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February 26, 1974 - Image 12

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Michigan Daily, 1974-02-26

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HP-510A Auto-Turntable
________ Compact
__ Receiver-i /2-Price! SANSUI'S Magnificent "6"-l/2-Pr
__ rLIUDIIbKS rinest
One of today's most $389.95 One of the finest Stereo FM/AM Receivers in or
One of the most popular compact Stereo Systems Reg. $339.95 popular Automatic Turntables. List $64.95 A magnificent 45-watt RMS per channel Stereo Reg. near its price range-yours for HALF-PRICE WITH 4
on the market' Features a deluxe Stereo FM/AM Features Garrard's famous FM/AM Receiver-has enough clean power to THE PURCHASE OF ANY TURNTABLE PACKAGE
Receiver, complete with built-in Dual Changer, -~ rock-steady Synchro-Lab ___ power two speaker systems with ease, 1 2 ~V FM AND PAIR OF HIGH FIDELITY SPEAKER SYS- U
cartridge plus a pair of outstanding Speaker Sys- motors, low-mass tonearms for - sensitivity for superior reception-even in fringe TEMS. Has tons of usable features, ample amounts
tems, perfectly matched to the receiver for magnifi- great tracking. Base & Cartridge U areas plus every audiophile control facility you d of ultra-low-distortion power plus 4-channel readi-
cent reproduction. Playback priced, of course! optional, expect from receivers costing 50% more Super buy' ness when you need it. A tremendous offer! with sys
PLAYBACK 250-SX Receiver.........$159.95 9900 SUPEREX PRO-BV Stereo Headphones... $59.95 2500 AnGo
EPI "Mighty-Mite" 50 Speakers........$55.00 3900 BOWMAR "Mini" Pocket Calculator................6900 MIRACORD 50H Auto-Turntable......$179.50 SHURE M91 E Hi-Track Cartridge $49.95
EPI 100 Speaker Systems.............$94.00 79 CRAIG 8-Digit Calculator.........................6900 BSR 510 Changer Package..........$105.45 7400 SHURE Vi 5-Ill Super-Track Cartridge ... $72.50
EPI "Mini-Tower" 400 Speakers......$389.00 289 BOWMAR Deluxe Calculator......................9900 Complete "Mini" Changer Package....$39.95 1988 GARRARD Zero-iQO Auto-Turntable ... $209.95
AR4XA..............................$79 FISHER 304 RECEIVER ... BOZO... CASPER... FLlNTSTONES... NAME BRAND B&W TV............$114.95
PB 123's..........................$119.95 ~ PLAYBACK 2000 RECEIVER..........$389.95 ~25O~~ SCOOBY DOO......................$12.95 0 NAME BRAND 16" COLOR TV.......$299.95
VEGA 26's........................$139.50 ~1O5~~ SUPERSCOPE R230 RECEIVER..........$79.95 ~ PLAYBACK EQUALIZER..............$49.95 $4595
PIONEER AUTO CASSETTE PLAYER . . . . $99.95 ~ NAME BRAND 13" COLOR TV........$349.95
FISHER XP7's..................................$7995 AM-FM 8-TRACK COMPACT STEREO . . $149.95 $9995 PIONEER AUTO CASSETTE W/FM ... .$1 54.95 ~129~~ SHARP 8-TRACK RECORDER.........$149.95
2555 JACKSON ROAD 665-6161

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