular proximately one-half a normal toward the degree must be earned ! courses: teaching assignment. If student In-!as Michigan credit under the su- terest arra nt . dep tent are pervision of Michigan faculty. Proposal C (amend the f i r s t teswarrants, departments are ofMicparagraph of IV. 2) invited toestablish two, or three' In the first paragraph of Rec- member Boards of Study of their The Majority ommendation IV. 2 delete every- own (which might often substitute thing after "courses taken on the for ad hoc boards) as they think Recomnmendation: inafe"cusstknoth advisable. Such departmental Vs aAnn Arbor campus" so that it will dm IV. 2. At least one-half of the read: Boards should be one of the reg- credits required for thte B.A., B.S. At least one-half of the credits ular departmental teaching as rdt, eurdfrtheBABS tlat n-afo h rdt signments.g or B.G.S. degrees (64 credit-hours) required for the B.A., B.S., or must be earned in residence. Resi- B.G.S. degrees (64 credit-hours) dence credit is granted only f a r i must be earned in residence. Res- courses taken on the Ann Arbor idence credit is granted only for campus, courses taken at off- courses taken on the Ann A r b o r campus sites but directed by Uni- campus. Ivr. DEGREE rsity of Michigan faculty pre- Paragraphs two and three would UIREMENT sent on the site, and up to 16 ;remain unchanged.' REQUIREMENTS eredit-hours of work supervised by IV. 3. The Curriculum Commit-! Michigan faculty through Boards tee is asked to review and to rec-F Degree requirements gave t h e of Study and summer independent, ommend reductions in the pre- Commission some of its greatest work. sent restrictions against granting! The written plan or distribution consists of two parts. In the first, the student adopts one of the three' patterns listed below as a basic definition of distribution and in-t dicates what parts of it, if any, the student believes, he or she has: already fulfilled by the equivalent of work at the college level (e.g, poems published or employment in a laboratory). Students certain of the area in which their field of concentration will fall should indi- cate this. On the basis of this as- sessment of previous experienceI and probable future emphasis, the' student indicates those areas in which courses should be taken to fulfill distribution. In the second part of the written plan the stu-! dent lists eight courses (alternate courses can also be listed) that when combined with the student's' previous accomplishments will ful- fill the intent of the chosen pattern# of distribution. Students who wish. to may include a brief statement setting forth the educational ra- ginners or that enthusiasm must be postponed seems pedagogically sound. Although the content is both laudable and clear, present restric- tions on the number of courses within a single department that may be counted toward gradua- tion should be broadened. In fact, a course may often be more differ-; ent from others in the same de- partment than similar courses of- fered in neighboring departments; regulations that ignore such ob- vious facts are in practice hard to justify. Furthermore, an under- graduate who wishes in the 'senior year to change direction within a discipline or to explore different aspects of it should generally have that chance. jects and may, on its recommedda- tion, be counted as substitutes for the required course in composi- tion. IV. 10. The English Composition Board, named by the Dean and the Executive Committee, shall be chaired by a member of the De- partment of English with experi- ence in teaching English composi- tion, and should consist of two or three additional faculty members at least one of whom is also from the Department of English and at least one of whom is from another department. The Board should se- lect and regularly meet with a group of teaching fellows assigned to it and whose number will be de- termined by the Dean. For full- time members of the faculty, membership on the Board should be considered the equivalent of teaching one course. Language Requirement ii s i i i1 3 Fi IV. S. Students may enroll in a program of concentration at any1 time they can meet a department's prerequisites by submitting a Con- centration Plan signed by a depart. rnata o iin bif dntc l by tionale far these choices.-.thementadL iofthesr fouL te UAs expected, this proved a divi- t sthe end of their fourth term. sive issue. Nearly all agreed that, A student may, with the approval IV. 6. Departmental concentra- intellectually, the experience of of the Counseling Office, change tion programs shall require at learning to read, speak, and think his plan at any time provided the least 24 and not more than 32jin another set of symbols was an change does not unduly extend the credit - hours of departmental important one and that learning a length of time required to earn the courses and not more than 16 second language would greatly fa- degree. credit-hours of cognate courses ap. cilitate learning any others later Patterns of Distribution (13) proved by the department. Not on. Culturally, all agreed, the edu- more than 64 credit-hours of cated person should know well at (The departments listed a f t e r courses taken in one department or least a second language and ideally each category are merely illustra- listed as cognates for concentra- several others. Knowing A foreign tive; except for Pattern D, the tion may be counted toward grad- language can thus be considered student may select any courses uation. both part of the quality of being provided a satisfactory case can deducated and a valuable tool. The be made that the course selected IV. 7. Departments should estab- Commission was also concerned meets the intention of the individ- lish concentration programs that about the effect any change in the ual dual category within the pat- provide some breadth within the College's requirements might have tern as a whole and the student's discipline, have some inherent se- on the teaching of languages in particular needs). quence, provide opportunities for high school, where, everyone independent and seminar work, agreed, the learning of foreign Ian- Pattern A. By disciplinary con- and integrate work in related dis- guages should be emphasized. Ior tent ciplines. A department may per- a narrow majority of the Commis- social science (sociology, anthro- mit concentrators to satisfy all or sion these considerations and pology, history, political science, part of the concentration require- others were sufficient to justity re peconomics, etc.) c mets outside the classroom by tention of the present language re- demootrtioiofompteny.a quirement (even in the face of a natural science (botany, zoology, defined by the department and ad-, contrary national trend) (16) but physics, astronomy, chemistry, ministered by a departmental with the understanding that special geology, etc.) 'Board of Study. efforts would be made to teach ele- mentary language in more varied humanities (language, literature, - and effective ways and that the de- history of art, classical studies, English Composition an ti ayan that the de- booksetc.}cision to maintain the language re- great books, etc.) Requirements quirement should be reviewed by creative expression (music, dra- the faculty within three years to ma, art, etc.) There is absolute agreement determine whether those changes among alumni, students, and fac- , have been sufficiently effective. mathematics and philosophy ulty as to the importance of being (17). (statistics, computer science, math- able to express oneself in English, - difficulties, not over the question of whether any requirements a r e, warranted (although that issue' was discussed) but of how to de- sign requirements that will have the effect intended and not im- pede the education of some stu- dents. We are broadly agreed on the proposals that follow on the English Composition and distribu- tion requirements, but many of the Commission's members har- At least 32 credit-hours of resi- dency must be earned in the last two years of study. No more than 64 credit-hours may be earned by advanced place- ment, c r e 4 i t by examination, e x t e n s I on and correspondence courses, transfer from other in- stitutions, and off-campus indepen- dent study, except that 96 credits may be transferred from other colleges of The University of, credit for courses in the: creative arts taken in other colleges of the University. Distribution Requirements The Commission is convinced' that some broad and varied intel- lectual experience is essential to a liberal education, but distribu-' -i~t.6MYYA47 --nnn-- F ~n bor doubtsA bout toe proposals for i ton regareens o ce crrc-xderail1te"ous i--g S of the residencyandforeignIan-Michiganequxteniemonofte-conec ix- ematics, philosophy, etc.) and certainly the course in Englis o eethe guge requirements adopted by the: ulum all students shared - have composition is the least objected sin suggested that the existene gugereuiemnt aopedbyth ve Pro oaasls u ofl stdttsshreh-hae at B a .ahe t t o aydeghrreeie curasnd te Id h iooi majority. We have said rather become a prefabricated list of kPattern B. By approaches to to of any of the required courses.o the tde andhe loic less about the concentration re- Because it remained seriously courses of embarrassing inconsis- knowledge (5). Yet all agree that few st- unerly ing the u age r quirement, believing both that de- divided on this question, the Coin- tency. Students often feel forced in analytical (mathematicssyntax, ri l nd i by asking that all students either taili shuldproerllvaypbroepeirioybevevsythtytedfculytteenmeafmdstrbutoniostkeinalyicao(mtheatiskyntx, ioi serousyecnsidredretrnignbsasingthd alrstdensnethe tishudpreryvybyd-mission believes that the faculty Ih aeo itrbto otk philosophy, etc.)' to the two-term requirement in take a three hundred level course partment and that, currently, con- should also consider the following courses in which they have little' etc.)pto t tt retuirem e in a foreign language orlgive evi- centration programs are among proposals as a substitute for Rec- interest, to repeat work already empirical (social and n a t u r a I composition. that obtained a fewt en a or anguage oge eri- years ago. There were also strong 'dence of having made some serious the educationally most effective of ommendation IV. 2. A sizable mi- done in high school, and to select sciences - see above) advocates of a compulsory second tellectual use of a foreign Ian- the College's requirements. nority of the Commission insisted courses in an "area" that have m ( s yosstesofEa stmp uldcon guge. that it was a mistake to reduce little relationship to each o t h e mrl(hlspyreigossu emo nlshta ol o-ga Concerned, however, by Some of the proposed require- theamot os ransfe tred e bteon rtihbic in e ch they dies, classical studies) centrate on oral exnression, but ul- the difficulty and expense of ad- ments are in a sense stiffer the amount of transfer credit per beyond the rubric whichtheym istering such a requirmnt, those in effectnat senstfburthawe mitted and thereby to make it are listed. Those with advanced esthetic (history of art, music, jtimatelyio a majority of the Coin- mistrn suhaeuie n, min effect at present but, we ore d for n akiti aemtd. the oth hand art; literature drama etc.) mission was not persuaded that a the Commission reached the fol- bivmstikyto aheemore difficult for non-traditibnal placement, on the other hand, ,,'totr eurmn ol aeloving compromise but believes believe, most likely to achieve sdt ms oal oe t meet many distribution require- twoterm requirement wold make Ilwn opoiebtblee their purpose and to encourage m tedents, ost notably women stadg ments mony e trigthivrin Bysg enough difference to justify its the faculty ahould consider one al- stdnst ln neuainldents, to count toward a Michigan mnents upon entering the University ;pattern C. By synthetic orgamza- ot.Rte ecos "i ternative proposal as well students to plan an educational cost.. Rather we choose again ate tvepOiaIswl: program well adapted to their degree or hat m necessar and re thus perialg exempthfrom tion system of Boards that would have The Commission proposes that: needs. Thus we broaden the pre- v enf-d systematic study of ideas (phi- the advantage of carryg the con- sentrequremnt tat esidncytaking this view preferred to keep one measure of a college educa- sytmtcsuyo1da pi h sent requirement that residency s presenthree term residence ton Insaddition, the custom of losophy, history of ideas, litera- cern for writing more deeply into TV. 11. The present requirement mut npre tesento tar sktoe all courses and of concentrating f- for the B.A. and .S: epge of students to design their own dis- requirement but in somewhat sm ;meein distribution requiremenL~turs'fr!nsuet woeaaei orhsmetrpol~~yI tribution programs, encourage putfie form: in e irstrs on is enstudy of western,thought, institu- performance was being hindered foreign language should be main- to mean that their purpose is less1 tions, and society in time (western by their ineffectiveness in written tained with the understanding that them to begint their concentration Proposal A (Substitute for TV. 2)seiuanmoelmntrthn aec) when they find it most exciting, At least 48 of the credits re- ser and o telmrythan man, etc.) . expression. Thus a course instru- this decision will be reviewed and seek to have co rnforngTheCo i quired for the B.A, B.S. or B.G.S. The Commission believes the man in society and problems of; tar might recommend a particular within three years. Students should tost ssndo diere su es o power (political science, sociology, student to the English Cornposi- be encouraged by their advisors to guages as part of courses through- dence. Residence credit is granted thought and diverse subjects so etc.) :tion Board for special helm or continue work i a foreign Ian- out the College. only for courses taken on the Ann important that is should be the physical nature of life (phys- might ask the Board to assist in guage beyond this level. VA d BG.S off campus, courses taken at purpose of at least one quarter of ics, chemistry, geology) improving the writing of many or For a large minority on the V, 1 The B.A., B.S., and .G .S. off-cam pus sites but M c ig directed c yby e e y u d r r du t ' o r eall Fft e s u e t n ol d m t e C m son arge m in rt the r - degrees require the satisfactoryi University ofMihgn fcly every undergraduate's course phsiallaur of the studntsenrlle insrco' the Ctdet completiono 128re thosfy of ywork. But a serious search s f physical nature of the world or instructor's course. The Board, de- mmsoor the importance of for- ioh U8 credit-hours chpresent on the site, and up to 16 breadth also requires that students universe (astronomy, philosophy, termining the method within its en forgthe impr- work at versiy o credit-hours of work supervised by assess their own intellectual needs cosmology) means most appropriate to the sive, were not sufficiently teing te gar orits equivalent. !'Michigan faculty through Boards Iaseneeds of the cus, ih assign svwr o ufcetytligt or s in terms of their previous exper- study of non-western culture course, might ssg justify a special requirement. To of Study and summer independent ce and future plans. The value (Chinese, Russian studies etc.) oneof its teaching fellows to criti- Reiec eurm nswork.fnepas h aleI(hnsRssa tdeec) cie some of the written work done them the symbols of mathemlatics Resitetry Requirements e ur fs of such a search is more likely tos e ttkor computer languages and other At least 32 redithqurs of res-be understood and its challenge an effort at interdisciplinary for the course, to hold special ses- i cut ere d oer We believe the education f o r dency must be earned in the last met by those responsible for plan- synthesis through work on a single sions, or even to establish a formal kinds of cultural experienoe are which a Michigan degree is award- two years of study. ning their own path. The Commis- theme in course or by independent section i which the techniqueS of uat this important and ed must include some substantial No more than 80 credit-hours sion urges that an effort to define ! study. writing would be stressed. The useful learning be required of all experience of the University's may be earned by advanced place- ( liberal breadth and to plan a path'Dn Commission also believes that undergraduates. This ominoit thus special environment and that some ment, c r e y examinaton, to it should in itself be part of preferred, and the Commission be- extesin and correspondenc every undergraduate experience. to file a Distribution Plan must courses sometmes can provide redey reirmentis cleaxy' courses, transfer from other in Despite the apparent complexity of nevertheless take eight courses (32 further systematic training writ- consider: proper. Yet other campuses exist courseios, tans ferfroampuoter In-et;omleito credit-hours) outside his field of 1ug. that are comparably stiulating ttutions and off-campus study, the following proposal, the Counsel-:g. and studentsften have tcopeltin except that 96 credits may be ingOffice believes, as do we, that concentration, at least two of W rcdt .Prposal D (substitute for rt- reasons for transferring frQM one transferred from other colleges of it can be adequately monitored; in cmwhich must clearly fall ineach of -mendation TV. 11) university to another. The current The University of Michigan. fact it should stimulate useful the following three broad areas: rnIV8.Eery enterin Creshman' requirements, however, are so Itecomm entn tVat2aloshcr d u ationabetween ostnt s i d Natural Sciences b V.requEeryttaenengremIn ICandidates for the $.A and I.S. complex that their rationale is Reco mledation IV 2 alto gusccred cussions between students an d Social Sciences English composition unless, upon degrees must either a) der on- hard to understand: it awarded through Boards of, their advisors. Humanities presentation of at portfolio of origi- ! trate furth-Semester proficiency Study for summer independent t Hevo:)(Chin- nl writings, the student is excused in a foreign language or b) esatis- 120 credits required for the de- work to count as residence credit, IV. 4. Candidates for the B.A. by the English Composition Board.' factorily complete a sequence of gree, of which the last 24 must be it also includes "off-camnpus inde- and B.S. degrees fulfill the dis- .1four courses in mathematics, corn- earned in residence, 30 for those pendent study" among the types of j tribution requirement by taking at Concentratiot 'IV. 9. Any student in the College puter science, or symblie logic, or whose first 90 credit-hours did not credit limited to a total of 64 least eight courses of 32 credit- Requirements may turn to the English Compo-' c) satisfactorily complete a four- include 30 credithours in LSA. credit-hours. This means that each ' hours outside their field of concen- 'sition Board for additional help in term sequence in the study of a 90 credits may be transferred credit-hour of off-campus inde- tration according to a contract of The Commission believes that learning to write effectively, and foreign culture. from other Colleges in The Univer-1 pendent study is subtracted from their own design or the pattern just as distribution can gain in ' any member of the faculty may All agreed, however, that: sity of Michigan, 1 the 64 credit-hours of permissible listed under "D" below: seriousness by being considered' call upon the Board to assist some I