ardiere: The genera By PAUL O'DONNELL PRO-MILITARISTS AND - .domino-- t h e o r y spouters often attribute' draft resistance .and pacifist attitudes' to lack of courage: "He isn't man enough to lay his life down for his country," is a typical comment of the, "John Wayne" mentality. Even the, draft-resister who is willing to spend years in prison for his convictions does not necessarily convince "John Wayne" types of his courage: the words "He'd rather sit in jail than do his stretch in the service like a man," were heard" in Ann Arbor, Michigan, when draft- resister David Harris came to speak in 1971. Here it must be noted that John Wayne, the cinematic "Green Beret," the killer of movie Indians, the quint- essence of American masculinity, has never served in the military.., FORMER GENERAL JAQUES de la Bollardiere doesn't pontificate about the. glories of war, even though he "proved his manhood" in his thirty years of military service, and was dec- orated. for bravery by four different. governments. Now a pacifist, he trav- els across Europe, giving interviews,, speeches, and writing books. Recently, he was arrested for travelling by boat into the restricted zone of the South Pacific to protest against the French government's nuclear testing there. Bollardiere says, "While in the nuclear testing zone, I was at complete peace with myself. Before, I would go kill people, now I try to prevent them from being killed." During Bollardiere's short stay in Barcelona last month, I was fortunate. enough to have a long conversation. with-him before his public speaking en- gagement. In private we discussed our visions of non-violent societies; he talk- ed of his war experiences and his final. departure from the military service. Our dialogue touched upon the ques- tions that a pacifist is most often faced, with: national defense, internal secur- ity, social change through non-violent means, and such concrete problems as Nazi imperialism in World War II and the violence within the society. When did your active military career start? I was in the French Foreign Legion when the war (Second World War) broke out. From there I was sent to France, then to England to join the Free French Army. At that time, were you convinced of the justice of the armed anti-Nazi strug- gle? how ferocious look in their eyes as they watched me go by. White flags, the banners of humiliation and shame, flew everywhere. What was your reaction to your In- dochinese experiences? My reactions were many, but I think that the violence of the Japanese ag- gressors blinded my eyes to the vio- lence that we, the French, were respon- sible for. I began to realize the im- possibility of any army winning a war against a people. The Americans, with the most modern weaponry in the world, couldn't win the war in Viet 1 turns , permanently? In 1961, when the conflicts between my work and my convictions became too great. As a member of the Legion of Honor, I had to present my resig- nation to DeGaulle himself. This man, who represented my hopes in 1940, ac- cepted it without much reaction. How did your pacifist feelings evolve when you returned to civilian life? I began to realize that violence is not only soldiers, battlefields, and torture in Algeria. In civilian life I saw the' violence of society itself: class struggle in the labor world, the struggle be- 1 1.a . h " SS5O .f:"f}y.Y~"..,".... ..1..t.. .?"?... ^.S...... ....;{. ...w...."}{{. }:..,1 r ; i :::< t.A:".S.... . . + t:-4?w :.r4:ti.. ..rJs 1"...r "P..' r' '5 y, ..,.5g sr:es ?."" v:":n .... . . .". .. 61t is most'important to see violence not only in terms of Russian invasions and Viet Nam wars but to recognize it in our daily lives and to oppose it." .r.,rf..11.:.. 4:-J: Y:::..::.M1. 5' M1Y4.,1Y:.f..S' * .:.Y.:..::r:> .-."::.:..1.:.Y::.- For me there was no doubt about what I was doing: either one rejected the German fascism and the racial su- periority thpories they propagated, or one condon d the German aggression. I fought, for my liberty and -that of my people, but my enemy-was fascism, not the German people. Once when we captured two German soldiers in the ' north of France, I asked them through the' interpreter'if they knew that their Field Commander had martyred a hundred Frenchmen, in some cases in front of the Frenchmen's own parents. The German soldiers' faces fell, their expressions showed immense fear I could see the human beings that they were. I then told them they were pri- seners. of war and would be treated ac- cording to the standards of the Geneva convention. And after the war? After the war, we were liberated from the Nazis, but not from ourselves. In Germany, I saw women standing in front of the rubble of their war-destroy- ed homes, holding under-nourished chil- dren against them, a lifeless but some- Nam. Was there torture in Viet Nam as there was in Algeria? , Yes, there was, but it was not an official tactic. In Indochina the degrad- ing aspect of war became evident to me. (Author's note: One is reminded of Lt. William Calley's involvement in the murder of over a hundred civilians in My Lai). What was the deciding factor in your decision to resign from your military position? My departure from the military serv- ice was not a complete "about-face;" in thirty years of military service, I often lived in a profound contradiction. But the Algerian War was what direct- ly caused by departure from my gener- alship in the Atlas de Blida (Algeria). I left in protest of the torture which was being practice on both sides, but which was practiced, and even author- ized or ordered, by the French mili- tary command. As an officer, I felt morally obliged to protest. (Author's note: this was in 1957). If you left the Algerian campaign in 1957, when did you leave the military tween men and women. ... the violence of the assembly-line factory existence Yes, violence in its larger sense .. . In a non-violent society, how do you envision national defense and internal security? First, let us examine the effective- ness of the French armies in defending the nation. In the First and Second World Wars, the armies were not even capable of defending the national bor- ders, but under Napoleon, French troops went all the way to the Musco- vite region in Russia. Then the army is more effective as an aggressor than as a defender ... The main function of many armies in the modern world is prestige. In an age of nuclear weapons, when every war could be the last, the tradi- tional standing army seems to lose its value. Especially when the tactic of nuclear weapon use is the destruction of civil- ian populations. I don't think that non- violent defense has been studied enough. The best model of non-violent pacifist defense, in my opinion, was that of the Czech population during the Russian occupation. I'm referring to the origi- nal Russian occupation in the late 1940's. The Czechs' non-violent resist- ance could have been effective of the Czech government had supported and organized the resistance, rather than collaborating with the Russians. It seems that certain Russian soldiers were so affected by the passive oppo- sition that they were sent back to Rus- sia; their superiors realized that they were about to disobey orders . . . but it is most important to see violence not only in terms of Russian invasions and Viet Nam wars, but to recognize it in our daily lives and to oppose it. The Chilean experiment emphasized the problems of social change through non-violent methods. Have you any comments on this subject? I have much admiration for the Black and Chicano movements in the United States. Cesar Chavez, whom many consider the most important non- violent leader in the U. S. since the death of Martin Luther King, and the United Farm Workers seem to have achieved important changes in the area of better work conditions and salaries; they have also managed to engender international support for their cause. It was almost midnight when Bollar- diere called the public meeting to a halt, saying, "If I talk any longer I'm afraid my thoughts won't be clear." He excused himself, said "good night," and left; his train was leaving for France the next morning. I admire this mod- est, soft-spoken, courteous man, a kind of Martin Luther King of the military. Gandhi once said, "I can make a paci- fist out of warrior; with a man who is afraid to die, I can do nothing." Paul O'Donnell is a University stu- dent and European correspondent for The Daily. Op /K 'I 5 i ' \y \l \\\\\li. r,: 4 4 ' Letters to The Daily . ' I- THE MILWAUKEE JOURNAL .PublshrsHaii Syndicate, 173 Ilove the give and take of the free enterprise system!' GEO-O TF To The Daily: ONCE AGAIN the Michigan Daily has shirked its responsibil- ity to accurately report all facts relevant to a given situation. The Daily has been quick to cover Fleming's successes in countering GEO efforts. But it has been un- willing to report GEO victories. In short, the Daily has frantically em- braced the current fashion of pre- dicting the demise of mass move- ments. Intentionally or uninten- tionally, this serves only those who seek to suppress such movements. In all of its reporting, the Daily has almost completely overlooked Fleming's concession to us several hours before last Monday's mass meeting: the militant activity of graduate employees forced the Uni- versity administration to consent to a MERC (Michigan Employment Relations Commission) election ap- proximately one month from now. Ten days ago, going through MERC meant the likelihood of a prolong- ed court battle, as was the case with the seven-year University Hospital interns' fight for a un- ion. Now, as a result of Fleming's concession to us, the MERC route has become a viable, relatively speedy alternative. r'he Daily has completely missed this distinction and termed our present willingness to go through MERC as a sign of weakness. IN A FURTHER demonstration of peculiar logic, the Daily has chastised us for holding a strike vote which did not win, as this somehow damaged the Daily'; ab.- ity to find the GEO leadership cre- dible. We would stress hat t was not the Executive Committee whichi "called" a strike vote, but rather a mass meeting of 450 people whichsdemanded that the vote go on and tabled Fleming's conces- sion. What is important about the strike vote now is h'Jt it was an - opportunity for hundreds of people to demonstrate their anger toward the University. Had we not held the vote, the administration would have assumed that Fleming's single concession - which does not guaranee serious negotiations or a contract - was enough to satisfy graduate er.- ployees. The threat of strike has not been lost when one -thirdl of a Min- constituency(the same proportion nuch as began the successful strike at ome- Wisconsin in spring, 1970) votes the "yes" as a warning that the coo- cession must be carried out in good faith. ition The Daily complains also t h a t elled the GEO leadership's credibiilty and was damaged because professors tents were frantically running around all last Tuesday trying to figure out what their position would be vjs- a-vis picket lines - and that the etual Daily itself had to rewrite i'. s s al- strike endorsement editorial. These people expected a strike not be- [t to cause the GEO leadership predict- the ed one. Six people cannot convince It is an entire campus that militant a;- pint- tion is imminent. should the University go back on its word. In short, checking our vital signs we find we are in good health. We now have over 900 signed cards certifying GEO as bargaining agent. Clearly many of those un- willing to strike at present have rallied this week arund the con- cept for a union. Seventy people at- tended a working session Wednes- day after the strike vote: the larg- est such meeting we've ever had. Undergraduates are preparing for bargaining teams when we pu our no tuition hike demand on the tab- le. The Daily ignores these indicat- ors of success. It attempts to re- port only on spectacular events such as strikes. But unionization is always a long and difficult process, usually entailing some setbacks along the way. LASTLY, SPEAKING of credi- bility gaps, we would like to re- mark on the recent Daily article comparing U of M TF's statu to those at the other schools wih whom we play football. Thi head- line proclaimed, " 'U' TFs Com- pare Well with Big Ten." The con- tent, however, explained that at the University of Minnesot a, TFs are paid roughly $7,300 per year, and that Purdue charges only $60 tuition for TFs and nays their room and board. This article has become the laughing stock of the campus. Even if the Daily continues such absurd reporting, we will continue the hard work of building a unin. -The Executive Committee of GEO February 25 "Anger is being tem. porarily held in check as we wait to see whether the University will carry through in good faith." GAWK To The Editor: AFTER MONTHS of stalling and shuffling, city attorney Ed Pear has decided that there is insuf- ficient evidence to file charges against the Rubaiyat for discrim- ination based on sexual prefer- ence. It is clear to those of us who filed complaints that Pear has all the evidence he needs, and that the real reason for his actions are merely that he does not want to go to court (nor do the Republi- cans want to go to court) defend- ing the rights of lesbians and homosexuals. Pear claims he tried via phone calls and letters to get people to come down to city hall to furnish him with additional information. This is a LIE. He neither called nor wrote. The few of us he dd question at city hall were merely asked to repeat information we had already put in writing for the Human Rights Department. The city of Ann Arbor has an nrrlnnnnno n tiahnkni which IT IS CLEAR that for his lack of initiative in following through on this case that city attorney Ed Pear should be fired. He has re- fused to uphold a city ordinance. Chief of Police Walter Krasny should be fired with him. Krasny has never protected the rights of gays, has never instructed his own police officers about the city ord- inance, has never done anything to educate the department about gay rights and in fact has carried on a policy of discrimination and harassment of gays. Jame, Slau- ghter, head of the cities Human Rights Department, for his lack of initiative in the areas of gay liberation, womens liberation and black liberation - mu-3t also be dismissed. If the City is committed to en- forcing its Human Rights Ordin- ance in total, it needs department heads who are willing to fight for minority rights. If this city is not willing to make this committment, as it seems clear it is not, City Council should repeal the entire Human Rights Ordinance. Repeal it or enforce it - that is the choice. Gay women had been going to the Rubaiyat all summer, without many problems. It didnt seem to botherwthe manager athat time, since we gave him more business than he usually had on Sunday nights. In October he changed his mind. One night he pulled the elec- tricity on the singer, turned on the lights and started yelling that he couldn't stand any more of these provocative demonstrations'. The Worst House of the Week Award By EVERETT ERLICH AS A MEMBER of the Ann Arbor Blue Ribbon Rent Control Study Commission and a drafter of the rent control charter amendment proposal you will vote on this April, I am privileged to announce the formation of the "Worst House of the Week" award, for which all rental units in Ann Arbor are eligible. Cer- tainly there are those among you who are sitting on, if not living in, serious contenders for this honor. In fact, ours is a con- test so rife with winners that its first will be announced below. What dimensions qualify a rental unit for consideration for this singular award? Surely we must consider exorbitant rent levels or dramatic -increases first, this being Ann Arbor's particular forte. In the eight page tabloid HRP has put out, the case of a four bedroom unit on East University is presented, in which McKinley Associates have raised the rent from $300. to $460 a month. Such increases are ,getting more and more frequent now that taxes the landlord don't pay are going up, as is the price of heating oil which you can't have. High rents merit consideration for many candidates, as well as the preposterous explanations that accompany such increases. Perhaps consideration should also be shown for the most formal form letter accompanying increases of more than 25 per cent. BREATHTAKING EVENTS may catapult an unknown into a Worst House of the Week that will be remembered by enthusiasts for a long time to come. A flash fire, a staircase that collapses, a flooded apartment, anything that brings home the human drama of living in an Ann Arbor rental unit is fair game. Remember, Mary Pickford was discovered at a soda foMntain and went on to be famous and successful. Maybe your apart- ment has the same fate in store. Wildlife is another category in which many units excel, and our judges would certainly be impressed by whatever fauna your units has managed to attract, especially in today's ecology-orient- ed times. Rats are good, although many prefer Detroit, and the use of cinderblock has eliminated many termites, although it Wjll probably induce the evolution of something that promises to be spectacular. Roaches are also a favorite, especially in reconverted older units in which they frequently hold pep rallies, group sings, and religious events. Keep in mind that one of the crumb-bearing six legged friends doing the stroll across your kitchen floor might be a prize winning endangered species. WILDLIFE.EARNS respect, but cannot live without vegetation. An example that stands out .in my mind is that of a friend of mine whose bedroom had a ring, of mildew around it at the tp' foot level, due to the abeehce of a functioah humidifier. T* week's winner, incidentally, has a dramatic piece of vegetation in his unit, one that I'm sure will impress you. Deterioration of the premises is a good yardstick of your entrant's chances. While going to visit apartments whose opera- tion statements (costs and profit information) I -had read while researching the housing market here, I saw several odds-on favorites. An Ann Arbor apartment, with its colorful paint chips and gayly peeling wallpaper often pays $50 a month profit! Leaking pipes, inoperative plumbing, antiquated furnishings - all are generally hailed as hallmarks of squalor. Another good mentionable is the house's "freeze level"; the temperature at which the heating in the house proves, shall we say, inoperative. You get the general idea, I'm sure. And now, without further delay, we announce our first winner. UNFORTUNATELY, all we can say is that our winner is in Model Cities, and due to .a strained relationship with lord, we cannot divulge the tenant's name or address. But Joe F. has it coming. The unit does not meet the Concentrated Code or health re- quirements. Since October, the ceiling has leaked, and the water has flowed through the house, down into the basement. The base- ment itself contains a drain that doesn't work, so the water goes through cracks in the basement floor caused by the foundation slipping. This combination has resulted in weeds actually growing through the basement floor, no small feat. The paint on the walls is flaking, and one of the tenants is a three year old child with a typically curious set of eating habits. Nevertheless, the l.ndlord refuses to repaint, and when the ten- ants painted some area of the house in the interests of the child's safety, the landlord refused to compensate them for the paint. The landlord, in fact, wants a deposit for their water and sewer service, a leasing condition that ranks in severity with mandatory lights out. AND SO, ANN ARBOR, here is the Worst House of the Week. And as long as Ann Arbor's landlords are able to exploit our shortage, and keep our rents up and services down, there are go- ing to be more. On election day in April you will be able to vote for the rent control charter amendment. It will limit profits and base them on maintenance services. It wil stop speculators from driving up the price of housing. It will stop banks from receiving exorbi- tant interest rates from tenant's pockets. It will help the city pick up the late property taxes landlords owe. And it will put our contest out of business. Vote yes. Everett Erlich is a member of the Mayor's Blue Ribbon Rent Control Commission, a drafter of the Rent Control Ballot Pro- Posal, and an economics graduate student. Eighty-three years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104. News Phone: 764-05 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1974 Sunon keeps Nixon traditiol CREDIBILITY IN GOVERNMENT went by the wayside long ago. It's a rather passe topic of conversation, out of fash- ion at parties, along with women's libera- tion and ecology. The new topic of con- versation among the knowledgeable is the energy crisis, or more specifically, gasoline and where to get it. That the two problems of credibility and gas shortages are directly related has rarely been made more clear than by a recent difference of opinion between the Shah of Iran and our own energy czar, William E. Simon. It seems that the Shah of Iran, whose" country does not participate in the oil boycott, said Sunday on CBS's "60 7 utes" that the U. S. is receiving as n oil now as before the boycott. "S( thing is going on for sure", opined Shah. Simon, upholding the Nixon trad of truthfulness in government, lab the Shah's remarks as "irresponsible reckless", saying that such comm "just complicate the problem we have". OBVIOUSLY, SIMON HAD no fa( evidence disproving The Shah's legations, and it is rather diffidul believe Simon's explanation that Shah is "after the oil companies." more likely that Simon, who was app( HE COULDN'T STAND the sight of lesbians dancing together, hold- ing hands or hugging -- t h i n g s heterosexual people do in pubic all the time. From that night on, every time we went, we were har- rassed, and forbidden to dance slow together, as well as veroaly abus- ed. Finally the Rubaiyat stopped having dancing on Sunday nights alltogether. Gay women interested in plan- ning a response to the cities latest abuse and indifference come to GAWK (Gay Awareness Womens Kollective) Wednesday, Feb. 27th, 8:30 p.m. (third floor conference room, Michigan Union). Pnll.. n n onnla nn.nrnl .nnit bike summer To The Daily: I THINK IT would be sorta mel- low if we had a bicvc:le summer in Ann Arbor this year. Perhaps we could designate cer- tain areas around the campus-town area which would be primarily 'e- stricted to commercial vehicles, pedestrians, and bicycles. In other words, places where private autc- mobiles cnnnot restrict the flow of summertime, and these few could seemingly have adequate parking on the periphery of such an area. Plus it might be a nice idea for the bicycles that the police department liberates though auc- tion to be given back to the people in an identifiable form to be park- ed freely and taken freely for rid- ing around this so-called designat- ed area. Ah, but such bikes might get stolen! They were stolen be fore. though. weren't they?